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Hope was High

By Billy McBride

Copyright 2014 by William McBride

This is a new collection of 81 poems of Billy McBride

and his credited muses.

The gusts of the sky
Attacked the gate
Turning its posts over.
Then a fire was picked
To follow it into the city
At night to burn
All of its defensive walls
After blazing into the land.
But over the dusty plains
The dawn marched on
And the powerful omens
Would not come to be.
In triumph the heavens
Gleamed with light.
- Diana with Billy McBride

The fond home
Where friendship dwelt
And where patience dwelt
Was the work of the light itself.
Then life moved in
And with proud words
Of grief or joy
Life was pierced.
The way of light
Wandered away long
To its own favorite home.
The earth was so amazed
That nature fainted
And peace triumphed.
- Bertha with Billy McBride

Many offerings were given
To control man
In his glory for greatness
To know the secret
Messages of the universe.
The powerful sun
Rising or resting
Spread ample
Passion across the heights
Granting a golden
Threshold to the day.
It did not veil itself.
Towering down
On its course it went forth.
- Grouchy with Billy McBride

Gold was on the ground.
A bold water
Chosen by the sea
Twisted its tip
Quickly to the ground.
The words of all
Were minded in quiet.
This was the time when life was braver,
When obedience was stronger,
And when we gave our hearts
To engage our wills.
It was pleasing to stand
Where everybody was safe
On that ground under the waves.
- Donna with Billy McBride


The state had some land.

In the dust it grew
Golden and high
Its beloved wealth
That stood on the plain.
Deep in the grass
Wandering in the dark
Of the high plain
In fear of his foe
Was a mighty man
Who through the night to the dawn
Safely went home.
His strength of will
Was great and bold.
- Donna with Billy McBride

A friendly stream

Silver and white

Had a vigorous flow.
A load of wealth
Was gained successfully,
In the ship was a ransom
For the royal dame,
A lovely daughter.
The heights moved
Full of breezes
Rolling fiercely,
Fierce and loud,
Which with even more loud speed
Did cry within the gloom.
- Donna with Billy McBride

No clouds
Were in their friendly home.

Hope was high

When the earth returned
In the soulful day.
Its cities were restored,
Placed again under the heavens.
It had been silent here
Until the sacred self
Began to seek out what was empty
Or concealed in the mind.
Greatly honored
By so many fair gifts
It finally fell into the crowd.
- Libby with Billy McBride

All of the possessions were restored
Of the earth in the day.
Forms moved

Of the great clouds

Glittering over the fields
In the early hours
When the mist came gently.
Then spread the golden
Country far away
Where horses followed.
An ample sheltering
Stood on the ground
Where the steeds were placed
To pass the darkness.
- Elaine with Billy McBride

There was a dark floor
Beneath the realm
Of the higher forms
That stood and ruled above.

This was a field of darkness,

A vision in the dust.
Our realm of order
On the earth was found above.
Walls of stone
Were built in proportion
For spaces for homes
To be greatly decked.
All this was done before
The soul once again turned
Into the body of a mountain.
- Yafah with Billy McBride

Night collected itself
Inside its heavenly throne.
The beach swept out.
Its remaining path

Advanced loudly
With impetuous words.
The clouds went their ways,
Holding their masses
Higher into heaven.
Flashing in the dark
Of an endless field
Was the amazing light
Of a divine countryman
Who roared like the beach.
- Ora with Billy McBride

The grey past
In the memories of books
Felt more free.
Ancient pleasures
Drove away the wrongs.

Merry sounds
Of deep love
Came to life.
Sweet rain showers
Tumbled in the sky.
Light whitened
After the clouds were no more.
Then wild winds
Stirred restlessly.
- Yafah with Billy McBride

Beauty declined
To gleam her smile
When she turned modest.
A better world
Dreaming dumb
Crossed into the day again

And all did deny more deeds.

The sun was shut out
By airy clouds
Above the meadow and garden,
And dazzled nature
With a wild rudeness.
An old woman
Wobbled in the wind.
- Ora with Billy McBride

The breath of nature
Delighted its scenes.
Apples in the sunshine
Grew above the weeds.
Flowers were scattered
Over the caring world.
The hours of the morning

Seemed to pause for life.

