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-Ç-C-¢√®Ωç 21 -úÕÂÆç-•®Ω’ 2008 Ñ-Ø√-úø’ £j«-ü¿®√-¶«-ü˛ 2

J.Anil Kumar, Tadpatri,  Counter

Concept Åçõ‰ äéπ
Anantapur A. ´uA-Í®éπç/ v°æA-èπÿ©ç N≠æ-ߪ’ç í∫’Jç-*
Q. I read in Newspapers that the Argument X Counter argument Å´-í¬-£æ«†, ´’†
population of India reached to When I complained about it he coun- ´’†-Ææ’™ üΔE-èπ◊†o
one billion i.e. 100 crores. Asma tered me by saying the opposite ®Ω÷°æç.
Jahangir is the billionth baby of  £œ«ûÓéÀh He is an orphan so
India. With this we can understand that the A. Homily/ good advice he has no concept
value of one billion is 100 crores.  Input of parental love =
But when I was going through the dictio- Q. He was not sorry for having been deceived.
A. 1) ߪ’çvû√© ™«çöÀ ¢√öÀ-™ éÀ áéÀ\çîË Åûªúø’ ÅØ√ü∑¿ Åçü¿’-éπE
nary the other day to find out the meaning of A.
Nü¿’u-îªa ¥éÀh. 2) computer ™éÀ áéÀ\çîË Ææ´÷- ûªLx-ü¿ç-vúø’© vÊ°´’ í∫’Jç-* Å´-í¬-£æ«† Åûª-úÕéÀ ™‰ü¿’. ¢Á÷Ææ-§Ú-®·-†çü¿’èπ◊ ÅûªúËç Nî√-Jç-îªúøç/ ¶«üμ¿-
some English words, accidentally I saw the î√®Ωç. 3) äéπ N≠æ-ߪ÷Eo í∫’Jç* ´’†èπ◊ ´îËa Westerners can have no concept of our °æ-úøôç ™‰ü¿’.
meaning of billion. I was shocked to see that Ææ´÷-î√®Ωç, Ç™-îª-†©÷, ÅGμ-v§ƒßª÷©’. 4) äéπ caste system = ´’† èπ◊©-´u-´Ææn §ƒ¨»a-ûª’u-©èπ◊ For having been deceived = ¢Á÷Ææ-Tç-îª-•-úÕ-
the meaning of billion is given as one lakh course ™E subject ™E ¶üμ¿-Ø√ç-¨»©’. Å´-í¬-£æ«† é¬ü¿’. †ç-ü¿’èπ◊.
crores. In some other dictionaries it is said as  Output Though he is a Hindu, he has very clear Q. He is in the habit of taking exercise daily.
a number which has 12 cyphers after 1. concept of other religions too = A.
A. i) ߪ’çvû√©’ É´y-í∫-©-¨¡éÀh, éπü¿-Léπ. Åûªúø’ £œ«çü¿÷ Åûª-úÕéÀ ®ÓW ¢√uߪ÷´’ç îËÊÆ Å©-¢√ô’ ÖçC.
I request you to throw light on this matter and
ii) Computer †’ç* ´’†èπ◊ ûÁLÊÆ Ææ´÷-î √®Ωç. Å®·-†-°æp-öÀéÃ, Éûª®Ω ´’û√-© í∫’Jç* ´’ç* Å´- of taking =(¢√uߪ÷´’ç) îËÊÆ.
give the correct value for billion.
iii) äéπ ´’E≠œ/ ÆæçÆæn/ ߪ’çvûªç äéπ EKgûª
í¬-£æ«† ÖçC. éÀçC ¢√é¬u©†’ ûÁ©’-í∫’™ îÁ°æpçúÕ.
A. The correct amount of One billion is, One äéπ engineer, äéπ bridge †’ design îËÆæ’h-†o-
thousand million. A million = One thousand
鬩ç™ îËߪ’-í∫© °æE. Q. She would see the books she read.
 Hang over
°æ¤púø’, bridge °æ‹®Ωh-®·† ûª®√yûª ÅC ᙫ
thousand. One billion = 1000 000 000 = One Öçô’çC ÅØËC, °æ‹®Ωh-®·† bridge ü¿%¨¡uç, ÅûªúÕ A. ûª†’ îªC-N† °æ¤Ææh-é¬-©†’ îª÷ÊÆC (í∫ûªç™).
hundred crore. This is the correct figure. Q. A writer has to avoid common things which
´’ü¿uç/ ´÷ü¿-éπ-vü¿-¢√u©/ ´’ûª’h °æüΔ-®√n© ´’†-Ææ’™ ¢Á·ü¿õ‰ éπE°œÆæ’hçC – Ñ ü¿%¨¡uç, con-
are known to all.
