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ECE TPA Lesson Plan

1. Teacher
2. Subject
3. Lesson
4. Grade Level

Ashley Bond

Date taught



Water Prop Box
5. Length of
Preschool (3-4 years)

6. Academic &
Content Standards

7. Learning
8. Academic


DEL Benchmarks:
Early Learning Science Standards:
-Use tools to explore the environment.
-Investigate the properties of things in nature.
-Measure sand or water using a variety of
-Use one sense to experience something.
-Predict what will happen in science and nature
The student will explore the prop box using the
tools included.
The student will understand the meaning of the
words water, float, sink, scoop, pour, soak, etc.

9. Assessment
The assessment for this lesson will
be informal questioning. As the
students play with the prop box,
the teacher will ask students
questions about what they notice
happening with each of the tools
when they are put in water.

The reason for using informal
questioning is because every
student will go about this activity
differently. By asking questions,
the teacher can get an idea of
what the student is thinking and
what they understand about water.

10. Lesson Rationale

Upon what assessment data or previous lessons are you building?
Answer: This lesson will be an introduction to a unit on water. This will

be the lesson that students build off of in the future.

WHAT requisite skills do students need in order to access the lesson & participate
Answer: The students will just need to know how to experiment with
materials they are given.
How does the content build on what the students already know and are able to do?
Answer: Students should already know what water is. This lesson
allows them to learn more about water and how it reacts with different
HOW does this lesson fit in the curriculum?
Answer: The curriculum requires students to explore, investigate, and
predict with different materials. This lesson allows students to use
different materials to experiment with the aspects of water.
By teaching this lesson, how will this add to student learning?
Answer: This lesson will add to student learning by giving students the
opportunity to build their own knowledge through exploration.
How will the learning in this lesson be further developed in subsequent lessons?
Answer: In the future, students will learn more about the properties of
water, which will be based off of the things they learn in this lesson.
11. Instructional Strategies/Learning Tasks to Support
Learning Tasks and Strategies
Sequenced Instruction
Teachers Role
Students Role
1. The teacher will
present the prop
box to students.

1. The students will wait patiently for the teacher.

2. The teacher will

tell students to
explore and see
what they find

2. The students will listen to the teachers


3. The teacher will

ask students
questions about
their thinking.

3. The students will explore the prop box using all

of the materials provided.

12. Differentiated Instruction


The students who struggle will just be asked to explore the prop box
and state what they noticed.
The students who are more advanced will be asked more questions
about why they think the water behaved the way it did.
13. Resources and Materials
The materials needed for this lesson are a tub full of water, sponge,
block, cork, empty water bottle, cup, spoon, and fork.
14. Management and Safety Issues
The management and safety issues will be ensuring that students use
all of the materials appropriately and leave them in the water tub.
15. Parent & Community Connections
In order to involve the students family, students will go home and try
to see what other objects they can put in water to see how the water

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