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Question # 1

Complete Sentence
With great difficulty, ..........................

Pick an answer
He could keep his cool
He could get annoyed
He could not tolerate his nonsense
He could lose his temper
He could perform his usual functions

Complete Sentence
After the advice of his father, he was reconciled .................. his wife.

Pick an answer

Question # 3
Complete Sentence
The unruly behaviour of the children .............. their parents

Pick an answer

Complete Sentence
His ................... tactics may compel me to cancel the contract as the job must be finished on time.

Pick an answer

Question # 2
Complete Sentence
Where are my spectacles ? ..................

Pick an answer
There are they, on your nose !
There they are, on your nose !
Here are they, on your nose !
Here they are, on your nose !

Question # 3
Complete Sentence
It is .................. that students do not repay their loans.

Pick an answer

Question # 4
Complete Sentence

Could you appease her curiosity ? No, I ...................

Pick an answer
Did No
Could Not
Have not
Could Never

Question # 5
Complete Sentence
We never believed that he would resort to ................. in order to achieve his end, we always regarded him as an honest man.

Pick an answer

Question # 6
Complete Sentence
The waiter hasn't bought the coffee ................ I 've been here an hour already.

ick an answer

Question # 7
Complete Sentence
The judge acquitted the prisoner ................ the charge of murder.

Pick an answer


Question # 8
Complete Sentence
He said that there was no going back because his decision was ...............

Pick an answer

Question # 9
Complete Sentence
Whichever way you approach the problem ..................

Pick an answer
It will not solve
It will not be solved
No none will not solve it
It will not be solve

Question # 10
Choose the Word Which has Opposite Meaning

Pick an answer


Question # 11
Choose the Word Which has Opposite Meaning

Pick an answer

Question # 12
Choose the Word Which has Opposite Meaning

Pick an answer

Question # 13
Choose the Word Which has Opposite Meaning

Pick an answer

Question # 14
Choose the word/phrase related to given word/phrase

Pick an answer
Gold: Ornament
Dress: Garment
Fountain Pen: Paper
Diamond: Stone

Question # 15
Choose the word/phrase related to given word/phrase'

Pick an answer
Grass: Gardener
Medicine: Doctor
Bridge: Engineer
Radio: Radiologis

Question # 16
Choose the word/phrase related to given word/phrase

Pick an answer
Pakistan: Bangladesh
Bangladesh: West Bengal
Sindh: Azad Kashmir
Sindh: Punjab

Question # 17
Choose the word/phrase related to given word/phrase

Pick an answer
Medicine: Drugs
Shoe: Leather
Butter: Curd
Cotton: Silk

Question # 18
Choose the word/phrase related to given word/phrase

Pick an answer
Prophet: Rule
Prodigy: Wonder
Profiteer: Consume
Prodigal: Squander

Question # 19
Q-2,Anthropologists who study orangutans,distant cousins of the human race find in
the animals behaviour hints of how our earliest ancestors may have lived.It has long
been accepted that primates originally dwelt in the treetops and only migrated to the
ground as forests began to dwindle.While to a certain extent,all primates excepts

humans spend at least some time dwelling in trees,the orangutan hardly ever ventures
to the forest floor.Adult orangutans can grow as heavy as 330 pounds and live for
decades,requiring copious amounts of fruit simply to stay alive.Thus,they become
very jealous of the territory where they find their food.Compounding this territoriality
are the breeding habits of orangutans since females can only breed every few years
and,like humans give birth not to litters but single offspring.
Consequently,orangutans are solitary,territorial animals who have difficulty foraging in any part of the forest where they were not
raised Orangutans take from poachers by customs agents undergo incredible hardship on their return to the wild.Incorrectly
relocating a male orangutan is especially problematic,often ending in the animal's death at the hands of a rival who sees not only
his territory but also the females of his loosely knit community under threat from an outsider.while humans like chimpanzees are
more gregarious and resourceful than orangutans the latter provide anthropologists with useful information about the behaviour
of pre hominid primates and how apelike behaviour influenced out ancestors search for the food and family beneath the forest's
vi.Which of the following can be inferred about differences between the behaviour of orangutans and that of other ape species?

Pick an answer
While orangutans spend much of their time in
the treetops,other apes live exclusively on the
Orangutans and other types of apes are all
sociable species, but orangutans are more
likely to bond for life
Apes such as chimpanzees rely less upon their
size than the average orangutans do
Orangutans spend less time in the company of
their members of their species than do some
other apes

Q-1.The Romans--for centuries is the masters of war and politics Europe,Northern

Africa,and Asia Minor---have often been criticised for producing few original thinkers
outside the realm of politics.This criticism while in many ways true,is not without its was after all the conquest of Greece that provided Rome with its greatest
influx of educated subjects two of the great disasters in intellectual history---the
murder of Archimedes and the burning of Alexandria's libarary ---both occurred under
Rome's watch.Nevertheless,a city that was able to conquer so much of the known
world could not have been devoid of the creativity that characterizes so many other
ancient empires.
Engineering is one endeavour in which the Romans showed themselves capable.Their aqueducts carried water hundreds of miles
along the tops vast arcades.Roman roads built for the rapid deployment of troops,crisscross Europe and still from the basis of
numerous modern highways that provide quick access between many major European and African cities,indeed a large number of
these cities owe their prominence to Rome's economic and political influence.
Many of those major cities lie far beyond rome's original's province,and Latin-derived languages are spoken in most Southern
European nations.Again a result of military influence,the popularity of Latin and its offspring is difficult to overestimate.During
the centuries of ignorance and violence that followed Rome's decline, the Latin language was the glue that held together the

identity of an entire continent.While seldom spoken today,it is still studied widely if only so that such master of rhetoric as
Cicero can be read in the original.
It is Cicero and his like who are perhaps the most overlooked legacy of Rome.While far from being a democracy,Rome did leave
behind useful political tool that serve the American republic today."Republic" itself is Latin for "the people's business" a notion
cherished in democracies worldwide.Senators owe their name to Rome's class of elders; Representatives owe theirs to the
Tributes who seized popular prerogatives from the Senatorial class.The veto was a Roman notion adopted by the historically
aware framers of the Constitution,who often assumed pen names from the lexion of Latin life.These accomplishments,as
monumental as any highway of coliseum,remain prominent features of the Western landscape.
i.The author describes "two of the great disasters in intellectual history" (lines 9-12) in order to:

