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Group components: Alberto Gallego-Casilda

ngela Maraver

Estefana Gmez
Marta Villanueva

Acts of kindness

By this markeGng strategy based on giving free products or discounts on the orders, customers will be more
faithful to the brand and they will speak well of the company.

Healthy way of life

Being Healthy is a trend and all the products & services related with it will be accept and consume by the

Online culture & Social media

Society is accustomed to the immediacy. Being present on the social media will help the business to get much
more known by the consumers. Sharing informaGon with them is the key of the loyalty to the public.


It is consider a citysumer those urbanites that are demanding an open brand market. They are users of
Internet, spontaneous, individuals. They are also claiming for a new generaGon of services, experiences,
campaigns and feed-back with the brands they love. They have high incomes and high cultural level.

Superior Eco consump=on

WE are living in the green consumpGon era, that conGnues growing. Customers are conscious about the
importance of taking care of the environment. It is turning into a lifestyle. There are more products and
companies that do not pollut, because the industry are aware about the consecuences in the world.

Brief brand description

Founded in 1987, leader in the category of Fast Food (pizza), with a wide
presence in Spain and in internaGonal markets such as Portugal, Chile, and
More than 24000 employees.

No se puede mostrar la imagen. Puede que su equipo no tenga suficiente memoria para abrir la imagen o que sta est daada. Reinicie el equipo y, a continuacin, abra el archivo de nuevo. Si sigue apareciendo la x roja, puede que tenga que borrar la imagen e insertarla de nuevo.

Time line

1988: Opens rst store in Madrid
1993: First factory. InternaGonal expansion.
1995: Leading delivery market 52%.
1996: LisGng at the stock market
1998-1999: AcquisiGon Luxor Cheese factory, increased market
share to 62%.
1999: Change of ownership = change of corporate culture and
business strategy.
2003: New corporate idenGty and logo towards modernity.
Output Markets UK, Morocco, France and Mexico..
2005: New communicaGon campaign: moments round
2006: Private capital. No lisGng at the stock market.

The current product oer is in a

diversicaGon process, due to a
reposiGoning strategy which
includes the signicant increase
in the variety of the oer.

This pricing policy is enhanced

with conGnuous oers and
promoGons, like the 50%
discount or 2x1. And even
special prices like the 1

Models of stores by size: populaGon areas of more than 30000 inhabitants

(large surface area, greater investment) or less than 30000 inhabitants (less
oor space, less investment).
Franchisee system: Of the 630 Spanish stores, around 300 are property of the
company, the rest are franchised.

Minimum ini=al investment: 90000

Minimum popula=on: 20000 inhabitants.

Royalty: 5%.

Adver=sing fee: 3%.

The Telepizza main source of income is home delivery, so in its stores is more
important the pizza producGon area (kitchen) than the dining area.

The kitchen is usually glazed and visible to customers, to convey a sense of
transparency and trust.

The establishment do not care much about decoraGon, as the meals in place
are minority, and this stores are not so comfortable.

The franchise system allows rapid geographic

expansion reducing economic risks.
Another advantage is the standardizaGon and
low investment in materials, and centralize
As a disadvantage; is that faciliGes are not
comfortable, so that the consumer experience
in the restaurant is not highly valued, and the
faciliGes are used more as a waiGng room to
take away.
The company has its strength in home delivery,
that is why has lem in the background the
experience in the restaurant.
If the brand wants to grow without losing their
idenGty could redene the customer experience
in the restaurant, on the one hand adjusGng the
comfort faciliGes, creaGng new models for other
express" where orders are addressed only to
go and collect.

Current posiGoning of the brand

Telepizza, more than pizza.

One of the strengths is the brand Telepizza which describes its specialty,
delivering pizzas.
At this level, the brand is fully posiGoned, being the market leader.
Viewing the current threats to this dominant posiGon, the brand is looking for a
reposiGoning through the sale of complementary products (salads, appeGzers and
desserts) that revolve around the main product, which is the pizza.
But the strategy of posiGoning is going further with the inclusion of subsGtute
products such as pasta and burgers, seeking the company's growth and may
exceeding the capacity of expansion of the brand.

