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BY Dr ANAND SWAMI V. B.P.T. Msc., (yoga) sol
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Yoga as a system of physical exercise has been in existence in India since very ancient times. Sage patanjali
has derived yoga in eight stages. Namely yama (social discipline). niyama (individual discipline). asna physical
posture to strengthen our body and keep muscle flex. pranayama (breath control), prathyara (mental
discipline), dharana (concentration or acquire perfect state of mind), dyana (meditation) & samadi (super
conscious state) if an aspirant, after observing the discipline of yama & niyama, and practice yogic asana his
nadi mandala (subtle tubular channels ) that is 75,000 to 5,00000 nadi gets cleaned and he receives abundant
cosmic energy. This enables him to expirence excellent health and mental ecstasy.
This book explains the process of shakthi yoga through anatomically and it physical effects and also explains it
advantage and disadvantage

The word yoga is derived from the Sanskrit root yuj meaning union of soul and body in the
proper manner. Here shakthi yoga consist of the following way to unify our body with the soul and
to tame the inner self of that energy (shakthi)

1. Trikarna suddhi: means external bath, internal bath, manas suddhi, external bath for physical
hygienic, internal bath means cleansing our internal elementary canals, manas suddhi is
cleansing of mind, purity of thoughts

Asanas: for keeping our body fit and flexibility for long run of the body (ayush vrudhi)

3. Pranayama: is to keep pranas in sama sthi there are five pranas prana, apana, samana, udana,
vyana, and five upa pranas naga, kurma krukara, devadatha, dananjaya
a. Prana Vayu: Seated in the heart/chest, Anahata Chakra, Air and it does not move, b. Apana
Vayu: Seat is in the Pelvis, Muladhara Chakra, Earth and it does not move, c. Samana Vayu:
Seated in the Solar Plexus, Manipura Chakra, Fire and it does not move, d. Udana Vayu:
Seated in the Throat and Head, Vissudhi Chakra, Ajna Chakra, Ether and it does not move, e.
Vyana Vayu: Emanates from the navel (kanda) but pervades entire body, Swadhistana Chakra,
Water and moves throughout the body
Again, we do have five upa pranas naga, kurma krukara, devadatha, dananjaya Among the upa
pranas, Devadatta is a subsidiary of Udana; krukara is associated with Samana, Kurma with Apana
and Naga with Prana. Similarly, Dhananjaya is linked with Vyana as a sub-component. Naga does
eructation and hiccup. Kurma performs the function of opening the eyes. Krikara induces hunger
and thirst. Devadatta does yawning. Dhananjaya causes decomposition of the body after death.
Deeksha, japa, dyan, are dealt in Kundalini yoga book

Important rules
Yogasans are simple action for keeping internal and external parts of our body in good health.
1. For practicing Yogasans, early morning is the ideal time before starting yoga practice the
bowels and bladder should be emptied. It is better to do Yogasans after bath because it
makes the body light and active and one can practice Yogasans with greater ease. If one
wishes to take bath again they should prefer cold water

2. The ground for practicing asanas should be level, because there may be gait problem and
should clean, free from noise, asanas should be practice on mat or carpet so that gravitation
pull of energy is less.
3. Cloths should be in accordance with the season and loose
4. Once should be remain silent while practicing asanas concentration should be on breath
5. Before one begins to practice another asanas one should practices shavasana to relive pains
and bring body and mind to tranquil
6. Yogasans are non-violent activity and therefore no force or jerk should be exerted in practice
7. One should do regular walking, and warm up before starting Yogasans
8. There should be gradual increase in the time duration in practice of Yogasans by this process
the body becomes flexible and in short time it will be easy to accomplish a perfect state in
each asanas
9. Yogasans is a scientific processes which deals with the internal and external parts of the body
and it should be learnt with all the technique under proper qualified guru with proper
10. The performer of the asanas should take mitha satvika aahara (light food) in order to keep the
body light
11. If one is suffering for diseases he should take proper advice from the expert yoga master or
consult doctor
12. Women should not practice asanas four months after delivery and during menstruation
13. The number of asanas and the duration for each of them should be increased gradually.
Practicing many asanas on the first day should be avoided


In chakrasana the spin is twisted in such a way that
the body forms a semi-circular shape, hence this is
called chakrasana. It resembles a rainbow
Technique: lie flat on back. Draw the legs in until the
heels are close to the hip and soles touch the ground.
The gap between the legs should be of four to six
inches. Bend the arm at elbows and place them on
the ground on either side of the head. Raise the body
from the waist to the hind part of the head and
breath normally tilt the head backwards as far as
possible. Keep the hands straight. Keep the body
steady. Do not shift either the arms or the legs from
their positions. Raise the back as far as it allows it to do. Remain in this position for about a minute. Then
inhale and lower the body to the ground and bring it to original position. then breath normally
Advantages: 1. through asana as the aspirant can make
his spine quite elastic. Elasticity of the spine preserves
youth for a very long time.
2. This asana is an adjunct to sarvangasana. When a long
turn of sarvangasana gives one a cramped neck or pain in
the shoulders, a turn of chakrasana helps to remove it the
reason is that the twist is on the backside the asana has
all the benefits of dhanurasana, shalabhasana and
Spiritual advantage:
In Kundalini, yoga chakrasana stimulates all the chakras in
the body from muladhara chakra to guru chakra
Anatomically pressure: it strength all the muscle in our
Cautions: BP, heart, central nervous disorder patients should seek experts advice or consult a doctor




The body takes the shape of Bow and therefore it is
called Dhanu ( Bow in Sanskrit) asana. As the bow is
strained during the archery, the whole body id
stretched during this asana posture.

