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Petrophysics Analysis Limestone from Kemadang Village and Their Potential Pecome
Reservoir Rock
Team Research of Pertamina, Department of Petroleum Engineering, UPN Veteran Yogyakarta.
Copyright @2014 Team Research of Pertamina
value of the core sample permeability and determine
This paper was prepared for presentation at the 2014 final test of practical
the potential to serve as a reservoir rock layers.
work core analyze, The Indonesian, 1-2 November 2014.
Determination of dissolved limestone in acid
This paper was selected for presentation by an team research petroleum
pertamina following review of information contained in an abstract submitted
solution (HCl) aims to improve the porosity and fix
by the author(s). Contents of the paper, as presented, have not been reviewed
by the Society of Petroleum Engineers and are subject to correction by the
the permeability.
Hydrocarbon is a compound that primarily consist
of two elements carbon (C) and hydrogen (H). The
This research is intended to measure porosity,
entire chain hydrocarbons that having carbon and
permeability, saturation, capillary pressure, and
hydrogen atoms are bonded to the chain. The term is
acidizing. We used limestone as a core sample. We
used as well as a sense of aliphatic hydrocarbons.
took the sample in Kemadang Village, Wonosari. In
For example, methane (swamp gas) is a
Kemadang, there are many limestone available, it
hydrocarbon with one carbon atom and four
made us took the limestone easily. The rock is
hydrogen atoms: CH4. Ethane is a hydrocarbon
identified as a limestone because when we reacted it
(more specifically, an alkane) which consists of two
with HCl it caused a foam. From samples obtained
carbon atoms are united by a single bond, each of
we can determine the price of porosity, saturation,
which binds to three carbon atoms: C2H6. Propane
and permeability. Content of the sample dissolved
has three carbon atoms (C3H8) and so on (CnH2 n
in a solution of acid (HCl) to perform laboratory
tests. Previously we cut the sample with a size of
In the process of the formation of hydrocarbons
10 cm. We did porosity measurements on samples
contained 7 called petroleum system elements :
using the method of weighing, measuring saturation
1. Source Rock
calculated using distillation method, permeability
Source rock is sediment which containing
measurements performed using gas appliances and
organic materials sufficient to produce oil
liquid permeameter, and measured levels of
and gas when the sediment is buried and
dissolved samples in acid solution (HCl) rock
heated, and can put out the oil and natural
samples by dipping into a solution acid.
gas in economic quantities.
Determination of porosity in the limestone samples
2. Reservoir rocks
aimed to estimate hydrocarbon reserves in the
Porous and permeable rock which became
reservoir and calculate the OOIP and OGIP. In
the accumulation of fluid hydrocarbons (oil
addition to the determination of saturation
and/or gas) below the ground surface (subpercentation aims to determine how much of each
surface) which has a single pressure system.
fluid in the reservoir. While the purpose of
Reservoir consists of a container component
measurement of permeability is to determine the

Team Research of Pertamina




which is a reservoir rock, the contents of

which are fluid reservoir (hirdokarbon), and
a condition consisting of pressure and
Transport processes of oil and gas from
source rock to the reservoir. Transportation
of 18 hydrocarbons occur in several
processes, namely: primary migration =
process or protopetroleum discharge of
petroleum source rock and into the reservoir.
Secondary migration = movement of the
fluid in the channel layer to get to the place
of accumulation.
Geometry or shape of a facies that is able to
hold oil and gas to come together and do not
move anymore. A trap should consist of rock
hydrocarbon reservoir as a storage place.
And a set of seals as a cover to prevent the
migration again.
Rock has small porosity and small
Timing/burial history
Timing is the time required in the formation
of petroleum source rock.
The maturation of petroleum source rock
and are ready to migrate to the reservoir

The sampling site is located in Kemadang Village,

Yogyakarta. Gunungkidul County is a southern
coastal area located 40 KM from the down town. It
takes two hours to get there by land vehicles. In
Wonosari District, there are many limestone and
even carbonate rock. It indicates that Gunungkidul
is a regression area. Regression area is an area
which rate of deposition is bigger than rate of
subsidence. The area gets expanded or in the other
word, the sea gets shrinking. It is caused by the
sedimentation velocity which is faster than the
deepening of the sea it self.
1. Porosity with weight measurement method
Dry core weight (W1)
= 19,712 gram

Submerged core weight (W2)

Saturated core weight (W3)
Density of kerosen

= 14
= 21,055 gram
= 0,8 gram/cc

Bulk Volume (Vb)=

= 8,81875 cc

Grain Volume (Vg)

= 7,14 cc

Pore Volume (Vp)

= 1,678 cc

Porosity (

x 100%

= x 100%
= 19,03 % 19 %

Saturation Measurement With Destilation

W (dry)
= 23,626 gram
W (sat)
= 24,81 gram
Pore Volume
= 1,48 gram
Water volume
= 0,2
Water Weight
= 0,2
Oil Weight
= W(sat) - W(dry) (water)
= 24,81 23,626 0,2
= 0,984 gr
Oil volume
= 1,23 cc

