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Jake Anthony

(C) ‘IQ Inc’. 1990. 2009.

Jake Anthony

The driving force behind this series

of publications was born in England,
just one year into World War Two.
People dying not in combat
but from health problems relating
to lifestyle, including his own parents,
was the life-amending catalyst
which launched Jake Anthony’s
lifelong interest in health, fitness and
life extension - and a search for
A wish to become a professional actor and writer was ful-
filled through hard work and dedication against the odds, and Jake
Anthony obtained a degree of ‘celebrity’ over the years. His work
as a character actor can still be seen on TV from time to time.
Jake also became one of the most published writers who
nobody knows about! This was due to his work going mainly
uncredited as an internationally published journalist in advertising
and PR; under pseudonyms as author, with many ‘to-kill-for’ re-
views; and as editor and/or ghost writer for others. Jake had a
couple of small ‘best sellers’ in the East and the West, and is the
man behind a handful of ‘cult’ novels which change hands for
large sums via on-line booksellers.
Another life-amending incident occurred when his extremely
fit and healthy actor and stunt man son, died from an interaction
between prescribed drugs. Like ‘Lord Jim’ - Joseph Conrad’s char-
acter in the book and movie - Jake left his homeland and wan-
dered the Orient for 20 plus years trying to make sense of it all.
This was interrupted by a series of health disasters at the
hands of the allopathic medical system in the West which would
have killed most people. Ironically, they were initiated by prescribed
drugs that were supposed to cure, not kill. This was added to by
the Western system of treating the symptom rather than fully iden-
tifying the cause.
Jake’s series of the potential lifestyle based killers included
cancer, crisis level hypertension, borderline type-2 diabetes, acute
and chronic pancreatitis, and gallstones. As prescribed drugs had
initiated his series of interlinked health disasters - and time after
time exacerbated them - Jake turned his back on the Western
medical system and from then on utilised nutritional, holistic and
alternative therapies known about for thousands of years in the
Orient and the East. His host of ailments regressed or were con-
trolled, and extra decades of life were obtained. Some joint prob-
lems came later, but you would not believe it when you see the
author pumping iron and skipping (jump rope) like an in-shape boxer.
The author’s ‘beating the odds’ experience and use of ho-
listic and alternative therapies, almost certainly played a part in his
survival. The ‘How To’ and ‘Why’ are detailed in this series of
books. Jake’s fit and youthful appearance belies the fact that he is
technically a senior citizen, well over the age of retirement.
Knowledge is power. Your choice.

Packaged by IQ Inc.
International licencing enquiries:

(C) 1990. 2009.

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be re-

printed or reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or trans-
mitted in any form or by any means, mechanical, electronic,
photocopying, recording or otherwise, except for brief ex-
tracts for the purpose of review, without prior permission in
writing from the publisher.

ISBN: 974-88459-5-8

First Pressing: E-book: 2009.


Acknowledgements & Reference



The Psychophysiological Effects of Colour

The Healing Power of Colours - An Instant Guide
Star Signs and Colour Therapy
Your Astrological Colour Therapy Chart
Colour Therapy & Dyslexia
Colour Therapy & Jaundice
Colour Therapy - The Miracle Cure for Cancer?
Sonodynamic Therapy - A Miracle Cure For Cancer?


Light as Therapy


Crystal Categories
The Healing Power of Crystals - An Instant Guide


A Natural Alternative to Antibiotics


Ozone Therapy
How Does Ozone Therapy Prevent or Cure Disease?
How Does Ozone Therapy Work?
Ozone Therapy as a Preventative Medicine
Ozone Therapy as an Anti Cancer Therapy
More About Ozone Therapy
How Ozone is Administered
Far Infrared: A Complementary Cancer Therapy
Proof that Oxygen Therapy Works


Underwater Meditation


Feng Shui & IQ


Ions & IQ
Natural Ions From Rock Salt Crystal
The Rock Salt Pipe: A Holistic Treatment for Asthma and Hay


Bio-Magnetism & Health

Quantum Physics, Health & Wellbeing


Aromatherapy & IQ - An Instant Guide


Music to Study and Think By

IQ Boosting New Age Music - An Instant Guide
Classical Music & Study
The Lozanov Selection


Bug Drugs
Bug Drugs - An Instant Guide


Light, Sleep & Circadian Rhythms

Laughter As Therapy



(Photodynamic Therapy)
Dr. Colin Hopper. MBBS, BDS (Hons), FDSRCS (Eng)

(Photodynamic Therapy)
David Longman

(Sonodynamic Therapy)
The Dove Clinic for Integrated Medicine

(Crystal Therapy)
Ruth German

(Crystal Therapy).
Tina Goy-Smith. Metamorphic, Portsmouth. England.

