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Section Description






Major Activities Associated with Safe Custody



Create SDV / SC Account



Lodgement of SC



Withdrawal of SC



Correction Transaction






Dividend Warrant of SC






Account Maintenance



Closure of Account



19.01. Introduction:
The Safe Custody in CBS deals with two major functions viz.:

Safe Custody of articles/ scrips

Security Register/ Ledger and maintenance of Gold ornaments.

The Safe Custody in CBS handles:

Issue of Safe Custody Receipt to the customers

Printing of COS 49

Ex-custody Register functions

Types of Safe Custody:

1. Safe Custody of Articles/ Envelopes for regular customers
2. Safe Custody of Collateral like paper-based Securities given by customers as
Collateral. It is implemented in 4 types of Collaterals:
a. Gold Securities
b. Shares Securities
c. Paper-based Securities
d. TDR Securities
Safe Custody-Collateral is discussed under Loans Security.
In the Core Banking System, Safe Custody has been set up at the Bank level
(parameterised) for these types, through a parameter Safe Custody Flag (Screen
31155). Unlike Safe Deposit Vault, no branch level set up is required for Safe
Whenever there is a Withdrawal, it is done under the same Receipt number. In
case the number of units lodged is to be increased, a new Receipt number would
be generated.
A complete withdrawal can be performed by deleting that lodgement. To do this,
select the Status as Delete.


19.02. Major Activities associated with Safe Custody:

1. Creation of Safe Custody Account
2. Lodgement of Security
3. Withdrawal of Security
4. Lodgement by Bank
5. Lodgement Correction
6. Withdrawal Correction
7. Print Duplicate Receipt
19.03. Create SDV/ SC Account:
Menu: SDV/ SC Account Opening SDV/ SC
This opens the Screen \\SCR: 62000 CIF: Create Account.
Field Existing CIF/ Account No: enter the CIF No.
Field System: select SDV: Create SDV/ SC Account from the Drop Down Box.
Then click on Transmit.
This returns the Screen \\SCR: 35200 Create New Safe Deposit Account.
Field Acct Type: select 2: Safe Custody.
Field Sub Cat: select as appropriate: 0100 for Normal SC and 0200 for
Collateral. Safe Custody-Collateral is discussed under Loans Security.
Field Mode of Fee: select the appropriate choice e.g., 1. Cash or 2. A/c
Transfer or 3. SI from the Drop Down Box.
Field Rent Recovery Acct: in case option 2. A/c Transfer has been selected in
the Field Mode of Fee above, enter the relevant A/c No to which the SC Fees are
to be debited, in this Field.
Field Number of years for which Fee is collected not required for Safe Custody
of Loan Collateral.
Click on Transmit. The transaction is submitted for authorization. On
authorization an Account Number is generated and displayed in the Dialog Box at
the checkers terminal.
Note down the SC Account Number.
19.04. Lodgement of SC:
Menu: SDV/ SC Lodgement/ Withdrawal of SC
Screen \\SCR 035520 SDV Withdrawal Lodgement Prompt appears.
Field Safe Custody Account No: enter the SC Account Number.


Field Item Classification Code: select the appropriate classification code from
the Drop Dow Box, viz., LIC Policy/ SBI Deposits etc.
Field Purpose: select 1. Lodgement from the Drop Down Box, which has the
options like: 1. Lodgement, 2. Withdrawal, 3. Withdrawal by Bank, 4.
Lodgement by Bank, 5. Lodgement Correction, 6. Withdrawal Correction, 7.
Print Duplicate Receipt.
Field Receipt No: this Field is mandatory if you choose the Purpose as anything
other than Lodgement.
Click on Transmit.
This brings the Screen \\SCR 035530 SDV-Lodgement into a Safe Custody Account/
Issue of Receipt.
Field Account No: the Safe Custody Account Number is already displayed.
Field Item Classification Code: is picked up by the system from the details
entered in the earlier Screen.
Field Item Narrative 1: enter the description Item has been lodged.
Field Item Narrative 2:
Field Item Narrative 3:
Note: Please enter the information in the Field Item Narrative correctly, as the
information entered in this field will be printed on the Receipt.
Field Notional Value per Item: if the customer indicates the value of each item;
enter those details here.
Field Fee bearing account: enter the Deposit Account Number.
account to which the Safe Custody charges will be Debited.

This is the

Field No of items lodged: enter the total number of items lodged.