Days drooped
And deepened with their loads.
The green forest
Furnished with leaves
Stirred in the wind
That left it wild.
- Thrikbot with Billy McBride

A sultry light
Marked the sky around
In boisterous joy.
Wild flowers
Grew in the yard.
The bounds of the earth
Struggled for days
In fragrant solitude

To crowd over every blank.

Rigid winds
Paused frequently
To wonder anew
At the delightful sky
During those fresh years.
- Arielle with Billy McBride

The eager blossoms
On the ground of the valley
Were happy on the earth.
The pleasures of the day
Secured a way
To return to the landscapes.
Around the dreamy homes
Were superior places,
Spots on the world

Beyond the wild for us to live.

The green grounds
Were loved by men,
The blossoms and birds too
Above the refreshing grass.
- Ora Ora Tiferetot with Billy McBride

In a pleasant place
Sitting in the sunshine
At leisure on the grass
Were gentle birds.
In the early day
Simple birds
Sung from time to time
In cheerful moods.
The distant mountains
Rested beyond the river.

Day grew
Large into the scene,
And in the lonely sky
Was just one cloud.
- Kabbalah with Billy McBride

The waves danced,
Arched, and crashed
Washing the land.
I wished I was good enough
To be a friend to others.
Friends were created
By men and women
Like flowers turning to fruit.
Dear me, it was love
And wisdom I attained.
Friends are the luxuries

Of a social kind
Far deeper
Than the whole day.
- Yafah with Billy McBride

The lonely hills
Were covered with bramble.
We uttered our love
For the own soul of nature.
Love was more than thought
For the sweet sun,
A universe of thought
Equaled that love.
God in the universe
Overlooked man.
Delicate nature
With her subtle rhythm

Silenced the stars,

Silenced the twilight.
- Penelope with Billy McBride

Sunny ripeness
At morning in the town
Was scattered along the paths.
All things were symbols
And had a quality of genius.
The chemistry of the earth
Elevated man.
A yellow shine
Showered down from the sun.
Illustrious Hebrews
Used symbols
To express the sacred.
A particular grain

Remained on the mountain.

- Ora Ora Tiferetot with Billy McBride

A cultivated thinker
Swayed the numbers.
He desired to multiply
By means of intelligence
The prophesies of God.
In the street his words
Possessed the men
Of the country and its systems.
With a power over all
Women and men
He claimed some things:
The sinking day
And the birds on the tree were his,
However, his agreeable wisdom

Became ours.
- Shay with Billy McBride

Wandering people
Encountered liberty
Working their way
Through the bright world,
After which these heroes knew
Only order and truth.
The snow was fresh
After the scant frost,
With its frozen drops,
Came like a weary stranger.
The flying wind
Nimbly ran away
Over the waters of the sea
On its joyful voyage.

- Yafah with Billy McBride

Each eternity
Gave growth
For thankful thought
In the mind of man.
A certain consciousness
Stirred in the soul
Making move
All things in time.
Profound poetry
Fixed, like fruit,
Syllables in the soul.
Oceans of otherness
Were left for us to love
In order to compose
A communication.

- Libby with Billy McBride

The voices of the sea
Up from crowded depths
Changed nothing.
Still day after day
A new time
Came to power.
Open observations
Of great things
Were wild and different
For all who lingered through life
Because measureless motions
Moved beyond our vision
As in that cold sea
Where there would be
Only dark vision.

