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Helen Keller was deaf, dumb and blind, but she learned not only to write but to talk!

She became a World famous poet, writer and public speaker.

Art and text Aurora Productions. Featured on

Louis Braille was a French educator and inventor of a

system of reading and writing for use by the blind .
Blinded in both eyes as a result of an early childhood
accident, Braille mastered his disability while still a boy.
While still a student, he began developing a system of
tactile code that could allow blind persons to read and
write quickly and efficiently. It has been adapted for use
in languages worldwide.

Art Aurora Productions; Text adapted from Wikipedia. Featured on

Christopher Columbus was a Genoese

explorer, navigator, and colonizer, born in
the Republic of Genoa (today part of Italy).
Under the auspices of the Catholic
Monarchs of Spain, he completed four
voyages across the Atlantic Ocean. Those
voyages, and his efforts to establish
permanent settlements on the island of
Hispaniola, initiated the colonization of the
New World.

Art Aurora Productions; Text adapted from Wikipedia. Featured on

Joan of Arc is a heroine of France and a Roman Catholic

saint. She received visions of the Archangel Michael, Saint
Margaret and Saint Catherine instructing her to recover
France from English domination . The uncrowned King
Charles VII sent Joan to the siege of Orlans as part of a
relief mission and she gained prominence after the siege
was lifted in only nine days. Several additional swift victories
led to Charles VII's coronation at Reims.

Art TFI; Text adapted from Wikipedia. Featured on

Florence Nightingale was

a celebrated English
social reformer and the
founder of modern
nursing. She came to
prominence while serving
as a nurse during the
Crimean War, where she
tended to wounded
soldiers. She was known
as "The Lady with the
Lamp" after her habit of
making rounds at night.

Art TFI; Text adapted from Wikipedia. Featured on

Charles Dickens was an English writer and social critic. He created some of the world's most well-known fictional
characters and is generally regarded as the greatest novelist of the Victorian period. His novels and short stories
continue to be widely popular.
Art TFI; Text adapted from Wikipedia. Featured on

William Wilberforce was an English politician, philanthropist, and a

leader of the movement to abolish the slave trade. He headed the
parliamentary campaign against the British slave trade for twenty-six
years until the passage of the Slave Trade Act of 1807. That campaign
led to the Slavery Abolition Act 1833, which abolished slavery in most
of the British Empire.
Art courtesy of My Wonder Studio. Text adapted from Wikipedia. Featured on

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