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1 January 2010

The ParaNexus T h i s M o n t h i n P a r a N e x u s
© 2010 by
Editor: David Desjardins CD
Not a ParaNexus
This Newsletter is distrib- Member Yet?
uted free of charge to any-
one interested. Please visit Join the Vision to subscribe. Recent Blogs
Serious article submissions
welcome. Please send sub-
Coming Up on
ParaNexus Radio The Anti Certification Cru-
m i s s i o n s t o sade ... 9pm - 10pm Eastern
Is It Proper to Certify Some-
1-7-10 one in Para Research?
I N S I D E T H I S I S S U E : EVP Research Tools
& Techniques Take Heart ParaNexus is So
Join or Renew your
membership now to
Letters From the Editor 2 Let No One Come This Way
take advantage of
many new mem- Responsible Research:
bership benefits. “Experts” in the Field
Discussion of EVP tools
and techniques with /join
These Blogs and others can be
ParaNexus Director of
found at:http://
ParaNexus 2009 Year in EVP Research and Board
Review Members, Dr Ingrid Irwin index.php?zc

N e w A n n o u n c e m e n t s

Critical Thinking in the Field. Read the

Why do we Need it? latest about
writing and
it’s history in the
ParaNexus Parapedia.
P a g e 2 1 J a n ua r y 2 0 1 0

L e t t e r s F r o m t h e E d i t o r
B y D a v i d D e s j a r d i n s C D

A hearty Happy New ment for the ParaNexus I look forward to the
Year to everyone! 2010 Academy. experiencing what's to
ushers in many exciting come with all of you.
On a personal level,
things within ParaNexus.
rather than focusing Until next time.
Membership continues to resolutions on what I can
rise which also furthers Best Wishes
do for me, I‟m looking at
our knowledge base. what I can do for others,
Suggestions, questions, com-
ments or concerns pertaining to
New research focuses both in the field and out this article or anything con-
are being looked at on a and I would invite every- tained herein may be sent to:
personal and group level one to do the same in
and a number of new some form or fashion. or Certified Paranormal Investiga-
courses are in develop- tors Course Available at
ParaNexus Academy

P a r a N e x u s 2 0 0 9 Y e a r i n R e v i e w

F r o m t h e P a r a N e x u s B o a r d o f D i r e c t o r s

Two thousand and nine proved to be a big year for - April 11: ParaNexus holds a workshop at
ParaNexus with many enhancements, features, and Redhawk Ranch near Tampa, Florida, in the eve-
member benefits added. In addition, we not only grew ning with approximately 20 people present. Presen-
as researchers and investigators, but the ParaNexus tations were given by Doug Kelley and Lori Pablo,
Vision became even more defined. Following are some and Gregory Kent conducted a table tipping séance
of the more noteworthy achievements during 2009. with interesting results. This workshop was a test to
ascertain the viability of holding monthly forums in
- January 1: Reorganization. ParaNexus founders, the Tampa area. While no other workshops were
Doug Kelley and Jari Mikkola, decided to reorganize held during the year, we may hold similar meetings
the association with Doug taking responsibility for in the future.
ParaNexus, and Jari taking over the monthly Journal
and other publishing objectives. - April 28: The Parapedia is added to the
ParaNexus website. The Parapedia is a wiki that
- March 9: A brochure and log template was created uses the same software as Wikipedia. The
for website visitors who experience paranormal ParaNexus Parapedia is focused on all things that
phenomena. This free brochure gives the reader are anomalous in nature or related. Our vision is for
grounded information on what to do if he or she ex- the ParaNexus Parapedia to develop into a credible
periences a haunting, UFO, or abduction event. It also and trustworthy source of information for research-
provides a log form that the witness can keep to help ers and investigators.
- May 4: Kevin Costa joins ParaNexus staff as the
- March 13: CIPRIS Int’l Standards are released. Parapedia Administrator. Kevin Costa is a native
These standards are intended to serve as a foundation Floridian residing in Boca Raton, and has been an
of ethical and professional standards for ParaNexus educator in Broward County for the last 28 years.
members, Certified ParaNexus Field Investigators His introduction to the paranormal began in his
(CPFI), and other anomalous researchers and investiga- youth, belonging to a psychic group that worked
tors in conducting professional anomalous investiga- with the police and FBI. Skeptical of his paranormal
tions. These standards are freely available to any indi- experiences, he attended the University of West
vidual or team who wishes to use them. Georgia, receiving a Masters in Humanistic Psychol-
ogy with a Minor in Parapsychology.
1 J a n ua r y 2 0 1 0 P a g e 3

It is there that he met and had the honor to work - June 1: A directory of ParaNexus certification re-
with his mentor, Dr. William Roll. Through his many cipients was added so that the public and potential
experiences with the paranormal, he has never felt clients can verify an investigator‟s claims of CPI or
fear of the unknown, only a skeptical curiosity. CLPI certification.