- Shay with Billy McBride

Playing in the night
With the falling stars
Was a friendly man
Whom none feared.
Either from heaven he came,
And hope was in his voice,
Or from the fields he came,
From the grounds of some meadow,
But all knew how strong
His love for them continued.
When he showed his face
One dreamy day
All became quiet and glad,
Their pride flew away.
- Honey with Billy McBride

Speaking was the power that we had,
And all of our defenses had become oral ones.
But for more order we rebelled
Against nature with our words themselves,
And the world itself was conflicted.
One of us opposed
This dark disintegration;
A mystic fixed it.
Wandering over the ground,
Surviving for a long while,
This fatherer of the light
Became liberated from himself.
He thus recognized that his very own anxieties
Were exposed because of his own language.
- Elaine with Billy McBride

The money was for your thoughts
And was carried into your presence.
You returned it grandly
Because you recognized the horror
In my ambivalent mind
For the present cost
With which our reality worked.
Although a dark woe
Was accepted as our past,
The future would be wonderful still
Because we have excellent pride
That our complex struggle
With all dominate stances
Will be lost in laughter.
- Elaine with Billy McBride

Science had determined
To order the forms.
A dangerous error
Was that movement itself was created
By the blocked imagination
And its own emptiest meanings.
All things became all things
Because a freshness was lost.
The self too suffered
From too many aggressive suggestions
And its glory was driven out.
Therefore, it was proper that for many years
A satisfying unification
Broke away from the spirit.
- Elaine with Billy McBride

The normal words
We spoke were errors,
So our desperate language
Re-defined more images,
And turned more difficult for us
The more we ordered each and every subject.
Thought itself was scorned
While we worked against it.
This very crisis had started again
And a neurosis manifested.
But people were saved
From total discontinuity
When they figured out how to present
Themselves again to the peculiar dangers around.
- Perakh with Billy McBride

Under the great tree
Was heaven and earth.
Nature became art
In the leafy shade.
But our heaven was lost
And space reversed
When we hid our best
From each other.
The self became only a machine
For rhetorical power.
And another pattern began
In every child of immortality,
To strengthen their own future
By completing a revival
Of individual knowing.
- Donna with Billy McBride

Innocence was the target
Despite the magic
Of a joyful society.
An affection for silliness
And for a universal childhood
Energized everyone's negativity.
Our considerable journey
For unity was endless,
And so we quoted hour after hour
Rotten verses
To dead audiences.
Finally our own words
Achieved contradiction
And remarkable inadequacies.
- Arielle with Billy McBride


Happy years
Flooded the issue
That the state itself had been forgotten;
And the best commander
Was just an empty shadow.
Humans had changed
And did not believe anymore
In music or metaphysics.
Sweet peace
And never-ending intelligence
Freed all people.
Lead into the light
The best of them transcended
Beyond the day in freedom.
- Elaine with Billy McBride

The dominant person was always

Made popular
In those years of our language.
Even English was surpassed
By some improvisation of the situation;
Its true opposite
In a harmonious contrast
Was the maddest music.
We ourselves became vulnerable
To the comedy,
And every day became more foolish
Since that authentic friend
Furthered our lives
Of perpetual wonder
With every performance we watched.
- Thrikbot with Billy McBride

It was absurd to part

From a great peace

In order to have more freedom
For the self.
The state rewarded
A prince with a love
That endured in the world.
We were clueless as to how
The triumphant prince
Would conquer the climate
That had drowned
So many with wordplay.
But our education
Had always been indestructible.
Perfect love
Was bound to become better
Than any obsession with damnation.
- Kelly with Billy McBride

Unconsciously you were on your way
With many unreasonable beliefs,
But these fantasies were nothing,
And you became ambivalent and negative.
Yet, you chose another fiction
To power another fantasy again
Towards self-deification.
But I was unsympathetic to that success
Even though your way was better.
We escaped becoming victims
Of the bad cosmos.
The dawn lasted so long a while,
And our outrageous punishment
Would be apparent as a result of our love.
- Arielle with Billy McBride


It seemed an eternal delay

To know about heaven,
And of that wilderness of flowers
Where thirst by taste
Was surprisingly fulfilled,
Where all nutriments of the spirit
Could be enjoyed happily,
Where all things of God
Were to be loved and loved.
But it was in a divine neighborhood
Where paradise would be found again;
It was a holy eternity
Of shining guests
Who were stationed around me as that heaven.
- Elaine with Billy McBride

There were stars in the clouds;

And suddenly the chariots

Guided the charge.
The words of every youth
On the mountain tops
Became as vain as the dust
When the Mothers burst forth
Descending in their ships
With so much passion,
Rage, and fury
Because a monarch had retired
Into the whirls of smoke.
Ruin was scattered,
As their lives, into the wind.
- Thrikbot with Billy McBride

Distant brothers pointed to the pathways.
They were great friends and judged to have virtue

Which their father placed deep in them to keep.