Pro: it broadens the potenGal audience, being a higher oer may aqract public
that was not interested before.
Cons: Dispersion of brand image, it loses its characterisGc of "specialist
Risk: If you stop being who you are, you can lose your posiGon.
From the point of view of the consumer also is trying to reposiGon the brand to
become perceived as a service where food is healthy, emphasizing that the
products are fresh and the value of the mediterranean diet.
Telepizza is also posiGoned as a young brand, fresh and original.

Analysis of the communicaGon campaigns

The agency JWT (J. Walter Thompson) Delvico is the responsible for
developing communicaGon campaigns in recent years, which remain
common elements that give coherence to the brand.
This adverGsing agency has won recogniGon for his parGcular style based
on originality and sense of humor, elements that have been transmiqed to
the image of the company, achieving a unique style.
The language is fresh and fun, concrete and direct, and always based on a
sense of humor, through these elements have achieved a style that
dierenGates them directly, as well as make an impact for their originality.
The consistency is reinforced by the creaGon of a melody that sounds in all
the campaigns.
Since June 2007, the year 360 Homenages Telepizza the brand has
developed its own language in their communicaGon, based on humor, with
which to reach your target audience and aqract new audiences.
They have achieved great impact on the audience recovering iconic
elements like the series Baywatch and the Locomias Hit applied to its
Martes Locos.
Recent campaigns under the concept of mixture of antagonisGc characters,
a fun way to launch the individual menus.
Other campaigns such as No=cias de Andar por Casa or Reconcialiaciones
give more importance to children, conveying the image of the product with
a family value, while maintaining consistency of brand style based on
originality and sense of humor.

No table service, furniture and interior design is not very careful,

and the decoraGon is summarized by the promoGons.
The kitchen occupies the central place, usually in the entry,
separated by glass to convey the idea of hygiene and

Personal. Usually young, because the business model structure
based on part-Gme contracts. They are usually very busy, and
sympathy depends on the person. There are many complaints on
the internet for low wages and precarious contracts, these
circumstances may make the service less right than it should, in
the establishment in home delivery by telephone.

Brochures. The technique of the mailshot is a tacGc used by
Telepizza, the zone of inuence of each store is the focus of this
deal, that cyclical distributes specic oers.

Internet. Telepizza has developed a website where, amer registraGon,

you can make your order in a uid form, also oering informaGon on
all types of promoGons and a Gmeline that indicates how long it takes
for the order to arrive to your domicile.

Smartphones. Based on the same web system, its been created an
applicaGon for smartphone. Since these applicaGons can be ordered
conveniently, allowing, for example, ordering while from the subway
or bus to get to your house at the same Gme as you.

Social Media. There are acGve proles in the main social media, like
Facebook or Twiqer, and even some campaigns has been created
based on this media like la pizza del milln de fans .

Packaging. The use of packaging in pizza delivery presents some
peculiariGes as it is being used as a support for self-promoGon.


95% of respondents said they use fast food, the
same percentage menGoned the pizza fas a
They are referred to 8 dierent brands of pizza,
including Telepizza, which is menGoned 65% of
the Gme, being the rst choice in 45% of cases.

Regarding complementary or subsGtute
products sold in Telepizza, a percentage of 20%
doesnt know about this product., the
hamburgers are menGoned in 40% followed by
salads (30%) and pasta (25%).