J. Richard Whitehead. Magnetic Therapy,
Manchester, England.

Joshua Anthony M.Sc. Computer Science.

• The knowledge, experience and assistance

provided by all of the above, was invaluable
in the compilation of this publication.


• Thanks are offered to the many scientists,nutritionists,

naturopaths, social scientists, psychologists,
educational psychologists and professionals in a wide range
of disciplines throughout the world, whose work has been
utilised as reference material in the
‘Holistic Health’ series of publications.

Cover Design: Bird and Jake Anthony.

NB. The content of this publication is for information

purposes only. It should not be used as a substitute for
the advice of a physician, naturopath or other certified
health care practitioner. The products and holistic
procedures discussed herein are not intended to
diagnose, cure, prevent or treat any disease.

Alternative therapies can appear freaky and far out on the sur-
face. However, many have merit and are worthy of investiga-
tion, as clinical studies continue to be published tending to sup-
port their efficacy. This is something folk culture has main-
tained for aeons.
Colour therapy, crystal therapy, and the effects of cer-
tain types of music on the workings of the brain, have a new
age flavour that may create scepticism. Feng shui, ions, bio-
magnetism and aromatherapy were also considered far out at
one time, but have now gained respect. That is because a growing
body of evidence suggests that these therapies possess the
potential to heal the body and maximise the mind. Being holistic
in nature they are also kind, and can assist in the quest for
emotional health.
The author’s ‘beating the odds’ experience and use of ho-
listic and alternative therapies, almost certainly played a part in his
survival. The ‘How To’ and ‘Why’ are detailed in this series of
books. Jake’s fit and youthful appearance belies the fact that he is
technically a senior citizen, well over the age of retirement.
Knowledge is power. Your choice.


