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Compiled by dingi 630 0584 read to increase you options of information


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February 26, 2013

1 The Invention of the white race: Racial oppression and social control/ The
origin of racial oppression in Anglo-America by Theodore Allen paperback
2 The invention of the white race, volume 2. The origin racial oppression in
Anglo-America (second Edition) by Theodore Allen paperback $20.84n
3 The physiological opinion of Marcus Garvey $20.43n $6.70used
4 The blacks of Asia by Claude Winters
5 Egypt the light of the world ( 2 volumes in book ) by Gerald Massey (Mar, 1
2007) paper back $34.99n $64.40 used.
6 The African presences in early Asia by Ivan Van Sertima
7 Global dimensions of Africa
8 Black Star: African presence in early Europe by Runko Rashidi, Robin Walter and
S. Finch Charles ( Oct . 12, 2011) $ 45.45 n $89.77 used
9 Black African Renaissance in Europe by T.F.Earle and J.P.Lowe (Dec 27, 2010)
paper back $31.32
When Egypt ruled the world by George and seele, steindroff (Jan 1 1957) used
The Historical origins of Christianity by Walter Williams (Aug 1998) paperback
$.96n $14.96 used
10 The historical origin of Islam by Walter Williams paperback $19.95 (Mar
11 Isis papers the Keys to the colors $12 49 new by Dr. Francis Westling
12 African presences in early Europe (Journal of African Civilization , Nov. 1985
Volume No 2.) Jan 1 1986 by Ivan Van Sertima used $122.49 used $201.31 n
13 A short history of the disruption of the Indies by Bartololme de las Casas( Dec,
23 20110 paper back $6.99n $5.77used
14 Conquest of paradise by Christopher Columbus and Columbian legacy (Plume)
by Kirkpatrick Sale Sept 26 1991, paperback $11.99n $0,03used
15 Hardcover $29.49n $ 0.01 used

Compiled by dingi 630 0584 read to increase you options of information

16 Black Genesis: The prehistoric of Ancient Egypt by Robert Bauval and Thomas
17 The African origin of Greek philosophy Dr Asa Hilliard
18 Books by Cheikh Anta Diop The African Origin of Civilization: Myth or Reality by
Cheikh Anta Diop and Mercer Cook (Jul 1, 1989) paper back $10.16n $7.49used
19 Great black leaders: Ancient and Modern (Journal of African Civilization,) by
Ivan Van Sertima $16.99n $16.99 used
20 Destruction of black civilization: Great issues of race from 4500 BC to 2000AD
by chancellor Williams ( Jun 1 1987) $ 14.94n $13.99used
21 Christian before Christ by John Jackson (Feb 2002) $11.20n $8.25used
22 Black Anthena: The Afroasiatic Roots of Classical Civilization (vol. 1 Martin
Bernal paperback $31.71n $11.94used
23 Black Anthena: The Afroasiatic roots of classical civilization 2 Vol. by martin
Bernal paperback $ 31.21n $14.35used
24 The Birth Dearth
25 Power system: conversion on Global Democratic Uprisings and the new
challenges to US Empire by Noam Chomsky and David Barsamian Jan 2013
unabridged Audible Audio $20.95
26 The American Empire project ( Washington rules: Americas path to permanent
war) by Andrew Bacevich Aug 3 2010 $5.88n $2.85used
27 Nemesis: The last days of the America Republic (American Empire Project) by
Chalmers Johnson Feb.2006 $2.30n $1.78 used
28 Hegemony or Survival: Americas Quest for Global Dominance (American
Empire Project) by Chalmers Johnson(Aug. 2004) $4.49n $0.01 used
29 Dismantling the Empire : America,s last best hope (America Empire Project) by
Chalmers Johnson ( Aug 17 2010) $ 5.57n $ 6.00used
30 Pagan origin of the Christ Myth by John G Jackson( Dec 1, 1989 )$ 5.95n $2.01
31 The search for Timbuktu by John Clarke
32 Caravan of the old Sarah.
33 Nubia corridor to Africa by William Adams Sept 1984 hardcover 399.00 new

Compiled by dingi 630 0584 read to increase you options of information

34 Africa and the bible by Edwin M. Yamuachi and akenneth Kitchen ( Jul 2006)
paperback $25.22 n $2.00 used hardcover $10.87n $8.54used
35 The Africans who wrote the bible by Nana Banchie Darhwah ( 2000) paperback
$24.50n $24.50 used
36 The Ice man inheritance..Prehistoric source of western mans racism, sexism
and aggression by Michael Bradley and John Henrik Clarke(jun 1991) or The
Iceman inheritance by Michael Bradley (Jun 1981)
37 The united compensatory concept textbook/workbook for thought speech and
action by Neely Fuller $23.95 n (1984)
38 The united compensatory concept code/system/concept: A compensatory
counter racist codifed word guide by Neely Fuller Jr. for $25.95 paperback
39 Free your mind return to the source : African origin a selected
bibliography(classified) and outline on African American by Asa Grant Hilliard
40 They came before Columbus: The African presence in Ancient America Ivan
Van Sertima Sept 2003 $10.85
41 The leopard spot by Stanton
42 Stolen legacy by a Guyana lecture go find.
43 Sheared values by Shadrack Gutto
44 African Philosophy, The pharaonic period:2780-330 bc by Theophile Obinga.
45 The Untold History of the United States by Oliver Stone and Peter Kuznick.

Compiled by dingi 630 0584 read to increase you options of information


Compiled by dingi 630 0584 read to increase you options of information

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