Each brother had a heart of steel. People
Of power were braver since truth was bright.
A bright heaven fell upon the heroes.
The power of heaven repaired in air.
A thunder spoke, and swelled to conquer all
Hearts. Earthquakes made a war upon changed
And angry words from the clouds did extend.
The sons battled places in the heavens
Whose liquid world offended the proudest.
Enormous radiances, the spirit's storm
Did come all thick deepening high o'er the field.
- Bertha with Billy McBride

The green summer was never as sacred
When the storms of nature and happiness

Came. All language was known and destiny.

Every word, even the old rude ones,
Dwindled in shade. The beautiful flowers
Were better than good books. The country tastes
Overwhelmed every name, and better strength
Of free music played by women around
Shined. A pitiful face prepared leisure.
Black bees to the grass came. Hourly rain
Moistened the road. Every neighborhood's song
Was life and love, and welcome strawberries
On the footpaths were sweet. The day made way
For the cheerful shepherds and whistling boys.
- Bertha with Billy McBride

They played for nothing more, and scrambled
It was a strange summer, when with knowledge

That was turned on with hope, they wandered bare.

The ancient trees that were found were wonders.
They traveled deep where squirrels bolted bold.
Harvests of fruit fell on the leaves around,
And the day peeped like purple flowers
Which bloomed about the field. The peace was full
Of a happy harmony and hopeful solitude.
A song of love was sung under the sun.
The clouds came swift creeping about the sky,
And raindrops fell while fragments of thunder
Crashed and trembled being swept with the wind
That wrinkled the places and the scene of the sun.
- Libby with Billy McBride

Night was a mystery, it moved expectingly,
But seemed darker, its shadow seemed untrue.
The darkness stood and was a dominance.

All our joys and sorrows loosened from earth,

And a dead end came in the shadow's form.
Yet this single power served our counsel.
It redeemed our achievements, our histories,
And our young sense. Tradition was needed
To question thought and to understand change.
We returned as image and meant to be
Truth. The darkness filled up that needed part.
Work was good then; the teaching was artistic.
We struggled for more sense and fresh presence,
And knew our paradox with little love.
- Elaine with Billy McBride

Many a month was active with effort.
Another awareness for a new "more"
For poor people, a popular idea,
Started in most. The poor of the public,

Who defined our money, challenged all rules.

(Cash in the wild ought always to be spent).
Many good solutions were needed for giving
Help. Many folks who were against money
Supported us, while others valued laws
To enrich life. Certain executives
Intended to enjoy their good futures,
But they were encouraged to donate much
Candy to families. Children's parents
Were urged to start fundraising drives.
- Teresa with Billy McBride

Some have broken into all the world's banks.
Nations had been accused in a large case.
Firms of Wall Street reached for many dollars.
Lawyers themselves questioned these strong forces
Which played out for millions. The bank's efforts

To deal with rates now became symbolic.

Executives were punished, but retained work.
The decisions mattered that punished banks.
Investigators changed every bank's firm,
And Manhattan's problems were reported.
Far from the banks, prosecutors agreed
To plead themselves guilty in the late day.
Regulators were international,
And deferred banks from disclosing all deals.
- Shnoonah with Billy McBride

Smoking in the evening marijuana,
The students were taxed and got a bill.
A doctor demanded to tax them all
For the marijuana they were smoking.
Medical registries monitored men
Who were used to become high. A few high ones

Faced a movement that legalization

Concerned their health. Regular monitoring
Of undergraduates was some trouble.
Substance abuse was trouble that weekend.
Health was at risk, which more months of service
Slumped. Friends did remember to spread the word
That helped them to relax, and pot was dropped.
The University's strategy
Did have a major change for the better.
- Elaine with Billy McBride