Pick an answer
Establish a point directly related to the main
Show that certain historical claims are
Demonstrate the importance of certain
historical data
Disprove the claims made by other with a
different view
Concede the partial accuracy of an opposing

Question # 21
Q-8,In the past thirty years drugs have been discovered that prevent and cure physical
disease and reverse the disturbances that occur in certain mental illness,Excitement
over what drugs can do has led people to believe that any ailment,infective or
psychic,can be relieved by taking a pill,At the first sign of nervousness,they try pepup pills Medical journals now advertise tranquilizers and other mood.altering drugs
doctors prescribe them: and the public expect miracles from them.In such an
atmosphere,it is not surprising that drug abuse has spreas.
iii.People often believe that:

Pick an answer
Medicines can cure all the diseases
Doctors cannot cure all the diseases
Medicines cannot cure all the diseases
Doctors can cure all tha diseases

Question # 22
Q-7.Is this work of incessant and feverish have little time to think,much
less to consider ideals and objectives yet how are we to act even in the present unless
we know which way we are going and what our objectives are?It is only in the
peaceful atmosphere of a university that these basic problems can be adequately
considered.It is only when the young men and wpmen who are in the university today
and on whom the burden of life's problem will fall tomorrow,learn to have clear
objectives and standards of values that there is hope for the next generation.The past
generation produced some great men but as a generation it led the world repeatedly to
disaster.Two world wars are the price that has been paid for the lack of wisdom on
men's part in this generation.
I think that there is always a close and intimate relationship between the end we aim at and the means adopted to attain it,Even if
the end is right but the means are wrong,it will vitiate the end or divert us in a wrong direction.Means and ends are thus
intimately and inextricably connected and cannot be separated.That indeed,has been the lesson of old taught us by many great
men in the past but unfortunately it is seldom remembered.
iv.According to the writer the adoption of wrong means even for the right end would:

Pick an answer
Impede our progress
Deflect us from the right path
Not let us attain our goal
Bring us dishonour

Question # 23
Q-1, It is difficult to reconcile the ideas of different schools of thought on the question
of education.Some people maintain that pupils at school should concentrate on a
narrow range of subjects which will benefits them directly in their subsequent
careers.Others contend that they should study a wide range of subjects so that have
not only the specialized knowledge necessary for their chosen careers but also sound
general knowledge about the world they will have to work and live in. Supporters of
the first theory state that the greatest contributions to civilization are made by those
who are most expert in their trade or profession.Those on the other side say that unless
they have a broad general education,the experts will be too narrow in their outlook to
have sympathy with their follows or a proper sense of responsibility towards humanity
as a whole.
iv. Supporters of the first theory say that

Pick an answer

Experts have done nothing to help mankind

People with general knowledge are more
useful than experts
Experts have contributed most to progress in
the modern world
People with general knowledge have
contributed to civilization

Question # 24
Q-6.After submitting his resignation Albert came out and took the long narrow road
leading to the railway station which was one of the busiest roads in the city.Sad and
depressed and worried about looking for a new job Albert looked around for a
cigarette shop He walked up to the end of the road but found no tobacconist It was
odd that such a busy thoroughfare with thousands of people passing through did not
even have a single cigarette shop he suddenly felt that it was no longer necessary for
him to hunt for a job.He decided to open a tobacco shop himself it was bound to be
profitable he felt.
i.After submitting his resignation Albert came out worried about:

Pick an answer
A job
The next available train
A shelter

Question # 25
Q-2, Books are by far the most lasting product of human effort.Temples crumble into
ruin, Pictures and statues decay,but books survive time dose not destroy the great
thoughts which are as fresh today as when they first passed through their authors
mind. These thoughts speak to us through the printed page.the only effect of time has
been to throw out of currency the bad products. Nothing in literature which is not
good can live for long.Good books have always helped man in various spheres of life
no wonder that the world keeps its books with great care.
ii.Time does not destroy books because they contain:

Pick an answer

Useful material
Subject-matter for eduction
High ideals
Great ideas

Question # 26
Q-4, There was a marked difference of quality between the personages who haunted
the near bridge of brick and the personages who hunted the far one of stone.Those of
lowest character preferred the former, adjoining the town: they did not mind the glare
of the public eye.They had been of no account during their success and though they
might feel dispirited they had no sense of shame in their ruin.Instead of sighing at
their adversaries they spat, and instead of saying the iron had entered into their
luck.The miserables who would pause on the remoter bridge were of a politer stamppersons who did not know how to get rid of the weary time.The eyes species were
mostly directed over the parapet upon the running water below. While one on the
downward bridge did not mind who saw him so and kept his back to the parapet to
survey the passerby,one on this never faced the road,never a stranger approached,as if
some strange fish interested him though every finned thing had been poached out of
the river years before.
i.The two bridges were known:

Pick an answer
For attaching dejected people to them
For being equidistant from town
For being haunted places
For their similar design

