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The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim (PC)

Main Cheat Codes

NOTE: These are the main The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim cheats that are usually applied by press
Hit "~" to bring up the command prompt and then type the code
Add levels to your skills: AdvancePCSkill (skillname) #
Adds dragon's souls to your pool, allowing you to improve your shouts.: Player.modav Dragonsouls #
Adjust field of view (insert fov value as x ): fov x
Advances the targeted skill by xxx amount: advskill #
All Spells: psb
Change scale of player; 1 is normal: player.setscale #
Changes ownership of target so you can safely take without stealing: Setownership
Complete all Quest Stages: caqs
Duplicate items (click container\NPC and copy the RefID): duplicateallitems
Fast travel to location, e.g. coc Rivertown: COC
Freeflying camera: tfc
Give player item (i.e. gold is 0000000f, lockpicks are 0000000a): player.additem [ItemNumber] #
God mode: TGM
Increase Burden by #: player.modav burden #
Increase your Level: AdvancePCLevel
increases movement speed where X is a percentage multiplier (eg. player.setav speedmult 250): player.setav
speedmult X
Kill enemy (Must select with arrow first): Kill
Kills all hostiles in your immediate vicinity: killall
list all commands in console: help
quits the game instantly: qqq
Removes all items of selected NPC: removeallitems
Resurrects targeted dead: Resurrect
Search by the keyword, the number is what mode to search by. Modes are listed by help every time you use it.:
help keyword #
Set Carry Weight: player.modav carryweight #
Set character's fame.: setpcfame
Set character's infamy.: setpcinfamy
Set Fatigue: player.setav Fatigue #
Set health: player.setav Health #
Set it high if you want to fight, set it at 0 if you want to be free.: player.setcrimegold X
Set Magicka: player.setav Magicka #
Set Player Level: player.setlevel #
Show Race Menu: showracemenu
Show/hide all map markers 1=show 0=hide: tmm 1/0
Spawns an NPC at your location. (Replace X with NPC ID): player.placeatme X
starts all quests, *NOT RECOMMENDED!*: saq
teleports you to quest target: movetoqt
This brings you to the testing hall with all items in the game. Be careful as opening enchanted armor and
weapons cabinets may cause your game to crash: coc qasmoke
This command is used to enable controls during cinematics when they're disabled. Occasionally the game will
glitch, instead of reloading put in this c: enableplayercontrols
Toggle AI Detection (You can steal all you want and no one will see you, doesn't work with pickpocketing):
Toggle Artificial Intelligence (freezes npc, they can't walk, move, or anything.): TAI

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The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim (PC)

Toggle collision: tcl

Toggle Combat Artificial Intelligence (same as TAI; however only makes the NPC not being able to combat):
Toggle FOW: tfow
Toggle Grass: TG
Toggle menus (HUD): tm
Unlocks anything that may be locked by typing unlock then clicking the chest or door you want unlocked then
press enter: unlock
Will increase the level of a skill by one.: Player.IncPCS [Skill Name]
You can lock chests and door, or people by targeting them and typing "lock" followed by the level of difficulty you
wish to set it at.: lock XEXPAND TO SEE ALL

NOTE: As their name suggests hints are not exactly The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim cheats, and are usually just
simple (but very useful) tips on how you can unlock secret level, features, find hidden areas and such. Hopefully
these will make playing The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim even more entertaining.

Free Archery Skill

Visit Faendal at riverwood, he's a wood elf that usually stands by the mill.
1) Ask him to follow you.
2) Then ask him to train your archery. (Have some gold around at least to make your first purchase of training)
3) Ask to borrow something and take his gold. It's not considered stealing.
4) Repeat 2 and 3 infinity times.
NOTE: You can only level archery 5 times per level, but you level up slightly every time your archery skill goes
NOTE: This will work with any trainer who can also be a follower.

Steam Achievements
Adept: Reach level 10
Alduin's Wall: Complete "Alduin's Wall"
Apprentice: Reach level 5
Artificer: Make a smithed item, an enchanted item, and a potion
Bleak Falls Barrow: Complete "bleak falls barrow"
Blessed: Select a Standing Stone blessing
Blood Oath: Become a member of the Circle
Bound Until Death: Complete "bound until death"
Citizen: Buy a house
Daedric Influence: Acquire a Daedric Artifact
Darkness Returns: Complete "darkness returns"
Delver: Clear 50 dungeons
Diplomatic Immunity: Complete "diplomatic immunity"
Dragon Hunter: Absorb 20 dragon souls
Dragon Soul: Absorb a dragon soul

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The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim (PC)

Dragonslayer: Complete "Dragonslayer"