Pre Position
Prone Position.
1. Bend both the legs in knees and keep them 6 to 8 inches apart from each
2. Catch both the legs firmly near the ankles.
3. Exhale & inhaling pull the legs upward with the hands, allow the body to be
stretched in a curve, push the neck backwards.

After taking the final position, try to raise the thighs up from ground along with shoulders and
chest. Push the neck backwards as much as possible.

Inhale and exhaling bring both the knees, chin and shoulders slowly on the

2. Leave the ankles and bring the hands beside the body.
3. Straighten the bent legs and bring them as in the prone position.
Initially practice it for 5 to 10 second. After practicing it for few days you can increase the
repetitions, once you are able to do 5 repetitions easily then reduce repetitions and increase the
time up to 1 min.
Internal Effects
This asana is a combination of both Bhujangasana and Shalabhasana and can deliver benefits of
both the asanas. Mainly the weight is taken by the abdomen. This has favorable effect on enzyme
producing organs, liver, pancreas, small intestine and big intestine. As a result of this the concerned
organs become more active and efficient. Also the blood circulation in arms and legs is improved.
People suffering from Back problems, TB in intestine, ulcer in stomach, harnia should consult Yoga
expert before practicing this asana. Jerks and unbearable strains should be avoided. People
suffering from Abdomen problems should not do this asana without consulting Yoga expert.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Bujangasana: Lie prone on the floor. Stretch your legs
back, tops of the feet on the floor. Spread your hands on
the floor under your shoulders. Hug the elbows back into
your body.
Press the tops of the feet and thighs and the pubis firmly
into the floor.
On an inhalation, begin to straighten the arms to lift the
chest off the floor, going only to the height at which you

can maintain a connection through your pubis to your legs. Press the tailbone toward the pubis and
lift the pubis toward the navel. Narrow the hip points. Firm but dont harden the buttocks.
Firm the shoulder blades against the back, puffing the side ribs forward. Lift through the top of the
sternum but avoid pushing the front ribs forward, which only hardens the lower back. Distribute the
backbend evenly throughout the entire spine.
Hold the pose anywhere from 15 to 30 seconds, breathing easily. Release back to the floor with an
Sanskrit Name Bhujangasana
Contraindications and Cautions Back injury, Carpal tunnel syndrome, Headache, Pregnancy
Modifications and Props If you are very stiff, it might be better to avoid doing this pose on the floor.
Brace a metal folding chair against a wall, and do the pose with your hands on the front edge of the
seat, balls of the feet on the floor.

deepen the Pose

If you have the flexibility in the armpits, chest, and groins you can move into a deeper backbend.
Walk the hands a little farther forward and straighten your elbows, turning the arms outward. Lift
the top of the sternum straight toward the ceiling.
Preparatory Poses
Setu Bandha Sarvangasana
Urdhva Mukha Shavasana
Follow-up Poses
Beginner's Tip
Don't overdo the backbend. To find the height at which you can work comfortably and avoid
straining your back, take your hands off the floor for a moment, so that the height you find will be
through extension.
Strengthens the spine, Stretches chest and lungs, shoulders, and abdomen Firms the buttocks
Stimulates abdominal organs Helps relieve stress and fatigue Opens the heart and lungs Soothes
sciatica Therapeutic for asthma Traditional texts say that Bhujangasana increases body heat,

Contraindications and Cautions Back injury, Carpal tunnel syndrome, Headache, Pregnancy
Modifications and Props If you are very stiff, it might be better to avoid doing this pose on the floor.
Brace a metal folding chair against a wall, and do the pose with your hands on the front edge of the
seat, balls of the feet on the floor.
destroys disease, and awakens kundalini.
Your partner can help you learn about the correct action of the pelvis in a backbend. Once in the
pose, have your partner straddle your legs. He/she should bend over and grip the sides of your
pelvis, thumbs toward the sacrum, then spread the back of your pelvis, encourage your outer hips to
soften, and push your hip points toward each other.
From sitting pose bend the left leg underneath the right leg so that the left heel is touching the right
Bring the right leg over the top of the bent left leg so that the right heel touches the left buttock.
Adjust the right knee so that it is above the left knee.
Place the hands either on the knee or on the respective foot whichever is comfortable. Hold the
head, back and neck straight. Close the eyes and relax.

Useful alternative to the other meditative

asanas. Outer muscles of the thighs are
stretched. Pelvic and reproductive organs
are toned and massaged Cures cramp in
legs, make leg muscles elastic. Back
become erect in meditative pose. Good for
pelvic structure, inner muscles of thighs,
reproductive organs.


-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Garudasana is the advanced stage of Sankatasana. In

some pictorial depictions where Garud is shown in
human form, its form resembles that of the asana.

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