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The onion must be finely chopped.

I suggest getting a small piece of onion on the

crown in order to avoid the annoying tearing that occurs when one is
cutting. The bad dice onions mourn when one is not simply mourn, but
sometimes one begins, as it were, chop, and can not stop. Mom said it was
because I am as sensitive to onions Tita, my great aunt.
They say that Tita was so sensitive that since I was in the womb of my
grandmother cried and cried when it itched onion; his cry was so strong that
Nacha, the cook of the house, which was half deaf, listened without
straining. One day the sobs were so strong that caused the lead after
childbirth. And my grandmother could peep, Tita arrived in this world
prematurely, on the kitchen table, among the smells of a noodle soup that was
cooking, the thyme, bay leaf, coriander, the boiled milk, garlic and of course, the
Onion. As you can imagine, the usual spanking was necessary because Tita was
born crying beforehand, perhaps because she knew her oracle determined that in
this life he was denied marriage. Had Nacha Tita was literally pushed into this
world by an impressive torrent of tears that spilled on the table and the kitchen
In the afternoon, when the shock had passed and the water, thanks to the effect
of sunlight, had evaporated, the residue Nacha swept the tears that had fallen on
the red tile floor covering. With this salt filled a sack five kilos who used to cook
for some time. This unusual birth determined that Tita felt an immense love for
cooking and most of her life pass her, practically since he was born, because
when he was two days old, his father, or my grandfather , died of a heart
attack. A Mama Elena, printing, he was the milk.As at that time there was no
milk powder or anything resembling it, and could not get anywhere nurse, were
in a real mess to calm the hunger of the child. Nacha, he knew them all all about
the kitchen and many other things that are irrelevant now-offered to take care of
feeding Tita. She was considered the most qualified to train you stomach the
innocent creature, though never married or had children. Could not even read or
write, but yes, on kitchen had such deep knowledge as any other. Mama Elena
willingly accepted the suggestion and it was enough with the sadness and an
enormous responsibility to properly manage the ranch, so we can give their
children food and education they deserved, as above worrying about properly
nourish the newborn.
So from that day, Tita moved to the kitchen and between atolls and teas grew as
healthy and rosy. It is then explained that he has developed a sixth sense in all
that relates to food. For example, eating habits were conditioned to the time of
cooking. When Tita morning smelled the beans were already cooked, or half a
day when I felt that the water was ready for plucking chickens, or in the

afternoon when the bread was baked for dinner, she knew it was the Time to
order your food.
Sometimes crying for nothing, as when Nacha onion stung, but as they both
knew the reason for those tears were not taken seriously. Inclusive became
source of amusement, insomuch that during his childhood Tita did not
differentiate well the tears of laughter from crying. For her laugh was a way to
Similarly confusing the joy of living with eating. It was not easy for a person who
experienced life through the kitchen to understand the outside world. That
gigantic world that began in the kitchen door to the inside of the house because it
was adjacent to the back door of the kitchen and overlooking the courtyard, the
garden, the vegetable, yes belonged entirely, dominated. Quite the opposite of
her sisters, whom they dreaded this world were full of unknowns and
dangers. Les seemed absurd and risky games in the kitchen, however, a day Tita
convinced that it was an amazing sight to see how dancing raindrops falling on
the hot griddle.
But while singing and rhythmically Tita shook his wet hands to the drops of
water are precipitated on the griddle and danced, Rosaura remained in a corner,
stunned by what he saw. Instead Gertrudis, as everything where the intervening
rhythm, movement and music, he was strongly attracted to this game and joined
enthusiastically. Then Rosaura had no option other than to try to do the same,
but not nearly as wet hands and was so frightened, did not achieve the desired
effect. Tita then tried to help by bringing you hands comal. Rosaura resisted and
this struggle will not stop until Tita, very angry, released her hands and these, by
inertia, fell on the hot griddle. In addition to gaining a good beating, Tita was
deprived of playing with her sisters in their world. Then Nacha became his
companion of fun. Meetings were devoted to inventing games and activities
provided in relation to the kitchen. Since the day they saw the town square
which was a gentleman animal figures with elongated balloons and came up
repeating mechanism but using bits of chorizo. They set not only known animals
but also invented some gooseneck, doglegs and ponytail, to name a few.
The problem arose when they had to undo to fry the chorizo, Most of the time
Tita refused. The only way to do that was voluntarily acceded when it came to
preparing Christmas cakes, loved it. So not only allowed to shatter one of his
animals, but happily watched them fry.
Be careful of chorizo frying cakes for a very low heat, so that in this way is
cooked but not browned too. As is ready remove from heat and sardines are
incorporated, which previously have been stripped of the skeleton. It is also

