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School of Foreign Languages

German Language Section

General Statement
The German Language section in the School of Foreign Languages provides German
language education to the students of all faculties and vocational schools. The aim of this
education is both to gain students the skills which they need in daily life as well as in the
academic and professional experiences and to offer a high quality education.
A synthesis of all student-centred teaching methods is applied.
Language Co-ordinator
Filiz Ko Marangoz
Weekly Hours
3-hour Programs / 4-hour Programs / 6-hour Programs
Elementary & Pre-Intermediate Level
This is a 4-term course that offers grammar, reading, writing, listening and speaking skills
appropriate for the level.
Lesson Code and Title: German 1 / AFG(ABC) 101/AFGE 101
In this lesson the first 3 units from Themen aktuell 1, Hueber publishing, are covered. The aim
is to teach the relevant grammar structures, introducing people, talking about hobbies and
tastes, time and numbers. The subject matters in German and in English are as follows:
German 1/101 (Chapter 1-3)
Konjugation Prsens
Verb und Subjekt
Satzfrage (positiv-negativ)
Imperativ (Sie)
Bestimmter/unbestimmter Artikel
Modalverben mchten)

* statements
* conjunctions in the simple present tense
* verb and subject
* interrogatives and answers (positive-negative)
* imperatives
* definite and indefinite articles
* negative sentences
* possessive articles
* nominatives/accusatives
* Modal auxiliaries mchten

Lesson Code and Title: German 2 / AFG (ABC) 102/AFGE 102

In this lesson units from 4 to 6 in Themen aktuell 1,Hueber publishing, are covered. The aim
is to describe places and people and to construct dialogues on prices and qualities of items as
well as to be able to talk about the differences in languages and to get basic knowledge about
learning methods. The subject matters in German and in English are as follows:

German 2 / 102 (Chapter 4-6)

Trennbare Verben
Definitpronomen (er,die,das)
Indefinitpronomen (einer, keiner, welche)
Ortsangaben (Wechelprpositionen in,an, auf)
Imperativ (2. Person Singular und Plural)

* separable verbs
* Modal auxiliaries
* time
* definite pronouns (der, die,das)
* indefinite pronouns (einer, keiner,
* prepositions of place (in,an,auf)
* datives
* possessive articles
* imperatives (third person singular and
* the present perfect tense

Lesson Code and Title : German 3 / AFG (ABC) 201/AFGE 201

In this lesson units from 7 to 8 in Themen aktuell 1 , Hueber publishing, are covered. The aim
is to describe events and locations, to read map directions and to talk about advantages and
disadvantages. The subject matters in German and in English are as follows:

German 3 / 201 (Chapter 7-8)

Perfekt alle Verben
Personalpronomen (Akkusativ)
Prpositionen mit Dativ
Prpositionen mit Akkusativ
Prteritum von sein und haben

* the present perfect tense all verbs

* prepositions of place
* personal pronouns (accusatives)
* prepositions used with both dative and
* prepositions using dative
* prepositions using accusative
* the simple present tense of sein und

Lesson Code and Title : German 4 / AFG (ABC) 202

In this lesson units from 9-10 to in Themen aktuell 1, Hueber publishing, are covered. The
aim is teach the language to a level that enables students to express wishes, to accept and deny
gifts, to write a letter of invitation, to give biographical and geographical data and to give road
descriptions.The subject matters in German and in English are as follows:
German 4 / 202 (Chapter 9-10)
Komparativ und Superlativ
Definiter Artikel und Nomen im Dativ
Indefiniter Artikel
Possessivartikel ve Negation im Dativ
Personalpronomen im Dativ

* comparatives and superlatives

* definite article and nouns in dative
* indefinite article
* possessive article and negation using dative
* personal pronouns in dative

