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Te Exorciso

About Te Exorciso
First, understand that you will meet negative energies and
beings as you walk your city streets. And you have the right to
move them out, or keep them away.
They could be unhappy ghosts, drifting energy, mischievous
imps, misplaced guardians of long gone buildings, and
predatory demons.
The following techniques require your imagination:

Reiki Collections

Crack of Inner Fire - imagine a line of brightness splitting
down you from head to toe, and bright light shining out, and
then all solidness breaks away in pieces to reveal a shining
gold flaming being - you as a fire deva... big glows of light
around your arms and hands, you can shoot bolts of light, and
if anything tries to bite you, it burns to a crisp... This is also a
warning at parties to energy vampire people, just let the gold
aura shine bright, do not throw it at anyone. It is called an
"astral flare" or "aura flare". It shows you know how to control
your energy and gently warns psychic humans not to meddle
with you.
Imagine a happy, bubbling imaginary fountain dispells
illusions and anger. You can bring the waters to fill the room
by lifting your cupped hands and calling the Water. You can
clean people. You may see dolphins, doves, or mermaids and
flowers. Another method is to go to a real ocean and ask its
help to drive away evil... and pick up a sea-shell or a piece of
driftwood and absorb its energy. Then you call upon this
energy later. "Ocean, heal this situation." Let the imaginary
waves wash over the room again and again. You do not have to
remain there. It continues working.
You request the Healing Mother, the dark Lady, to come and
forgive and absorb your hurts and mistakes and those of
others. She is mighty but gentle, she is the Earth and she will
take all negative spirits into herself and free them and change
them. She has a tender heart but she is one of the Great Ones.
Sarah the Dark, the Black Madonna, Durga, Mahadevi, etc
("Mary Mother of God, pray for us now and at the hour of our
death...") She comes before the gods and cleans up after they
leave... She usually wears a cloak and hood or a veiled face.
She will leave when it is right.
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If you want a gentle method, you can imagine a long row of
columnar Tibetan prayer bells and set the nearest one
spinning, saying "peace and love come here" and it sets the
next one in motion, and the next... and just walk away now.
Or you can spread your arms out as if they were wings and
imagine the fierceness of an eagle comes upon you, with
glowing silver and gold sparks around your feathers and
talons, and tell the negative things to flee!
You choose to imagine yourself as your favorite four-legged
animal, fearless and happy. You team up with other beasts to
herd the demons away. Good for working on the Earth Grid
and driving things far beyond the orbit of the Moon. Or your
life. Works nicely with the ringing sound of Tibetan prayer
bowls. I imagine myself as a white wolf driving away black
yaks across a Tibetan plain.
How to relax afterwards:
You can choose soft pink, soft blue and soft white stones such
as blue lace agate, pink magnesium calcite (mangano calcite)
and selenite and they will calm you down. Black will also calm
you and cleanse you.
Good combination things to have:
Real gold, silver and iron or hematite. Such as three rings.
Good to meditate near and to wear. Also helpful: lapis lazuli,
clear quartz, aventurine, fluorite, carnelian, garnet, obsidian.
Red, blue and clear stones. Gold rutilated stones. Tourmaline
any color.

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Good gestures:
Hold your hand up, palm facing outwards. This dispels harm
and fear. Can say "Cho Ku Rei" as you do this and imagine
pushing the symbol into a situation.
When Healing, to drive out spirits:
Just whisper "Te Exorciso" (tay exorceesoh) and imagine a few
shining drops joining the stream of reiki energy. A few drops is
all you will need. You can do this before using the elemental
visual methods above, too.

Good luck!

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How to heal with this attunement

Just say aloud (name of system) once and let the energy flow through
your hands and heal as you usually do.

How to take down this attunement

Just say aloud I am now accepting the attunement to (name of system)
from (name of teacher) in a way that is good for my health and spirit. So
be it.
And relax for a few minutes. You may sense energy tingling in your
hands or warmth, or if you close your eyes and let your mind drift away,
you may see unusual pictures. It really doesnt matter. It works even if
nothing is sensed at all.

How to give this attunement

Just say aloud I now attune (name of student) to the energies of (name
of system) in a way that is good for both of us, in health and spirit. So be
Or you can put the attunement in a chi ball of imagined energy and let
the student pull it down when convenient.
Best wishes and love and light,

Disclaimer: This energy system is intended for relaxation and wellness

and spiritual growth, but people with medical problems should of course
continue to see their doctors and get medical advice from a professional

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