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Chemistry IX

Short Questions

Chapter No. 6
States of Matter

Q: No: 1.What is kinetic theory of matter? Write down its postulates?

Ans: The kinetic theory explains the properties of different states of matter especially

that of gases.

Its main points are as following:

1- Matter is made up of atoms, molecules or ions.

2- These atoms have kinetic energy due to which they are in state of motion.

3- In gas state molecules move in straight line, whereas in liquids and solids motion

is very small.

4- Material particles generally have translational, rotational and vibrational type of


Q: No: 2.Why m.p of Nacl is 8010c and that of ice is 00c ?

Ans: NaCl is ionic solid in which there are strong attractive forces are present

between its ions so its m.p is very high i.e.; 8010c .Whereas ice is a covalent solid and

forces of attraction between its molecules are comparatively weaker than NaCl. So its

m.p is 00c.

Q: No: 3. What is effect of heating on solids?

Ans: On heating the solids, the vibrational energy of solid molecules or atoms

increases, due to which vibrational motion of solid particles increases, as a result

cohesive forces between the solid particles become weak and after heating up to a

particular temperature a solids start melting, and convert into liquids. This

temperature is called melting point of a solid.

Chemistry IX
Short Questions

Q: No: 4. How gas exerts pressure on a container?

Ans: Gas molecules have weak cohesive forces present between them, so these are

widely separated from each other and move freely in all directions so they collide with

each other and with the walls of container, in this way pressure is created.

Q:No.5.Define intermolecular forces. Also write down effect of

intermolecular forces on melting points & boiling points of substances?

Ans: “The forces of attraction present between the molecules of a

compound are called Intermolecular forces’’.

Effect of intermolecular forces on the m.p and b.p of substances

If intermolecular forces of attractions in molecules of a compound are strong then

m.p & b.p of those compounds will be high.

And if these forces are weak then the m.p and b.p will be relatively lower.

Q: No: 6.What is meant by Elastic Collision?

Ans: When gas molecules collide with each other and the total energy doesn’t increase

or decrease after the collision, then this type of collision will be called as elastic


Q: No: 7.How fishes remain alive under frozen water (ice) ponds?

Ans: When water freezes into ice, the empty spaces are left between water

molecules, due to hydrogen bonding. So as a result ice becomes lighter then water and

start floating on surface of water. It is also non-conductor of heat, so water beneath

it doesn’t freezes and fishes remain alive under it.

Q.No:08 Justify the statement. A gas neither has a fixed shape nor a

fixed volume.

Ans: Gas molecules possess large intermolecular spaces therefore the cohesive
forces between them are insignificant. This is why a gas has no fixed shape or volume

Chemistry IX
Short Questions

Q.No:09 Why fragrance of perfume spread in all the room when it is

opened in one corner of the room? Write name of this phenomena.

Ans: This is because the molecules of the perfume are in higher concentration where

it is opened, so it begins to move towards the area where their concentration is lower.

This phenomenon is called diffusion.

Q.No:10 For which particles Brownian movement was firstly studied?

Ans: This was firstly studied by Brown for the motion of pollen grains in water.

Chapter No 7

Solution and Suspension

Chemistry IX
Short Questions

Q: No: 1.Define “ Solution”

Ans: A homogenous mixture of different chemical substances, which has uniform

chemical properties (composition) throught and shows same physical properties, is

called a solution.

Q: No: 2.What is dissolution process?

Ans: The process of dissolution a solute in a solvent is called dissolution.

Q: No: 3.Why solubility of gases is lesser in liquids?

Ans: Gas molecules are far apart, so they have weak attractive forces among their

own molecules & also have less attraction for solvent molecules as well. So they have

lesser solubility in liquids.

Q: No: 4.Why water is called as “Universal Solvent”?

Ans: Because it can dissolve a lot of things in it, due to presence of strong cohesive

forces in it and it’s ability to form H-bonding and hydration with solutes.

Q: No: 5.How dissolution takes place by hydration?

Ans: When an ionic compound is dissolved in water+ve hydrogen atoms of water

molecule surrounds the –ve ions of solute, & -ve oxygen atoms surrounds the +ve ions

and thus hold it in the dissolved form. This process is called hydration.

Q: No: 6.How dissolution takes place by hydrogen bonding?

Ans: Many covalent compounds having hydroxyl group (-OH) in them are dissolved in

water. In such compounds hydrogen bonds are formed between the water molecules

and solute, which make them soluble in water.

Q: No: 7.Is there any case in which we cannot make saturated solution?

Ans: Yes, there are such solutions in which a liquid solute is soluble in a liquid solvent

in all properties; we cannot make saturated solutions in such case.

Chemistry IX
Short Questions

Q: No: 9.Why vegetable oil is not soluble in water?

Ans: Water is a polar solvent and will dissolve only polar compounds whereas vegetable

oil is non-polar, so as a result these are insoluble in water.