The current corporate image Telepizza was changed in 2003 and was
established in all its stores to over 2004.
The new logo keeps the red as dominant color, but reduces to a minimum
range of colors (white on red background or red on white) in addiGon to
eliminaGng graphics. The symbol or logo has no imagotype and concentrates on
the typography of the brand.
The naming of the brand is one is their best assets, as it indicates the product
(pizza) and how to get it (phone), strengthening the company's compeGGve
The colours of Telepizza have meaning. Red is the foundaGon of any pizza,
tomato, and is a warm color, warm, high temperature, essenGal aqributes for a
pizza that has to be delivered at home. White is the symbol of hygiene and
cleanliness. All kitchens have glass shops, everything is transparent and hygiene
is above anything. The red white combinaGon is part of the family Telepizza.
Applica=ons: in all products, in this case always has the logo as a visual
Delivery vehicles and packaging
Graphic: brochures and press adverGsing, Web, rules, establishment
The varia=ons of the logo in these applicaGons are always based on the target
and / or red, avoiding any kind of variaGon.


How is the posi=on of brands? The Delivery Service is with
guaranty of giving the money back.

Brand Values:
Puxng people rst
Demanding intergrity
Striving for customer loyalty
Delivering with smart hustle and posiGve energy
Winning by improving results everyday

Supports of its values: In relaGon with giving priority to people,
they promote acGons, which reect its commitment with the
society. Its takings go to help poor communiGes, cancer suerers,
educaGon, and supporGng Members Company, as well as,
promoGng art and culture. The company works to oer a good
service to clients, with the purpose of keeping their delity. They
did it, through customized products, creaGng new ingredients,
oering a products guaranty and knowing the opinion of clients
through the social media.

How is the communica=on? Its communicaGon wants to transmit
a colloquial and closeness language.
Dominos gives importance to the online communicaGon. Social
networks, Website and blogs have an important role on the
companys communicaGon. In this way they know the users
complaints and try to resolve them.

How is the image graphic?

The logotype is formed by a dominos gure. The three
points represent the rst three stores of Dominos Pizza. It
is based on bright blue and red colours. Moreover it is
simple and easy to remember.
The logo is presented in the boxes of the company and it is
very visible. The box has six sides to introduce the product
in a comfortable way and the logo takes up the most
surface of the box.

How is the brand experience on the touchpoints?
The company worries about the needs of customers. It
oers products with guaranty, so it means that the product
is changed, if the customer receives it later or in bad
condiGons. The relaGon with clients is comprehensible and

What are the innova=ons of the last years?
Oering an applicaGon on IPad to make possible the
personicaGon by clients. The company interacts with the
user and reinforces the originality of the brand.
InnovaGon on the products by introducing new recipes.


It is posi=oned as a familiar brand.

What are the values that they achieve?
TradiGon, quality, origin

Which func=ons support the values?
The selecGon of the ingredients is made carefully.

How is the communica=on?
The company is coherent with its brands values by ads that show a
familiar atmosphere and natural products.
According to its graphic image, the landscape of farms and wheat
elds are very common in its ads. Moreover they emphasize the
home-loving values with its claim "Como en casa, en ningn si/o".
The language is familiar, emoGonal and kind.

What are the values that they achieve?
TradiGon, quality, cramwork, origin

Which func=ons support the values?
The company selects carefully its ingredients.

How is the communica=on? The brand values appear on its

communicaGon. Its ads show a familiar atmosphere and natural
products. According to its graphic image, the landscape of farms and
wheat elds are very common in its ads. Moreover they emphasize
the home-loving values with its claim "Como en casa, en ningn
The language is familiar, emoGonal and kind.
How is the image graphic?
The logo contains the image of country house surrounds of
vegetaGon. In this way, it represents clearly the brand values, as
tradiGon, nature, and quality. Moreover, the name of Casa
Tarradellas refers to homemade products and familiar values.
The logo appears on a gure of a slice of pizza, and moreover the
package shows the landscape where the company is located.

How is the brand experience on the touch points?
The products are well posiGoned on the supermarket. Its locaGon
aqracts the customer aqenGon.

What are the innova=ons of the last years?
The company uses its Website and Youtube channel to oer receipts
made with its products. In this way, they do an enjoyable
communicaGon and involve the users to its products.
CreaGon of a research center to improve the quality of the our.

Experience for the customer.
McDonalds brand mission is to be our customers favourite place to eat.
1. Placing the customers experience at the core of all they do.
2. Commitment with the society.
3. OperaGng the business ethically.
4. PromoGng innovaGon and creaGvity.
5. Striving conGnually to improve.