Mullakunti Sudhakar, Kurnool
v°æ¶μ«´ç™ N’TL ÖçúËC. cept.
Q. On every monday in A. ®Ωîª-®·-ûª©’ Åçü¿-JéÃ
Chaduvu column you

She is an avid dance student

ûÁL-Æœ† ≤ƒ´÷†u¢Á’i†
are giving some mod- N≠æ-ߪ÷-©†’ ´C-™‰-
ern expressions to ߪ÷L.
readers in Eenadu Q. i) Here are some
which have become rules given for
the part of modern English usage now. As a
 Commutators Concept Schools E®√y-£æ«-èπ◊© good spelling.
reader of your column I am happy to know
A. Commutators v°æ鬮Ωç Concept school Åçõ‰ ii) We witnessed a very good rush this year
and to learn this kind of new expressions -Ççí∫x-¶μ«-≠æ-ù 530 Å®Ωnç Åéπ\úÕ °œ©x©ûÓ §ƒ®∏√©’ •öÃd-
ÅØË ´÷ô
Commuter compared to last year.
you have been giving. Please let me know
™‰ü¿’. ÅC Å®·
how do you know that such sort of expres-
ÖçúÌa. Å®Ωnç = ®ÓW °æ-öÀdç*, °æK-éπ~™x áèπ◊\´ marks -O-öÀ-™ given, compared -à -Å®√n-©-E≤ƒh®·?
sions/ words have come into use in present
ÉçöÀ †’ç* î√™« ü¿÷®Ωçí¬ Ö†o ´îËaô’x îªC-Nç-îª-èπ◊çú≈ subjects ™E A. i) Given = É´y-•-úÕ†;
day English? For this, what kind of books
ÖüÓuí∫ç îÓöÀéÀ bus/ train ©™ N≠æ-ߪ÷© °æôx Å´-í¬-£æ«† éπL-TçîË ÖüËl- are given = É´y-•-úÕ-†N.
you read and refer? Because I too want to
v°æߪ÷ùç îËÊÆ-¢√∞¡Ÿx. ¨¡çûÓ ¶CμçîË schools ÅE. Concept ii) compared = §ÚLÊÆh.
know like you, that such expression/ words  Puttage school èπ◊ ÉD Å®Ωnç ÅE ¢√öÀ E®√y-£æ«-
compared to last year = éÀçü¿õ‰-ú≈-CûÓ
are becoming modern in the present usage. A. Ñ ´÷ö ™‰ü¿’ English ™. èπ◊-©èπ◊ ûª°æp ´’È®-´-Jéà ŮΩnç é¬ü¿’.
Suggest me what should I do for this. And •£æ›¨» ÉC footage Å®· Teach the student the concept of a
also suggest me a simple and good the- ÖçúÌa. Å®Ωnç – äéπ ÆæEo-¢Ë-¨»Eo M.SURESAN subject, let them not mug up the K. Satyanarayana, Visakhapatnam
saurus dictionary to improve my vocabulary îª÷Ê° -†-*vûª ¶μ«í∫ç/ v°æî√®Ωç subjects = NüΔu-JnéÀ N≠æߪ’ç Å´-í¬-£æ«† Q. I am a teacher question tag- Aren't I
as a learner at the beginning juncture. éÓÆæç Å´-Ææn©’ °æúË ®√ï-éÃߪ’ Ø√ߪ’-èπ◊-©†’ ÅßË’uô’x ¶Cμç; ¢√∞¡xûÓ §ƒ®∏√-Lo •öÃd °æöÀdç-îªèπ◊. I am not teacher
Å´¤-ûª’çC. negative
A. To know the modern expressions in English, îª÷°œçîË îª©-†-*vûª ¶μ«í∫ç.  Warmonger statement Am I not a teacher
 Coastal Corridor
éÀ Åçõ‰ ÆæJ-
all that you have to do is read standard A. ߪ·üΔl¥©’ éÓ®Ω’-èπ◊ØË¢√∞¡Ÿx, ¨»çAéÀ •ü¿’©’/ tag form
§Ú-ûª’çüΔ? ™‰éπ-§ÚûË Ééπ\úø èπÿú≈ ™
English magazines like the India Today, The A. Ææ´·vü¿ B®Ωç ¢Áç•úÕ ´÷®Ω_ç/ ®Ω£æ«-üΔJ.
