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Sentence 1: General statement
Sentence 2: Rephrase the topic
Sentence 3: Brief description of the main body
Suggestions for sentence 3:
This essay will compare and contrast its benefits and downsides before a reasoned
conclusion is reached.
The focus of this essay is to compare and contrast its benefits and downsides
before a reasoned conclusion is reached.
Strong arguments exist in support both sides of this debate, which implies that it
is worth examining both points of view before reaching any conclusions.
Both of these arguments will be analysed before a reasoned conclusion is reached.
Suggestion of opening: (two-sided)
_________has become (a hot debate | a controversial question | an argument) among
(public | local people). Some people advocate ___________. However, others are of the
opinion that _____/ others are opposed to ______. Strong arguments exist in support
both sides of this debate, which implies that it is worth examining both points of view
before reaching any conclusions.
The topic of _______ has aroused public concern. Some people say that_____ whilst
others claim about_____. It is quiet natural that people from different backgrounds have
their own opinion on the issue. Therefore, both of these arguments will be analysed
before a reasoned conclusion is reached.
A matter of considerable controversy at the present is _____. Whilst most people do
agree that ____. However, there is plenty of evidence to suggest that_____. Therefore,
this is a situation which needs to be dealt with.
Topic sentence (only 1 sentence)

From the one side, the opinion earlier may sound plausible.
From the one side, people in favour of____ argue that
From the one side, ___ may argue that
From the one side, a plausible argument of ____ is that____.

For example: From the one side, a plausible argument of pro-advertising people is that
advertising will benefit the audience in many aspects.
Supporting sentences (2-3 ideas)

First of all/ First and foremost, it can be said with certainty that____=> explanation.
Second, a special consideration in this case is that___
, a further plus point could be that___ => explanation
Last, it is hardly too much to say that___ => explanation
Topic sentence (1 sentence only)

From the other side, those who disagree point out that___
From the other side, the statement above is not totally accepted as an accurate one to
everybody since there are also some people who do not advocate it. As regards their
justification, a reason usually claimed by many of them to convince us is that___
From the other side, those who disagree point out that there are a few negative aspects___
From the other side, most people would agree that there are some drawbacks.
From the other side, those who disagree point out that there are a couple of shortcomings.

Supporting sentences (2-3 ideas)

Idea 1: - The first drawback of this matter is

The most impractical characteristic would be that___

Unquestionably, the most adverse feature would be that___=> explanation

Idea 2: - Another negative point is given out that__


Correspondingly, an additional weak point may be that__

Supplementary to this, a further handicap may be that___=> explanation

Idea 3: - Last but not least, it is supposed a further unfavourable quality may be that___
- The final stumbling-block may be that___=> explanation
- Taking everything into account, for the reasons which I mentioned above, I believe that
the advantages still outweigh disadvantages. Therefore, I do totally support the idea of_
- From what has been mentioned/ discussed above, we may reach to a conclusion that __.
Therefore, we have reasons to believe that___
- All things considered, the obvious conclusion to be drawn is that__
Other closing:
- There is no absolute answer to the question of___
o On balance, it is my belief that__
- All things considered, I am convinced that__
- Taking everything into account, I am inclined to believe that__
- For the above/mentioned reasons, therefore, I firmly believe that__
- In the light of these evidence, it is obvious that___

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