Question # 27
Q-6.After submitting his resignation Albert came out and took the long narrow road
leading to the railway station which was one of the busiest roads in the city.Sad and
depressed and worried about looking for a new job Albert looked around for a
cigarette shop He walked up to the end of the road but found no tobacconist It was
odd that such a busy thoroughfare with thousands of people passing through did not
even have a single cigarette shop he suddenly felt that it was no longer necessary for
him to hunt for a job.He decided to open a tobacco shop himself it was bound to be

profitable he felt.
v. A cigarette shop on a busy road was bound to be profitable because:

Pick an answer
Cigarettes are inexpensive items and people
buy them willingly
A cigarette shop on a busy road would attract
a large number of customers
Cigarette shops are known to make a great
deal of profit
Any shop on a busy street would attract a
large number of customers

Question # 28
Q-5,It is to progress in the human sciences that we must look to undo the evils which
have resulted from a knowledge of the physical world hastily and superficially
acquired by populations unconscious of the changes in themselves that the new
knowledge has made imperative.The road to a happier world than any known in the
past lies open before us if atavistic destructive passions can be kept in leash while the
necessary adaptations are made.Fears are inevitable in our time but hopes are equally
rational and far more likely to bear good fruit.We must learn to think rather less of the
dangers to be avoided than of the good that will lie within our grasp if we can believe
in it and let it dominate our thoughts Science,whatever unpleasant consequences it
may have by the way,is in its very nature a liberator.a liberator of bondage to physical
nature and in to come a liberator from the weight of destructive passions,We are on
the threshold of utter disaster or unprecedentedly glorious achievement no previous
age has been fraught with problems so momentous,and it is to science that we must
look to for a happy future.
iv.Fears and hopes according to the author:

Pick an answer
Are irrational
Are closely linked with the life of modern man
Can yield good results
Can bear fruit

Question # 29
Q-1.The Romans--for centuries is the masters of war and politics Europe,Northern
Africa,and Asia Minor---have often been criticised for producing few original thinkers
outside the realm of politics.This criticism while in many ways true,is not without its was after all the conquest of Greece that provided Rome with its greatest
influx of educated subjects two of the great disasters in intellectual history---the
murder of Archimedes and the burning of Alexandria's libarary ---both occurred under
Rome's watch.Nevertheless,a city that was able to conquer so much of the known
world could not have been devoid of the creativity that characterizes so many other
ancient empires.
Engineering is one endeavour in which the Romans showed themselves capable.Their aqueducts carried water hundreds of miles
along the tops vast arcades.Roman roads built for the rapid deployment of troops,crisscross Europe and still from the basis of
numerous modern highways that provide quick access between many major European and African cities,indeed a large number of
these cities owe their prominence to Rome's economic and political influence.
Many of those major cities lie far beyond rome's original's province,and Latin-derived languages are spoken in most Southern
European nations.Again a result of military influence,the popularity of Latin and its offspring is difficult to overestimate.During
the centuries of ignorance and violence that followed Rome's decline, the Latin language was the glue that held together the
identity of an entire continent.While seldom spoken today,it is still studied widely if only so that such master of rhetoric as
Cicero can be read in the original.
It is Cicero and his like who are perhaps the most overlooked legacy of Rome.While far from being a democracy,Rome did leave
behind useful political tool that serve the American republic today."Republic" itself is Latin for "the people's business" a notion
cherished in democracies worldwide.Senators owe their name to Rome's class of elders; Representatives owe theirs to the
Tributes who seized popular prerogatives from the Senatorial class.The veto was a Roman notion adopted by the historically
aware framers of the Constitution,who often assumed pen names from the lexion of Latin life.These accomplishments,as
monumental as any highway of coliseum,remain prominent features of the Western landscape.
vi.Which of the following is NOT described in the passage as a part of ancient Roman life that left a lasting legacy?

Pick an answer
The Latin language
Military accomplishments
An extensive system of roads
A democratic system of government
Wide-ranging economic influence

Question # 30
Q-2,Anthropologists who study orangutans,distant cousins of the human race find in
the animals behaviour hints of how our earliest ancestors may have lived.It has long
been accepted that primates originally dwelt in the treetops and only migrated to the
ground as forests began to dwindle.While to a certain extent,all primates excepts
humans spend at least some time dwelling in trees,the orangutan hardly ever ventures
to the forest floor.Adult orangutans can grow as heavy as 330 pounds and live for
decades,requiring copious amounts of fruit simply to stay alive.Thus,they become

very jealous of the territory where they find their food.Compounding this territoriality
are the breeding habits of orangutans since females can only breed every few years
and,like humans give birth not to litters but single offspring.
Consequently,orangutans are solitary,territorial animals who have difficulty foraging in any part of the forest where they were not
raised Orangutans take from poachers by customs agents undergo incredible hardship on their return to the wild.Incorrectly
relocating a male orangutan is especially problematic,often ending in the animal's death at the hands of a rival who sees not only
his territory but also the females of his loosely knit community under threat from an outsider.while humans like chimpanzees are
more gregarious and resourceful than orangutans the latter provide anthropologists with useful information about the behaviour
of pre hominid primates and how apelike behaviour influenced out ancestors search for the food and family beneath the forest's
ii. It can be inferred from the passage that one development responsible for the evolution of distinct ape species was:

Pick an answer
Early primates inability to survive in the forest
The shrinking of the available primitive forest
The growth of human and chimpanzee
The orangutan's eventual dominance of the
The encroachment of other species into the
primitive forest

Question # 31
3/4 of 28 is equal to 30/7 of what number ?

Pick an answer

Question # 32
If p2 - q2 = 48 and p - q = 12, what is the average of p and q ?

Pick an answer


Question # 33

Pick an answer

Question # 34
Which of the following is equal to (38 39)10 ?

Pick an answer

Question # 35
What percent of 1/2 is 5/4 ?