Communica=on: McDonalds focuses its communicaGon on creaGng a
halo of happiness around its products and services.
The tone of the language is kind, colloquial and familiar.

Adver=sing campaigns: By its ads the company shows the quality of its
products focusing on the origin of them (The beef comes from Toledo).
Its ads show happy moments presented by young people and children. By
its ads McDonalds focuses on its children target by using colourful
Its most powerful campaign was created under the moqo Im lovin it
related with sports, Olympic games and healthy food.

Graphic Image:
The M of McDonalds is a symbol well known around the world. It does
not need a descripGon that denes its representaGon.
In Europe the company has changed the colour red of its logo for the
green colour.
The logo relates the big M with the idea of:
A McDonalds franchise is like having a gold mine.
A place to protect yourself under de Ms arches

Its restaurants are very confortable, modern and clean in order
to create the McDonald's Experience.
The company takes care about its customers demands and
complaints. There is a system for receiving and analysing
suggesGons from clients.

McDonalds is changing the concept of Fast Food into Good
Fast Food.
McDonalds takes care about the quality of its products from its
origin to the service on the restaurants.
The company is innovaGng on the customers service by
oering improvements on its restaurants such as decoraGon,
pay with credit card, free WIFI and extending its hours.

Changing the image of the company.
Change the idea of Fast food into a healthy and eco-friendly
concept. The characterisGc red colour of its logo is changed for
green in order to transmit that concept.


What is useful for the Telepizza business?

-In the case of Dominos the use of the Website is well done, and it is
outstanding how the company works to keep a good reputaGon and
-In relaGon with Casa Tarradellas, this company has important
elements that form the idenGty of a company as a story, values and it
adapts itself to the social media.
-McDonalds takes care so much about its corporate image. Telepizza
should copy its strategy of creaGng an experience around the
consumpGon of pizza.
It is important that Telepizza reects that it is more than a delivery

-Strong Corporate Image
-Strong brand
-Top of mind
-Leadership on deliverys service
-Leadership on e-commerce
-Customers condence


-Introduce new products
-Human capital more qualied
-Co-branding & strategic alliances
-Increase the number of franchises due
to the decreasing of the prices
(inuenced by the crisis)
-Less Gme to cook and eat at home
(workers & students)
-Aging of the populaGon

1. Develop a training plan for improving
the customer service.

2. Oer healthy food in order to aqract
more customers to the company.

3. Decrease prices by the development of
promoGons and discounts of products.

4. Focus on the quality of the ingredients
used on the pizzas and its other products.

5. Improve the establishments in order to
aqract customers to consume at them.

6. Develop a customer plan in order to
facilitate the products & services oered
by Telepizza.

7. Change the concept of Fast Food into
Personal Fast Food. The products oered
by the company are based on its tastes &


-A market research indicates that
consumers have the sensaGon that food
is much more healthy in restaurants
-Establishments are careless
-Quality-Price products are
expensive in relaGon with its
-Delays in deliveries at home
-Non qualied sta
-Bad customer service

-Crisis society spend less money on
leisure acGviGes
-SubsGtuGve products quality of
frozen pizzas is gexng beqer & cheaper
-New compeGtors in the sector
-Change on the consumpGon habits
-Complaints & claims about the service
-Campaigns against junk food due to
the increasing obesity among the -
Spanish populaGon



Socio demographic:
Unisex. People between 20-45 years old, from middle to middle-high
classes. They have middle to high cultural level. They are workers and
City-sumers. In this way, we consider a city-sumer those urbanites that
are demanding an open brand market; they also have a high cultural
level and good incomes.

Psychographic level:
They are individualists, users of Internet, they like Sports on TV and
InternaGonal serials. They have an acGve social life. They like
pracGcing Sports. They give importance to the physical appearance.



Socio demographic:
Children between 5- 16 years old, from middle to middle-high
classes. Unisex. UrbaniGes.