necessary rasparles you with a knife with the black spots on the skin. Along with
sardines mixed onion, chopped chilies and ground oregano. Let stand
preparation before filling cakes.
Tita greatly enjoyed this step because while resting the filling is nice smell enjoy
bouncing therefore the characteristic smells of past play with sounds and smells
never equaled in the present. Tita liked to do a ride along with inhalation and
mood and perceived odor peculiar to the recesses of his memory.
Vainly tried to recall the first time I smelled one of these cakes, with no results,
because maybe it was before I was born. Perhaps the rare combination of
sardines with chorizo called much attention that made her decide to give peace
of being, choose the belly Mama Elena to be his mother and thus enter the de la
Garza, who ate so deliciously and preparing a special chorizo.
In Mama Elena's ranch preparation chorizo was a ritual. With one day before
they had to start peeling garlic, chillies and grind clean spices. All women of the
family had to participate: Mama Elena, daughters Gertrude, Rosaura and Tita,
Nacha cook and maid Chencha. They sat in the evenings at the dining table and
between policy and jokes went flying time until it was getting dark. Then Mama
Elena said:
-For now we're done with this.
They say the good listener few words, so after hearing this phrase all knew what
he had to do. First picked up the table and after the work is divided: one got the
chickens, another drew water from the well and kept ready for use at breakfast
and another was in charge of the wood for the stove. That day neither is nor
ironed apparel embroidered or sewed. After all went to their rooms to read, pray
and sleep. One afternoon, before Mama Elena could say that and leave the table,
Tita, who was then fifteen years old, he said shakily Muzquiz Peter wanted to
come talk to her. . .
'And what I have to come talk to this man?
Mami said Elena after an interminable silence sank Tita soul.
With faint voice answered:
I do not know.
Mama Elena shot him a look that Tita locked all the years of repression that had
floated on the family and said:

Well you better reports if it is to ask for your hand, do not. Waste their time and
make me lose mine. You know very well that being the youngest of the women
up to you to take care of me until the day I die.
That said, Mama Elena stood up slowly, kept her glasses in the fashion apron
and final order was repeated.
-Por Today, we're done with this!
Tita knew that within the communication standards of the house was not
included dialogue, but still, for the first time in his life, he tried to protest a
mandate from his mother.
'But I think that ...
'Your not think anything and over! Never, for generations, no one in my family
has protested against this custom and not going to be one of my daughter who
Tita lowered his head and with the same force as her tears fell on the table, and
she fell on her fate. And from that moment knew her and the table could not
change or little bit address these unknown forces that forced, at one, to share
with Tita his fate, getting your bitter tears from the moment he was born, and the
other to take this absurd determination.
However, Tita was not happy. A lot of questions and concerns came to mind. For
example, he would like to have knowledge of who had started this family
tradition. It would be nice to let you know this ingenious person who had a
slight flaw in his perfect plan to ensure old age women. If Tita could not marry
or have children, and who then take care to reach old age? What was the right
solution in these cases? Or is not expected that daughters who were left to care
for their mothers survive long after the death of their parent? And where
married women could not have children and stayed, who would be responsible
to meet them? Moreover, he wanted to know, what the research conducted to
conclude that the youngest daughter was the best person to ensure his mother
and eldest daughter were not? Had he ever taken into account the views of
affected daughters? Was he allowed at least, if you could not marry, knowing
love? Or not even that?
Tita knew that all these questions inevitably had to spend part of the file of
unanswered questions. In the family De la Garza was obeyed period. Mama