éπߪ÷u-EéÀ 鬩’ü¿’¢Ëy-¢√∞¡Ÿx. Aren't I a teacher
™«í¬ ÅØ√™«?
week, and newspapers like the Times of Corridor = È®çúø’ ¢Áj°æ¤© Ö†o í∫ü¿’© ´®Ω-Ææ©
 Avid A. Correct question tags:
India. Further browse the web for new addi- ´’üμ¿u† ÖçúË ´÷®Ω_ç/ †úø´.
A. üËE °æôx-®·Ø√ ¶«í¬ Öû√q£æ«ç/ Çûª’-®Ωûª éπ©. I am a teacher, aren't I?
tions to the English vocabulary. You'll find  Shops Ê°®Ωx ´·çü¿’ M/s ÅE Öçô’çC Åçõ‰
them. Once you see them, practise them by Messers ÅE Å®Ωl¥´÷? He is an avid watcher of the TV = Åûªúø’ I am not a teacher, Am I
using them in sentences of your own. The TV Çûª’-®Ω-ûªí¬/ Öû√q-£æ«çûÓ îª÷≤ƒhúø’. (Am not am I - correct question
A. Å´¤†’. Å®·ûË M/s (Messrs), äéπJ éπçõ‰ èπ◊, ÅØËC
other thing you've to do is read books of áèπ◊\´ ´uèπ◊h© Ê°®ΩxûÓ ÖçúË Company Ê°®ΩxÍé She is an avid dance student = Öû√q£æ«ç/ tag)
English fiction by novelists like Chase, ¢√úøû√ç: M/s San and San (È®çúø÷ ´uèπ◊h© Çûª’-®Ω-ûªûÓ dance ØË®Ω’a-èπ◊ç-ô’çC/ Dance °æôx Q. Ever, never -©-†’ èπÿ-ú≈ present perfect -™-ØË
Harold Robins, Geoffrey Ascher, etc. Ê°Í®x)/ M/s Rao and Naidu, etc. ÅçûË-é¬F Ç¢Á ’èπ◊ î√™« Öû√q£æ«ç/ Çûª’-®Ωûª. -Ö°æ-ßÁ÷-T≤ƒh®Ω-E -îª-C-¢√-†’. é¬-E éÌ-Eo≤ƒ®Ω’x pre-
Imp: You must be ready to spot a new Éûª®Ω Ê°®Ωx ´·çü¿’ ¢√úøç. M/s Reliance  commit sent simple -™ -†÷ -îÁ°æ¤ h-Ø√o®Ω’. Is it correct?
expression and study its use in the book. Corporation Ltd., ņúøç ÆæJ-é¬ü¿’, ÅN A. äéπ °æE îËߪ’úøç – ´·êuçí¬ îÁúø’. Commit Please explain.
A.V.Subba Rao, Onipenta, Kadapa. ´uèπ◊h© Ê°®Ω’x 鬴¤ 鬕öÀd. suicide/ murder/ rape/ theft, etc. A. Ever = á°æ¤p-úÁj-Ø√/- á-©x-°æ¤púø÷– DEo à tense ûÓ
Q. éÀçC¢√öÀ í∫’-Jç-* N´-Jç-îª-í∫-©®Ω’.  Messers Åçõ‰?  Commitment ØÁjØ√ ¢√úø-´îª’a. Å®·ûË ´·êuçí¬ questions ™
 1) Introvert 2) Extrovert A. Messrs, Mr (Mister) èπ◊ plural. A. Commitment to somebody = äéπ-J-éÀ-*a† éÌEo éÌEo expressions ™ ´÷vûª¢Ë’ ¢√-úø-û√ç.
A. 1) Åçûª-®Ω’t-ê’©’ – ¢√∞¡x Ç™-îª-†©’ ¢√∞¡x™ØË  General store, Medical store © ûª®Ω’-¢√ûª ´÷ôèπ◊ •ü¿’l¥™„j Öçúøôç. a) All that he ever does is to complain =
°ô’d-èπ◊E, Éûª-®Ω’-©èπ◊ ûÁ©’-°æ-èπ◊çú≈, Éûª-®Ω’-©ûÓ Å™« é¬èπ◊çú≈ plural ™ General stores, Commitment to something = äéπ N≠æ-ߪ÷- complain
¢√úø’ îËÊÆ-ü¿çû√, (Does îËߪ’-úø¢Ë’.