Psychographic level:
They are students and users of videogames and technological devices.
They are growing in a changing environment because of new
Technologies. They like open-air acGviGes. In this target, we have to
dierenGate teenagers in order that they are aware about the
importance of the physical appearance. They also have an acGve
social life.

1. To return to the quality of the ingredients.

2. Improve the personal aaen=on. RecommendaGons based on
the previous orders the cosumer has done.

3. To improve the establishments in order to dene the new
image as a healthier restaurant.

4. To be a reference point for children and their birthday

5. Adress more female target.

6. To be a responsible brand that takes care about the


Telepizza does not sell just products. It sells moments. It has a strong
top of mind because its oer. In that way, Telepizza does not only oer
pizza, it oers healthyness, happiness and friendly moments.
Telepizza bets for the quality of its ingredients and its personal
aqenGon, because the customer is acquiring his perfect moment.
Therefore, Telepizza is dedicated to the personal fast-food. By oering a
individual aqenGon depending on customers tastes making easier the
process of enjoying friendly moments.
Telepizza establishments are not just delivery places. They are
restaurants, where the customers could enjoy Telepizza experience.
Telepizza takes care about the environment. It is an eco friendly
company because its materials are made with recycled elements.





The smile.

That simple gesture changes a daily moment into a special one, as when people open a
gim converted into a Telepizzas box.

No maqer the place, being alone or with anyone. The most important thing for us is a
customer smiling and enjoying life in every porGon of pizza.
hey need a special moment, just a smile ... people can always count on Telepizza.
The secret of our success is inside every customer: its tastes, needs and smiles caused
by opening a pizzas box.

And we follow this way, worried every day for every smile, puxng our eorts in each
product that carries our secrets to the clients, and ensuring that whenever t

Alimenta tu sonrisa

These simple words reect the aspiraGons of

This phrase adds emoGonal value to the brand,
establishing a link with the public. It tries to
convey the idea that consuming a product of
Telepizza is a saGsfying experience that will
produce a smile, and also its included the
feeling of happiness associated with the
brand. This brand idea also is directed to
internal audiences, trying to be well perceived
from within, and that good percepGon will be
reected in the workow and business


1. Posi=oning the customer as the centre of the business.
The customer is the main protagonist of the companys acGviGes and everything is determinate and
address to him.

2. Oering Quality.
Quality oered in terms of products and customer service. The ingredients used on the food, the
packaging and the way Telepizza treats customers.

3. Innova=on in products and services.
The companys purpose is to innovate day by day on its oer to the clients. For example: new varieGes
of pizza, exclusive ingredients and faciliGes to place the orders.

4. Commitment with the society.
Telepizza is concerned with the society and the company shows it through discounts to unemployed
people and students.
Also, its packaging and the materials used on its establishment are recycled in order to protect the


Enjoy celebra3ng everyday

Telepizza wants to convert its foods packaging in presents that customers
give to themselves to celebrate every moment.

Happiness in small por3ons
The porGons of pizza become porGons of happiness for the customer. The
real happiness is formed by small moments and Telepizza is conscious of that
giving to its customers the possibility of having a perfect moment.


Changes in oer: It is considered that the brand should strengthen its value of "specialist", one of the most
important values of its naming. Is not recommended the introducGon of subsGtute product, which would
distort completely the percepGon of the brand, however, it is recommended extension of complementary
The development of a new line of complementary products with a greater variety of salads, starters,
snacks and desserts, with a clear orientaGon to healthy food. For example, recipes for celiac and
vegetarian pizzas and the introducGon of an integral dough, the subsGtuGon of bran our or desserts for
Another pillar of growth of the brand could be based on the enrichment of local experience, encouraging
the consumpGon of products on site through deals and promoGon. The establishment has to transmit the
values of the brand through the creaGon of an original graphic and decoraGve language standardized in all
the restaurant. It would maintain the self service, like the other fast food servers.
Enhancing online orders, the strategy iniGated with the creaGon of the online ordering website and
applicaGons for smart phones are correct, and highly valued by customers. Is a fact that the younger
generaGon consider new technologies as something natural, so the company has to tap the potenGal of
these channels with simple and intuiGve applicaGons. The social media could be a new channel, not only
for the communicaGon, also can be considered to order on line trough the proles. In this premises could
be installed a touch screen terminal to order in the establishment.
Remains the majority of orders, so you have to maintain the smooth operaGon of the service, improving
and simplifying the process.


