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: Iraq

Topic Area

: Eliminating Capital Punishment towards Minor Sexual Orientation and

gender Identity


: UNHRC (United Nation Human Rights Council)

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights affirms that everyone is equal and
entitled to the same rights and freedoms, regardless their race, color, sex, language, religion,
political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status. But,
violence and discrimination based on sexual orientation have been happening around the
world. Further more, capital punishment. In this case the use of capital punishment by
country who refuse LGBT. The debate, discussion, and negotiation, about eliminating the use
of capital punishment towards minor sexual orientation and gender identity
As a country who in uncertain situation about LGBT, Iraq doesnt stand for any
religion orientation or culture. Iraq have law awaiting court rulling of persecution by
organised non-state agents and began to discuss it, whether well take capital punishment or
respect LGBT as a equal human being, and to respect the Convention of Human Rights in
Geneva about Gay Rights Protection Resolution Passes in 2011. Iraq will strengthen the
efforts to stop violence and discrimination to LGBT. With provisions, this LGBT activity, not
maried, make no harm such as rape, and make no public display affection too much that
invite commotion in public whom still take this as a taboo issue. Iraq will also protect the
under age of minor sexual orientation and gender identity.
Taking an active role in this issue and also encourage for another country who still
disagree of eliminating capital punishment towards LGBT, Iraq, would like to attempt further
1. Decides to, continue our efforts in respect LGBT with some provisions to
introduced in Middle East countries with the help of UNHRC, ILGA
(International Lesbian and Gay Association), and any other United Nation
2. Urging the WHO and any other United Nations agencies who related tho this issue
to provide parties who still reject any LGBT activity or even give capital
punishments with scientific evidence about sexual orientation problem.
3. Encouraging Middle East to discuss or negotiate, to discover the solutions to the
current condition and the current law (capital punishments) in Middle East.
4. Takes note with deep concern of the continued of violence and discrimination to
LGBT, whether in national or international level.
5. Call UNHRC to help our court to make law about LGBT law and rights as soon as
possible, so Iraq could take a clear decission, and a clear policy about LGBT in
6. Takes note with deep concern about the use of capital punishment towards minor
sexual orientation and gender identity who still under age, which is forbidden to
be sentences to death penalty based on the Convention on The Rights of the Child,

and Iraq will report it directly to UNHRC and UNICEF and any other United
Nation Agencies who related.
Iraq believes that this issue are all countries problem, so all countries have to resolved
this issue together with diplomacy. We also believe that resolved this issue help us to
accomplish our mission to a btter world.

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