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Attachments contain input from Ted Cruz and Rush.

December 5, 2014
This week I was pleased to speak with veterans on the importance of standing with the men and
women of our military. Right now it is essential that we recognize the sacrifice of our troops
combating Ebola, and I have introduced a bill to ensure they are justly compensated for putting
their lives at risk. Sen. Cornyn and I have also introduced legislation that would extend Purple
Heart eligibility to the 14 men and women who were killed by a radical Islamic terrorist at Fort
Hood in 2009.
Americas leadership rests on a strong defense, and we are grateful to every member of the
Armed Forces who keeps us safe.
Please keep reading for an update on the latest in the Senate.
All the best,

Ted Cruz
Sen. Cruz Addresses Concerned Veterans of America
On Tuesday, Sen. Cruz addressed the Concerned Veterans for America and discussed the need
for American leadership in the world.

Click to view video

I introduced legislation just a couple of weeks ago providing that our soldiers who had been
deployed to Africa to fight Ebola, should be eligible for combat pay, said Sen. Cruz. Any soldier
who is subject to a 21 day quarantine, any soldier who is risking his or her life, his or her familys
life with a deadly, terrifying disease, is taking on a risk comparable to the risk of going to combat
and risking an enemy bullet. Existing law doesnt allow that. It is my hope that were going to see
some bipartisan agreement in changing existing law so that we can recognize the sacrifices being
made by the men and women in the military.
We are also, hopefully, in the next couple of weeks, going to be taking up the National Defense
Authorization Act. I serve on the Senate Armed Services Committee and one of the things that I
was pleased to work with my colleague, Senator Cornyn, on was introducing an amendment to
the NDAA that provides that the fourteen men and women who were murdered at Fort Hood by
Nidal Hasan would be eligible for the Purple Heart.
Sen. Cruz Urges House to Curb President Obamas Amnesty
On Wednesday, Sen. Cruz released a statement regarding funding proposals that are being
considered by Republicans in the House.
"This November's election was a referendum on executive amnesty, and the American people
overwhelmingly oppose President Obama's illegal amnesty. Republicans in Congress should use
every tool at our disposal-our constitutional checks and balances-to stop President Obama's
amnesty, said Sen. Cruz. The Senate should use its constitutional authority to halt
confirmations for non-national security positions, until the President stops this illegal amnesty.
And both Houses should use the power of the purse, which the Framers understood to be the
most potent tool Congress has to rein in an out-of-control Executive.
"We should pass a short-term continuing resolution that includes language defunding the
implementation of the President's executive action on amnesty.
"Nearly a dozen Senate Democrats have publicly expressed concerns about President Obama's
executive amnesty. Support for the President's lawlessness decreases by the day, and House
Republicans should provide Senate Democrats the opportunity to show voters whether or not
they have heard the message the voters sent in the 2014 elections."
Sen. Cruz Rejects Attempts by Self-Serving Politicians to Exploit NDAA
On Wednesday, Sen. Cruz issued the following statement regarding provisions contained in the
House's FY2015 National Defense Authorization Act.
"The decision to attach an extreme land grab to the NDAA is a disservice to members of the
Armed Forces," said Sen. Cruz. "With the military's shrinking budget, it is offensive that this bill
would be used to fund congressional pork. And, at a time where jobs are scarce and the federal
government has removed billions of acres of land from productive use, Congress should not be
restricting more than a half-million new acres. The House and Senate should reject this attempt
by self-serving politicians to exploit the men and women of the military to serve their special

Non-security, extraneous provisions in the new version of the NDAA include:

250,000 acres of new wilderness designations

400,000 acres withdrawn from productive use (for energy, mining, timber, etc.)
Fifteen new national park units or park expansions
Eight new studies for national parks
Three new wild and scenic river designations, 3 new studies for additional designations
Study to begin the National Women's History Museum

Rush Limbaugh Echo for Friday, 12/5/14

Open-Line-Friday, a great career risk for the host.
Segment#1: Republicans must want open borders too

I am not a big fan of television. This radio program has a larger audience than cable TV news, which is
not natural. Im too self-conscious. The primary ingredient to be a great actor is to have zero selfconsciousness. Cameras change how you appear.
FoxNews called and asked if I would be the guest on FoxNews Sunday. HR, we turn down several a
week. I thought about it for a day, then said Yes. ((Clips: Well talk about police, govt shutdown,
Rush is troubled with latest police action. You can agree with him, or disagree with him, but I cant
think of anyone more interesting. He will be live in his studio Sunday morning.))
The last time I did a live interview on FoxNews was with Chris Wallace, who was very polite but
moderately incredulous when I predicted Obama. All on purpose, I said.
Former Senate leader Trent Lott ((Clip: We lost the [Amnesty] vote after Rush Limbaugh commented on
it. I was in the well of the Senate, the six of us working the vote (Reid, Pelosi, Ted Kennedy, Feinstein,
Lindsey Graham) )) No, I didnt give out his phone number, maybe the switchboard number was
given out.
It was the end of the Bush Adm, 2007 and they tried to sneak this in. Karl Rove wanted to wipe out
the Democrat Party by getting Amnesty credit.
[See the highlight transcript for this segment if you are interested in the total
chronological history, which Rush has now given.]