Customer Service:
Trough phone and in the establishment, the customer service has to be improved. It is proposed
the establishment of regular courses to educate the sta in the philosophy of the brand and the
importance that customers have. In relaGon with the brand idea "feeds your smile" we must be
consistent and employees should always give a careful image and friendly service.
The pricing policy has been simplied in recent months to avoid the confusion that produced the
large number of oers and seasonal promoGons.
It is recommended following this strategy and establish a pricing policy more simple and stable.
Avoid the saturaGon of these oers and more easily transmixng. For example discount for student
or unemployed.
Brochures and charts must follow the same concept of simplicity, keeping the original design and
consistent with brand idenGty. The fresh tone and sense of humor in television campaign has
become a disGncGve of the brand , contribuGng to its posiGoning, so it is recommended to
conGnue with this style.
The contact in social networks:
This is an area in which you have to improve, delving into direct interacGon with users, trying to
answer immediately the acGviGes of the followers.


According to transmit an experience of brand and join people with dierent
personaliGes, the company will use a fresh and funny style of communicaGon to
achieve a pleasant atmosphere between its customers.


It is relevant to establish a closeness tone due to the importance of the
customer service. The clients should feel that Telepizza is a place where
they are heard and welcome.


It is necessary to generate prots for the society. In this way, the
company could achieve a good reputaGon by taking care of its
customers and especially for underprivileged ones, as unemployed
people. This commitment will be reected on its style of


Due to the features of the companys business, the style of communicaGon will
be based on reinforcing the healthy characterisGcs of the products.


Should Telepizza change the graphic idenGty?

The brand has got a high level on the top of mind of the society and we
considerate that changing the logo will create controversy.
Is one of Telepizzas strengths and since its creaGon it has suered just one
change (2004).

We recommend changing the packaging of its new products:
-Healthy line: green colour.
-Celiac line: purple colour.
-TradiGonal line: red colour.

This disGncGon between the products will help to dierenGate the delivery
orders and also it personalizes the products.


New moao:
Felicidad en porciones

1. A couple of newlyweds are cugng a pizza instead of a wedding cake.
We want to enhance the concept of happiness and smile around our brand idea.

2. A marathon runner reaches the goal and receives a por=on of pizza instead
Our purpose is to transmit the new healthy varieGes in our oer.

3. A child celebra=ng his birthday with friends. He blows out the candles on a
pizza instead of using a cake.
Taking into account that our second target are children we want to aqract them
to the company in order to establish an emoGonal link between Telepizza and this

Telepizza will collaborate with some NGOs,
as Aldeas en Accin. The money will be
collected from the selling of its products.
The taking will be desGned to help these
NGOs, which work to help children in
underprivileged socieGes.
The sponsorships will be known through
promoGons on brochures, Gcket purchases
and adverGsements.
These acGons have coherence with its
values about the commitment with the

Amer assessing the environment, the brand and its business, makes the following

1. Avoid subs=tutes product. It is very important to maintain the strength of the brand
as a specialist, and avoid dispersion with products that are idenGed with other
2. Begng complementary products as part of product diversicaGon. Always around
the pizza as a main element.
3. Main Product Diversica=on. Deepening the line started with gluten-free pizzas, and
vegetarian-oriented kind of healthy food that expand the potenGal audience
4. Improve customer service, invesGng in sta training and development of new
channels through new technologies.
5. Consider begng brand growth by improving the experience of eaGng in local
establishments doing more comfortable.
6. Con=nue with the concept of disGnct, original communica=on.

Thanks for your


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