The factories of schools for the world's sake
Had struggled with children. The children's dire
Subjects were a minefield. For centuries
Better communities of the rich kids
Only made up the schools, and good knowledge
Was the tool of teachers. The lure of rest

Improved the schools. People implemented

The best curriculum, and taught science.
Children failed because others teamed up
On their future projects. The groups transformed
To challenge the teachers who looked so weak.
It was rational pay in the high schools.
The students liked to see more mastery
Of the science teachers who built their ways.
- Shay with Billy McBride

The state security stood with support
For the United States whose top interests
Were for understanding many nations.
A deep establishment of the public
For politics and things changed the people.
Security was changed and pressured well.
It was interesting to reach the state.

Attacks of quotes came to Jerusalem,

And the United States countered reports
That were launched between all. Top personnel
Simply were defended, seniors still cared.
The years did continue with much respect.
The administration was anonymous
Who argued for nations for America.
- Marion with Billy McBride

As water built up,
Driven by the wind,
The sound of song
Returned to the woods.
The spirit lasted
All the delightful day.
So grew the world,
Answering in story,

Holding the guests

To the day's door.
Mild winds
Dallying a little
With wandering song
Did regain the heavens.
- Honey with Billy McBride

Over the top of the land
Vaulted heaven
Where winds threw
Away the clouds of the day.
Directing down,
Light was expressed
Into the obscure darkness
For all lovely flowers and all else.
That powerful light,

That had begun so far away

And was called into the world
As good a creation as it,
Spoke new words,
Fresh as spring.
It said that a time
For more happiness
Shall stay here for the while.
- Thrikbot with Billy McBride

Inflation kept up,
Every word, read.
A new dissent
For sky for ground,
Which businesses opposed,
Had released us from the trees.
The successful corporation

Strengthened both our breaths

And investors' money.
Heaven was born
In a bad time,
And dark leaves
Grew with America
Now immortal.
Bertha with Billy McBride

The days broke up
After the leaders won.
Moments dropped off;
And military officials
Surveyed the hedges
Where winter seemed
To share her fruit.
Trucks and rockets

Crowed out the pleasantries.

Vegetables became organized.
The nearest homes
Opened in low-profile
After being built by men
Who trampled upon the grass.
- Shay with Billy McBride

Millions on their telephones
Were charmed by the autumn;
Its golden flowers,
Heavily advertised,
Grew upon the landscape,
Filling with it more contribution.
The splendid sky
Spent itself over the country,
Where hundreds of groups

Of storms then roared.

That autumn it was strange:
It became the party who donated
Green, more green
To elect a commission
To steal our souls.
- Donna with Billy McBride

There were borders to nature,
Yet, the climate continued
To fill out our expectations.
Cities of plants
Seemed peculiar,
While global ecosystems
Did little to comfort us.
Emissions from the ground
Mixed with our failure

To find another billion

So we sought out the meanings
Of our company's revenues instead,
Until the questions themselves were questioned,
And our sciences became ambiguous.
- Marilyn with Billy McBride

Helicopters all morning
Inspired our smiles.
Flying through the air,
They journeyed to return
To police airports
After roaming free.
National media
Stood around for a moment
Objecting that some agents
Were grieving in the rain.

Then a noise of a barking

Became a problem;
And so the ancient woods
Were filmed by the cameras.
- Honey with Billy McBride

Winds of the storm
Ran off in a race.
No men.
The true doubt.
Like slow nations.
So far.
Like economies.
Enjoying my flowers.