- May 12: Website hosting for members’ research - June 14: New website server and theme change.
websites added to member benefits. This is a really The ParaNexus website was transferred to our new
cool benefit of membership, although many members servers and a new theme was created to promote ac-
haven‟t taken advantage of it. This membership tivity on the site. A slideshow was added with graphics
benefit can save members money. to capture the interest of visitors as well as a featured
video. The new theme is designed to strike a balance
- May 15: The ParaNexus Registry is launched. A between an academic site and a flashier site. Other
working version of the ParaNexus Registry of Anoma- changes were also incorporated.
lous Events is released that allows both members and
visitors to report anomalous events as well as request - August 21: Dave Desjardins joins ParaNexus Staff;
an investigation. The Registry also handles case as- the Newsletter resumes. So many things to do and so
signments for the CPFI Program. This software was few people to do them took its toll on the newsletter
written by the ParaNexus technology department prior to Dave joining the staff. As Newsletter Editor,
with Michael Jones as the project leader and primary Dave immediately redesigned and began sending the
coder. newsletter each week. Dave is also the Director of
Eastern Ontario Paranormal Investigation & Consulta-
- May 15: CPFI Program is launched. The Certified tion (EOPIC), based in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, He
ParaNexus Field Investigator (CPFI) program is de- has served 15 years with the Canadian Forces where he
signed to allow ParaNexus to conduct investigations has had the opportunity to travel extensively conduct-
for clients by qualified members. By year‟s end, we ing his own research into the beliefs of many of the
had 20 Field Investigators in 10 states and 5 coun- worlds cultures and societies first hand. Dave's profes-
tries. While we did not receive many cases, we are sional background includes criminal investigations with
optimistic that the cases will increase as the public the Canadian Forces Military Police and formal educa-
becomes more aware of ParaNexus. tion in forensic investigation; crime scene analysis and
reconstruction; forensic photography; statement
analysis; photographic/video analysis; psychology;
counselling; and theology, thru the Canadian Forces as
well as various other Canadian police and educational
establishments. Continued on Page 4

Do you have a topic that you are passionate about? Some-
thing that you feel should be said?
A comment, criticism, or opinion on the field of paranor-
mal research or its future?
Make your voice heard in the ParaNexus Newsletter.

All submissions may be sent to:

P a g e 4 1 J a n ua r y 2 0 1 0

- August 15: Free forum memberships are discon- - September 25: The ParaNexus Apparel store is
tinued. In 2008, Admin made the decision to open created for the purchase of ParaNexus logo items,
forum registration to non-members in the hope that it and the regular store is revamped for other items
would encourage active sharing of knowledge. While such as books and ID badges.
many people did register for the forums, very few
actually participated. Therefore, free forum member- - October 7: The Research Assistant webpage is
ships were discontinued. While a few forum boards created as a resource for members. It displays inter-
are currently viewable by the public, most are only national time, weather, longitude/latitude, atmos-
available to paid members, hence, the forum is now a pheric data, a sky map, an earth magnetic anomaly
place where members can freely share knowledge as map, and more in one convenient place.
well as develop ideas and concepts. An added bonus
is that new ideas and concepts can undergo “peer - October 7: An evidence upload webpage is made
review” before being presented to the public at available for the public to upload photos, videos, and
large. audios for free review by the Anomalous Evidence
Advisory Board.
- September 11: ParaNexus incorporates as a Flor-
ida non-profit. Six well-known and trusted members - October 15: Enhanced profile functionality is
are chosen to serve as the founding Board of Direc- added to members‟ Profile pages including the abil-
tors: Doug Kelley, Grant Rubendunst, Mi- ity to use custom code similar to MySpace.
chael Jones, Gregory Kent, Barry Brudnak, Two different base templates are provided
and Kevin Costa. Dave Desjardins accepts “Failure is not to help members get started.
the invitation to join the Board of Directors the falling down,
later in September, and Ingrid Irwin ac- - October 19: Ingrid Irwin joins the Board
cepts the invitation to join the Board of but the staying of Directors as Director of EVP Research.
Directors in October bringing the total num- down.” - Mary In addition to being a Charter member of
ber of Board Members to eight. This date Pickford (1892– ParaNexus, Ingrid is an active researcher in
marked an important change in ParaNexus the field of Electronic Voice Phenomena in
1979), Canadian
organizational structure in that control of Australia with a focus on experimental EVP
the association was passed from one indi- actress research and development. She holds a
vidual (Doug Kelley) to a Board of Directors Doctoral Degree in Metaphysical Science,
(there are no corporate voting members). (Msc.D) and a Masters Degree in both Para-
Plans are also made to apply for 501(c)(3) tax psychology and Consciousness Studies (M.A.). She
exempt status with the IRS. has studied areas of subtle energies such as Advanced
Pranic Healing, Pranic Psychotherapy, and Advanced
- September 24: Anomalous Evidence Advisory Meridian Psychotherapy. Ingrid is a Certified Paranor-
Board is established for reviewing and reporting po- mal Investigator (CPI) with a main focus that incorpo-
tential and alleged anomalous photographic, video, rates the acoustic nature of speech and phonetics/
and audio evidence. This committee will review sub- phonology in association with spectrographic analysis
mitted evidence as well as prominent evidence found as a means of gaining further knowledge and insights
in the media and on popular websites (such as You- into EVP. She has also served on the Advisory Board of
Tube), and then report its findings in an unemotional the American Association of EVP (AAEVP).
and scientific manner in a special section on our web-
site. This is a valuable and educational public service - October 19: New website theme is created for the
to the paranormal community and also fits in with purpose of providing a more professional website. A
ParaNexus‟ charitable mission of research and educa- website is never completed; it is merely in one state
tion. It will also alert the public to potential hoaxers. of evolution or another. ParaNexus Admin is con-
stantly working to present and position ParaNexus as
- September 22: Fake-Photo-Contest launched. a professional association worthy of membership. This
This contest is intended to be an educational event in begins with a professional looking site that offers us-
which members and guests deliberately fake photos able features to members.
and then show how it was done. The result would be
an enhanced ability on the part of researchers to
identify hoaxed photographs. Unfortunately, for rea-
sons upon which can only be speculated, no one par-
ticipated and the prizes went unclaimed. The idea
was shelved for a future time.
1 J a n ua r y 2 0 1 0 P a g e 5

- November 6: ParaNexus upgrades its web hosting to This strongly suggests that commonalities may exist
a Virtual Dedicated Server. This move provides faster across seemingly non-related phenomena. Therefore, we
and more reliable website performance and also the focus our time on researching only that evidence which
flexibility to add features not allowed on typical shared has the potential of providing added knowledge. We
servers. All ParaNexus member accounts are transferred call this approach, “Anomalous Research 2.0.”
to the new server. ParaNexus Admin now has virtually
complete control over its web hosting. - Member blogs became more active during 2009 with
interesting stories and informative content. Blogs are an
- November 9: 501(c)(3) Application Filed. After more excellent way to share your experiences and knowledge.
than 50 hours of research, preparation, and professional We encourage more members to start their own blog.
review, the 501(c)(3) application for tax exempt status To this end, the ParaNexus technical department is writ-
as a non-profit corporation is mailed to the IRS. ing a new blog module from the ground up that incorpo-
Approval can take several months. rates some current as well as new features. The current
blog module was never finished by the third-party au-
- December 1: Membership dues are adjusted. In or- thor, but after an exhaustive search, it was about the
der to bring ParaNexus membership dues more in line only thing available. It has some bugs that the new mod-
with other comparable associations, the Board of Direc- ule will correct. All current blogs will continue to be
tors opts to increase dues by $20 per year. This adjust- available in the new module. Launch date is to be an-
ment was also made in view of the fact that ParaNexus nounced.
is now a non-profit association, and membership dues
are currently the primary means of income. While no - Website Awards: 20 applications were received and 5
staff member is paid, funds are necessary to cover awards were given out. These awards are not given to
monthly operating expenses. just any website—they must be earned. Approximately
25% of the applications received are given an award. In
- December 8: The newsletter switches from a weekly a world where website awards are often given to anyone
to a monthly format. This change is made in order to “who can fog a mirror,” the ParaNexus Award is only
provide more meaningful content. ParaNexus Board given to websites that meet high research and educa-
Members will also be contributing to the newsletter each tional standards. The two most common reasons that
month in addition to other writers. As always, members most applications are declined are 1) The website pro-
are encouraged to submit articles for publication. A motes fear by dispensing false information usually re-
weekly update will continue to be sent each Thursday garding demons, Ouija Boards, and such; and/or 2) The
highlighting the week‟s radio program as well as any website presents orbs and light streaks as paranormal
other pertinent information. phenomena. The good news for evolved webmasters is
that displaying the ParaNexus Award is an accomplish-
Other Noteworthy Items ment of which to be proud.