Pick an answer

Question # 36
If C is the circumference of a circular disk in centimeters, and A is the area of the
same circular disk in square centimeter. Then C/A = A/C, iff r =

Pick an answer

Question # 37
The cube of 1/2 is:

Pick an answer

Question # 38
The size of the square which can be made using 256 square shapes with a side length

of 6 cm is:

Pick an answer
16 cm
36 cm
2.67 (approx) cm
96 cm

Question # 39
For which values of p is p2 - 5p + 6 negative ?

Pick an answer

Question # 40
On a test consisting of 60 problems, Sonia solved 75% of first 40 problems correctly.
What percent of the other 20 questions does she need to solve correctly for her grade
on the entire exam to be 90% ?

Pick an answer
85 %
cannot achieve 90%

Question # 41
How many whole bricks 6 12 24 cm3 will be sufficient to construct a solid cube of
minimum size ?

Pick an answer

Question # 42

Pick an answer

Question # 43
The average number of goals a team has scored in 7 matches is 8. They averaged 10
goals for the first 3 matches and they scored 5 goals in each of the next tow matches.
What is the average score of the last two matches ?

Pick an answer
5 goals

4 goals
6 goals
8 goals

Question # 44
What percent of 75 is x ?

Pick an answer
3/4 - x
4/3 x

Question # 45
How many 1cm square pieces of paper can Rachael cut from a square sheet of paper
with a side length of 2.1 m?

Pick an answer
22100 cm2
44100 cm2
27100 cm2
36100 cm2

Question # 46
A soap factory has 30 packers. Each packer can load 1/8 of a box in 9 minutes. How
many boxes can be loaded in 1 1/2 hours by all 20 packers ?

Pick an answer
37 1/2

35 1/2

Question # 47
In a squash tournament that has 75 entrants, a player is eliminated whenever he loses a
match. How many matches will be played in the entire tournament ?

Pick an answer

Question # 48
If x% of y is 20, then y =

Pick an answer
2000 x

Question # 49
The least prime number is:

Pick an answer

Question # 50
When 42 is added to twice a number, the result is 346, the number is:

Pick an answer

Question # 51
Direction:In the following type of question,each consists of two quantities,one in column A and one in column B.You must
compare two quantities and on the answer sheet fill in.
A.If the quantity in column A is greater.
B.If the quantity in column B is greater.
C.If the two quantities are equal.
D.If the relationship cannot be determined from the information given.
Notes:Sometimes,in certain question,information concerning one or both the quantities to be compared is centered above the two
columns.A symbol that in both columns represents the same thing in column A as it does in column B.
Column A
Column B
(n is a positive integer)

Pick an answer
Column A
(7)2 + (7)3
Column B

Pick an answer

Column A
The average of the old integers from 1 to 100.
Column B
The average of the even integers from 1 to 100.

Pick an answer
Column A
Column B

Pick an answer
Column A
Column B

Pick an answer

Column A
The average (arithmetic mean) of 2x and 2y
Column B

Pick an answer

Question # 57

Pick an answer

Question # 58
What percent of the students who failed the exam would have had to pass it, in order
for percent of students passing the exam to be at least 77% out of 500 ?

Pick an answer

Question # 60

Pick an answer

Question # 61
Q,12-13.There are seven cages next to each other in a zoo.The following is known
as about the cages.Each cage has only one animal,which is either a lion or a
monkey.There is a lion in each of the first and last cages.The cage in the middle
has monkey.No two adjacent cages have monekey in them.The monkey's cage in
the middle has two lion cages on either side.Each of the other monkey cages are
between and next to two lion cages.
Q-12.How many cages have lions in them?

Pick an answer

Question # 62
Q,3-8.A Government College sports president wishes to select four members of a sports-wing committee as special
representatives to meet the requirements of college's sports activities.
The committee consists of eight members four of which (K,L,M and M) are sports teachers whereas the other four (P,Q,R andS)
are students.
The four representatives must consist of exactly two sports teachers and two students.
Either K or L must be one of the representatives but K and L both cannot be the representatives.If P is a If R is a representative
then L cannot be a representative.
Q-6. If neither Q nor S is a representative then which of the following is a pair of teachers representatives?

Pick an answer
K and L
K and M
K and N
L and M

Question # 63
Q,1-6.Nine athletes attend a sports banquet at Iqbal Stadium,Lahore.Three of the athletes--A,B and C--are varsity
football players,two of the athletes---D and E--are varsity basketball players.The other four athletes--L,M,N,and O -belong to the hockey club.All nine athletes will be seated at three small tables,each seating three athletes.The athletes
must be seated according to the following rules:
L and A do not sit at the same table.

M sits together with at least one of B or D.

There can be at most only one football player at a table.
There can be at most only one basketball player at a table.
Q-4.A and D are seated at one table.which of the following are possible seating arrangements for the remaining two tables?

Pick an answer
B with L and O, C with E and M
B with M and N, C with L and O
B with O and D, E with N and O
C with E and L, B with N and O
L with M and N, B with E and O

Question # 64
Q,8-12, The accounts staff of the Mark corporation presently consists of three bookkeepers (X,Y and Z) and five Data Entry Operators (M,N,O,P and Q) Management is
planning to open a new office in another city sending three Data Entry Operators and
two book-keepers from the present staff.To do so they plan to separate certain
individuals who do not function well together.The following guidelines were
established to set up the new office:
(i) Book-keepers X and Z are constantly finding faults with one another therefore should not be sent together to the new office.
(ii) Z and N function well alone but not as a team.They should be separated.
(iii) M and P have not been on speaking terms for many months they should not go together.
(iv) Since M and O have been competing for a promotion they should not be in one team.Based on the above information find the
correct answers to the following questions:
Q-11, If M is sent to the new office then which of the following is a possible team?