Colour Therapy


It sounds very new-age to believe that looking at a specific colour

or shining it on parts of the body can actually have any physiologi-
cal effect. This would be a mistake, as there is an abundance of
clinical evidence to confirm that blood chemistry alters dramati-
cally, blood pressure, palmar conduction (sweating palms), respi-
ration rate, heart rate, muscular activation, frequency of eye blinks,
histamine levels and brain waves are altered at differing rates when
specific colours are viewed or even just felt by an individual [1] [2]
For instance, the endocrine gland comes into play when a
person is exposed to red. In just a fraction of a second, a chemical
signal goes from the pituitary to the adrenaline gland and adrena-
line (epinephrine) is released into the bloodstream, whence blood
pressure elevates and fight-or-flight adrenaline energy is primed
[4] [5]. This is why athletes can beneficially utilise the colour red
before competition, as it activates them into fight-or-flight mode.
In its negative aspect, red is the colour most disturbing to
people with mental problems or neuroses, and should not be used
around them. Red has the slowest vibration of all the visible col-
ours, affecting the emotions quicker than any other. To verify this
fact, just a glimpse of the colour red has long been known to make
bulls go on the attack.
Red vibrations increase respiration (including blood pres-
sure) and respiration decreases during blue illumination.
When blue is in a person’s field of vision, it causes the brain
to secrete eleven neurotransmitters which tranquillise and calm
the body. This is why the colour blue is utilised in hospitals and in
the rooms of violent criminals. In its negative aspect, too much
blue can be depressing, bringing on a feeling of the ‘blues’ in other-
wise healthy people.
With the colour green, blood histamine levels become el-
evated - a natural chemical which is released in large amounts
when the skin has been damaged. Distress from eczema, diar-
rhoea, and gastro-intestinal disorders are lessened in severity using
the colour green.
Vision chemicals that improve sight are produced when ex-
posed to the colour green. This is why green is worn in operating
theatres as an aid to the surgeon’s eye. Green is soothing, healing
and restful for people who are weary in body and mind. On its
negative side, dark green can be depressing and debilitating.
It is believed that blue and green together can stimulate the
highest level of talent and creativity in art and music.
Black absorbs heat, so the less black clothing a person wears
in hot weather the more comfortable they will feel. It is believed
that black clothing can interfere with the proper elimination of tox-
ins through the skin. Perhaps this is why men who are obliged to
wear dark suits in their working lives often look so unhealthy and
depressed. In experiments which placed small squares of different
coloured cloth onto snow, the black square generated the most
heat and sank deeper than any other colour. White generated the
least heat and made the smallest depression in the snow. At school
in times past, children were shown this practical experiment in
popular science.
Many fruits and vegetables are orange or orange-red. Or-
ganically, horticulturists found that orange light speeds up the growth
of many plants [6]. On the negative side, excessive exposure to
orange can produce nervousness and restless behaviour.
Violet is the fastest vibration amongst the rainbow of col-
ours, fading quicker than any other. Violet is associated with spir-
ituality, the purple robe or mantle having long been a symbol of
religious and royal authority. The nineteenth-century German mu-
sical genius Richard Wagner is said to have composed his greatest
works in rooms decorated with purple velvet drapes. In its nega-
tive aspect, violet is associated with pretence and deceit. The
Machiavellian shenanigans of royal families, religious figures and
parliamentarians past and present, who cloaked themselves in the
most pretentious of purple vestments, mantles and ermine, sug-
gests this to be true.
Evidence to support the effectiveness of colour therapy ema-
nates from London’s Hammersmith Hospital. Published in the
British Journal of Dermatology, it was confirmed that red and
blue light cured acne, reducing visible spots by 76% over a period
of twelve weeks. Blue killed off bacteria that cause acne; red
helped the healing process. Treatments were carried out for 15
minutes each day [7].
What is also quite amazing to an often sceptical world, is
that apparently one does not even have to be able to see colour
and light in order to benefit from it - experiments have found that
blind subjects can distinguish colour with a kind of ‘sixth sense’,
which seems to indicate that colour has a chemical ‘signature’ that
is linked to hormonal reactions and radiation wavelength.
In the USA, Dr. Charles Whitehouse has been active in the
application of New-Age medicine, applying light therapy techniques
to cure everyday ailments. The lights are placed directly at the site
of the complaint to gain the appropriate therapeutic response from
the dysfunctional tissue, cell structure, organ or body part [8].
Probably the most effective way to utilise colour therapy is
by using full spectrum lights covered with filters as used by cinema
and stage lighting technicians. Cinemoid gels are available in every
possible colour shade and are surprisingly cheap. This system is
the lowest cost method, providing the purest and most reliable shades
of colour and the widest choice.
Other methods of utilising colour therapy are torches which
shine a small beam of the appropriate therapeutic coloured light on
specific acupuncture points as an alternative to acupuncture nee-
The most recent light therapy treatment uses L.E.D. This
kind of light therapy is being proposed for the treatment of diabetic
peripheral neuropathy, lymphoedema, non-healing wounds, and pain.
Treatment is based on the premise that LED therapy may cause
an increase in nitric oxide concentrations that may lead to increased
blood flow and promote vasodilatation. LED therapy incorporates
several colours of light.
Blue has been proven to help combat bacteria and treat
acne, scars, pigmentation, as well as assisting wound healing by
oxygenating the skin.
Red is used in anti-ageing, skin-rejuvenation and elasticity
applications. With LED treatments, the skin cells respond to the
photons as nutrients and uses the energy generated to assist in
repairing themselves and produce collagen.
The following charts are based on the studies of a wide
range of colour therapists, but is predominately the work of Dr.
Martin Walker [9]; Dr. Robert Gerard, of the University of Cali-
fornia at Los Angeles; Faber Birren of the University of Chicago;
and Dr. Charles Whitehouse [10].
To obtain some of the specific benefits of any of the follow-
ing colours, simply stare at the colour blocks on the relevant page.


Blue vibratory rays increase the metabolism, build vitality, promote

growth, and act as a tonic on the body in general. They have anti-
septic properties and a soothing or cooling effect on inflammation.
Blue is the balancing and harmonising colour that returns
the bloodstream to normal. It reduces nervous excitement, is as-
tringent, and is believed to be absorbed from the environment dur-
ing meditation. It relaxes the mind and comforts the manic-depres-
sive. However, after ten minutes of treatment with blue rays, men-
tal depression can set in or make a person feel tired.

Known disorders treatable with the colour blue include:









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