Elena, ignoring her completely out of the kitchen very angry for a week and not
speak to him.
The resumption of this semi-communication originated when, in reviewing the
dresses that each of the women had been sewing, Mama Elena discovered that
even when made by Tita was the most perfect had no basting before sewing.
I congratulate you-you said, the stitches are perfect, but not hilvanaste, right?
No Tita replied, amazed that he had lifted the law of silence.
Then you'll have to undo. What hilvanas, sew it again and then come to you to
review. To remind you that the lazy and petty double walk his way.
But that's where you are wrong and you yourself said just now that mine was. . .
Shall we start again with the rebellion? You had enough with that sorry dared to
sew breaking the rules.
Forgive me, Mom. I do again.
Tita achieved with these words soothe the anger of Maria Elena. He had been
very careful to pronounce the "mommy" at the time and with the right tone.
Mara Elena felt that the word Mom sounded derogatory, so he forced his
daughters from girls to use the word "mommy" when were directed to it. The
one who resisted or said the word in an inappropriate tone was Tita, why had
received many blows. had But what then well done! Mama Elena was comforted
with the thought that such Once was already achieving break the character of the
youngest of her daughters. But unfortunately harbored this hope for a short time
because the next day he came home Pedro Muzquiz accompanied by your father
intended to ask the hand of Tita. Their presence in the house caused great
confusion. did not expect his visit. days before, Tita had sent Peter a message
with Nacha brother asking him to desist from his purpose. swore One had given
it to Don Pedro, but the case is that they had at home. Mama Elena received them
in the room, he acted very friendly and explained why they could not marry Tita.
Of course, if they care about is that Peter is married, put to it to my daughter
Rosaura, only two years older than Tita, but is fully available and ready for
marriage. . .
Hearing these words, almost Chencha Mama Elena shoots up the tray with coffee
and biscuits were taken to the room to entertain Pascual and his
son. Apologizing, hastily retreated to the kitchen, where were waiting Tita,

Rosaura and Gertrudis to give them a detailed account of what happened in the
room report. Entered hurriedly and immediately suspended all its work to not
miss a single word.
They were gathered there for the purpose of preparing Christmas cakes. As the
name implies, these cakes are made during the holiday season, but this time the
were doing to celebrate the birthday of Tita. On September 30, 16 and meet
wanted to celebrate by eating one of his favorite dishes.
-Ay Yes, no? Your 'speaks d'ama be ready for marriage, like a plate of
enchiladas juera! And not ansina because pos is not the same as what
mesmo! One can not change for a few tacos and enchiladas as well!
Chencha not stop making such comments as they recounted their own way, of
course, the scene he had just witnessed. Tita knew what exaggerated and could
be Chencha liar, so he did not let the anguish took hold of her. He refused to
accept as true what he had heard. Pretending serenity, leaving the weavers went
to her sisters and Nacha would be responsible for populating them.
Preferably the weavers should be baked at home. But if you can not it is best
ordered from a small bakery weavers, as large do not work properly for this
recipe. After 10 minutes they get to fill them in the oven and serve hot. Ideally,
leave the serene an entire night wrapped in a cloth, so that the bread is
impregnated with fat sausage.
When Tita was finishing wrapping the cakes to eat the next day, he walked into
the kitchen Mama Elena to inform them that he had agreed to marry Peter, but
Upon hearing the confirmation of the news, Tita felt as if winter would have
entered the body of a sudden: such was the cold and so dry that burned cheeks
and put red, red, like the color of apples I had in front of her. This freezing cold
had to accompany long without that nothing could alleviate, not even when
Nacha told what he had heard when he accompanied Muzquiz Pascual and his
son to the entrance of the ranch. Nacha walked ahead, trying to slow down to
better hear the conversation between father and son. Don Pedro Pascual and
walked slowly and spoke softly, repressed anger.
Why did this, Peter? We were ridiculed accepting wedding Rosaura. Where was
the love you because you swore to Tita? Have you no word?

Sure I have it, but if you do a flatly refused to marry the woman he loves and the
only way to let him to be near her was that of marrying the sister, do not take the
same decision I ?
Nacha did not hear the answer because pulque, the ranch dog, ran off, barking at
a rabbit mistook a cat.
'So you're getting married without love?
No, Dad, if I feel an immense and undying love for Tita.
The voices were growing fainter as you were turned off by the noise they made
shoes stepping on dry leaves. Nacha was weird, it was duller then, hearing the
conversation said. Tita just thanked him but told him it would not change the
cold attitude of respect since taken to Peter. They say that the deaf can not hear,
but composed. Maybe Nacha only heard the words all silent. That night it was
impossible to reconcile Tita sleep; could not explain how I felt. Too bad that then
black holes had not been discovered in space because then it would have been
easy to understand that was a black hole in the middle of the chest, where he
sneaked an infinite cold.
Every time I closed my eyes could clearly relive the scenes of that Christmas
night, a year ago, when Peter and his family were first invited to dinner at his
house and the cold is sharpened. Despite the time elapsed, she could perfectly
remember the sounds, the smells, the touch of her new dress on the freshly
waxed floor; Peter's gaze on his shoulders. . . That look! She walked to the table
carrying a tray of candy egg yolks when he felt, burning, burning his skin. He
turned his head and his eyes met those of Peter.At that moment he understood
what it must feel the mass of a donut on contact with the hot oil. It was so real
warm feeling that filled his whole body fearing that, like a donut, you begin to
sprout bubbles throughout the body-face, belly, heart, breast-Tita could not meet
that look and looking down quickly crossed the room to the opposite end where
Gertrudis pedaled pianola in the waltz Eyes youth. She set the tray on a coffee
table, absentmindedly took a glass of liquor Noyo he found in his way and sat
next to Paquita Lobo, neighboring ranch. Putting distance between Pedro and
she It was useless; felt blood running through his veins scorching. A deep blush
covered her cheeks and try as he could not find a place to lay his eyes. Paquita
noticed that something was wrong and showing great concern questioned:
-What is the licorcito rich, right?
-Mande You?