Pick an answer

Question # 65
Q-10.Travelers may enter and remain in the republic for up to 57 days.If a
travelers are to stay for more than seven days,however,a special visa is required.
Q-10.If the statements above are true,which of the following must also be true?

Pick an answer
Travelers who are staying in the Republic for
15 days must have a special visa.
Many travelers who any stay in the Republic
do not need visa.
Some travelers who stay in the Republic for
more than seven days do not have to
appropriate visas.
Travelers who stay less than seven days in the
Republic do not need visas.

Question # 66
Q,7-9.In a room,six people,P,Q,R,S,M and N are seated about a round table.Every chair is placed equidistant from
adjacent chairs.
1.M is seated next to R.
2.S is seated 3 seats from R.
3.P is seated 2 seats from N.
Q-8.If P refuse to sit next to M,which necessary follows?
I.N must sit next to M
II.Q and R are two seats apart.
III.Q and S are both next to N.

Pick an answer
I only
II only
III only
I and II only
II and III only

Question # 67
Q,10-14.During practice matches,before a major tournament,in a football
ground,one team can practice at a time.There are seven teams-- the
Argentine,the Brazil the Senegal,the Dubai,the England,the France and the
Germany,The football ground is open seven evenings a week from Monday to
Sunday (Sunday being considered the last day of the week),and the allocation of
the practice times is governed by the following rules:
i.On any evening only one team can play.
ii.The Argentine must practice on Monday.

iii.The Dubai practice exactly one day before the France practice.
iv,The France practice exactly one day before the Germany practice.
v.The Senegal and the Brazil must practice earlier in the week than the England.
Q-10.The latest day in the week that the Brazil can practice is?

Pick an answer

Question # 68
Q,1-4.A carrier must deliver mail by making a stop at each of six buildings:
S,T,U,V,W and X,Mail to be delivered are of two types,ordinary mail and
priority mail.The delivery of both types of mail is subject to the following
conditions:Regardless of the type of mail to be delivered mail to W and mail to X
must be delivered,mail to W and mail to X must be delivered before mail to U is
delivered,Regardless of the type of mail to be delivered,mail to T and mail to S
must be delivered before mail to X is delivered.Mail to buildings receiving some
priority mail must be delivered,as far as the above conditions permit,before mail
to buildings receiving only ordinary mail.
Q-1.If S is the only building receiving priority mail,which of the following lists the buildings in an order,from first through
sixth,in which they can receive their mail?

Pick an answer

Question # 69
Q,1-4.A carrier must deliver mail by making a stop at each of six buildings:
S,T,U,V,W and X,Mail to be delivered are of two types,ordinary mail and

priority mail.The delivery of both types of mail is subject to the following

conditions:Regardless of the type of mail to be delivered mail to W and mail to X
must be delivered,mail to W and mail to X must be delivered before mail to U is
delivered,Regardless of the type of mail to be delivered,mail to T and mail to S
must be delivered before mail to X is delivered.Mail to buildings receiving some
priority mail must be delivered,as far as the above conditions permit,before mail
to buildings receiving only ordinary mail.
Q-2. If T,U and X are each receiving priority mail,which of the following lists the buildings in an order,from first through sixth,in
which they can receive mail?

Pick an answer

Question # 70
Q,13-16.Each of the following problems has a question and two statements which
labeled 1 and 2.Use the data given in 1 and 2 together with other information given in
the statement,and find a correct answer by using basic mathematics and and everyday
Q-14.If M > N and O >P,then,M + O > N +P. Is S > T?
1. S + A > T + B
2. A > B

Pick an answer
Statement 1.Alone is sufficient but 2. ALONE
is not sufficient to answer this question.
Statement 2.ALONE is sufficient but 1.ALONE
is not sufficient to answer this question,
Statements 1 and 2.COMBINED are sufficient
to answer the question but NEITHER of them
is sufficient ALONE.
Statements 1 and 2 COMBINED are not
sufficient to answer the question and

additional information is needed to find the

correct answer.

Question # 71
Q,1-6.The customer complaint department of a chain of departmental stores firm
employs exactly six people who answer letters: A,B,C,D,E and F.Every complaint
letter received by the departmental is classified as either Red or Blue,The
procedures for answering the letter are:
Red letters are given first to A or B.
Blue letters are given first to anyone of the following:A,D or C.
If a letter raises a problem that cannot be resolved by the person to whom it is given,it must be forwarded until it reaches
someone who can resolve the problem and answer the letter.A letter must be forwarded as follows:By A to C if the letter
is Red,but to D if the letter is Blue;
By B to either A to C;
By C to D if the letter is Red,but to E if the letter is Blue;
By D to either C or E whether the letter is Red or Blue;
By E to F whether the letter is Red or Blue.F answer every letter given to him.
Q-1.Any of the following can be true EXCEPT?

Pick an answer
A forwards a red letter to C
B forwards a red letter to A
B forwards a red letter to C
C forwards a red letter to E
D forwards a red letter C

Question # 72
Q,1-4,Three women--X,Y, and Z are traveling in a van with five children--A,B,C,D
and E The van has a driver's seat and one passenger seat in the front and two benches
behind the front seats, one bench behind the first.Each bench has room for exactly
three people.Every one must sit in a seat or on a bench and seating is subject to the
following restrictions: A women must sit on each bench.Either X or Y must sit in the
driver's seat.C must sit immediately beside E.
Q-2, Which of the following groups of three can sit together on a bench?

Pick an answer
A,C and E
A.C and Z

A.Y and Z
B,D and Y
D,E and X

Question # 73
Q,12-13.There are seven cages next to each other in a zoo.The following is known
as about the cages.Each cage has only one animal,which is either a lion or a
monkey.There is a lion in each of the first and last cages.The cage in the middle
has monkey.No two adjacent cages have monekey in them.The monkey's cage in
the middle has two lion cages on either side.Each of the other monkey cages are
between and next to two lion cages.
Q-13.The monkey cage in the middle must have?

