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Quiz 1

1. A microprocessor: (c) is often encapsulated in plastic.

2 A system must include:(a) an input, an output and a process.
3. All systems generate: (c) waste heat.
4. An MPU:(a) is the same as a P.
5. Integrated circuits are not: (d) an essential part of an engine.
Quiz 2
1.Typical operating voltages of microprocessors are: (b) 3.3 V and 5 V.
2. The most mobile electrical charge is called: (c) an electron and has a
negative charge.
3 The denary number 600 is equivalent to the binary
number:(a) 1001011000.
4. When converted to a denary number, the binary (b) must be greater
than 256 but less than 512.
5. A byte: (d) can have the same number of bits as a word.
Quiz 3
1. Which of these represents the largest number? (d) 1000H
2. The number CD02H is equal to:(a) 5248210
3The base of a number system is:(a) always the same as the highest
digit used in the system.
4. Which of these numbers is the same as
101101110102: (b) 5BA16
5. The number of digits in a denary number is often:(c) more than the
number of digits in the equivalent hex number.

Quiz 4
1. The number 35, when expressed as an 8-bit
binary number in twos complement form, is: (c) 11011101.
2. The number 710 converted to an unpacked BCD
format would be written as: (b) 7H.
3. The signed magnitude number 110011002
Is equivalent to:(a) 7610
4. In the number 0.5 x 10


the number: (b) 24 is the exponent.

5. A signed magnitude number that has a figure: (c) one as the

msb is a negative number.
Quiz 5

1.Which of the gates shown in Figure 5.17 would have

an output of logic zero? (c) B and D.

2 If the hex number 4C is applied to eight NOT gates,

the output would have the value of: (a) B3.
3.Which two-input gate has an output of logic 0 when
both inputs are at logic 1: (d) XOR.
4.A gate is: (d) an electronic switching circuit whose
output voltage depends on the inputs.
5.Adding the input and output binary values of a NOT
gate: (c) always results in 1.
Quiz 6
1. An SRAM with 12 address pins and 8 data pins
would have: (d) a storage capacity of 32 768 bits.
2.A bistable: (b) is another name for flop-flip.
3.The pin that is most similar to one marked as CS may
be labelled as: (c) CE.
4 If, in a memory map, the lowest address of an
8kbyte RAM is 1000H the highest address (b) 2FFFH.
5 A UVEPROM: (c) is a form of non-volatile memory.
Quiz 7
1.The Digital Alpha 21064 microprocessor has a 34-bit
address bus which can access a memory of: (c) 16 Gbytes.
2.The data bus: (a) is bi-directional.
3.A 16-bit address bus is carrying the address 4567H
and is partially decoded with lines A15 and A13
being unused. Which one of these addresses would
access a different hardware location: (d) 8567H.
4.Which one of the following is NOT essential in a
microprocessor-based system: (d) RAM.
5.Image addresses are: (a) also called ghost addresses.
Quiz 8
1.The stack is: (b) a series of RAM locations that can be
used by the microprocessor to store data.

2.A CPU: (a) is an essential part of any microprocessor.

3.Adding the binary numbers 1100 1100 to 0010
1001 within a Z80180 microprocessor would result
in C and H flags being in the condition: (b) C clear and H set.

4.The interrupt vector register (I) in the Z80180

microprocessor is used to store the: (a) high byte of the interrupt address.
5.The fetchexecute cycle: (c) assumes the first input is an instruction.
Quiz 9
1.An assembler: (a) converts assembly programs into machine code.
2.The data that follows the op code: (c) is called the operand.
3.A label is: (c) used to represent an address while the program is being
4.Machine code is: (d) an object code.
5.The part of the microprocessor that can follow the
machine code is called the: (b) Instruction decoder.
Quiz 10
1.A compiler: (b) is faster than an interpreter.
2.APL was largely influenced by: (b) Lisp and Fortran.
3.A fourth generation language can be described as a
language which: (d) is non-procedural.
4.A language designed to allow logical deductions to
be made from input data is: (c) Prolog.
5.Pascal: (c) is a highly structured language.
Quiz 11
1.The size of a microprocessor is determined by the: (a) width of its
data registers.
2.An integrated circuit having 15 000 transistors is
classed as a: (c) VLSI device.
3.An untextured polygon: (b) is just a wire-frame shape.
4.An L1 cache is usually: (a) onboard the microprocessor.
5.RISC: (d) chips employ a smaller instruction set.
Quiz 12
1.SIMD is: d) single instruction multiple data.

2 Branch prediction logic: (d) attempts to guess the

future steps to be taken by a program.
3.An exception: (c) is an interrupt signal generated
by the microprocessor.
4.The initials SIMD stand for: (b) Single Instruction Multiple Data.
5.In its construction, the Pentium 4 uses: (a) 0.13 m technology
Quiz 13
1.The maximum number of instructions that the
PowerPC 970 can be dealing simultaneously is: (a) 200.
2.Write-back: (d) stores results in the cache rather than in
the external memory.
3.The PowerPC 970 has an internal bus running at a
frequency of: (c) 900 MHz.
4.A register that can be accessed by two circuits at the
same time is referred to as: (b) dual-ported.
5 Big endian format: (a) stores the low byte in the highest address.
Quiz 14
1.Compared with the Pentium 4, the Athlon XP design
has: (c) slower FSB, running at 333 MHz.
2.As the Pentium 4 and the Athlon XP are both using
0.13 micron technology: (a) it does NOT imply any other
similarities between the designs.
3.The three floating point execution units in the Athlon
XP simultaneously handle store and load, multiply
functions and: (b) add functions.
4.When Branch prediction is correct it: (a) increases the overall speed
of running the program.
5.The Athlon Instruction cache has a capacity of: (c) 64 kB.
Quiz 15
1.An 8-bit microcontroller has: (a) an 8-bit data bus.
2.Compared with the Pentium 4, a microcontroller: (b) consumes
less current.
3.A watchdog circuit prevents: (d) wastage of power while
the microcontroller is not being used.
4.It is NOT essential for a microcontroller circuit to
include: (d) a crystal.

5.The term ISR refers to an: (c) interrupt service routine.

Quiz 16
1.Return is: (d) an instruction found at the end of a subroutine.
2.ORG is: (b) an assembler directive.
3 An assembler converts: (c) source code to object code.
4 In choosing a clock circuit: (c) a crystal gives the most
accurate and stable frequency.
5.The normal execution time for when using 4 MHz
crystal is: (d) 1 microsecond.
Quiz 17
1.The fastest design of analogue to digital conversion
is a: (b) flash converter.
2.Quantization error can be reduced by: (a) increasing the number of levels in the ADC.
3.Using the RS232C standard, a binary 0 is most likely
to be transmitted as: (d) +10 V.
4.A modem is: (d) used to convert digital signals into audio tones for transmission over telephone cables.
5.This received transmission has sixteen bits of data
and includes an error. It is using odd parity on the
ones in a block of 25 bits:
The corrected data is: (c) 0000111010111000101110011.
Quiz 18
1.Damage due to static electricity: (d) can be reduced by
wearing a grounded wrist strap.
2.If the two power supplies were connected as in
Figure 18.10, the result would be: (c) an output of +10 V.

3.The arrow in Figure 18.11 indicates pin: (c) 11.

4.A logic probe: (b) can detect the difference between a disconnection and agrounded connection.
5.A logic analyser quoted as 20 channels x 1024 bits: (d) can monitor any 20 points at the same time.

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