Elder Knowledge: Complete "elder knowledge"
Expert: Reach level 25
Explorer: Discover 100 Locations
Gatekeeper: Join the College of Winterhold
Glory of the Dead: Complete "Glory of the Dead"
Golden Touch: Have 100,000 gold
Hail Sithis!: Complete "hail sithis!"
Hard Worker: Chop wood, mine ore, and cook food
Hero of Skyrim: Capture Solitude or Windhelm
Hero of the People: Complete 50 misc objectives
Married: Get married
Master: Reach level 50
Master Criminal: Bounty of 1000 gold in all nine holds
Oblivion Walker: Collect 15 daedric artifacts
One with the Shadows: Returned the Thieves Guild to its former glory
Reader: Read 50 skill books
Revealing the Unseen: Complete "Revealing the Unseen"
Sideways: Complete 10 side quests
Skill Master: Get a skill to 100
Snake Tongue: Successfully persuade, bribe, and intimidate
Standing Stones: Find 13 standing stones
Take Up Arms: Join the Companions
Taking Care of Business: Join the Thieves Guild
Taking Sides: Join the Stormcloaks or the Imperial Army
The Eye of Magnus: Complete "The Eye of Magnus"
The Fallen: Complete "the fallen"
The Way of the Voice: Complete "The Way of the Voice"
Thief: Pick 50 locks and 50 pockets
Thu'um Master: Learn 20 shouts
Unbound: Complete "Unbound"
Wanted: Escape from jail
War Hero: Capture Fort Sungard or Fort Greenwall
With Friends Like These: Join the Dark Brotherhood
Words of Power: Learn all three words of a shout

Buy The Whiterun House Without Spending 5000 Coins

In order to buy the house in Whiterun, you'll need 5000 coins on hand, but you'll be able to keep it with this trick
-- which makes use of your ability to turn your head around while talking to people. If you go to the man who
sells you the house in Whiterun while he's asleep in his bed, he'll sit up to talk to you. Make sure you're standing
in a place that you can open the nightstand or dresser next to the bed while you're talking to him. As soon as
you agree to buy the house *immediately* open the dresser next to the bed and put your gold into it and return
to the conversation. He'll give you the key, and then you can just get your gold back out of the dresser, as rich
as you were before.

Create infinitely powerful weapons and armor

You would require the necessary perks in enchanting, alchemy, and smithing. First, enchant armor/boots/gloves
(or whatever can be enchanted) with alchemy boosting properties. Now, equipping that gear, create a potion
that enhances your enchanting skill for a certain amount of time. Now go back, drink the potion, and enchant

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The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim (PC)

new equipment with alchemy boosting properties again. Your new equipment with now boost your alchemy even
more, which will allow you to create a potion that enhances your enchanting even more than the first potion you
made. Rinse and repeat until you've whet your appetite of game-breaking goodness and finally create smith
boosting equipment and a smith boosting potion. Go to the blacksmith and create your gear while you have your
smith boosting equipment/potion and upgrade it to -truly- legendary stats. Ta-da.

Duplicate Any Apparel

Place any apparel item (armor or jewelry for better results) on any mannequin. Then place the item back into
your inventory. Leave your location to another area (ie. Exit a house), then return to the area to find the item still
on the mannequin. Successful duplication.

Early Sneak Skill and Level Up

Once you can get to Bleak Falls Barrow, go and talk to Sven to talk about his love troubles with this girl. Accept
to deliver a fake letter to the girl he mentioned. Go find the girl and deliver the letter (lie) to her. After, go to
Faendal and accept the Golden Claw quest. Go back to Sven and talk to him about the quest. Then tell him to
follow you. Sneak behind and sneak attack Sven. You can do this as much as you want (as long as you don't kill
him). For every sneak attacks, your sneak skill should increase, which increases your level progression. Sven
gets mad at you obviously, but he never tries to attack you back. *NOTE*: DO NOT get the perk to increase
one-handed weapons to do 6x damage. If you do, and you try to sneak attack after you get the perk, you'll do a
sweet kill animation where you slit his throat. Sven dead = no more sneak attacks :( You could save up your
perk points after each level up to get all the weapon sneak skill perks at once. (to avoid killing Sven) This
method should also raise one-handed weapon skill (or whatever type of weapon you have equipped) as well.

Get free skill training

If you can get a skill trainer as your follower then you can get any training for free. Just train your skills and then
ask them to trade and take the gold back.

Level Cheat
For all your power leveler's out there, I came across this online... When the beginning scene is finished you'll
follow an Imperial to a small fort where you can continue to follow the Imperial or a Stormcloak (you can follow
either for this to work). Whom ever you chose to follow will give you a small tutorial of the game as you escape
the turmoil created in the beginning scene. As you go through the tutorial you will come to an underground cave
where you'll be taught how to perform sneak attacks. At this point you'll be asked to either sneak attack a bear
or sneak past it. Instead of doing either of these you can enter sneak mode and go behind which ever NPC is
giving you the tutorial and attack him over and over again with no consequence since he will not retaliate or die.
You can use this to level up your one-handed, sneak, two-handed, and destruction skills. I'ts better to get them
into a corner because when you hit him he will be pushed forward. This is very useful if your willing to put the
time into it.