Fields No of items Remaining and No of items to be withdrawn: these Fields are
to be used at the time of Withdrawal.
Click on Transmit.
The transaction is submitted for authorization. On authorization, a Receipt
Number will be displayed at the bottom of the Screen at the checkers terminal.
Note down the Receipt Number.
The Receipt can be printed if a Printer is connected.
19.05. Withdrawal of SC:
Menu: SDV/ SC Lodgement/ Withdrawal of SC.
Screen \\SCR 035520 SDV Withdrawal Lodgement Prompt appears.
For Withdrawal, the Receipt number also has to be given, in addition to the SC
Account Number. This is applicable for all transactions other than Lodgement.


Field Safe Custody Account No: enter the Account Number.

Field Item Classification Code: select the appropriate classification code from
the Drop Dow Box, viz., LIC Policy/ SBI Deposits etc.
Field Purpose: select 2. Withdrawal from the Drop Down Box.
Field Receipt No enter the Receipt Number.
Click on Transmit.
Screen \\SCR 035530: SDV: Lodgement into a Safe Custody Account/ Issue of
Receipt appears.
Fill in the details as relevant for Withdrawal.
Field Item Narrative 1: enter the description: e.g. after withdrawal there are
n items remaining.
Note: It is important to enter the remaining items in the SC account in the Field
Item Narrative as this information will be printed on the Receipt.
Field Full Withdrawal: in case all the items are being withdrawn by the
customer, chose Yes from the Drop Down Box. In case of partial withdrawal,
select N: No from the Drop Down Box.
Field No of items to be withdrawn: indicate the number of items being
Field Maturity Date: enter the Maturity Date of the Security
Field Rate: enter the rate of the Security
Click on Transmit.
If any Fees are pending against this account, a Supervisory Override appears with
the error message Fees pending in this Account.
When this Transaction is transmitted, details after withdrawal with the same
Receipt No is generated.
19.06. Correction Transactions:
Each Lodgement of Safe Custody is chargeable. Therefore, if an error is made
while lodging Safe Custody (eg lodging the no. of items as 8, instead of 10), and
remaining 2 items (10-8) are re-lodged , charges will be levied again, as the
system treats this transaction as a fresh lodgement. To overcome this, Correction
facility has been provided.
Both Lodgement as well as Withdrawal can be corrected.
However, Correction transactions have to be done immediately after the
transaction, but before the financial transaction, ie., fees are collected.
Menu: SDV/ SC Lodgement/ Withdrawal of SC.
Screen \\SCR 035520 SDV Withdrawal Lodgement Prompt appears.


Field Safe Custody Account No: enter the SC Account Number.

Field Item Classification Code: select the appropriate classification code from
the Drop Dow Box, viz., LIC Policy/ SBI Deposits etc.
Field Purpose: select 5. Lodgement Correction or 6. Withdrawal Correction
from the Drop Down Box, depending on whether a Lodgement or Withdrawal
transaction is being corrected.
Field Receipt No enter the Receipt Number.
For Correction, the Receipt number also has to be given, in addition to the SC
Account Number. This is applicable for all transactions other than Lodgement.
Click on Transmit.
Screen \\SCR 035530: SDV: Lodgement into a Safe Custody Account/ Issue of
Receipt appears.
Fill in the relevant details under For Correction:
Field No of Fresh Lodgement: give the correct number of items lodged.
Field No of Fresh Withdrawal: give the correct number of items withdrawn.
Field Indemnity Received: select Yes/ No from the Drop Down Box.
Field Maturity Date: enter the Date of Maturity of the Security.
The Old Receipt will have to be taken back from the customer and a New Receipt
has to be given.
Remaining items to be Narrated (existing will be displayed).
Click on Transmit.
An OK Message will be generated along with the Receipt No.
Withdrawal Correction:
If 10 scrips have been withdrawn instead of 8, use Withdrawal Correction.
Please note that if, instead of Correction, 2 scrips are lodged again, fees will be
charged to the customer.
19.07. Fees:
This transaction is for collection of SC Fees.
Menu: SDV/ SC Financial Transaction Prompt.
Screen \\SCR 035250 SDV prompt for Fee appears.
Field SDV/ SC Account No: enter the account number.
Field Mode of Pay: select the appropriate choice eg., 1.Cash 2. Transfer
3. Transfer from Loan 4. Transfer from BGL from the Drop Down Box.
Field Charge Collection: select the appropriate choice eg., N: No from the Drop
Down Box.

