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Task Report No. 3

Nurul Raihan Binti Shahizan
November 11, 2014

1. Model/Problem Description
The investigation to find the best fiber orientation configuration of composite
structure with reinforced fiber is applied by LISA. Along edge BC is applied with the
load of 10N at z direction and fixed edge at AD.
I. Find the best configuration for longitudinal loading
II. Find the best configuration for bending loading
The configuration of the fiber orientation is listed in table below:-

2. Finite Element Model

2.1 Element Model

The composite plate structure is modelled as three dimensional. The total
number of nodes is 55. A material sample of thin structure (1.2mm thickness) consist
of three layers. All layers are made of the same matrix with different fiber orientation.

3. Force
For line AD, all node must be restrained with displx=0, disply=0, displz=0, rotx=0,
roty=0, rotz=0. For line BC, all nodes along that line (2, 53, 54, 55 and 3) be applied with
1000N of load at x-direction (forcex) and 10N at z direction (forcez). Table below shows the
loading condition :-

4. Results and Discusssion

Each configuration has 2 load cases and the total of configuration is 4. Refer to the
magnitude displacement of the longitudinal loading, it is clearly shows that the free end will
be most longitudinal loading. The place that be applied with concentrated load, the largest
displacement occur. It happens at the tip. During the longitudinal loading as indicated by
force in x-axis, the maximum displacement magnitude occurs. This region is highly stress, as
a consequence the stress contour shows higher compared to other region. The longitudinal
loading concentration is the highest. Highest longitudinal loading concentration archived.
Other than this area, the area around the concentrated load is also high stressed. It can be
understood since the load is applied in this point.
4.1 Configuration A (0,0,0)
1) Loadcase 1
The largest displacement and the highest longitudinal loading concentration
is 10.48

2) Load case 2
The largest displacement and the highest longitudinal loading concentration
is 10.44

4.2 Configuration B (90,90,90)

3) Loadcase 1
The largest displacement and the highest longitudinal loading concentration
is 15.03

4) Loadcase 2
The largest displacement and the highest longitudinal loading concentration
is 14.95

4.3 Configuration C (0,45,0)

5)Loadcase 1
The largest displacement and the highest longitudinal loading concentration
is 10.33

6)Loadcase 2
The largest displacement and the highest longitudinal loading concentration
is 10.3

4.4 Congifuration D (45,0,45)

7)Loadcase 1
The largest displacement and the highest longitudinal loading concentration
is 9.705

8)Loadcase 2
The largest displacement and the highest longitudinal loading concentration
is 9.675

5. Conclusion
Based on this simulation result, there are some results can be derived:

The largest displacement is at the tip where a concentrated load is applied

The largest displacement and the highest stress at configuration B (90,90,90)


The displacement is 15.03397


The longitudinal loading concentration is the highest 15.03397


The von misses stress at maximum point is 3745.82, the lowest stress between
other configurations.

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