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Past paper questions

1. Outline the key areas that should be addressed in the arrangements

section of a health and safety policy (8 MAKRS).

Safety training.
Safe systems of work.
Environmental control.
Safe place of work.
Machine/area guarding.
Safe plant and equipment.
Noise control.
Dust control.
Use of toxic materials.
Internal communication/participation.
Consultation with workers on safety matters.
Fire safety and prevention.
Medical facilities and welfare.
Maintenance of records.
Accident reporting and investigation.
Emergency procedures.
Workplace monitoring.

2. Outline the circumstances under which a written health and safety policy is
required (2 MARKS)

If it is required by national legislation e.g. UK, if a company employees more than

5 employees it is required to have a H&S policy
If the organisation is implementing best practice or standards e.g. OHSAS
18001, ILO OSH 2001

3. Identify the purposes of EACH of the following sections of a health and

safety policy document:
a) Statement of intent (2 MARKS)
b) Organisation (2 MARKS)
c) Arrangements (2 MARKS)
'statement of intent', which both demonstrates management's commitment to health
and safety and sets goals and objectives for the Organisation;
the Organisation' section, the purpose of which is to identify health and safety
responsibilities within the company;
the arrangements' section, which sets out in detail the systems and procedures that
show how the policy is to be implemented

4. Identify the THREE main sections of a health and safety policy document
and explain the purpose and general content of each section. (6 MARKS)
As above

5. Outline the circumstances that may give rise to a need for a health and
Safety policy to be reviewed.
Examiners were looking for an outline of circumstances such as:
Significant changes in the organisation;
after the introduction of new or changed processes or work methods;
following changes in key personnel;
following changes in legislation;
where risk assessments,
exercises show that monitoring or investigations the policy is no longer
effective or relevant;
following enforcement action and
after a sufficient period of time has elapsed since the previous review to
suggest that another one is due.

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