- ParaNexus Universe Radio: A total of 49 weekly

- New Members: 56 new members joined ParaNexus
shows were produced during 2009 bringing the grand
during 2009. While we lost a handful of members, we
total to 94. Over 26,000 people have listened to these
will continue to try to attract like-minded individuals
shows which have included several well-known guests,
who are passionate about anomalous research and want
several of our own members, and others who shared in-
to share their knowledge and expertise with others.
formation that was of value to our researcher audience.
ParaNexus is an association for those conducting anoma-
The weekly radio program will feature ParaNexus Board
lous research. It is not only a source of information, but
Members as guests or co-hosts each month from now on.
an outlet for presenting findings.
- Member Downloads Section: The downloads section
- ParaNexus shifts its focus to meaningful evidence:
continues to offer software, forms, and other useful
With so many in the paranormal field simply trying to
items to members. Members are encouraged to upload
experience seeing a ghost, we have begun to focus on
useful items to this section, which is available in the
meaningful evidence, that is, strong evidence that actu-
Members Menu.
ally tells us something we don‟t already know. After all,
even a genuine photo of a ghost or a UFO is usually noth-
ing more than just a really cool picture. We need more.
Case studies and experience have shown that the same
type of phenomena can occur among different types of
events. For example, abductees often experience psy-
chic and PK (psychokinetic) events the same as those
who experience haunting type phenomena.
Page 6
2010 Outlook On February 1, 2010, ParaNexus will be two years old
and in that time, ParaNexus has come a long way. What
With 2009 behind us, we look to the new year for even began as a conference in 2008 has evolved into a non-
more progress as a credible and reputable organization profit corporation with many forward-thinking people
that is coming more into public view. ParaNexus is a involved. Despite the fact that these people are rela-
growth-oriented and make-it-happen organization. tively unknown in the anomalous research community,
Therefore, we constantly strive to offer resources and they comprise some of the finest and most grounded
benefits to our members and the public. Some things in researchers and investigators in the field. And this is
the works for 2010 include: exactly the kind of individuals we desire to attract.

Holding online conferences and webinars that cover ParaNexus strives to be a visionary organization in
topics of interest to anomalous researchers. Members which members can take pride. In a field that has seen
will enjoy discounts on registration and some events will little progress in many, many years, we desire to dis-
likely be free for members. cover meaningful answers to paranormal mysteries in
our lifetime. We strive to break free of the disabling
A directory of members who conduct investigations belief systems of decades past, and are not afraid to
will be made available to the public for locating local pioneer a new trail if necessary. We encourage members
investigators who can provide assistance. This directory and the anomalous research community at large to think
will be categorized by location. outside the box while keeping their feet on the ground,
to evolve past worn out paradigms and “old school” con-
The ParaNexus Registry is scheduled to be revised and cepts if needed, and to share their knowledge and ex-
improved. We have learned much about coding PHP pertise with others. As they say, “We‟re all in this to-
software and will use this knowledge to enhance the gether.”
This fearless and pioneering attitude has not shielded
Some Board Members are currently working as consult- ParaNexus from occasional criticism, primarily from the
ants on various documentary projects which will help to ghost hunting segment of the paranormal field. But this
make the public more aware of our association. is true with anyone who desires to take the lead toward
improvement. Often, people feel threatened by change
We will add new courses to ParaNexus Academy in- and therefore resist all attempts at proactive change
cluding the long awaited UFO Investigator Certification regardless of how rational and logical those changes are.
course (currently under development). Other courses But ParaNexus will not only hold its ground, it will con-
currently being developed include EVP Research and tinue blaze new trails in order to discover new things. As
Photo Analysis. Capable members are encouraged to U.S. Navy (Union) Admiral Farragut said in the 19th cen-
teach a course. tury, “Damn the torpedoes; full speed ahead!”