Pick an answer
No other monkey cage to its left.
No lion cage on its right.
A lion cage to its left and to its right.
Other monkey cages next to it.
No lion cage to its left.

Question # 74
Q,1-4.A carrier must deliver mail by making a stop at each of six buildings:
S,T,U,V,W and X,Mail to be delivered are of two types,ordinary mail and
priority mail.The delivery of both types of mail is subject to the following
conditions:Regardless of the type of mail to be delivered mail to W and mail to X
must be delivered,mail to W and mail to X must be delivered before mail to U is
delivered,Regardless of the type of mail to be delivered,mail to T and mail to S
must be delivered before mail to X is delivered.Mail to buildings receiving some
priority mail must be delivered,as far as the above conditions permit,before mail
to buildings receiving only ordinary mail.
Q-4,If only one buildings is to receive priority mail,and as a result,V can be no earlier than fourth in the order of buildings which
of the following must be the building receiving priority mail that day?

Pick an answer


Question # 75
Q,7-10.A school is introducing a new testing system.To test the system,three trainers (Latif,Mehak and Osaf) and three
dogs (Lottie,Muts and Ony) are assigned to three different rooms,one trainer,and one dog per room.
The Initial assignment is as follows:
Room1 : Latif and Lottie
Room2 : Mehak and Muts
Room3 : Osaf and Ony
The participants have learned five different commands,each of which they will execute as soon as the command is given.
Command A requires the trainer in Room 1 to move to Room 2,the trainer in Room 2 to move to Room 3,and the trainer
in Room 3 to move to Room 1.
Command B requires the dogs in Room 1 and 2 to change places.
Command C requires the dogs in Room 2 and 3 to change places.
Command D requires the dogs in Room 3 and 1 to change places.
Command E requires each of the dogs to go to the room containing the trainer it was matched with in the initial
Q-10.Which of the following sequences of commands could result in a final arrangement in which Mehak and Ony are in Room
1.Osaf and Muts are in Room 2,and Latif and Lottie are in Room 3?

Pick an answer

Question # 76
Q,7-9.In a room,six people,P,Q,R,S,M and N are seated about a round table.Every chair is placed equidistant from
adjacent chairs.
1.M is seated next to R.
2.S is seated 3 seats from R.
3.P is seated 2 seats from N.
Q-9.Which of the following is necessarily true?

Pick an answer
The linear distance from S to R is greater than

the linear distance from N to M.

The linear distance from P to Q is equal to the
linear distance from M to N.
The linear distance from R to M is equal to the
linear distance from P to S.
The linear distance from M to Q is equal to
the linear distance from P to M.
The linear distance from R to S is equal to the
linear distance from P to Q.

Question # 77
Q,5-7.All R's are either P's or Q's.
All P's are R's.
All Q's are R's.
No Y's are Z's.
Some Q's are Z's.
Not all Z's are R's.
Q-7.If all X's are either P's or Q's,then which of the following is necessarily false?

Pick an answer
All X's are R's
All P's are X's
Some Q's are X's
All X's are H's
All Z's are X's

Question # 78
Q,13-16, The principal of a college is forming a committee.There are to be five
members:three teachers,chosen from Mr A,Mr C, Mr.D, Mr E; and two
students,chosen from L,M,N and O. The composition of the committee must conform
the following conditions:
Q-13,Mr.A will serve only if O is also on the committee.Mr C will not serve unless Mr.B and L also serve.Neither Mr.D nor
Mr.E will serve without the other.If M serves,either N nor O can serve.which of the following is an acceptable committee?

Pick an answer


Question # 79
Q,8-12,Two statements, labeled X and Y, follow each of the following questions.The
statements contain certain information.In the questions you do not actually have to
compute an answer rather you have to decide whether the information given in the
statement X and Y is sufficient to find a correct answer by using basic
mathematics and everyday facts.
Q-11.A runner has just completed 46 miles running.How long did it take him to finish the journey?
X.His record speed is 13.2 miles per hour.
Y.His average speed through the journey was 9.2 miles per hour.

Pick an answer
Statement X. Alone is sufficient but Y.Alone is
not sufficient to answer this question.
Statement Y.Alone is sufficient but X.Alone is
not sufficient to answer this question.
Statement X and Y TOGETHER are sufficient to
answer the question but NEITHER of them is
sufficient Alone,
Statements X and Y COMBINED are NOT
sufficient to answer the question and
additional information is needed to find the
correct answer.

Question # 80
Q,5-9,During 2006, from january through june,the Chairman of Physics Department will be on Sabbath.The Dean of
college has asked each of the college six professors int he department---Akhter,Bilal,Chohan,Fraz,Hamid and Noman--to
serve as acting chairman during one of these months.The physicists can decide the order in which they will serve,subject
only to the following criteria established by the dean.
i. Chohan will serve as chairman in February.
ii.Akhter will serve as chairman before Hamid does.
iii.Bilal and Fraz will serve as chairman in consecutive months.
Q-9.Which of the following CANNOT be true?

Pick an answer
Akhter and Noman serve in consecutive
Noman and Hamid serve in consecutive
Hamid and Fraz serve in consecutive months
Akhter and Chohan serve in consecutive
Bilal and Chohan serve in consecutive months

Question # 81
Q-10.Ishfaq Ahmed disparaging reviews of the book call his abilities as a circle
into question since the book became an immediate best-seller.
Q-10. Which of the following,if true,would most weaken the author's questioning of Ashfaq's critical ability?

