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Body Systems Test Outline

Cells and Systems - NOTES

-Cells are the smallest unit of life
-Cells group together to form tissues
-Tissue is a group of cells that perform a similar function
-Tissues group together to form organs
-Organs group together to form systems
-Examples of cells, tissues and organs
Circulatory System - NOTES
Arteries carry blood away from the heart, thick walled, muscular blood vessels
Capillaries tiny blood vessels that allow the exchange of gasses, nutrients and wastes with body tissues
Veins carry blood toward the heart
Valves in veins and heart, one way direction
-circulation and gas exchange
-The Heart: left/right atrium/ventricles, pulmonary vein/artery, superior/inferior vena cava, aorta
Movement: Superior or inferior vena cava to right atrium to right ventricle to pulmonary artery to lungs to
pulmonary veins to left atrium to left ventricle to aorta to major arteries to capillaries to major veins
-Why is the left ventricle bigger than the right ventricle?
-final destination that the blood carries the following to : oxygen, carbon dioxide, nutrients, excess water,
urea, excess salts
-Label heart diagram

Respiratory System
Vital Capacity is the greatest amount of air you can move in and out of your lungs in one breath
Diaphragm When you inhale the diaphragm pulls down
Lungs where air exchange takes place, right lung is divided into three lobes, left lung is divided into 2
Intercostal muscles when you inhale your intercostal muscles pull outward
Coarse hairs filter air
Nasal cavity preferred entrance for outside air into the respiratory system
Pharynx collects incoming air from the nose and passes it downward to the trachea
Larynx contains vocal chords, place where moving air being breathed in and out creates voice sounds
Epiglottis - flap of tissue that covers the opening of the trachea moves over trachea so food goes to
Vocal chords where sound comes from
Trachea carries air to the lungs, supported during breathing by cartilage rings
Bronchi 2 branches from the trachea to lungs
Bronchioles located in the lungs, branches out, ends in alveoli
Alveoli respiratory gasses are passed from the air to the blood
Breathing regular movement of air in and out of the lungs
Respiratory System diagram
Digestive System
Mouth/oral cavity saliva changes starch in the food to glucose
Salivary glands saliva produced here, saliva is the fluid that is produced in the mouth that breaks down
Esophagus the tube that passes from the mouth to the stomach
Cardiac sphincter valve between esophagus and stomach, keeps food from moving backwards from the
stomach to the esophagus

Stomach-HCl and pepsin help with digestion of food

Pyloric sphincter valve between the stomach and small intestine, keeps food moving backwards from
the small intestine to the stomach
Small intestine (duodenum, jejunum, ileum) -absorb nutrients, proteins, carbohydrates and fats are mainly
chemically digested in small intestine
Mucus-ulcers are the result from the lack of mucus
Pancreas - produces digestive enzymes hormone insulin
Liver produces bile
Gall bladder -stores bile
Large intestine most of the water accumulated in digestive process is absorbed in large intestine
Rectum expanded lower part of the large intestine
Anus opening for elimination of wastes
Peristalsis rhythmic contractions of muscles which push food along the digestive tract
Label Digestive System diagram
Excretory System
What is Excretion?
Kidney removes urea, excess water and excess salt from the blood, filters blood to produce urine
Urinary bladder the body organ in which urine is stored prior to being excreted
Nephron millions of these make up the kidney
Label Excretion System

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