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Planets in the 3rd
Lot of Brothers
Lord of the Lot of Brothers
Triplicity Lords of Mars








* The final three rows are optional.

** It is possible to have two almutens.
*** Examine the places and lords individually on the topic, and then take the almuten to consider separately.

1. Examine L1 and the mubtazz.

2. See if there is some one of the 14 ways of effecting and destroying between them.
3. If the 3rd is a sign of many children the native will have siblings.
4. If the almuten is in a sign of many children the native will have siblings.
5. The significators (esp. the Lot of Brothers) in masculine signs and places indicate mostly brothers; in feminine signs, etc., m
6. Concord of the almutens of the 3rd and ascendant signify concord among the siblings.
7. If there is not concord and peace among these signs and almutens, there will be enmity and hatred among siblings.
8. If the almuten of the 3rd is stronger than the almuten of the 1st, the siblings will have more dignity than the native and wil
9. Check which of Mars' triplicity lords are stronger or more middling.
10. The first trip. lord of Mars signifies older siblings; the second, middle; the third, younger.
11. If there are benefics between the MC and ASC, children will have been born to the native's father before the native and th
12. If there are malefics between the MC and ASC, the aforesaid children of the father born before the native are dead.
13. If malefics and benefics are in common signs between the MC and ASC, the siblings who are living or dead are two.
14. If planets are between the ASC and IC, siblings are born after the native according to the quantity found. Double the numb
15. Malefics in the space between the ASC & IC indicate death for siblings born after the native; benefics, lastingness.
16. Sun and Saturn indicate older brothers. Jupiter and Mars, middle brothers. Mercury, younger brothers. Venus younger sis
17. The Moon's separation indicates those born before the native; her conjunction (applications?) indicate those born after.
18. Examine the strongest Ascendant triplicity lord. If it's in the Ascendant, the native will be first or fourth of the mother's ch
19. All the places signify according to the quantity of the place.

in feminine signs, etc., mostly sisters.

d among siblings.
y than the native and will be in charge; if the reverse, the reverse.

r before the native and they are still alive.

he native are dead.
g or dead are two.
y found. Double the number of planets found in common signs.
efics, lastingness.
others. Venus younger sisters, the Moon elder sisters.
dicate those born after.
fourth of the mother's children; in the MC, first or fourth or more; in the DSC, seventh or fourth or first; if in the IC, he is the first or fourth

if in the IC, he is the first or fourth.

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