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Determination of peak runoff

In this case study the peak runoff of a small watershed in
Southern Spain is determined using the Modified
Rational Formula method, and the SCS Dimensionless
Unit Hydrograph for an excess rainfall of 1 cm.

Theoretical Background
An important formula for determining the peak runoff
rate is the Rational Formula. It is characterised by:

consideration of the entire drainage area as a

single unit,
estimation of flow at the most downstream point
the assumption that rainfall is uniformly
distributed over the drainage area.

The Rational Formula reads:

Qp= 0.28*C*I*A

= Peak runoff rate [m/sec]

=Runoff coefficient [-]
= Rainfall intensity [mm/hr]
= Drainage area

The Rational Formula follows the assumption that:

the predicted peak discharge has the same probability of occurence (return period) as the
used rainfall intensity (I),
the runoff coefficient (C) is constant during the rain storm, and
the recession time is equal to the time of rise.

In the modified version of the Rational Formula, a storage coefficient is included to account for a
recession time larger than the time the hydrograph takes to rise. The Modified Rational Formula
Qp = 0.28 * Cs * C * I * A

= Storage coefficient [-]
The maximum runoff rate in a catchment is reached when all parts of the watershed are
contributing to the outflow. This happens when the time of concentration, the time after which
the runoff rate equals the excess rainfall rate, is reached. In this exercise, the Kirpich/Ramser
formula is used to calculate the time of concentration:
tc = 0.0195 * L0.77 * S-0.385
= Time of concentration
= Length of main river
= Distance weighted channel slope [m/m]
Another important empirical formula for determining the quantity of runoff is the SCS
Dimensionless Unit Hydrograph. In order to use this method, the time to peak and the peak
discharge are estimated. The method assumes that:

the duration of excess rainfall is less or equal to 0.133 x the time of concentration, and
the rainfall duration is not too long (D<0.2 time to peak)

If these conditions are met, the following formulas can be used:

qpeak = Peak runoff rate
= Storm runoff or excess rainfall volume [cm]
= Watershed area
tpeak = Time to peak

tpeak = Time to peak



= Duration of excess rainfall

= The lag time of the watershed [hr]

= Time of concentration [hr]


= Lag time
= Hydraulic watershed length
= Hydrologic area-weighted curve number [-]
= Average watershed land slope

L= 110 A0.6
= Watershed area [ha]

Determination of peak runoff rate using the Modified

Rational Formula
Determine time of concentration
In order to determine the time of concentration using the Kirpich/Ramser formula you need to
calculate the drainage length (L) and the distance weighted channel slope (S). The river length is
calculated by performing a weighted Distance operation on the rasterized river map using the
most downstream point of the river map as starting point.
To evaluate the weighted channel slope, a DEM of the catchment must be created by means of
Contour Interpolation. This DEM is needed for investigating the height in the drainage area.
Once you have found the height for two points along the river and the distance between them, it

is possible to compute the weighted channel slope and the time of concentration with some
mapcalc and tabcalc statements.

Determine the area weighted runoff coefficient

The rational formula uses C, the runoff coefficient. This coefficient is related to the different
land covers and hydrologic soil groups. Within the catchment, more than one land cover type and
soil group exists. In order to find a representative runoff coefficient, an overall catchment runoff
coefficient has to be determined using the areas of the different land cover/hydrologic soil group
complexes as weighting factor.
First, the soils map is reclassified into a map showing the Hydrologic Soil Groups. Also the Land
Use map is reclassified. The reclassification of this map is based on a newly created attribute
table that correlates information about land cover with a certain type of crop. To determine the
area occupied by the different land cover/hydrologic soil group complexes, both reclassified
maps are crossed.
Runoff coefficients differ per soil group. To get coefficients for the different soil units, a
conversion column is added to the cross table. This cross table is joined with a table that contains
runoff values for different crops and hydrological conditions. Multiplying both columns with a
tabcalc statement results in runoff coefficients for the various land cover/hydrologic soil group
complexes. Aggregating this output column, using the areas of the complexes as weighting
factors, gives the overall runoff coefficient.

Determine the 10-year return period peak runoff rate

When determining the peak runoff rate according to the Modified Rational Formula, a rainfall
intensity has to be selected with a certain return period. The duration of the storm has to be equal

to the time of the concentration of the catchment. In this exercise the 10-year return period peak
runoff rate is calculated with a tabcalc formula using a rainfall intensity of 100 mm/h.

Determination of peak runoff rate using the SCS

Dimensionless Unit Hydrograph
Determine the area weighted curve number
The SCS method uses curve numbers. These numbers are related to the different land cover
types, soil properties and antecedent moisture conditions. Within the catchment more than one
land cover type and soil type exist. In order to find a representative curve number, an overall
catchment curve number has to be determined using the areas of the different land cover and soil
types as weighting factor. In this study, the overall curve number is computed according to the
same procedure as the overall runoff coefficient C is calculated.

Determine the lag time

For the calculation of the lag time, a number of watershed parameters have to be determined:

Hydraulic watershed length (L).

This parameter is calculated with a tabcalc statement using the total catchment area in
hectares as input.
Average watershed slope (H).
To determine the average watershed slope, first a slope map has to be created.
The slope map is calculated by filtering the DEM of the catchment area in x and y
direction, using the mapcalc statement
Slope = ((HYP(dx,dy)) / 29.5)*100 and masking the output map so that areas out of the
are eliminated.
Secondly, a histogram of the slope map is created.
Finally, the average slope is calculated via the aggregate operation using theaverage
Overall Curve Number.
This value is already calculated in the previous step.

Finally, the formula to get the lag time can be applied in the cross table with a tabcalc

Determine the unit duration of excess rainfall

The application of the SCS Dimensionless Unit Hydrograph is only valid for storms with a
duration less than 0.133 x time of concentration. The duration D of excess rainfall is calculated
in this excise using the formula D = 0.133*tlag/0.6.

Determine the peak runoff rate for 1 cm of excess rainfall

When calculating the peak runoff of any unit hydrograph, the amount of excess rainfall equals a
unit depth, i.e. 1 mm or 1 cm. To determine the peak runoff for 1 cm of excess rainfall, first the
time to peak should be determined before the SCS formula can be entered as a tabcalc
expression in the cross table. Based on the unit hydrograph, the peak flow rate for other storms
with a different rainfall excess amount can be calculated.


Schwab, G.O., Fangmeier, D.D., Elliot, W.J. and Freveret, R.K. (1993). Soil and water
conservation engineering. J. Wiley and sons. New York. 507 pp.
Sherman, L.K. (1932). Stream-flow from rainfall by the unit-graph method. Eng. NewsRec. 108: 501-505.
U.S. Soil Conservation Service. (1964). Hydrology. Section 4, SCS National Engineering
Handbook. Washington, D.C.

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