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Zsuzsanna Fajcsak
A Change Maker
The 16th MAP Convention ended with an
insightful session on Re-think Work-Life
Balance, New Age Lifestyle conducted by Dr.
Zsuzsanna Fajcsak and Naeem Zamindar
who is the Founder of the Art of Living.
Dr. Zsuzsanna Fajcsak, as a change maker works in three
areas: Health/lifestyle, Coaching/inspiration and Mobile
phone based education. Her mission is to make a difference and facilitate changes in peoples lives reaching
sustainable health and wealth.

a really good work in this country, and I found that people

are really amazing. Whatever little bit I did and little bit I
do, I was really appreciated. I found incredibly nice and
hospitable people. After coming and going for a year, I
started to look into to move into this country and today
almost 4 years later I call Pakistan my home."

It feels good when a foreigner say something good about

your country. Dr. Zsuzsanna is living in Karachi for some On the occasion of 16th MAP convention she presented a
time now and she considers it like her home. She told I&M very lively session in which onlookers enjoyed and learned
about her journey to Karachi.
about meditation. She was satisfied with
the management and arrangements for her
The first time she came here is in Decemsession. She said that the Octara and
ber 2010. Mr. RehanAllahwala, the CEO
MAP did amazing work to bring together
and President of Super Technologies Inc.
three hundred really top people who can
brought her to Pakistan as a corporate
make difference for this country through
coach. She told that off course "I didnt
their organizations, through the changes
want to come. But Mr. Rehan worked
they can make. Dr Zsuzsanna said -- "I
very hard on me. He sent me pictures of
found in the session that people were very
the northern areas and when I saw that into this country and today opened minded. I also had to work really
almost 4 years later I call
how Pakistan really is, I looked onto that
hard to get close to them and it actually
Pakistan my home."
I should come. So, I actually came. I did
happened. Once the breakthrough
my corporate training for his company
happens, people listen and mind set
Super Technologies. In the meantime I
changed is one of the biggest things in
found incredible people who Rehan
this country which will bring further
introduced me in health, in corporate
results if we can install that into peoples
world, in the social sector, in education. I
mind. I believe that I called a session with
found after the first three days that everyNaeem Zamindar that was successful in
where I was looking There is the possibilthis because people opened up and they
ity in this country. I didnt think that is
lost their so-called ego and drop back to
anything wrong here. Bit underdeveloped, may be some- their hearts. They learned a new way of living and they
thing's behind time but nothing is wrong with that. I actually touched the space where they can learn a new way
realized that all the knowledge that I have, can be put into of living where humans are working with humans, friends

working with friends and basically brothers and sisters healthier foods and choices for the people, how are they
working together. For that, a very first thing is that you going to choose it. So one of my suggestions is if anyone
allow yourself to feel deserving and you can love your from the corporate world is in hotel business or any corposelves, because if you can build this into yourself then rate sector which host conferences and training, they need
basically you will be able to love and treat everyone the very to look into better food options so that people can really
same way how you treating yourselves and how you want to be
To all Pakistanis live your life alive, get out, move,

laugh, and love. Enjoy your life, allow your children to

live a ourishing life, help them to be entrepreneurs,
love them for who they are because you guys lives in a
great country with great potentials and you just have to
believe this all yourselves."

Dr. Zsuzsanna holds her doctorate in Nutrition. She thinks that

Healthy food brings healthy
minds. On the food served in
convention she said that the
Convention was really well organized. The flow was very smooth. Everything
great, only one thing what was out of their
hand is
they ordered to have healthier foods and
prior to the session and that couldnt
r e a l l y
happened, know that was not in the hand's of the
organizers. dr Zsuzsanna
said -- "
However this is
another opportunity
see that corporates,
hotels needs
to be able to
change and
healthier foods
for conventions.
Because if we are

stay healthy and get more learning from trainings because

there focus will just better."
She spends her every Sunday mornings early at the sea view
beach in Karachi teaching yoga publicly. She stresses upon
the importance of exercise and meditation to live an active
and healthy life. She gave a message to everyone that once
you start moving your body, it helps you to move your
mind. Dr Zsuzsanna said -- "Stagnation and laziness is the
end of you. So if you realize that you must stay active every
single day, do little bit of exercise that keeps your body fit
and little bit of meditation that take care of your mind.
Since, you know we are in the age of the intelligence; your
mind is your greatest value so you should take care of that.
Your mind lives in your body so basically now everything is
integrated in health and in complexity as in simplicity you
have to take care of yourselves. "


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