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Identify a shortage of a specific type of

materials and address how it can be

Biomass energy utilization has gained particular interest in recent years due
to the progressive depletion of conventional fossil fuels.(M. F. Demirbas,
Balat, & Balat, 2009)
As of 2010, world oil production remains around 85 million barrels per day
(Mb/d) or 3900 million tons of oil equivalent (Mtoe) annually, with coal and
natural gas at 3700 corresponding at 2900 Mtoe per year (Bp, 2012)

2. Identify an environmental impact of a specific type of

materials and how may be assessed

The global atmospheric concentration of CO2 has increased from a pre-industrial

value of 280 parts per million (ppm) to 379 ppm in 2005.(IPCC, 2007)

CO2 60%

Methane CH4 20%

Nitrous Oxide N2O 20%(Mamun, Svendsen, Hoff, & Juliussen, 2007)

Some 40% of energy related emission come from combustion of fossil

fuels such as oil, coal, natural gas to generate electric power [Florence JA
2005,Another record year for global carbon emissions, Earth Policy institute
EPI report]

3. Identify an environmental issues associated with a specific

material or a group of materials in a specific product

More sustainable supply

Contributes to poverty reduction in developing countries

No expensive conversion devices

Deliver energy in form of liquid and gaseous fuels, heat and electricity

Carbon dioxide neutral, act as carbon sinks

Restore unproductive and degraded lands, increasing biodiversity, soil fertility

and water retention (M. F. Demirbas et al., 2009)

Bio energy provides roughly 35% of energy demand in developing

countries(Balat, 2006)

Researchers are investigating method to replace conventional fossil fuels by

environmental friendly and sustainable biomass. Method:

Thermo-chemical conversion .e.g. pyrolysis and gasification

Direct combustion


Supercritical fluid extraction (M. F. Demirbas et al., 2009)

Direct combustion is responsible for over 97% of worlds bio-energy production(A.

Demirbas, 2004)

Biodiesel (Fatty Acid Methyl Esters;FAME)


Can be generated by domestic natural resources such as soybeans and

recycled cooking oil

Reduces dependence on diminishing petroleum fuel from foreign

resources(Ban-Weiss, Chen, Buchholz, & Dibble, 2007)

Vegetable oils to fuel for diesel engines. Viscosity higher, require

modification of the engines

To reduce viscosity of vegetable oils

Dilution with hydrocarbon (blending)


Pyrolysis (Thermal Cracking)

Transesterification (alcoholysis)(M. F. Demirbas et al., 2009)

Succesful commercialization of biodiesel

Malaysia B5 and B7 (by palm oil)



Biodiesel can be used as pure fuel or blended at any concentration with petroleum
diesel to be suitable and compatible for conventional diesel engines.(M. F. Demirbas
et al., 2009)

Identify the environmental and other issues associated with

the extraction and/or processing and/ or use of a given
a. By Using Biodiesel
i. Pure biodiesel can reduces CO2 emission by more than 75% over
petroleum diesel. B20 -15%(BALAT, 2005)

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