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Which genre people prefer

Gemma: Gemma has decided to choose pop for her genre of magazine. This is because pop is well
listened to by the younger generation which she says she prefers because she is basing her target
audience around younger females therefore rock would not be suitable for her choice of genre.
Lauren: Out of the three Lauren has decided to choose the genre rock to base her magazine genre
on. This is because she has a wide knowledge of rock and is able to write about it without having to
do much research. This benefits her as she if familiar with genre. She also has friends that look as
though they are in the rock business. This is useful as she is able to use them for her main image and
get it to work well.
William: Out of my 3 chosen genres William prefers the Jazz. This is because rock and pop are
common; therefore this is a disadvantage due to examiner looking at the same genre over and over
again. Jazz is not that popular with young students so he is able to base his target audience on older
males rather than teen girls.

Chosen names
Mo Blues: I have decided to choose this name because of the 90s movie Mo better blues. It also is
suitable for the magazine as my genre is based around blues and jazz music. The word mo is a play
on word for more and comes across as more unique and jazzy instead of more blues which sound
rather plain and boring.
Jazz hands: this is another one of my choices. I thought that I could use this because its a wellknown phrase that everyone is familiar with. Therefore it would make my magazine more
memorable as most people already have an idea of what it means/is. The target audience will be
able to understand the inside joke of it and be able to relate if they are into jazz/blues.
So blues: This is already a well-known magazine however, is it called so jazz. Therefore I do not
think that I will be using it as people may already be familiar with the other version and get it
confused. It would however become well-known and because of its similarities the target audience
of So Jazz may choose to read So Blues instead as they are already familiar with the one they are
previously reading.

Comparing my choice with other genres

Rock: When comparing Jazz to rock there is a large difference. Rock has more of a steady beat
whereas jazz is more improvised. The theme of rock has a more aggressive atmosphere however the
theme of jazz consists of swing and a more upbeat atmosphere.
Pop: When comparing pop to jazz there is also a large difference. Pop is more popular than jazz as it
has wide audience of younger people whereas the older generation have carried jazz with them
throughout the years therefore giving the audience of a much older generation which can be seen as

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