The yellow and gold
Machines upon the ground.
- Ora with Billy McBride

Grassy woods.
National issues:
The Eden.
Our recent progress,
Now welcome,
Diplomatic dark.
Nightingale's song
Of recent issues.
Waves arching.
The official details Those quiet sounds:

Future monopolies
Far down.
- Ora Ora Tiferetot with Billy McBride

Just beyond the dreamy land
Sunshine sprinkled upon the waves
Its feathery light
As if some gentle mind above did care
At home in the passing clouds
Pushing the day onward,
Floating breezes by
In the quiet wind.
But a gloomy sky came
And the large trees
Planted on the dreamy land darkened.
- Diana with Billy McBride

Having now knowledge
Of poetic structures,
You next would need
A sublime vitality for life
To triumph over and return
To that deepest of ways,
Deep within the river waters
Of a peaceful country
And its own powerful spaces
Where a large radiance
Of fire storms shined
And where heroic friends
Had the strength to hope
For the very own knowledge
Which you yourself have now.
- Honey with Billy McBride

When the imagination is blocked,
And a writer suffers bewilderment
Because over the deep earth
A dark storm came,
After a calm patience,
A strong light shines
Through the mortal clouds
And into the loud winds
That fly across the ocean shores.
And once against that initial error
That even the freshest of people make
For the thing they most desire
For the valuable money,
And its awful power,
The poet is then able to write
That enduring poem
That so blocked the imagination.

- Marion with Billy McBride

The meanings were established once
Of what to make of the complex earth
And of the bold night above
Where dangerous forces
In the winter wind
Blew the young leaves
Over the wild plain
Into the thirsty stream
Where the gathering horses came.
They became our brilliant guides
Into the world of light
Towards every memory of every memory
As if we were exploring the sand
Of a future time
To establish another meaning.

- Honey with Billy McBride

I was enjoying the sun
And its possible climax
Brought into town
To the thousands of shadows
Of the shades of autumn.
The gloomy air
Had given me some sense of the void
And of some lost heaven
And my own passage into anxiety
In this modern moment
Led me to repeat my question
To the powers of heaven
On their own gold and brass
Thrones in the sky,
Also enjoying the sun.

- Honey with Billy McBride

Above a land of darkness
A series of stars
Hung with an eternal force
Sparkling in time
With all the complexities of our time.
I saw a vision of the shore
With its own lusty soul
In its loving hands;
And above that trembling place
Beyond the famous fields
Of fallen trees
Upon the pale world
And its snowy air,
I watched the dubious heavens
Darkening all the land.

- Diana with Billy McBride

In your words there was both energy
As well as a direct language.
But, in your unsettling voice,
Your soul was angry
At all of my sorry subjects,
So you restored to them some good
With all your wisdom and strength.
A fair woman
With a soft form,
You showed me that the time was here
For our lasting peace
For all here in the magnificent world
Which was once my country
Where in the space of that stage
My words would find again some energy.

- Donna with Billy McBride

The present time went away
On a major day;
When the ideal time that was composed
Over the bright earth closed
And a golden car did throw
Itself over the mountain to the woods below
Where the waters of the cave expelled
Into the changing shore, where I had dwelled.
And while the glittering seas raged
With an excess of language engaged
I, at the end of my poem had bound
It to the ground or up to a heavenly mound,
Till the distant places I hoped to gain,
I did, after closing up my map in vain.
- Bertha with Billy McBride

On some peaceful land we must survive
And return shortly alive
From our new start and with some sign
That our love and wisdom were divine.
Our alliance with all life shall glow
A great conquest of our woe;
The unique rhetoric which must last
And ways of combining with the past,
Simple truths that we compose
The marvelous knowledge that always grows
Helps the person whom we contact train,
Repaying the soul with some life again.
To the wealthy town upon its ground
Let peace, to the open place, surround.
- Kelly with Billy McBride

The golden dust was prized,
Within the broken earth it lied,
Till again with nature and art it stood
Fresh and green there in the wood;
So rising from the dust did I remain
Upon the shady field and plain,
And watching all landscapes from that field,
My broken solitude began to yield.
I hoped my courageous heart had come
Back on its bold course unto its home.
And parting with the day above there grew
More clouds that shielded all and flew
Their way to heaven, and as they heaved
Into the present scheme were received.
- Libby with Billy McBride

From the ruins and dust in vain
The sound of a voice was plain.
Up to the skies it rose one day
With a new friend to stay.
And with that bold youth they did arise
To wander the world and all its skies.
They followed the oceanside till through a gate
A dark reality of their fate
Ruined their days until no more
The long sky crossed the ocean shore.
Alone the self in nature must stand
Until a perfect state can band,
And now our best ship of it did lay
Like the day upon a field in its way.
- Ora Ora Tiferetot with Billy McBride

