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Name:-Bijay Poudel

Course:-MBA 1st SEM

IB&MS (Institute of Business and Management Studies)
Subject: - Corporate Communication (Assignment 1)
Code:Date: - 9/23/2014
Atendra Dahal

Non-Verbal Communication

Communication: - Communication is the process of sharing or expressing idea and information

to others using different medium.
There are two types of Communication
1. Verbal Communication
2. Non-Verbal Communication

Verbal Communication: - The Communication Process where the idea is transfer using words
or speech is called Verbal Communication.

Non-Verbal Communication: - Nonverbal Communication is the part of Communication which

includes that entire message which is unwritten and unspoken both intentional and unintentional.
For quality Communication it isnt always what is the idea or information is delivering its also
about how the idea or information is delivering which leads to the sender Body Language, Eye
Contact, Sound command, Posture, Proxemics e.t.c
According to the Research the person who wants to have quality communication skills must have
the deep and best knowledge of Non-Verbal communication
The Research shows that Non-Verbal Communication plays very huge role in quality
Communication .It shows that words only matters 7% on quality Communication where vocal
variety matters 38% and the Non-Verbal Communication matters 55% in the quality

Communication. It clearly shows that the quality of Communication is clearly linked with the
proper use of Non-Verbal Communication. This is clearly defined following citations
Peter_F_Drucker The most important thing in communication is to hear what isnt being
said? [1].
According to Wikipedia







Alex Hitch Hitchens 60% of all human communication is nonverbal body language; 30% is
your tone, so that means 90% of what youre saying aint coming out of your mouth. [3]

There are various forms of Non-Verbal Communication


Facial Expression and Eyes

Body Movement
Clothing And Jewelries
Proxemics e.t.c

Facial Expression and Eyes:According to the various researches it was found that there are more than 1000 distinct facial
expression which are used by both man and women. Most research shows that men shows their
expression by use some specific parts of their face but women used their entire face to show the
expression .
Eye Contact shows that you are honest and interesting there is also a popular quotes which itself
define the importance of eyes in the communication process
Eyes is windows to the soul


Silence:Silence itself is the part of Non-verbal communication it indicates anger, respect, thoughtfulness
and also it indicates you are not there or you are not listening as well as listening to the sender
who is sending message according to the situation.

Body Movement:Body Movement covers Body Posture, Location, Activity, and Gesture. It shows or adds your
intelligence and also gives the complement to the idea and information which you are sharing

Touch:Touch is also considered as the part or types of Non-verbal communication it indicates of liking,
power and also shows some one is more closer and more and also play important role in life.

Paralanguage:Paralanguage consist vocal tone, speed, volume, pitch and use of disfluencies while sharing ideas
.sometimes it is considered more powerful than the words used.

Clothing and jewelries:Clothing and jewelries shows the educational level, confidence, social position, family
background, cultural and background of your locality. It play the most important part on first

Space:Space (distance) is also part of Non_verbal Communication we must maintain the proper space
according to the maintain space there are various distances type
1. Intimate distance:This distance is maintain for those who are really close to us or whom we trust very much
it start from (body -12 Inch)

2. Personal distance:This distance is started from (18 Inch - 4 feet)

3. Social distance:This distance is started from (4 feet _12 feet) this Type of Distance is used for Business
setting and also with the associates and all those contacts.
4. Public distance:This space is started from 12 feet beyond and this type of space is used for public

Why Non-Verbal Communications

1. Gesture complement the idea and information you shared
2. Eye Contact shows that you are honest and interesting
3. Dress Shows that you are respects towards your jobs and controlled by the rules of your
4. Facial expression exposed or shows your emotion
5. It add message and meaning to the words what you are saying
6. It shows your knowledge to the topic in what you are currently associated or you are
talking now


Quality of Business Presentation

What type of presentation is called quality presentation? What are necessary things for quality
business presentation? Is it providing much information to your audience, or make as much slide
as you can or making. The things really matter in quality business presentation is engage your
audience. So here are some tips that you must follow to create the quality business presentation.

While creating presentation we mustnt make the presentation long and complicated
because these types of presentation can create confusion on audience and long
presentation are boring and the audience does not enjoy your presentation. And the
presentation should contain only necessary information and also allocated time to
discussion and questionnaires about the topic of presentation with the audience.

Preparation of the presentation must follow various rules and format there are several of
rules for presentation like How many slides are necessary for the presentation? What
theme and templates is suitable for the presentation? How to prepare the presentation?
How to give the presentation? The presentation should follow the entire presentation
format which is generally used in presentation there are various rules but here are most
popular 8 rules set which are generally used for business presentation.

Use maximum 15 slides

Makes your title Headlines, No description
Let the titles tell story
Layout Control
Give your audience roadmap
Vary your format
Bubbles, Callouts and Takeaways
Always Close with ask

All above is the point how to make the slide or how to prepare the presentation materials
but preparation of the well prepared slide only doesnt matter the quality of business
presentation but the presentation quality ,style , appearance and the knowledge of
presenter also matter.

The presenter must use his body language like hands, facial expression and maintain the
eyes which every audience as much as he/she can so the audience feels they are
connected to you.

The presenter must have good knowledge and practices before he/she give presentation
he /she must not focus on board while give presentation which shows the knowledge of
presenter in the topic.

The presenter must have high level of energy while giving the presentation. Because if
you show low levels of energy it translate message that you are bored and not interested
on topic to your audience.

Use some examples and question to audience while giving the presentation so the
audience doesnt fell board and you can grab their attendance towards your presentation.

Use simple words and give the general example so the audience does not get confused.

After giving presentation it is simple process that question are starting arise while
answering this types question you must listen and understand the full question properly.
Ask for clarification of audience if needed .Dont start answer before the question
Be straight forward if you dont know the answer and dont let the audience that you
dont know the answer.

Always close with ask This quotation seems little wired because in most of case the
presentation have well end in other type of presentation this practice can be suitable but
in the case of business presentation always end with the ask because the ask show that the
conversion is continuing which is important for business.
In a speaking engagement setting, ask could be for the audience to think about the
implications of what you've shared, or how it will affect the way they approach their jobs.
One close I often use is "Three things to do tomorrow," making your presentation
immediately actionable.



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