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Elyse Webb

March 26, 2014

EDUC 139/239
Guided Reading Lesson Plan
Stephens, C. (2004) Life Science: Life Cycles. Washington, D.C: National Geographic.
Materials: Books. post-its, white board, markers
Standards/ Goals
CLL (Guided Reading):
Notice new and interesting words, and add them to speaking or writing
Summarize a text at intervals during reading of longer text
Common Core:
RI.4.3. Explain events, procedures, ideas, or concepts in a historical, scientific, or
technical text, including what happened and why, based on specific information in
the text.
So we just finished our science unit on the Human Body and we are about
to move in a unit about animals. But first today I want to share with you a
book that is the link between the two. This book will explain key concepts
that both animals and humans share. Go ahead on flip over your book. I
want you to take a minute and skim through the entire book.
Very briefly text walk the entire book allow time for comments and
o What do you notice?
o Have you seen these animals before? Where?
o How is the text organized?
Have the students look for bolded words and captions. Specifically:
Have the students look at pages 4-5. What is the value of bolded
words? Why would the author do that? How can it help a reader?
Read the words at the bottom.
o Turn and talk to your partner
o Share out.
Have the students turn to page 18.
o Read aloud
Note on a post it the words- zoology and imprinting
THINK ALOUD: After reading this section, I noted two
vocabulary words that will help me summarize, or give
a brief/ quick statement about the main ideas of the
section. By looking at the title and vocabulary words, I

think the author cares most about Lorenz and his work
with birds. His contribution to science is seen in the
photo as well. Therefore, I am not going to mention an
unnecessary point such as his dads wants in my
summary. I would summarize this section by saying
The researcher Lorenz studied zoology in which he
discovered a behavior called imprinting. Summarizing
can help readers focus on the main ideas of a section
using fewer words. Good readers use this while reading
long text to explain why and what was happening.

Reading Plan:
Have students read chapter 1, pages 7-9.
While students are reading they should note on their post-its the bolded or
unknown vocabulary in each section. A picture or definition should be placed on
the post it.
As students are silently reading, check in with each to listen to them read quietly
or check for comprehension. See what they are choosing as unknown/bolded
Discussion Points:
What is this section talking about? Who can briefly explain what they read?
Animals and their growth
Life cycles and changes
Differences among animals life cycles
Processing Strategy:
o Go to page 10. Summarizing Reading a section of text- pick a life cycle
Writing one sentence per post it note
Turning and sharing with a partner
o On whiteboard
Note the 1 sentence summaries on each page students share
As a class, comply a 4-sentence summary depicting the chapter.
Introduce a research project. The students will be picking an animal of their
choice (mammal or amphibian). They are to have at least 2 sources and
summarize the animals life cycle and important key vocabulary associated with
that animal. They may display their knowledge via a poster, brochure, or
Word Work:
Take apart mulitsyllable words to decode manageable units. Place on a word wall.
o Amphibian, metamorphosis, microgravity, zoology, imprinting

o Also use words that students picked out during their silent reading

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