We hope to add new staff members and perhaps, even

new Board Members (three Board positions are open). It has come to light that some in the paranormal
We are specifically looking for someone with knowledge community may have the impression that ParaNexus is
and ability in the media and public relations area, as some type of ghost hunting fraternity or ghost hunter
well as PHP and Visual Basic programmers. When adding social outlet. This could not be further from the truth.
staff members, we look for members who are visible ParaNexus members research and investigate much more
and active within ParaNexus, and who have the desire than just hauntings; parapsychology, EVP, UFOs, abduc-
and time to volunteer. More information is available in tions, and even cryptozoology are included because they
the “About ParaNexus” section of the website. often overlap. ParaNexus is an association of serious and
professional researchers and investigators who have
We will apply for grants once our 501(c)(3) is ap- evolved past the ghost hunting mentality. Rather than
proved, which should happen no later than the end of thrill-seeking, these capable men and women desire to
February. Unfortunately, proper research requires rise above petty infighting to truly contribute to human-
money for suitable equipment, experiments, travel ity in meaningful ways. ParaNexus appeals to the next
costs, and more. We are always on the lookout for a generation of individuals who are tired and weary of the
wealthy benefactor who supports our cause and can pro- spotted ghost hunter stereotype and who desire to move
vide additional funding. into serious and expanded research.

We will soon begin presenting research findings on Serious, grounded, and evolved researchers are com-
various subjects in a special section of the website. paratively few in number, and this is undoubtedly why
ParaNexus hasn‟t exploded with members. In many
ways, ParaNexus is a bit ahead of its time. But when the
dust of the current ghost hunting fad settles, we will
still be here going strong.
P a g e 7 1 J a n ua r y 2 0 1 0

If you are a ParaNexus member, we greatly ap- and concepts presented herein and on the ParaNexus
preciate your support! Some of you have been with us website resonate with you, then we welcome you! If
almost since the beginning, waiting and watching to these things do not resonate with you, ask yourself,
see where it all would go. We hope we have not dis- “Why?” Explore your own goals for being involved in
appointed you! We welcome your ideas and thoughts, paranormal research to see if they don‟t actually har-
as always. Remember, we are in this to find answers, monize with our own. We wish to thank everyone who
not to stroke egos nor try to one-up others. has contributed to making ParaNexus a credible and
reputable anomalous research association! ParaNexus
If you are not yet a member, we encourage you to is better with you than without you!
join us in our quest to find the truth. If the thoughts

C r i t i c a l T h i n k i n g i n t h e F i e l d
W h y d o w e N e e d i t ?

