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How to Defend Yourself from an Attacker (with Step-by-Step Illustrations)

How to Defend Yourself from an

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Edited 17 days ago

With the skills you will learn on this page, you may learn how to defend yourself.


Reason with the attacker. Fighting an individual should only be considered a lastresort method. Exhaust your options before you physically defend yourself.


If the assailant will not stop, then assume a proper fighting stance. Turn your
body to the side so that your right shoulder [or left, depending on your dominant hand]

is facing your attacker. Raise your fists into the air to protect your body -- not too high, so
that you don't end up blocking your line of sight, but not too low as to offer no protection to
your head.

Know how to block an attack. To block a punch, use an open hand and push the
fist out of the way enough so that it does not hit you somewhere that it may cause

damage, such as your head, stomach, or groin.

Know how to counterattack. Avoid using "wild hook" punches, where you throw
your entire arm and shoulder into a punch in a manner that is similar to a large C.

From a fighting stance, a punch should come out from the center of your body. You will want
your punch to come in quickly and return quickly -- don't leave your arm hanging out where
the attacker can grab it. You can also kick to do damage. A kick should come from the foot
that is back in the fighting stance. Bring up the leg and lash out bringing it back in so the
attacker has no chance to grab it.

Know how to make a proper fist. This may seem like a silly and trivial thing to
consider, but knowing how to throw a punch with a proper fist can save you from

hurting yourself. You will want to keep your fist closed and tight. Your thumb should be
located on or underneath your index and middle finger [see photo]. Do not place your
thumb inside of your closed fist -- you can break your thumb if you hit a person hard



How to Defend Yourself from an Attacker (with Step-by-Step Illustrations)

enough. If you stick your thumb out, you can also break it. Be certain that you keep your
wrist straight when throwing a punch, as this can also help prevent you from injuring yourself.

Appear strong. Posture is everything: keep a straight back, fair walking pace (but
not too fast or you'll appear suspicious and frightened), hold your head high and if you

are particularly walking through a bad area, resist the urge to look away from those around
you. Look everyone in the eye but keep focused on your destination. This does three things:
lets people know you are alert, allows you to identify anyone, allows you to say hello if you
know anyone.

Be aware of your surroundings. Attackers will often approach their victims, trying
to play it innocent or to threaten you for money. This will mostly happen in a quiet

place where you might expect people to be e.g. down the road at night. Keep an eye out for
people who might approach you.

Be on the defensive. If someone approaches you, then stand with your feet slightly
apart, back and head straight, and push your arms straight out in front of you, palms

forward as if to push them away. Command "Stop!" loudly. This pose will make you look
strong, sure and confident of what you're doing - another deterrent to an attack. If the person
does stop, but does not walk away, then firmly ask him or her questions such as "Are you
following me?" "Why are you following me?" "What do you want?". Question his or her
motives, and try to find out their intentions, but keep holding this stance. Do not move from
that pose. By doing this you also find out more about your enemy and what he or she is
trying to do, which is always a good thing to know. If he or she does reply, then it might be
possible to persuade him or her away from his or her original aims and come to a
compromise. You may even need to offer him or her money to leave you alone, as long as
you have a reasonable amount on you (he or she probably wouldn't accept a pocketful of
loose change - something like $50 might just be acceptable). It's better to lose money than
your life.

Get in a fighting stance if the person just won't leave you alone. If you are righthanded, then step your right foot behind you. If you are left-handed, step your left foot

behind you. Don't step your foot too far behind you or this will freeze you from moving about
a lot; the usual rule is put your foot about a shoulder width behind you. The foot behind you
provides a pillar in case the attacker pushes you, which will stop you from falling onto your
back. Because once you're on your back, it's over. This stance is similar to a boxing stance,
but you put your foot behind you a bit more. The back foot can be used to kick the
opponent. Following from the footing in the stance, hold your opposite arm from your natural
preference i.e. right-handers hold your left arm up, fists clenched, in front of your face. This
is your defending arm, which you use to deflect an attack. Your right/left arm should be
poised slightly lower for attack, so that any fist aimed at your face will be blocked by your
defending arm and then you can punch in the gap at the attacker.


Grab your attacker by the hair/head with your attacking hand, and bring
your defending foot up so that you can bring down the attacker's face and



How to Defend Yourself from an Attacker (with Step-by-Step Illustrations)

smash it on your bent knee. If this follows successfully then it will shock him or her
enough to give you time to run away.


Punch - hard - with your strong arm right into the opponent's nose. This will
disorient your opponent, break his or her nose, and allow you to get away. When

you punch, yell loudly; this serves to strengthen your punch and surprises the opponent. It
also serves to attract attention. If you do have to punch to defend yourself, do not do it
halfway hard - a weak punch, even if it connects, will not do the job and may just anger your
opponent. Punch as if your life depended on it, because it might.


If you are jumped upon from behind, with the attacker wrapping his or her
arms around your waist and chest, yank your arms free and with the arm

that is on the same side as the attacker's head is on your shoulder (they need to
do this to get closer to you), smash an elbow into his or her face. With your free hand
grab his or her arm on that side and step a foot out so that you can pull away after impact.


If you are grabbed on from behind,step forward and then move backwards
and to the side simultaneously, this should throw the attacker off balance

and you will literally throw him or her over your shoulder. This works better if the
attacker is taller than you are. Try this out on a friend first to practice.


If he or she grabs your arm with his or her hand, straighten your fingers as
if you were trying to make your hand as flat as possible, and pull against

where his or her fingers are. Making your hand flat stiffens the bone in your arm, making
it easier to get out of someone's grasp, even if he or she is stronger than you.


If you are getting jumped,try not to get thrown on the ground or you will
find it difficult to defend yourself from the attacker.


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How to Defend Yourself from an Attacker (with Step-by-Step Illustrations)

Yes I can

Yes I can

Yes I can

Yes I can

Avoid staying rigid and stiff while in a fighting stance. You want to be fluid
and agile, so that you can block and/or dodge an attack quickly.
Think before you do something, what will the outcome be of punching
this attacker? Will it buy you enough time to escape? Or will you have to
throw another punch or kick?
You might want to use your forearm to assist in blocking an attack as
well. This is generally good for defending against "wild hook" punches,
which leave plenty of room to place your arm in between.
An elbow to the face can make him/her stop momentarily, possibly long
enough to get to a more populated area.
If you don't need to attack, then don't. If you get an opportunity to get
away, then take it. Nobody will think that you are a coward for avoiding
unnecessary confrontation.
Carry a cell phone and call for help if you need it.
You can take a self-defense class.

Do not use this technique if you don't have to.

Article Info

Categories: Striking
Recent edits by: LeahlovesGod, Mark Potter, Jordan
In other languages:
Espaol: Cmo defenderte de un agresor, Italiano: Come Difenderti da un
Aggressore, Portugus: Como se Defender de um Agressor



How to Defend Yourself from an Attacker (with Step-by-Step Illustrations)

Thanks to all authors for creating a page that has been read 126,996 times.


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