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Health Law and Regulations

Grace Hummel
October 13, 2014
Professor Charles Barron


Health Law and Regulations

Health Law Regulations
Federal regulations agencies have been shaped in excess of the life of the U.S.
to deal with particular problems that have an effect on individuals of all industries as well
as states that fit into place with companies across state limitations. Federal regulations
agencies insist on and make rules. The law controls their work. Regulatory agencies
put into effect federal rule and create rules. The rules are essential for effectual
enforcement. Challenges have been rapidly increasing the costs in relation to meet the
criteria of result. The insurance systems are more insufficient and costly for individuals
who actually require it. Individuals are faced with the increasing cost of new equipment
(technology) the length of false restrictions on the source of drugs. Also have ignorant
or needless customers (Cattell, 2001). There are a number of problems faced. The
management is concerned but the connection is with calculating the drugs, and medical
manufacturing promotion and insurance. The form of expenses would cause the cost to
go down. Taking a closer look at the health care regulatory agency, The Center for
Disease Control creates tools to protect the health of people, The Center for Disease
Control, The educations on prevention of disease, disability and injury. Preparing the
public for new health threats they detect and explore health issues; conduct research to
enhance prevention; foster safe and healthful environment and give training and
leadership. Most are demands of diseases and circumstances that the Center for
Disease Control informed on are heart disease, sexually transmitted disease (STD),
obesity, strokes, diabetes, and ADHD. Disease developments have a result on the
delivery of health care services. There have been current health challenges.


Numerous individuals are displeased with health and are faced with the rising cost of
healthcare paying out-of-pocket (Cattell, 2001).

The Role of Governmental Regulatory Agencies and Impact on the Health Care
It has been recommended that health care have a great deal of keeping up with
industry in the U.S. A total details of the countless federal, state, non-governmental
accreditation and local agencies bodies concerned on condition that, paying for
healthcare goods and services used by U.S. regulating. Clients would certainly be
upset the most knowledgeable regulatory lawyer (Feldstein, 2011). Governmental
taking parts infuse almost all position of the day-to-day release of health care services
and goods. Federal organization are concerned with health care comprise many
agencies and goods. Federal organization are concerned with health care comprise
many agencies under the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS), such as
the Centers for Medicare Services (CMS) and the Food and Drug Administration
(FDA). Many state and local agencies are too concerned in the health care business
(Feldstein, 2011). Non-Governmental and Government agencies official approval have
recognized complete in service principles which supplier must meet the terms.
Continuing government monitoring and coverage requirements places responsibilities
on health care professionals. Trained health care personnel, such as physicians,
medical technicians, and nurses also must be licensed and/or certified, and should
understand professional practice principles recognized and forced by a discordant
selection of regulatory agencies (Feldstein, 2011). Laws and Regulations Currently


Faced by Health Care Industry Health care was not accessible to everybody like today,
however, only to individuals who were privileged enough to make payments. Health
care today is accessible for individuals, even the ones with no insurance and the
income to pay for services. With the support of regulations set up by the U.S.
government all health care employees and services should follow strict policies and
rules. Regulations benefit society as an entire in many ways. The regulations that are
established are in place to manage actions of health care groups and to make certain
that all health care employees and services are held responsible for all procedures (Shi
& Singh, 2012). The regulations are vital with capitalist market because of the interests
of the business and very important and customers change. The company of
pharmaceuticals is given set values of care and precise medical rules to set up all
treatment procedure. The regulations make sure that all health care agencies go after
the same practices without digression (Shi & Singh, 2012).

Analysis of the Impact of Laws Provider, Hospital, Clinic, or Insurer

Recently the increase of retail clinics across the U.S. presents opportunities and
challenges for states working to address costs, quality issues, and access within health
care delivery systems. Retail clinics are accessible. They are typically established in
suburban surroundings contained by a grocery store, drug store, or mass products
store. They are open throughout weekend and late afternoon hours, with no schedule
appointments or waits. Retail clinic services often cost less. Since clinics are frequently
employed with decreasing cost professional such as nurse practitioners and have lower
operating expense, prices for services can be considerably lower than option such as


an urgent care center or emergency room. Retail clinics give evidence based care.
They deliver some degree of variety of service, but all services provide adhere to
recognized clinical practice rule (TO, 2013).

A breach of electronic data has become a most important issue, as more health care
organizations change to electronic systems. Also, interoperability of systems is
predictable to generate up till now more breaches, as information is exchange
connected through networks. One of the most common thefts is laptop, which can
cause of data breach, accounting for 24 percent of reported breaches, according to
HHS. Desktop computers were concerned in 16 percent of breaches and transferable
plans such as smart phones were caught up in 14 percent (Shi & Singh, 2012).
Hospitals might also see an increase in unintentional efforts, even within states where
hospitals have conventionally stay union-free. Whereas unionization works for many
services and offer a meaning of security to staff, it can also offer complexity for hospital
administration. For instance, unionized environment, if an employee has a concern; he
or she must go through a union representative and consult the union agreement rather
than verbal communicating directly with a manager. More than a few hospitals and
health systems have been hindered by employee strikes in current months (Shi &
Singh, 2012). Within the community seeing that neighborhood influences on the social
capital and system were looked at, system typologies residential reflecting cultural and
structural position of that system, and pathways concerned in health care effects well
thought-out. The difficulty of community assets is deal with it. The role of three issue in
pressure of social capital and community system are established, area individuality and


insight, social prohibiting, poverty, and social awareness. Insight of dissimilarity could
be a resource of social capital as well as disappointment. According to Cattell, (2011)
Regulations agencies are Food and Drug Administration (FDA), Agency for Healthcare
Research and Quality (AHRQ), and Occupational Safety Health Administration (OSHA).
There are many examples of laws and regulations that are presently being faced in
health care. Analysis of health care laws and regulations assist one recognize their
influences on the provider. There are many ways that laws and regulations affect our
lives and community (Cattell, 2011). There are dissimilar network structures dense and
weak, all the same and heterogeneous was concerned in the formation of implications
for wellbeing and social capital. Dealing with, gratification of hope and life are
recognized as benefits. Though the input in companies were long established as
valuable, it is recommended that todays various neighborhoods also need restored
local work opportunities to develop bridging ties required for the beginning of inclusive
social capital and improved health. In spite of the ability of social capital to shield its
effects, the idea is not completely sufficient for clearing up the harmful effects of poverty
on wellbeing and health (Cattell, 2001).

One of the areas that are at this time affecting the Health Care industry is a regulations
agency. There is much disappointment more than the existing state of healthcare in the
U.S. Contained by all types of companies, regulatory agency reviews are carried out to
improve the companies as well as its staff. The reason of the regulatory reviews is to
concentrate on the subject that needs upgrading plus supporting health care access to


the individuals in the community. Regulatory agencies perform as authority as well as
enforcement to regulate laws from the government.


Cattell, V. (2001). Poor people, poor places, and poor health: the mediating role of
social networks and social capital. Social science & Medicine, 52(10), 15011516. Feldstein, P. (2011). Health care economics. Cengage Learning.
Shi, L., & Singh, D. A. (2012). Essentials of the US health care system. Jones &
Bartlett Publishers. TO, A. N. A. (2013). Retail Health Care Clinics: Filling a Gap
In the Health Care System. Policy and Politics in Nursing and HealthcareRevised Reprint, 252.


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health law and regualtions
By Grace Hummel
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