Verben mit Dativergnzung

Definiter Artikel und Nomen im Genitiv,

* completing verbs in dative

* definite article and nouns in genitive, indefinite

Indefiniter Artikel, Possessivartikel,

Negation im Genitiv
Lndernamen im Genitiv
Prpositionen im Akkusativ

article, possessive article and negation

in genitive
* country names in genitive
* prepositions using accusative

Lesson Code and Title : German 4 / AFGE 202

In this lesson units from 9-10 to in Themen aktuell 1 and units from 1-2 in Themen aktuell 2,
Hueber publishing, are covered. The aim is teach the language to a level that enables students
to express wishes, to accept and deny gifts, to write a letter of invitation, to give biographical
and geographical data and to give road descriptions. Furthermore to enable the students to
describe a person (character and appearance), to talk about prejudices, professions and the
educational system. The subject matters in German and in English are as follows:
German 4 / AFGE 202 (Chapter 9-10 Themen Aktuell 1 and 1-2 Themen Aktuell 2)
Komparativ und Superlativ
Definiter Artikel und Nomen im Dativ
Indefiniter Artikel
Possessivartikel ve Negation im Dativ
Personalpronomen im Dativ
Verben mit Dativergnzung
Definiter Artikel und Nomen im Genitiv,

* comparatives and superlatives

* definite article and nouns in dative
* indefinite article
* possessive article and negation using dative
* personal pronouns in dative
* completing verbs in dative
* definite article and nouns in genitive, indefinite

Indefiniter Artikel, Possessivartikel,

Negation im Genitiv
Lndernamen im Genitiv
Prpositionen im Akkusativ
Adjektiv: Vergleiche
Prteritum von Modalverben
Nebenstze mit obwohl, weil,wenn

article, possessive article and negation

in genitive
* country names in genitive
* prepositions using accusative
* adjective comparative
* adjective declentions (accusative/dative)
* articles (dies-/manch/jed-/alle)
* the simple past of modalverbs
* ordinal numbers
* clause with obwohl, weil,wenn

Intermediate Level
This level is for the students who already know the language at a pre-intermediate level. This
4-term course focuses more on reading and writing on social issues while enhancing the
relative grammar and vocabulary. The course is designed according to the needs and
requirements of faculties. We offer 8 levels for General German program and 6 levels in Law
Faculty German Language program. Our course design for the Translation and Interpretation
Department is also 6 levels.

Course Code and Title: German 5 AFG(ABC) 301

In this lesson units 1-2 from Themen Aktuell 2, Hueber publishing are covered. The aim is to
teach the language to a level that enables the students to describe a person (character and
appearance), to talk about prejudices, professions and the educational system. The subject
matters in German and in English are as follows:
German 5 /301 (Units 1-2)
* connectors
* definite question words
Infinitiv mit zu /ohne zu
* infinitives with and without zu
Prteritum der Modalverben
* past forms in modal auxiliaries
Vollverb werden(Prsens/Prteritum/Perfekt) * use of to be in past, present and perfect

Course Code and Title: German 5 AFGE 301 (for Faculty of Law)
In this lesson units 3-4-5 from Themen Aktuell 2, Hueber publishing, are covered. The aim is
to teach the language to a level that enables students to express opinions about television and
radio programs, to talk about economic and industrial events, family relations, marital and
parental problems and changes in the educational system. The subject matters in German and
in English are as follows:
German 5 / 301 (Units 3-4-5 )
Reflexive Verben
Reflexive Verben mit Prpositionalergnzung
Konjunktiv II
Steigerung und Vergleich
Infinitiv mit zu
dass Satz

* reflexive verbs
* reflexive verbs used with prepositons
* conditionals type II
* comparatives
* passive
* infinitives with zu
* sentences with dass
* past simple

Lesson Code and Title: German 6 / AFG (A/B/C) 302

In this lesson units from 3-4 in Themen aktuell 2, Hueber publishing, are covered. The aim of
this program is to teach the language to a level that enables the students to express opinions
about television and radio programs and to talk about economic and industrial events.
German 6 / 302 (Units 3-4)
*Reflexive Verben
*Reflexive Verben mit Prpositionalergnzung
*Konjunktiv II
*Steigerung und Vergleich

*reflexive verbs
* reflexive verbs used with
* conditional type II
* comparatives
* passive

Lesson Code and Title: German 6 / AFGE 302/LAW

In this lesson units from 6-10 from Themen aktuell 2, Hueber publishing, are covered. The
aim of this program is to provide the students with the ability to talk about the environment
and nature, to make comments on Turks living in Germany and foreigners living in Turkey
and to express opinions on politics, history and daily events. Furthermore this course enables
students to interpret and comment on books.
German 6 / 302 (Units 6-10)
*Konstruktionen mit es
*Infinitiv mit umzu
*Nebensatz mit damit
*auer - wegen
*Reflexive Verben

* contructions with es
* relativepronouns
* relative clauses
* the verb lassen
* the usage of zum + the
*infinitive with umzu
* clause with damit
* auer-wegen
* reflexive verbs
* dative
* reciprocals

The A2 program is completed.