Maximum speech glitch

Find Ungrien in Rifton and tell him "Tell Me about Maven Black-Briar." Choose the persuasion option. If you
succeed, the option doesn't go away, and you can kep using it until you hit 100 in speech

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The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim (PC)

Quick Gold Glitch

Go to Winterhold, start heading up the path as if you're going to do the dragon bounty for the jarl, you will come
to a cave called the "Sightless Cavern". Continue past it up and around a corner, you will come to an alter with
skeletons. Next to the alter there are Boots and a Shield. Picking them up will make the skeletons come alive.
After killing them, the skeleton that was on the alter will have a "Book of Oblivion" in his inventory. This book will
never disappear. Continue looting the body for an infinite number of books worth 50 gold each.

Steal More Easily

It's possible to steal items at any time of day, in any situation. All you need to do is pick up a basket, bucket,
kettle, or any other "container" type item and place it over any NPC's head. With the item over their head, they
will not be able to see you as you plunder their Soon-to-be-bankrupt shop. This trick does not, however, work for
pickpocketing. It only works for stealing items off counters, shelves, etc. Lastly, there are a few, select NPC's
that will not allow you to put the bucket, basket, etc. over their heads. It seems like they have a sort of 'bubble'
around them that prevents it from fitting on their head for more than a few seconds.

Easy XP, Smithing, & Speech Skill

Every time you go to a forge, make sure to talk to the person in charge of it, and buy all the iron ingot and
leather or leather strips they are selling. Then, make as many leather strips as it takes for each iron ingot. Take
it to the forge, and make an iron dagger that only takes one of each ingredient to create. If you sell it back to the
merchant, sell it one at a time so you create more transactions to level up the Speech skill

Oblivion bucket
Inside the museum of Dawnstar there is a yellowish piece of paper with the symbol for Oblivion on it inside one
of the display cases. I you pick the lock and use a spell for a few seconds on the paper it will suddenly turn into
a bucket. Nothing can be done with the bucket. Purely a thing of amusement.

Easy sneak skill increase

When you can reach the Greybeards at High Hrothgar you can level up your sneak skill in a very easy way. All
you have to do is sneak behind one of the Greybeards and wait untill you become undetected. Then all you
have to do is attack them and then repeat the Greybeards will not attack you in anyway and this is not a crime.
You can use a weapon but you have the risk of killing them it works fine while unarmed.

Pick up Skill Books without reading them.

When you pick up a skill book that is not in a container, you will read it and gain a point in that skill. There is a
way to avoid this; adding the book to your inventory so that you can save it for later use. This is useful for later in
the game when it can be difficult to increase a skill. To use this method you need to have a companion, then;
When you see a Skill Book in the game (cross-ref one of the FAQs for names; or look at the value of the book)
talk to your companion and select the "I need you to do something" command. Then put the cursor on the book,
and select it. The dialog box will tell the companion to "Read such-and-such book," but the companion will add it
to their inventory. You can then take the book from then inventory to be read -- and the skill point gained, at your

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The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim (PC)

Easy gold
When completing the quest to get married, marry a follower. Make them follow you and trade items. They should
have 750 gold because of the store they run. Take the gold leave wait a day and rinse and repeat. As much gold
as you need without having to sell anything!

Oghma Infinium Book (Infinite Skill Level Ups)

The bookeshelves maybe broken, but you can still use anything you can store the book in. You do NOT have to
close the container either. 1. Open Chest (above bookshelf in whiterun for example) or any container you can
store items in 2. Read the book in your inventory 3. Choose a path 4. Hit B then store the book 5 Scroll up to the
"Chest" area and take the book (skips the (Do Not Read) part and the book does not open) 6. Repeat 1-6. This
has been tested and confirmed by multiple people. Including myself and a friend of mine.

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - Dawnguard Steam Achievements

A New You: Change your face
Auriel's Bow: Use the special power of Auriel's Bow
Awakening: Complete "Awakening"
Beyond Death: Complete "Beyond Death"
Kindred Judgement: Complete "Kindred Judgement"
Legend: Defeat a Legendary Dragon
Lost to the Ages: Complete "Lost to the Ages"
Soul Tear: Learn all three words of Soul Tear
Vampire Mastered: Acquire 11 Vampire perks
Werewolf Mastered: Acquire 11 Werewolf perksEXPAND TO SEE ALL

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