Pick an answer
Immediate success of books is quickly
Book critics often disagree with each other.
Sales of a book are not always indicative of its
Critics often changes their views about books.
The significance of a book is not known for

Question # 82
Q,1-6.In a computer data transfer-cable plant,cables are assembled by twisting plastic-coated wires together.There are wires of
exactly six different solid colours---red,purple,pink,green,orange and book --wires must be assembled into single cables
according to the following rules:
Each cable must contain at least three wires and wires of at least three different colours.
These cables are joined by the following rules:
At most two wires in a single cable can be black.
At most two wires in a single cable can be orange.
There can be at most one wire of each of the other colours in a single cable.
If one wire is red,then one wire must be purple.
If one wire is pink,then no wire can be green.
Q-5.If an assembled cable consists of exactly five wires,each a different colour,it could be true that a colour NOT used is?

Pick an answer

Question # 83
Q,5-9,During 2006, from january through june,the Chairman of Physics Department will be on Sabbath.The Dean of
college has asked each of the college six professors int he department---Akhter,Bilal,Chohan,Fraz,Hamid and Noman--to
serve as acting chairman during one of these months.The physicists can decide the order in which they will serve,subject
only to the following criteria established by the dean.
i. Chohan will serve as chairman in February.
ii.Akhter will serve as chairman before Hamid does.
iii.Bilal and Fraz will serve as chairman in consecutive months.
Q-8.If Bilal serves in May,what is the latest month in which Akhter,could serve?

Pick an answer

Question # 84
Q,8-12, The accounts staff of the Mark corporation presently consists of three bookkeepers (X,Y and Z) and five Data Entry Operators (M,N,O,P and Q) Management is
planning to open a new office in another city sending three Data Entry Operators and
two book-keepers from the present staff.To do so they plan to separate certain
individuals who do not function well together.The following guidelines were
established to set up the new office:
(i) Book-keepers X and Z are constantly finding faults with one another therefore should not be sent together to the new office.
(ii) Z and N function well alone but not as a team.They should be separated.
(iii) M and P have not been on speaking terms for many months they should not go together.
(iv) Since M and O have been competing for a promotion they should not be in one team.Based on the above information find the
correct answers to the following questions:
Q-9, If X is to be moved as one of the book-keepers,which of the following CANNOT be a possible working unit?

Pick an answer

Question # 85
Q,7-10.A school is introducing a new testing system.To test the system,three trainers (Latif,Mehak and Osaf) and three
dogs (Lottie,Muts and Ony) are assigned to three different rooms,one trainer,and one dog per room.
The Initial assignment is as follows:
Room1 : Latif and Lottie
Room2 : Mehak and Muts
Room3 : Osaf and Ony
The participants have learned five different commands,each of which they will execute as soon as the command is given.
Command A requires the trainer in Room 1 to move to Room 2,the trainer in Room 2 to move to Room 3,and the trainer
in Room 3 to move to Room 1.
Command B requires the dogs in Room 1 and 2 to change places.
Command C requires the dogs in Room 2 and 3 to change places.
Command D requires the dogs in Room 3 and 1 to change places.
Command E requires each of the dogs to go to the room containing the trainer it was matched with in the initial
Q-8.Which of the following commands or series of commands will yield a final arrangement in which Ony is in Room 2?

ick an answer
One call of A.
Two calls of B.
Two calls of A followed by one call of E.
Two calls of A followed by one call of D.
Two calls of B followed by one call of D.

Question # 86
Q,13-16, The principal of a college is forming a committee.There are to be five
members:three teachers,chosen from Mr A,Mr C, Mr.D, Mr E; and two
students,chosen from L,M,N and O. The composition of the committee must conform
the following conditions:
Q-14,How many different committee could include Mr A and N?

Pick an answer

Question # 87
Q,1-4. A builder will build five houses in New Housing Scheme on a street that
currently has no house.The builder will select from seven different models of houses-L,M,N,O,P,Q and R The Development Authority has placed the following restrictions
on the builder: No model can be selected for more than one house.Either model O
must be select or model R must be selected,but both cannot be selected,If model Q is
selected then model N cannot be selected.If model M is selected then model O cannot
be selected.
Q-3, Which of the following is an acceptable combination of models that can be selected for the street?

Pick an answer

Question # 88
Q,5-7, Four computer operators (Ali,Babar,Cheema and Dar) each have to perform
duties at the NADRA on four different days Thursday through Sunday.The following
is their duty schedule: Cheema has his duty day before Ali.Dar has his duty day later
than Babar.
Q-6, If Cheema has his duty day on Saturday, who must have his duty day on Thursday?

Pick an answer
Either Ali or Dar
Either Babar or Dar

Question # 89
Q-14.Researchers have found an inactive virus in dry bread.In previous
experiments,researchers found that inactivated viruses could convert healty cells
into cancer cells.It can be concluded that the use of dry bread can casue cancer.
Q-14.Which one of the following if true most seriously weakens the argument?

Pick an answer
The result of many studies about the same
topic were consistent.
Many other ingredients dry bread can
neutralize the effect of inactive virus.
Many of cancer patients confirmed the use of
dry bread.
Ten percent of rural population use dry bread
Inactive virus cannot be killed by any

Question # 90
Q-12,In the first message to Congress,Harry Truman said,"The responsibility of
the United States is to serve and not dominate the world."
Q12.Which of the following is one basic assumption underlying Truman's statement?

Pick an answer
The United States is capable of dominating
the world.

The United States chooses a serve rather than

dominate the world.
World domination is a virtue.
One must be decisive when facing a legislative
body for the first time.
The United States,preceding Truman's
administration,had been irresponsible.

Question # 91
Q-4.It is true that it is against international law to sell plutonium to countries
that do not yet have nuclear weapon.But if United States companies do
so,companies in other countries will.
1.Which of the following is most like the argument above in its logical structure?

