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Harmony is human science developed from natural science. The order
of nature is dynamic balance in pursuit of harmony as illustrated by
the Daoist sign of life. Einstein said that God does not play dice with
nature. Another way of putting it is "Nature seeks harmony and
harmony is the order of nature." The seasons we observed, the
occurrences of floods, typhoons and tsunamis are all testimonials of
natural acts seeking harmony. They are large events in the victims'
life, but small dynamic balances to achieve harmony compared to the
size of the earth. These natural phenomena are caused by pressure
and temperature imbalances. Human beings are endowed with
intellects that are above natural phenomena. Our ideology differences
can create wars that are more destructive than any earthly natural
forces. We believe we can control nature. In reality human beings are
part of the natural order. All ideology struggles are imbalances that
must eventually return to harmony, the order of nature. Peace can
only be temporary without harmony. Harmony is the ultimate human
virtue of tolerance, respect, acceptance, forgiveness and patience with
other cultures, religions, political systems and ideologies.

The universe was created by dark energy (the Ying), by virtue of the
dynamic creation process the universe will continue to expand at an
enormous scale. In Dao De Jing, Dao besides meaning the way, can
also be interpreted as the dark energy. De is virtue and harmony is the
ultimate human virtue. The gems contained in Dao De Jing warrant a
concerted effort to reinterpret Dao De Jing from the perspective of
modern science. World harmony renaissance can free the collective
mind of all people in the world to pursuit even broader scientific

Harmony Propagates by Renaissance 2007-04-10 11:43:49

BY FRANCIS C. W. FUNG, PH.D. BEIJING, April 10 (Xinhuanet) -- Harmony is the

order of nature. Resonance is nature's preferred way of propagation. We resonate in
harmony in a chorus. We receive multitudes of signals and information through sound
waves, light waves, Radio, TV, Internet waves and so on in the air through all types of
harmony resonances by way of physical, electronic and other natural phenomena too
numerous to mention. In harmony our hearts can resonate together. The annual World
Harmony Cultural Festival will cause harmony to resonate in people's hearts. I will

Justice opens our eyes to the world's disharmony. By practicing harmony through
necessary self discipline we each pave the way for bringing harmony through resonance.
Harmony premise is tolerance, understanding, acceptance, respect, equity, humility and
patience. As great as religion and democracy are as the two other pillars of human main
culture besides harmony, they have been lacking in unifying the world in diversity even
after 2500 years. The inadequacy lies in the fixation of each religion's individual
institutionalized God. In the case of democracy the rueful disregard of respective nation's
historical development, disrespect for individual nationalistic cultures, coupled with
coercion and use of military force greatly tarnished its image.

Harmony being the most universal value and nature's order will propagate by resonance,
nature's preferred way. Harmony does not need to be institutionalized because it belongs
to the world. By its very principle, It renounces force and violence. Its ultimate believe is
that the softest triumphs over the hardest by patience and not necessary through passivity.
Just like the erosion of the hardest by the softest elements air and water as I always
image. To be soft and gentle require more discipline than to be hard and tough. A gentle
and humble nature requires the practice of harmony through the deepest conviction in the
face of force and violence.

I taught fluid mechanics, physics, mathematics, international business, foreign affairs and
creativity one time or the other in my career. I believe we all can learn by our self when
we want to. For religion and philosophy the days of paid preacher is on the wane because
of the spread of universal education. I am very thrilled that you share with me your
insight and wisdom because I am enriched and grow by it. I am deeply appreciative of all
who responded to me. Be proud you are citizens of the world and not citizens of one
powerful nation.

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