B y D r I n g r i d I r w i n

Within the paranormal field, we can find an into voice?” “What observational data verifies this in-
abundance of opinions, ideas and theories. Some- formation?” “Under what conditions has this hap-
times sorting through the mirage of information to pened?” “What are the obvious drawbacks and weak-
find valid research can become a daunting task. This nesses of this idea?” and then, “How can we test this
is when learning to think critically becomes an ad- idea?” “What supports this idea?” and “What is the con-
vantage in all areas of the anomalous research field. sequence of this data to the field?”
Many people think that the word critical is being
rather negative, expressing disapproval but criticiz- Asking questions breathes life into a concept or the-
ing and critical should not be confused as ory, old or new, it takes the idea past personal
meaning the same thing. A healthy dose of Critical thinking opinion into gathering observational data and
critical thinking can be an attribute, it an ability to evalu- thus inquiring deeper into the phenomena
drives us to question, expand and learn while promoting critical thinking and discus-
ate, compare, ana-
while developing new ideas. It pushes us to sion.
do more than just settle on personal opin- lyze, critique, and
ions or accept unsubstantiated claims as synthesize infor- Critical thinking in this field is not something
facts. mation. that is generally encouraged, mainly due to
the field perpetrating many personal beliefs as
Most of us are careful when we are buy- “facts” or “truths.” Luckily, there are a grow-
ing a used car, mindful of what ideas we ing percentage of individuals who encourage and
buy into when we spend our hard earned money and are willing to take an active role in evaluating all ideas
wary of any contracts we have to sign. However, and concepts in order to advance the field. Critical
when it comes to the field of the paranormal, many thinkers are constantly evaluating the quality of evi-
people „buy‟ into claims that are often built on irra- dence they gather and probing for weaknesses in their
tional and illogical concepts and then spread these thinking and reasoning. They realize knowledge is more
throughout the field without a second thought to than a personal assumption or a static theory; knowl-
the soundness of that idea. edge is built on an ever evolving platform that must
allow constant change that enlarges our understanding
So what is critical thinking anyway? Critical and the understanding of others.
thinking has no hard and fast or step by step rules
but employs logic, clarity, and understanding. When we apply critical thinking, we are open-
minded and become more innovative in our approach to
Critical thinking is the ability to evaluate, com- research and problem solving. Some people take “open-
pare, analyze, critique, and synthesize information minded” to the point where they accept everything that
as critical thinkers are not afraid to ask the hard is expressed as a theory; critical thinkers strike a bal-
questions, even if those questions challenge their ance between open mindedness and healthy skepticism.
own ideas and theories. For example, many people Being open minded means you are able to consider and
believe an EVP is manipulated or transformed noise evaluate all possibilities, that you are open to changing
from our environment, forming voice in random your theories and ideas when new and more convincing
noise. With a dose of critical thinking, we would evidence is discovered.
immediately ask, “How could noise be transformed
P a g e 8 1 J a n ua r y 2 0 1 0

The key difference between critical thinkers in the and methods. They try to test all theories, seeking
field is easy to spot. Individuals or groups that do not constructive criticism from colleagues and never sup-
apply any form of critical thinking tend to base their press or distort unfavorable data or results. The criti-
theories on personal assumptions and their ideas cal thinker is ever so happy to revise an idea when
change very little over time as they hold on to anti- another comes up with a better one.
quated notions. They do not actively seek new data,
in fact, they go to great lengths to avoid any evidence I think the difference we encounter here is that an
that contradicts their beliefs, and consequently, they anomalous researcher or investigator is always looking
do not pose or solve problems that may advance for the contradictions, the oddities, and the evidence
knowledge. They do not systematically test any ideas that will point us in a direction of new discovery.
or concepts as they pay attention only to evidence Critical thinking forces us to ask the hard questions
and arguments that support their views while becom- while giving us an ability to see faulty logic, irrational
ing defensive when new ideas are placed before thinking, biased information, or invalid conclusions.
them, especially if it conflicts with their existing
theories. We can be bombarded in this field with a mass of
ideas that are difficult to absorb, mainly due to all
In contrast, a critical thinker is someone who ac- the contradictions and differences of opinion. With
tively seeks and accepts the need for more research this in mind it becomes increasingly important that
while constantly searching for reasons why their own we become critical, selective and informed individu-
ideas may be unsuitable or incomplete. Their deeper als, so we may evolve anomalous research into a well
desire is to advance knowledge by posing and solving grounded and genuine science of the future.
new or old problems while they welcome new ideas


As a ParaNexus Member, You Will Benefit From:

investigation forms that will save you time and trouble

-stop atmospheric
data and much more other investigators and make new friends

find you (coming soon) contribute to the paranormal field

Investigator ParaNexus as a staff member or even a Board

Access to the entire forum including posting privileges Member

your book
tutorials, conference videos, and more

Join Today!
ParaNexus is a global professional association of dedi- The ParaNexus Academy offers a growing list of paranormal
cated and progressive parapsychologists, ufologists, and personal growth courses that are affordable and compre-
and enthusiasts focused on researching and under- hensive. Our instructors are skilled and knowledgeable in the
standing the human condition through the scientific topics they teach. All courses are conducted online and may
study of anomalous and psychical phenomena, its real- feature live video sessions, online content, instructor articles
ity, its reach, and its impact on humanity. and books, and additional activities and material.

The ParaNexus Association Store provides aids to

research and investigation including training
courses, log books, ID Badges, and more.

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