Field Refund Txn: select the appropriate choice eg., N: No from the Drop Down
Box. Select Yes in case it is a Refund transaction.
Click on Transmit.
This opens the Screen \\SCR: 023010 G/L SDV: Cash Posting, if Cash Posting is
selected as an option in Field Mode of Pay above.
Field Account No: displays the BGL Account Number in which commission amount
will be credited.
Field Amount: enter the amount of Fees being collected.
Field SDV/ SC Account No: would be populated.
Field Statement Narrative: mention appropriately, e.g., SC Charges.
Click on Transmit.
At EoD, Chg Calcln Program is run, if Current Date = Next Due Date.
A Report is available on Request. The branch can initiate host report by giving the
Whenever a Customer account is accessed, Fee Dues are shown.
19.08. Dividend Warrant under SC:
A customer can keep Dividend warrant in SC with the Branch and on due date the
Branch has to encash the dividend warrant on behalf of the customer.
Menu: SDV/ SC Dividend Warrant of SC.
SCR 035080: SDV: Safe Custody Inventory appears.
Field Function: Select Create from the Drop Down Box. The other options are
A: Amend and E: Enquire.
Field Safe Custody Acct: mention the SC Account No.
Field Sub Item: select 1. Interest
2. Dividend Warrant
Proceeds 4. Others from the Drop Down Box.


1 week prior to next due date, a Report will be generated on the items to be sent
for collection. This report is sent to all the branches after EoD.
Report of next due date is sent on weekly basis.
Field Receipt No: enter the SC Receipt No.
Year (YYYY): enter the year, e.g. 2009. Month (MM): e.g. 11.
Click on Transmit.
The Screen SCR 035090 SDV: Safe Custody is displayed.
Field Next Due Date: has to be entered manually.
Click on Transmit.


An OK message is displayed.
19.09. Enquiries:
19.09.01. Fee Dues Enquiry:
This transaction gives the SC Fees dues.
Menu: SDV/ SC Enquiry of SDV/ SC SDV/ SC Fee Due Enquiry.
Screen \\SCR 035720 SDV/ SC Fee Dues Enquiry appears.
Enter the Branch code.
Click on Search.
A table bearing the columns Account Number, Total Maintenance Due and
Charges Due will be displayed.
19.09.02. SDV/ SC Account Enquiry:
Menu: SDV/ SC Enquiry of SDV/ SC SDV/ SC Account Enquiry.
The Screen SCR 035070 SDV: Safe Custody is displayed.
A Field SDV/ SC Account Number is displayed at the top of the Screen.
A Search facility is also available in this Screen.
Field SDV/ SC Account No: enter the SC Account Number.
Click on Search.
By clicking on the Search button, a user can get details about various lodgements
on a particular account.
This Screen displays the SC Account Item-wise details.
The various Fields displayed are: Item Code, No. of Items, Receipt Number, No. of
Items remaining, Last Operated Date, Next Due Date and Statement Narrative.
Keep clicking on More button to have complete details till the message no more
records to display appears.
19.09.03. Dividend Warrant Enquiry:
Menu: SDV/ SC Enquiry of SDV/ SC Dividend Warrant Enquiry.
The Screen SCR 035060 Dividend Warrant Enquiry is displayed.
Field SC Account No: enter the SC Account No, which is to be enquired.
Field Receipt No: enter the SC Receipt No.
Click on Search.
The Screen displays details about Year, Issue Date, No of items and Narration.
Use More button to have complete records
Report of next due date is sent once a week only.


19.10 Account Maintenance:

Menu: SDV/ SC SDV Account Maintenance.
Screen \\SCR 035150 SDV Prompt for Maintenance appears.
Field Safe Deposit/ Safe Custody A/c No: enter the SC Account Number.
Field Option: select 1. Account Details from the Drop Down Box.
Click on Transmit.
Screen SCR 035100 SDV Account Maintenance is displayed.
19.11. Closure of Account:
Before proceeding to close the safe custody account, you have to withdraw all the
articles lodged under the SC account. Otherwise an error message no 5574 will be
Menu: SDV/ SC SDV/ SC Account Closure.
SCR 035360: SDV/ SC Account Closure is displayed.

Field SDV/ SC Account No: enter the SC Account Number to be closed.

Field Third Party Closure: select Y: Yes or N: No, from the Drop Down Box, as
Field Narrative: enter the narration.
Click on Transmit.
The SC account will be closed and a message will appear


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