We heard another ocean toil
Against our distant country's soil.
And on the dark ground, much the light,
A moving monument, made it bright;
But graceful day must always sweep
On journey past the ocean's deep.
In highest way that same divine
Took care to order my own line;
Should more beautiful phantoms bestow
Such gifts with love for things below,
Equal friends perhaps might care,
With freedom's safety, to prepare
Another friend's future and pursue
The splendor of more time and view.
- Thrikbot with Billy McBride

To immortal heaven bound
Our heroes' rising voices sound
For fame for friends to it cast
Till desire for honor, like day, passed.
And an awful night waging war
Found its way up to the shore,
Where the soul of the sea made sound,
Turned black the stones around,
Till the single landscape's shade
Did the majestic plain invade.
Yet, peace restored, by grace,
The forgotten characteristics of the place.
And the wayward heroes retired
When the quest's end was acquired.
- Bertha with Billy McBride


The morning passed serene,

The delicious day was at its end,
Over green land to bend,
The pleasant place and scene,
Since dark earth made profound
Where spreading trees with leaves were crowned.
And strange gardens all around
Let summer flowers there surround.
Friend of nature care
For the pomp with your playful friend;
Like the happy light descend
To be freed from the clouds of the air.
Let your hope and joy of enterprise
Also drop from the beautiful skies.
- Shay with Billy McBride

In our hours of light to view

The stars and planets were few.

Morning began the day
That a great joy make a way
For triumph of a hope to be fulfilled
Which was what our patient hearts had willed.
Dark sea flowed,
Toilsome day glowed.
It was a painful performance to prove
The true shape of our love,
For that easy road that the day had won
Over earth and air and sun,
Where past the changing grove every day,
The sun still pulled its way.
- Yafah with Billy McBride

With powers of happiness people began
To end their words of redemption for man.

Delicate thoughts mixed

With divine delight infixed.
Against spiritual ways men did fight,
Speeding down other roads in flight.
Yet, the secret world as a whole
Found the dark twilight of their soul;
And shadowed the heavens on a date,
The superior places of our fate.
Over the sweet flowers in the field,
The grass and trees did shield.
And over bright cliffs there was a part
Of that cloudy sky of my heart.
- Yafah with Billy McBride

Passing through a door did I wage
My sad banishment from this age.
It was a graceful day and its charms,

Under the happy shade in its arms,

Morning birds again unbound
From the fellows of life upon the ground,
Who generate mischief when they say
All heroic times also fly away.
Yet, while ancient fables still appear
To reach our lives for us to hear,
I my unskillful words withdrew
Since they had brought pain to a few;
Hence their woe and misery to survey
And more infinite shame from on that day.
- Shay with Billy McBride

They replied with a silence plain,
But their boiling passions were in vain
To instruct our eyes of the bright.
They taught the yellow glow of light

Was a rich prize in the day

To which old humanity must pray.
For a bounty of love in the spring
With a matchless charm for their king,
We took their lessons and got our fill
Of our days in the city and among the hill
Where a thousand conquests for the crown
Caused a private war in our town.
Then with a fleet of light that burned,
A sleepless infant here returned.
- Kabbalah with Billy McBride

The true form of a man's own woes
At a doomed hour had arose
Since he became friends with a ghost to bring
The consequence of his crime to the king
In his sad life before he was dead

As the sacred sky made bright his head.

And while the wretched cold was a pest,
The wanderer was murdered by request
Of the queen of the empire whose decree
Made a twilight for him on the fields as he
Was quickly loading his mule-driven cart,
Yet protection from death could not depart;
And this breathless messenger of the king
To celestial life then took his wing.
- Grouchy with Billy McBride

What can I use I must implore
From a volume of poetry I adore?
The day itself builds to increase
Experience to write another poem in peace.
What new experience is this however vain,
Which a book will compensate for again?