Q: No: 10.Why ionic compounds are more soluble in water than others?

Ans: As water is a polar compound, so it dissolves ionic compounds in large amounts

due to its strong interaction with ions (solute particles).

Q: No: 11.Define freezing mixture.

Ans: The mixture formed by mixing ice and salt having low temperature, than the

freezing point of water is called freezing mixture.

Q:No:12.Define molarity. Also write that how could we find molarity of a


Ans: “Molarity of a solution is the no. of moles of solute dissolved in 1dm3 of the


We can find it by following formula:

Molarity(M) = no. of moles of solute

Volume of solution in dm3


No. Of moles solute = given mass of solute

Molar mass

Q: NO: 13.What is colloidal solution?

Ans: A solution in which solute particles are bigger than those present in a true

solution and which cannot be filtered id called a colloidal solution.

Chemistry IX
Short Questions

Chapter No 8.


Q: No: 1.What is difference between electrolytic and voltaic cell?

Ans:In electrolytic cell a non-spontaneous redox reaction is carried out with help of

electrical energy.

Chemistry IX
Short Questions


In voltaic cell a spontaneous redox reaction generates the electrical energy.

Q: No: 2.What is “redox” reaction?

Ans: “The reaction in which both reduction and oxidation takes place is called redox


Reduction: “Addition of electron in an atom”.

Oxidation: “Removal of electron from an atom”.

Q:No:3. Why ionic compounds are non conductor in solid state and

conductor in molten or fused state?

Ans: This is because in solid state there are no free ions and their free movement

isn’t possible but in molten or fused state the free movement of ions is possible, so

these can conduct electric current.

Q: No: 4.Why an electrolyte in molten or fused state is electrically


Ans: Because the number of + ve charges and –ve charges are equal , so as a result an

electrolyte appears to be neutral in nature.

Q: No: 5.Why carbon electrode is used during electrolysis of Nacl, instead

of Pt electrode?

Ans: During electrolysis of Nacl, chlorine gas is produced at anode. Thus to avoid it’s

reaction with platinum we use carbon electrode.

Q:No:6.In Down’s cell, why the reaction between sodium metal and chlorine
gas must be avoided? And how could we prevent reaction between them?

Chemistry IX
Short Questions

Ans:In Down’s cell electrolysis of fused NaCl yields sodium metal and chlorine gas .If

these are not separated these will react to form Nacl again. So to prevent these

reaction in Down’s cell, we place a steel gauze between cathode and anode.

Q:No:7. Why sulphuric acid is added to the water during electrolysis of


Ans: It is added to increase conduction of the water, because water is a weak


Q:No:8.How electrochemical equivalent of a substance is calculated?

Ans:Electrochemical equivalent = Quantity of substance deposited

Quantity of electricity passed

Z = W/Q

Q: No: 9.What is modern theory about the existence of the ionic compounds

in solid state?

Ans: According to modern theory these exist in form of ions even in solid state for

example, sodium chloride exist as Na+Cl-. Whereas according to the ionic theory it exists

as NaCl.

Q:No:10 Why cation present below in electrochemical series can discharge

before the elements present above them in an electrochemical cell?

Ans: This is because their ability to be reduced (reduction potential) is more than the
cation present above them in electrochemical series. So they take electrons before the

other cations and get discharged.

Chemistry IX
Short Questions

Q:No:11 During electrolysis of aqeous solution of NaCl, there are two type of

anions are present Cl- and –OH, Cl- is discharged first than –OH,although it is

present below Cl- in electrochemical series. Give reason.

Ans: During this electrolysis process Chloride ions come from NaCl, which is a strong
electrolyte and ionize to large extent so concentration of chloride ions in solution will be

high. Whereas hydroxyl ions come from water that is weak electrolyte, so their

concentration in solution will be very low as compared to chloride ions. That’s why due to

large concentration of chloride ions it is first discharged despite of its presence above

than hydroxyl in electrochemical series.

Q:No:12 How could we prevent H+ ions to be discharged first than Na+ during

electrolysis of aqueous solution of NaCl?

Ans: This could be prevented by using mercury cathode during this kind of electrolysis,
because H+ ions need high voltage to be discharged at mercury cathode. In this way

sodium got discharged at cathode despite H+ ions.

Q:No;13 If a Galvanic cell contains Fe2+ and Cu+2 electrodes. Which will act

as Anode and also give reason?

Ans, Among these two metals iron will act as anode because it is above copper in

electrochemical series, so it will be oxidized and other will be reduced.

Q: No: 14.What is electroplating and what is its objective?

Ans:The process in which one metal is deposited at other electrolytically.

It is very useful process and following are objective of electroplating.

(a) Deposition of Nobel metals on inferior metals.

(b) Protection of different metals from corrosion.

(c) Repair of broken machinery.

Q:No:15.Why for chromium plating iron is firstly platted by copper or nickel?

