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12 Year Vision

Sunday, October 12, 2014

6:05 AM

I woke to find my bride still sleeping, and decided to let her sleep. I took a flying leap out of the back
porch into the pond that sheltered a flock of flamingos. In the old world, they would all fly away in
fright. However, this was the New World, and they decided to politely ignore me, although they did tilt
their heads a little bit.after that, I tiptoed inside to the walk-in closet and put on the outfit I would wear.
Then I went for a walk to review the presentation I've been scheduled for a mere two hours from now,
and decided on seven scriptures to explain, and then a couple from the New Scrolls.
My lovely wife ran behind and caught up with me, as she was interested in what I had planned to say to
the class of newly resurrected persons. As we discussed it, starting to smell like rain. So we sought
shelter under the dual gazebo that was about 100 yards from there. Until we arrived there, the
downpour politely waited for us to find the shelter. Grandpa and Fluter joined us and talked excitedly
about the new schematics for the transportation system. After much deliberation and cautious
research, they decided to integrate my plans for the cortex network, which imitated the cerebral cortex
in humans, as Jehovah had designed it with the specific algorithm to maximize hierarchal knowledge
prediction frameworks. Grandma was sort of the Steve Jobs of the day, as she came up with the idea for
the superconducting shuttles, with the teams of engineers and technicians, of which Grandpa and Fluter
were members of. I remember her always saying" is this the best you can do?" and then they would go
back to the drawing board to come up with something better, and after three or four rounds of this, she
would say " is this the best you can do?" and they would emphatically say "yes, it is the absolute best
we can do." She then would say "now I will read it".
In the old world, the Internet of things had barely begun. It was of course interrupted by Jehovah's great
day, and when we picked up on the research they had done, that is when we integrated it into the
existing infrastructure. Once we would get approval from the Director, who would take counsel with
Grandma (a founder of the team serving as an advisor), we would then integrate this with the algorithm,
and this would add a layer of intelligence to the Internet of things, and this would allow the Integrated
Device Network to predict when we would need them the most.
Imagine my surprise and delight when suddenly, there appeared the superconducting shuttle, that
arrived in advance, knowing that I had to get to the class pretty soon, and there it was! It docked to the
side of the gazebo and we all started walking that direction. Then I told Grandpa that I thought this was
not going to be integrated for sometime. He said "I wanted it to be a surprise, so let's get in there."
After we arrived at the Kingdom Education Center, I hurried to the class so I wouldn't be late. Then, I
stopped. Drew in the sharp breath, and a flood of emotions came over me. Who else could it be, except
my mother sitting in the front row. Right then, I noticed that everybody in the class were not my
students, but rather, my family. This was a true surprise. I could hardly contain my joy when she got up
from the desk and we embraced, and a deep sense of gratitude and peace came over me. Everyone
started filing out of the classroom, and mom and I walked hand-in-hand to the kingdom celebration
dinner, to the table set aside for immediate family members, so we could all bring her up to speed on
what had happened since she was last seen among the living. Grandpa said a prayer of thanks, and we
enjoyed the moments we had been waiting for so long.

12 Week Year Page 1

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