Course Code and Title: German 7 / AFG(ABC) 401

In this lesson units 21-25 from Moment mal 2, Langenscheidt publishing, are covered. The
aim is to teach the language to a level that enables students to reach claims and justifications,
to use media and computers, to learn the information in simple texts, to make chronologies, to
compare lifestyles, to give definitions for terms, to compare the duties of household, to speak
about religious holidays and traditions, to describe lessons and professions and to make
predictions. The subject matters in German and in English are as follows:

German 7 / 401 (Chapter 21-25)

Konjunktiv II
Konjunktiv II der Modalverben
Konjunktionen : obwohl/da/trotzdem/deshalb
Prpositionen : wegen/trotz
Reziproke Verben
Partizip II als Adjektiv
Adjektive als Substantive
Artikel- Wrter und Pronomen

* conjunctives
* using Modal auxiliary verbs by
* conjunctions
* prepositions
* reflexive verbs
* conjunctions
* verb 3 as adjectives
* use of adjectives as nouns
* pronouns

Course Code and Title: German 8 /AFG(ABC) 402

In this lesson units 26-30 from Moment mal 2, Langenscheidt publishing, are covered. The
aim is to talk about memories, to define the duties of teachers and lesson and profession
descriptions, to speak about personal characteristics and to make predicitions. The subject
matters in German and in English are as follows:
German 8 /402 (Chapter 26-30)
Partizip I
Partizip II der Modalverben
Satzbau:Vorfeld, Mittelfeld
Substantive aus Verben
Prpositionalergnzung mit Substantiv/
Nebenstze als Prpositionalergnzung
Futur I Wortbildung

* participles
* phrases
* verb 3 in Modal auxiliaries Verb und
* verb/object ve complement/adverb
* sentence structures
* nouns and verb-derivatives
* prepositions used in subjects and
* prepositional clauses
* future tense 1
* word formation

In the Department of Foreign Languages German language courses are designed under
the titles of AFG(ABC) German (3 hr/w), AFGE German for Law (4 hr/w) and AFGF
German for Translation and Interpretation (6 hr/w).
The books used in the German Section are Themen aktuell 1+2+3, Moment mal 1 ve
Moment mal 2 from Hueber and Langenscheidt publishing respectively.

Department of Translation and Interpretation

German courses and contents
General Information
The German Language section in the School of Foreign Languages provides German
language education to the students of all faculties and vocational schools. The aim of this
education is both to gain students the skills which they need in daily life as well as in the
academic and professional experiences and to offer a high quality education.

A synthesis of all student-centred teaching methods is applied.
Language Co-ordinator
Filiz Ko Marangoz
Weekly Hours
6-hour Programs

Beginners level A 1+A 2

This is a 2-term course that offers grammar, reading, writing, listening and speaking skills
appropriate for the level.
Lesson Code and Title: German 1 / AFGF 101
In this lesson the first 5 units from Themen aktuell 1, Hueber publishing, are covered. The aim
is to teach the relevant grammar structures, introducing people, talking about hobbies and
tastes, time and numbers. The subject matters in German and in English are as follows:
German 1/101 (Units 1-5)
* Aussagesatz
* Wort- und Satzfrage
* Imperativ (Sie)
* Konjugation Prsens
* Artikel
* Negation
* Possessivartikel
* Akkusativ
* Modalverb (mchten)
* Trennbare Verben
* Modalverb (knnen, mssen, drfen)
* Uhrzeit
* Definitpronomen (der,die,das)
* Indefinitpronomen (einer, keiner, welche)
* Ortsangaben ( Wechselprposition in/an/auf)

* statements
* interrogatives and answers (positivenegative)
* imperatives
* conjunctions in the simple present tense
* definite and indefinite articles
* negative sentences
* possessive articles
* nominatives/accusatives
* modalverb (mchten)
* separable verbs
* modal verbs (knnen, mssen, drfen)
* time
* definite pronouns (der, die,das)
* indefinite pronouns (einer, keiner,
* prepositions of place (in,an,auf)