Pick an answer
It is true that it is against the police
department's policy to negotiate with
kidnappers.But if the police want to prevent
loss of life,they must negotiate in some cases.
It is true it is illegal to refuse to register for
military service.But there is a long tradition in
the United States of conscientious objection
to serving in the armed forces.
It is true that it is illegal for a government
official to participate in transaction in which
there is an apparent conflict of interest.But if
the facts are examined carefully it will clearly
be seen that there was no actual conflict in
the defendant's case.
It is true that it is against the law to burglarize
people's homes.But someone else certainly
would have burglarized that house if the
defendant had not done so first.
It is true that company policy forbids
supervisors to fire employees without two
written warnings.but there have been many

supervisors who have disobeyed this policy.

Question # 92
Q-10.Many people do not read the books they purchase.For example seventeen
percent of college students in Pakistan have textbooks,but only forty-five percent
of them read more than once a year and only seventeen percent read more than
once a week.
Q-10.Which of the following if true costs doubt on the claim that most people read the books they purchase?

Pick an answer
Readers often exaggerate about their book
The sale of novels is more than that of other
Many people buy books to pretend
themselves as a scholar.
Regular book readers are most susceptible to
eye diseases.

Reading speed is increased by frequent


Question # 93
Q-6.Before the arrival of Asim,a new partner,sales output in Bilal's company
Minhas In Reverse Ltd.had been raising by 10% per year on
average.Innovations by Asim included computerization of technical process and
reduction in the work force,but annual sales output has only risen by 5% per
year.It appears that Asim's innovations have caused the reduction in the annual
growth rate.
6.Which of the following if true would most seriously weaken the conclusion above?

Pick an answer
Asim's innovations were intended as longterm investment and not made for short-term
profit growth.
General demand for the product

manufactured by the company has declined.

The investment in new machinery entails a
provision for depreciation of the cost of the
fixed assets,which causes a reduction in
Workers laid off by Minhas in Reverse
Ltd.have been hired by a competitor,who is
taking an increasing share of the market.
Minhas In Reverse Ltd.does not base increases
in the selling price of its products with costs.

Question # 94
Q,15-16."The sum of behaviour is to retain a man's dignity without intruding
upon the liberty of others." stated Sir Francis Bacon.If this is the case then not
intruding upon another's liberty is impossible.
Q-16.The author's argument would be weakened if it were pointed out that?
I.Bacon's argument has been misinterpreted out of context.
II.Neither liberty nor dignity can be discussed in absolute terms.
III.Retaining dignity always involves a reducing of liberty.

Pick an answer
I,II and X
III only
I only
II and III only
I and II only

Question # 95
Q-3.Travelling by cars is safer than travelling by planes.About 80% of plane
accidents result in death of all passengers,while about 1% of car accidents result
in death.
1.Which of the following if true would most seriously weaken in the argument above?

Pick an answer
Pilots are more trained than car drivers are.

Speed of car is lesser than that of planes.

The number of car accidents is several
thousand times higher than the number of
plane accidents.
Car carriers less number of passengers.
Planes are inspected by experienced
engineers before flying.

Question # 96
Q-13.A researcher has concluded that woman are just as capable as men in math
but that their skills are not developed because society expects them to develop
other and more diverse abilities.
Q-13.Which of the following is a basic assumption of the researcher?

Pick an answer
Ability in math is more important than ability
is more divers subjects.
Ability in math is less important than ability in
more divers subjects.
Women and men should be equally capable in
Women might be more capable than men in
Women tend to conform the social

Question # 97
Q-5.According to the new office smoking regulation,only employees who have
enclosed offices may smoke at their desks.Virtually,all employees with enclosed
offices are at the professional level,and virtually all secretaries employees lack
enclosed offices.Therefore secretaries who smoke should be offered enclosed
1.Which of the following is an assumption that enables the conclusion above to be properly drawn?

Pick an answer
Employees at the professional level who do
not smoke should keep their enclosed offices.
Employees with enclosed offices should not
smoke at their desks,even though the new
regulations permit them to do so.
Employees at the secretarial level should to
smoke at their desks,even if they do not have
enclosed offices.
The smoking regulations should allow all
employees who smoke an equal opportunity
to do so,regardless of an employee's job level.

The smoking regulations should provide

equal protection from any hazards
associated with smoking to all employees
who do not smoke.

Question # 98
Q,8-9 Selfishness is a principal evil in our society.Every person is concerned with
only himself.Personal advancement is the only motivating force in the world
today.This does not mean that individual,are not willing to help one another on
the contrary,_______.However these are only short-term occurrences,which
ultimately serve our long-term goal of personal gain.
Q-9.Which among the following options would most strongly contradict the author's attitude towards society?

Pick an answer
The greatest strength of society is altruism.
We must all learn the art of love.
Our short-term actions may contradict our
long-term goals.
Morality is the bedrock of a growing
The forces of good will ultimately triumph

over evil.

Question # 99
Q,15-16."The sum of behaviour is to retain a man's dignity without intruding
upon the liberty of others." stated Sir Francis Bacon.If this is the case then not
intruding upon another's liberty is impossible.
Q-15.The conclusion strongly implied by the author's arguments is that?

Pick an answer
Retaining one's dignity is impossible without
intruding upon another;s liberty.
Retaining dignity never involves robbing
others of liberty.
Dignity and liberty are naturally exclusive.
There is always the possibility of a "dignified
None of the above

Question # 100
Q-2.Asif has refused to work hard for the exam preparation; therefore no more
pocket money from his father should be provided to him.
1.Which of the following is an assumption made in the argument above?

Pick an answer
Asif is a dull student.
Pocket money of his brother Rafaqit is more.
Money has no importance in Asif's life.
Asif like expensive coloured books.
Asif is a greedy boym,and demand more
money from his father.

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