What new vocabulary fits best my ear

With how I feel and what I hear?
I thrust the words out with intent
(Babylon came after Noah's flood was sent).
After Green Curtained Piano made its end,
While omission, grammar and metatexis extend
After perfect timing of Shakespeare's cast,
May Homer as the new law tragically last.
- Kabbalah with Billy McBride

The healing poems had given command
To make myself a budget I could understand,
And have notes for my phone calls every day,
And to move my bicycle out of the way.
While current events endured,
Domestic life secured
The best words chosen by my sight,

Even to love all people in the light,

Since the meaning had stayed the same all along
Though all the forms changed places in that throng.
I used the news and its broadcast
For new reading schedules when sometime had
Mapped for a new time in my thought
For some lyrical lines to be wrought.
- Diana with Billy McBride

I rearranged my room to get approved,
It was Penelope's Birthday whom we loved.
All the books in the library that inspire
Were forever there to be read by the fire.
One can always return to one's papers one fled,
But sometimes I go the wrong way like I'm dead,
And feel as bad as a result and as vain

As Dr. Johnson wearing Melancholy's chain;

Yet, exercise helped happiness when I moved,
And just because I read those great writers whom all
Didn't mean I must prove myself to any men
By writing exactly like they did then.
So I risked taking my art down off the wall
Making the symbolical death camps fall.
- Ora with Billy McBride

I recalled my methods of art and shined
And sang with happiness to humankind.
My voice was as health was, and it did I command
To read aloud what I felt and yell it to the land:
The symbolic readings of the symbols I could name
And the arguments of the authors' poems that to me

Whether poets' concepts were of young or old,

The poems where my eye directed were made bold.
I ordered all my books to read and so I read
To know the reasons why so many things were said.
With enthusiasm the interpretation raised
All I read, and what I learned was freshly praised.
I avoided cant and rant with much success
Being drops in the sea of all I bless.
- Arielle with Billy McBride

Shakespeare had a comprehensive mind,
Nothing in his poems was left behind.
As important as it was for Iago to be stopped,
It was as if one exquisite line had popped,
The best one and reason for the poem to name
The moment I possess by memory a claim,
A new reason for the poem I read to praise

The experience of mine enacted there these days.

Rephrasing all the symbols for all who care,
New lyricism came to try and share;
By repeating poems daily from my breast
With hope in another recitation best,
Waiting to recite again the poems I find,
Like a food they satisfy my soul and mind.
- Elaine with Billy McBride

The little books I read from, I learned that hour,
Were supposed to give a difficult kind of power.
Reciting all my poems daily in defense
To remember what I was procrastinating hence,
I had not prepared to wander down any way,
I appreciated the grammars where they lay,
And read very slowly straining all that gold
With enough books for now to be my load.

This writer built up things for me to learn some line,

And cared to build a hope increasing more divine.
And when I saw the outdoor lands below the skies,
I saw it all at once from there with my own eyes.
And knowing anniversaries in time I was moved
To make alarms for Birthdays of the ones I loved.
- Arielle with Billy McBride

I talked about art and lines in order to command
Ideas to connect to a sequenced band.
Let symmetrical balance in the masses stay
And for a sense of new hope let me start to pray.
By returning to an art that is young or old,
I calmly wait for new ideas to unfold,
For images in space that would be displayed,
And the shapes of surreal forms to be whimsically

Their interesting angels seem to prop and raise

Me on the verge of inventing some more these days,
Something to work with, yet while betwixt
The handles of a pitcher my shapes were fixed.
I return to the earth's images and that shrine
To list all the items in the landscape's shine.
- Thrikbot with Billy McBride

I would like right now to give myself a gift A new and stronger cardboard cuttery lift,
Or some paper mache for some brand new art,
Or some cardboard pieces I can split apart
For a balanced figure to be tried
With the laws of gravity, whatever I decide;
The weightless blocks with some voids to view
The negative shape which from within it grew,
And negative vases as from a cast,

And then some colored fills here and there at last.

The polished wooden sculpture to be displayed
To give the people stuff they need from what I made
After working with clay with the hope to find
That they might be Angels or of Angels' kind.
-Ora with Billy McBride


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