Lesson Code and Title: German 2 / AFGF 102

In this lesson units from 6 to 10 in Themen aktuell 1,Hueber publishing, are covered. The aim
is to describe places and people and to construct dialogues on prices and qualities of items as
well as to be able to talk about the differences in languages and to get basic knowledge about
learning methods. The subject matters in German and in English are as follows:
German 2 / 102 (Units 6-10)
* Dativ
* Possessivartikel
* Modalverb sollen
* Imperativ (2. Person Singular und Plural)
* Perfekt
* Richtungsangaben
* Personalpronomen (Akkusativ)
* Wechselprpositionen
*Komparativ und Superlativ
*Demonstrativpronomen im Akkusativ

* datives
* possessive articles
* modalverb sollen
* imperatives (second person
singular and plural)
* the present perfect tense
* prepositions of place
* personal pronouns (accusatives)
* prepositions used with both
dative and accusative
* comparatives and supelatives
* definitepronouns used with the
* genitive

The A1 program is completed.

Lesson Code and Title: German 3 / AFGF 201
In this lesson the first 5 units from Themen aktuell 2, Hueber publishing, are covered. The aim
of this program is to provide the students with the ability to make a job application, write a cv,
understand the educational system, to comment on tv and radio programs, to enlargre their
vocabulary on business terms and family related topics.
German 3 / 201 (Kapitel 1-5)
*Artikelwrter :dies-/manch-/jed-/alle
*Prteritum von Modalverben
*Reflexive Verben mit Prpositionalergnzung
*Konjunktiv II
*Steigerung und Vergleich
*Infinitiv mit zu
* dass Satz

* articles (dies-/manch/jed-/alle)
* the simple past of modalverbs
* weil-obwohl-wenn
* ordinal numbers
* reflexive verbs used with
* conditional type II
* comparatives
* passive
* the infinitive with zu
* sentences with dass

Lesson Code and Title: German 4 / AFGF 202

In this lesson units from 6-10 from Themen aktuell 2, Hueber publishing, are covered. The
aim of this program is to provide the students with the ability to talk about the environment
and nature, to make comments on Turks living in Germany and foreigners living in Turkey
and to express opinions on politics, history and daily events. Furthermore this course enables
students to interpret and comment on books.
German 4 / 202 (Units 6-10)
*Konstruktionen mit es
*Infinitiv mit umzu
*Nebensatz mit damit
*auer - wegen
*Reflexive Verben

* contructions with es
* relativepronouns
* relative clauses
* the verb lassen
* the usage of zum + the
*infinitive with umzu
* clause with damit
* auer-wegen
* reflexive verbs
* dative
* reciprocals

The A2 program is completed.

Lesson Code and Title: German 5 AFGF 301

In this lesson the first 5 units from Themen aktuell 3, Hueber publishing, are covered. The aim
of this program is to enable the students to aquire knowledge, support their ideas, make use of
media and computers, understand the information given in basic texts, to compare different
life styles and faimly roles and to comment on traditions and religious holidays.
German 5 (Units 1-5)
*Reflexiv- und reziproke Verben

*reflexive and reciprocal verbs

*verbs with prepositions

*Konjunktiv II/Irrealis
*Nomen mit Genitivergnzung
*Passiv mit Modalverben
*Korrelationen mit wenn/je...desto
*Adjektive aus Nomen
*Verbindungsglieder weil/denn/obwohl/
*das Verb lassen

* conditionals type II
*adjektive declentions
*nouns in the genitive
*the passive with modals
*the relatives
*conjunctions with wenn/je...desto
*adjectives from nouns
*conjunctions weil/denn/obwohl/
*the verb lassen)

Lesson Code and Title: German 6 AFGF 302

In this lesson the units from 6-10 Themen aktuell 3 , Hueber publishing, are covered. The
aim of this program is to provide the students to speak about politics, the political system in
Germany, the re-union of Germany and foreigners living in Germany.

German / 302 (Units 6-10)

*Konstruktionen mit es
*Nebensatz mit damit/um...zu
*Prpositionen auer und gegen
*Reflexiv- und reziproke Verben

The B1 program is completed.

*constructions with es
*relative sentences
*infinitive clauses
*clauses with damit/um...zu
*prepositions auer and gegen
*reflexive and reciprocal verbs

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