Team Research of Pertamina


Sg + Sw + So = 1
So =

= 0,83

Sw =

= 0,13

= 0,227 Darcy

Sg = 1 So Sw
= 1 0,83 0,13
Permeability Measurement With Gas
a) Flow reading
= 25 cm
Core length (L)
= 2,2 cm
Core sectional area (A) = 3,24 cm2
Gas viscosity (g)
= 0,0183 cp
Pressure gap
= 0,25 atm
Flow speed (Qg)
= 8,1 cm/sec
Selector Valve
= Large


Value of absolute permeability (K abs) can be

known with plotting the value of permeability
and the value of 1/Pm (Pm = P mean). Where,
the formula of Pm =
P inlet and P outlet = 1

1. P1 (0,25 atm)


2. P2 (0,5 atm)


3. P3 (1 atm)

= 36,5 cm
Core length( L )
= 2,2 cm
Core sectional area (A) = 3,24 cm2
Gas viscosity( g )
= 0,0183 cp
Pressure gap
= 1 atm
Flow speed( Qg )
= 18 cm/sec
Selector Valve
= Large

= 1,25


= 0,8

= 0,249 Darcy
c) Flow reading

= 0,89

= 30 cm
Core length (L)
= 2,2 cm
Core sectional area (A) = 3,24 cm2
Gas viscosity (g)
= 0,0183 cp
Pressure gap
= 0,5 atm
Flow speed (Qg)
= 31 cm/sec
Selector Valve
= Large

= 1,125

= 0,4026 Darcy
b) Flow reading


= 1,5


= 0,67

Team Research of Pertamina


= 0,56 Darcy

= 0,583
From the graphic (attached), we get the
equation of the line is y = 1,007 x + 0,491. If,
1/Pm (x) = 0 , and then from the equation
above we get:
b =
K abs
K actual


= 1,9 atm
Core length (L)
= 2,2 cm
Core sectional area (A) = 3,24 cm2
Liquid viscosity(g)
= 0,895 cp
Flow time
= 69 sec
Liquid volume
= 50 ml
= 0,725 cm/sec

= 2,051


= K absolute from the

= Kabs (from graphic) x
= 0,491 x (1 + (2,05/0,58))
= 2,226 Darcy

= 0,44 Darcy

d) K average =
= 0,596 darcy

Permeability Measurement With Liquid


= 0,25 atm
Core length( L )
= 2,2 cm
Core sectional area (A) = 3,24 cm2
Liquid viscosity( g ) = 0,895 cp
Flow time
= 153 sec
Liquid volume
= 50 ml
= 0,326 cm/sec



Measurement of Acid Solubility

Core type
= Limestone
Acid type
= HCl 5N
Weight before (W1)
= 16,1048
Weight after (W2)
= 1,4458
Weight reacted (W3)
= 14,659
Acid Solubility

x 100%

= x 100 %

= 0,79 Darcy

= 91,02 %

= 0,25 atm
Core length( L )
= 2,2 cm
Core sectional area (A) = 3,24 cm2
Liquid viscosity( g ) = 0,895 cp
Flow time
= 109 sec
Liquid volume
= 50 ml
= 0,459 cm/sec

From the results of our study it can be concluded
that for porosity measurements obtained with the
weighing method the result is 19 % can be classified
into good porosity. This means the core has the
potential to be a reservoir rock . Due to field
activities, porosity is used to measure the value of
OOIP and OGIP. In the measurements of saturation
obtained the value of oil saturation is 0.83, 0.13 for

Team Research of Pertamina

water saturation, and gas saturation obtained by 0.

Value of gas saturation is 0 because we do not
saturating cores into gas, in other words the core
samples contain no gas. If the saturation
measurement results big value of oil saturation, the
rock in those environment has the potential to be a
productive wells . Due to field activity, saturation
used to define the composition of reservoir fluids.
By the method of gas permeameter, permeability
measurements obtained by 2,226 Darcy , while the
liquid permeameter method obtained by 0,596
Darcy . Then in the measured levels of dissolved
samples in acid solution, we obtained data for 91,02
% acid solubility . By knowing the price of acid
solubility, we can determine the exact pH of the acid
to be injected so can be minimizing the equipment
damage because of corrosion. The limestone which
we take is good to be a reservoir rock.
1. Porosity measuring by weighing method is 19%
2. Permeability using gas permeameter method is
2,226 darcy, permeability using liquid
permeameter method is 0,596 darcy.
3. The soluble degree of the sample in acid
solution is 91,02%
4. Saturasi measuring by Dean-Stark Destilation
Apparatus are sw = 0,13 ; so = 0,83 ; sg = 0.
1. Buku Petunjuk Praktikum Analisa Inti Batuan,
Laboratorium Fakultas Teknologi Mineral,
Jurusan Teknik Perminyakan, Universitas
Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Yogyakarta.
2. Amyx, J.W., Bass, D.M. Jr., Whiting, R.L.,
Petroleum Reservoir Engineering, Mc. GrawHill Book Co., Toronto London, 1960.

Team Research of Pertamina


Team Research of PERTAMINA

Department of Petroleum Engineering UPN Veteran Yogyakarta

Sampel core

Team Research of Pertamina

Location of Kemadang Village

Timbangan Digital

Timbangan ( Manual )
Dan Anak Timbangan

Team Research of Pertamina

Rangkaian Liquid Permeameter

Rangkaian Gas Permeameter

Grafik Penentuan K Absolute

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