'I see very distracted Tita, do you feel good?

Yes, thank you very much.
-And you're old enough to drink some liquor on special occasions, urchin, but
tell me accounts with permission from your mom to do? Because I noticed
agitated and trembling-and he added plaintively, better not take, do not go for a
Just so lacking! Paquita Lobo think he was drunk. I could not let him stay or
doubt risked it out to take his mommy gossip. The terror of her mother made her
forget for a moment the presence of Pedro and tried by all means to persuade
Paquita lucidity of his thinking and mental agility. He talked to her about some
gossip and trifles. Even he provided the recipe Noyo, both uneasy. This liquor is
made by placing four ounces of almonds and half a pound of albrchigo apricot
kernels in a quart of water for twenty-four hours to loosen the skin; then peeled,
break and put in two quarts of infusion burning water, for fifteen days. Then
proceeds to distillation. When they have two pounds perfectly thinned and
Sugar half broken in water is added to four ounces of orange flower, the mixture
is formed and filtered. And to leave no doubt concerning their physical and
mental health, reminded Paquita and obliquely, that the equivalence of azumbre
is 2016 liters, no more no less.
So when Mama Elena approached them to ask if Paquita was well attended, it
responded enthusiastically.
'I'm perfectly! Have a wonderful daughters. And the conversation is fascinating!
Mommy Tita Elena ordered to go to the kitchen for some snacks to go around for
everyone present. Peter, who was passing by there not coincidentally, offered to
help. Tita walked briskly into the kitchen without a word. The proximity of the
Pedro was very nervous. It came and went quickly to take one of the trays of
delicious snacks waiting patiently at the kitchen table.
Never forget the accidental touch of his hands awkwardly when both tried to
take the same pan at the same time.
That's when Peter confessed his love.
Miss Tita, I take the opportunity to talk to him alone to say that I am deeply in
love with you. I know that this statement is bold and precipitous, but it is so
difficult to approach that I decided to do it tonight. I only ask you to tell me if I
can aspire to her love.

I do not know what to answer; Give me time to think.

No, I could not, need an answer at this moment is not love thinks feels or does
not feel. I am a man of few but very strong words. I swear I will have my love
forever. What about yours? You too sorry for me?
Yes, yes, a thousand times yes. She loved him since that night forever. But he had
to give it up. It was decent wish the future husband of a sister. I had to try to
drive him away from his mind somehow to sleep. He tried to eat Christmas cake
Nacha had left on his desk, along with a glass of milk. On many other occasions
he had given excellent results. Nacha, with his great experience, he knew that
there was no Tita achieved not disappear while eating a delicious Christmas cake
worth. But not this time. The empty feeling in the stomach not relieved. By
contrast, a sense of nausea swept over her. He found that the gap was not
hungry; rather it was a climactic painful sensation. It was necessary to get rid of
this annoying cold. As a first step it was covered with a heavy blanket and
wool. The cold, remained immovable. Then he put shoes stamen and two
blankets. Nothing. Finally, he pulled out of her sewing a quilt that had begun to
weave the day that Peter told her about marriage. A quilt like this, woven hook is
finished in about a year. Just as long as Pedro and Tita had thought to pass
before getting married. He decided to use the yarn instead of misusing and
rabidly wove and wept and wept and wove until at dawn finished the quilt and
threw up. To no avail. Not that night or many others while he lived was able to
control the cold.

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