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Marlow 1

Bryan S. Marlow
Dr. Emily Daniels
EDU 5160
Due: September 10, 2014

Teaching Philosophy
A teachers philosophy sets a foundation for their identity. Who they are, what they stand
for, and how they teach are all representative of ones philosophy. I identify my teaching
philosophy as one that satisfies the basic human needs of an individual. My classroom will be a
safe environment that allows for each student to learn, inspire, and reflect. This will be achieved
by meeting the needs of students as described by Abraham Maslows 1943 paper A Theory of
Human Motivation. By allowing for a classroom that creates a community where freedom,
belonging, safety, and esteem are cherished; I believe a teacher can have success.
Safe learning environments where students are encouraged to participate and discouraged
from judgment allows for overall success. I believe safe learning environments are built on what
Maslow described as deficiency needs. These needs include Physiological, Safety, Love and
Belonging, and Esteem. Maslow describes Physiological needs as requirements for human
survival. As part of my teaching philosophy, I would make sure to allow for moderate snacks and
water in my classroom. If I can eliminate thirst and hunger, a student can focus on learning.
Maslow describes Safety as a need for physical safety in an environment. In my classroom, I
would include a zero tolerance policy on physical and verbal bullying. A student must know that
they must not fear violence or trauma in the class. Maslow defines Love and Belonging as the
human need to have feelings of belongingness and interpersonal relationships. In order for a

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student to participate in the classroom in front of their peers, they must feel as though they are in
an accepting environment. If a student feels that they will sound dumb or be judged by their
peers, they will shy away and not feel emotionally safe in participating. By creating a classroom
environment that holds friendship and family to the highest standard, a student will show
success. With diversity becoming an ever increasing aspect in the classroom, it must be known
that people of all cultures and backgrounds will be accepted. Maslow presents Esteem as a basic
human need by saying that every person has a need to feel respect. Just like Love and Belonging,
my students will need to be in a safe learning environment that encourages peer respect. After
these needs are met in the classroom, a student will experience Self-Actualization, the need that
Maslow describes as being able to reach ones own full potential.
A classroom that satisfies the basic human needs of the students is a successful
classroom. My teaching philosophy is centered on this belief. I believe my philosophy is also my
responsibility to provide a safe, productive, and enjoyable learning community. Teachers are
very influential in students growth, and must satisfy certain needs to facilitate said growth.
Maslow states, Any thwarting or possibility of thwarting of these basic human goals, or danger
to the defenses which protect them, or to the conditions upon which they rest, is considered to be
a psychological threat. As a teacher, I will make sure that my students needs are met so as to
have a successful classroom.

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Maslow, A. H. (July 1943). A theory of human motivation. Psychological Review,
50(4), 370-396.

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