Chemistry IX
Short Questions

Ans: Because chromium metal doesn’t adhere directly to the iron properly so it is firstly

plated with nickel or copper.

Q: No:16.Why gold ,silver and pt are used in making ornaments?

Ans: Because these are nobel metals and therefore their rusting doesn,t occure and

also these are very lustorous(shiny),so due to these qualities ,these are used for

making ornaments.

Chapter No 9

Acids, Bases & Salts

Q:No:1.Why name acid was given to compounds ?

Ans:The word acid is derived from a Latin word Acidus that mean “sour”.

This name was given because the acids discovered in beginning had sour taste.

Chemistry IX
Short Questions

Q:NO:02 How degree of ionization effects the strength of an acid or base

according to Arrhenius concept?

Ans: An acid or base which will ionize completely, having high degree of ionization,
will give more H+ or –OH ions. And will be a strong acid or base.

Q:No:03 Why ammonia solution is used for the cure of honey bee sting,
whereas vinegar is used for curing sting of wasp?

Ans: Honey bee sting is acidic so to neutralize its effect we use a basic ammonia
solution. Whereas sting of wasp is alkaline so we use vinegar( weak acid) for cure.

Q:No:04.How strength of an acid is measured?

Ans:The strength of an acid is measured as follows:

Consider following general rection:

HX + H2O H3O+ + X-

The strength of above acid i.e; HX is given by the following equation

K a= [H3O+][X-]/[HX]

Q:No:05.What is potash alum?

Ans:It is double salt obtained by dissolved equimolar quantities of potassium sulphate

and aluminum sulphate in water .This is very useful salt and used for dying and other


Q:No:06.What is meant by term “pH”?

Ans:The –ve log of hydrogen ion concentration , present in a solution is called pH.

PH= -log[H+]

Q:No:07.What is sum of pH &poH in any solution?

Chemistry IX
Short Questions

Ans: PH + poH = 14

Q:No:08.If some solution has pH=5.5 then what will be its poH?




We know that




Q:No:9.The concentraction of hydrogen ion (H+)is denoted by pH.How do you

denote concentration of hydrogen ion(OH)?

Ans:The concentration of hydrogen ion (OH) is denoted by poH.

Chapter No 10

Q: No: 1.Define thermochemistry?

Ans: “The branch of chemistry in which we study the heat changes during chemical

reactions is called ThermoChemistry”.

Q.No:2 What is the effect of endothermic and exothermic reactions on

temperature of surroundings.
Chemistry IX
Short Questions

Ans: In endothermic reactions heat is absorbed from the surroundings resulting in

decrease of temperature. Whereas heat is evolved in surrounding during exothermic

reaction so temperature of surroundings increases.

Q.No.3 Why in endothermic reaction we have to provide heat to the system?

Ans: In endothermic reactions the energy of the products is more than that of the
reactants, so in order to form the product we have to provide energy to the system.

Q: No:04 .Differentiate between heat of reaction and enthalpy of reaction.


Heat of reaction Enthalpy of reaction

It is the amount of heat evolved or It is the heat of reaction at a

absorbed during a chemical reaction at constant pressure. It is also called

any pressure is known as heat of heat content of the system.


Q.No.05 On which factors heat content of a system depends?

Ans: Heat content (enthalpy of a reaction depends upon two factors

I. Physical state of reactants

II. Temperature

Q:No:6 Why enthalpy of water in liquid state (25 C) is less than the enthalpy

of steam (100 C)?

Ans: Enthalpy of water in liquid state is less than steam because the steam is at high

temperature i.e;100 C, whereas that of liquid water is 25 C.

Q.No.7 Can the physical change be endothermic or exothermic?

Ans: The physical change may be endothermic or exothermic. For example conversion of

liquid water into water vapors is endothermic change so we write ∆H , +ve for this

change. H2O(l) H 2O(g) ∆H= +40.7

Whereas when steam condenses into the liquid state heat is released.
H2O(g) H 2O(l)
∆H= -06 kJ

Q.No:08 Which reaction is involved in the neutralization process?

Ans: Following reaction between hydronium H3O+ and hydroxyl ion –OH is aways involved in


H3O+ + O-H 2H2O

Q: No: 9.What are spectator ions?

Ans: During a neutralization reaction anion of acid and cation of base don’t take part in

the reaction and remain in the solution .These ions are called spectater ions.

Q: No.10 What is the value of heat of neutralization when strong acid and

base react?

Ans: The heat of neutralization is -57.32 kJ, when strong acid and base react.
Q.No.11 Why a polystyrene cup is used instead of a glass beaker to find out

heat of neutralization?

Ans: A polystyrene cup acts as an insulator therefore it will not allow heat to exchange
between reaction mixture and its surroundings and enthalpy of reaction doesn’t change .

On the other hand glass can easily transfer and exchange heat bringing change in

enthalpy of reaction.

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