éπ©-´-èπ◊çú≈ äçô-Jí¬ ÖçúËçü¿’èπ◊ É≠æd°æúË- Medical stores ÅE Öçô’çC? áçü¿’-éπE? EéÀ éπô’d-•úÕ Öçúøôç. - present simple)
¢√∞¡Ÿx A. äÍé ®Ωéπ-¢Á’i† ´Ææ’h-´¤-©†’ Ţ˒t ü¿’é¬-ù«Eo We all appreciate Loksatta's commitment b) Does he ever help you? (Question - does
X 2) •£œ«-®Ω’t-ê’©’– Åçü¿-JûÓ éπ©’-°æ¤-íÓ-©’í¬ Stores Åçö«®Ω’. Medical Stores - ´’çü¿’©’ to clean politics = E≠æ \-∞¡çéπ ®√ï-éÃ-ߪ÷-©èπ◊ help - present simple - question) É™«Íí,
ÖçúÕ, ûª´’ Ç™-îª-†©†’ Éûª®Ω’©ûÓ °æç-èπ◊- (´÷vûªç) Ţ˒t shop. General Stores - ™é˙-Ææû√h éπô’d-•úÕ Öçúøö«Eo ´’†-´’çû√ ¢Á’a- Did he ever ...? simple
ÅE èπÿú≈ Åçö«ç
ØË-¢√∞¡Ÿx. ≤ƒ´÷-Ø√u-´-Ææ-®√© ´Ææ’h-´¤-©¢Ë’t shop. past
èπ◊çö«ç. ™.
 Module There is no commitment on the part of the c) Has he ever helped you? -
A. ´’† ´Ææ’h´¤O’ü¿ ´’†Íé ÅCμ-鬮Ωç, ´’´’ûª FÈé°æ¤p-úÁjØ√
A. 1) àüÁjØ√ course (´·êuçí¬ College/ Govt to the welfare of the people = v°æï© Present perfect.
Ææ£æ…ߪ’ç î˨»ú≈?–
Öçú≈L ÅØË ûªûªyçûÓ, Éûª-®Ω’©’ üΔEo ņ’-¶μº- University) ™ äéπ ¶μ«í∫ç. 2) È®çúø’ ´‚úø’
Nç-îªúøç/ üΔEûÓ Ææç•çüμ¿ç °ô’déÓ´úøç ¶μºJç- ÆæçÍé~´’ç °æôx v°æ¶μº’ûªyç éπô’d-•úÕ ™‰ü¿’. Never †’ Éçé¬ frequent í¬ -Å-Eo tenses ™
¶μ«í¬©’ éπL°œ ûªßª÷®ΩßË’u ߪ’çvûªç-™E Ç
¶μ«í¬©’, Modules. 3) äéπ v°æûËu-éπ-¢Á’i† ©éπ~uçûÓ M. Laxman, Kakinada. ¢√-úø-û√ç.
ûªLxéÀ ûª† äÍé äéπ éÌúø’èπ◊ O’C ´’´’-鬮Ωç– a) He never comes here (Pr. simple)
ÅûªúÕ ¶μ«®Ωu (ûª† éÓúøL)†’ èπÿú≈ ü¿í∫_-®Ωèπ◊ ®√F- îËÊÆ Computer Programme ™E ¶μ«í∫ç. éÀçC ÉçTx≠ˇ ¢√é¬u-©èπ◊ ûÁ©’í∫’ Å®Ωnç ûÁ©’-°æ-í∫-©®Ω’.
b) He never came here when he was here
4) ¢Óu´’-؈-éπ™x Ææyûªç-vûª-¢Á’i† ¶μ«í∫ç. Q. The judge ordered him to be punished.
ߪ’E ûªûªyç. (past simple)
 Much more  Concept school ™ concept Åçõ‰ àN’öÀ? A. Ø√uߪ’-´‚Jh Åûª-úÕE PéÀ~ç-î√-Lqç-Cí¬ Çñ«c-°œç-
c) I will never see you again (future) - É™«
A. î√™« áèπ◊\´- He has much more property A. ÉC Å®Ωnç °æ®Ωnç ™‰E -´÷-ô. •£æ›¨» ¶μ«®Ω-û˝™  î√úø’.
Å®Ωnç ÆæJí¬ Öçõ‰ à tense ™ØÁjØ√ ¢√úø-´îª’a.
than I have = His property is much more ÅD Ççvüμ¿-v°æ-üË-¨¸™ ûª°æp ÉçÈé-éπ\ú≈ ¢√úø®Ω’. Q. We have made him what he is.
than mine = Ø√ ÇÆœh éπçõ‰ î√™« áèπ◊\´. ÉçÈé-éπ\ú≈ Ñ ´÷ô Å®Ωnç é¬ü¿’. A. Ñ®ÓV Åûª-úÕE ÉçûªöÀ-¢√-úÕE îËÆœçC ¢Ë’¢Ë’.
Spoken English -§ƒ-ûª -¢√u≤ƒ-©éÓÆæç -éÀxé˙ -îË-ߪ’ç-úÕ.. URL:

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