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: Chyntia Winny. W

NIM/ Kelas

: 101411123116 / 1-B

Organization is a social unit, composed of a group of people who interact

to achieve a certain goal, the organization is successful if the organization has
achieved its goal. some factors that influenced an organizations effectiveness are
human resources, characteristic of management, characteritic of organization, and
Learning organization is a form of organization while organizational
learning is activity or processes (of learning) in organizations, and that learning
organization needs efforts while organizational learning exists without any efforts.
All organizations would have organizational learning, but only some would be
learning organizations.
Organizational Lerning (OL)
Character of the content
Amount of normavity
Exist naturally
Group of target

Learning Organization (LO)

Organization Form
Needs activity
Not necessary

Table 1. distinction of Organiztional Leaning and Learning Organization
Organizations can be categorized into several types as follows: Based on
personal relationships devided into: formal organization, informal organization
and non-formal organizations. Informal Organization, is an organization which

formed due to personal relationships, the informal organization recognized its

existence, but it does not need to be incorporated. Non-formal organization is an
organization that is not recognized, there is only chairman and members only, for
example, a car club.
Based on the purpose of organization devided into: profit organization
which profit oriented, non-profit organizations which social service oriented. Then
organization based on the parties who use the benefits, which devided into: mutual
benefit organization with members priority. Service organization, the organization
which give a public services like a bank and post office. Business Organization,
an organization engaged in the business world such as fast food restaurants and
the factory. Commonwealth Organization, is an organization whose services are
primarily enjoyed by general public, such as health care organizations, like
hospitals, health centers, and insurance companies. Any organization can have 2
or more characteristics of the organization, such as a bank which belonging to the
commonwealth organization and service organization.
Organizational culture is the values and behaviors that contribute to the
social and psychological environment of an organization. There are several types
of organizational culture as follows: bureaucratic culture is an organization that
emphasizes hierarchy and bureaucracy, such as government agencies and military.
Clan culture, this organization has values, common goals, typical characteristics
of this organization is teamwork, employee involvement, and commitment of the
company to employees. Entrepreneurial Culture can also be referred to as the
cultural adokrasi. Entrepreneurial culture has assumed the innovative and
pioneering initiatives that organizations develop new products and services and

prepare for the future. Culture Market which oriented to the external environment,
not an internal affair. High target and prioritize customer safety is the main goal of
the organization.

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