The same thing is happening today. This whole Govt Shutdown is just the excuse for Why we cant
stop Obama and Obama will have smooth sailing. Mitt Romney says Republicans need to swallow
hard, Amnesty.
The obvious conclusion: Republicans favor comprehensive Amnesty.
They fear the damage in the polls. Follow me on this: Democrats lost 700 seats from top to down to
dog-catcher. Republicans would have won the WH, had not 4million in the Republican base stayed
home. In the midterms the loss of Democrats seats brought the total up to 1,300 seats turned to
Ferguson is bad for Democrats and I can explain. What do Democrats believe in? Big Government and
force. Liberals hate the state using force with cops. They want the state to use their power every way
they can. The Democrat Party could be put on the ropes if Republicans had any sense about what is
going on here. Republicans are afraid they would be hated for stopping Obama? It would be another
landslide! Go figure.
>>> [ED: Romney should listen to Rush, not consultants! ]
ED: Mitt Romney could just wait to comment on Amnesty.
In his heart, he is very conservative, but needs to be principled.
Seg#2: Rush seeks Truth // Democrats seek Power
Mr. Snerdley says Chris Wallace should just take the opening monologue from today and then open it up
for discussion.
Jim Geraghty writes about narrative journalism saying how Drive-by Media will take a narrative and
then create an agenda around it. They want power more than truth.

Our media today just tries to advance the Liberal Agenda. Hands up, dont shoot Grand Jury finds the
cop blameless so it is justified rage. Thats their story. So people that watch those networks, that is
what they are fed.
>>> The mayor of Newark weighs in on Power over Truth.
Rush: We are getting closer to Christmas, by the day.
From the Rush Limbaugh Morning Update: "Death Project"
These people never quit. I'm talking about an article published in the Huffing and Puffington Post,
written by Katrina Spade, the Founder and Director of the Urban Death Project. Yes, the Urban Death
Project [How Your Death Affects Climate Change].
Her article addresses a subject apparently near and dear to the heart of many environmentalist wackos:
How Your Death Affects Climate Change. Im going to read the opening paragraph, verbatim. You

might take solace in the fact that when you die, your days of polluting the planet are over. But the truth
is that the method you choose to dispose of your mortal remains has more of a deleterious impact on
the environment than you might think.
Over half of us in America, says Ms. Spade, choose conventional burials. We get pumped full of
embalming fluid, a known carcinogen. After that comes the casket, often made from a tropical
hardwood. The grave liner is concrete.
She runs the numbers: In death we consume over 20 million board-feet of hardwood, a million and a
half tons of concrete, and over four million gallons of embalming fluid. Cremation is better, she says, but
it emits 250,000 tons of CO2 annually, giving it less-than-stellar green credentials. So no matter what,
your death is destroying the planet!
Clearly, the point of Ms. Spades happy little article is to make you feel guilty, even after you die. It must
be torture to live inside the mind of a liberal. How in the world do they do this?
Quote Gems from Rush Limbaugh dot com:
"The simple fact of the matter is we are a shrinking economy. There are a lot of reasons for it, and I
would put at the top of the list way too much liberalism, too much of a welfare state on top of a Nanny
State. It has become too easy and comfortable in this country not to work. Everybody not working is
"It just keeps happening. We go from the Michael Brown case to the Eric Garner case in New York, and
once again it becomes necessary to sort through all of the disinformation that's out there and try to
make sense of it."
"We have a major, major, major environmental disaster in Pennsylvania today, major. A tractor-trailer
overturned that was carrying 19,000 copies of the New York Times."
"New York state imposes a tax of $4.35 a pack. That's the highest of any state. That's on top of the local
New York City tax of a buck sixty, which is also the highest of any city. The mayor, de Blasio, had just
ordered the police to crack down on illegal cigarettes a few weeks before the Garner incident."
"Smokers are really the modern incarnation of evil, and yet smokers, because of all the taxes they are
paying, are funding most of the children's health care programs the federal government has."
"I thought, by the way, it was very, very telling, quite fitting, in fact, that Obama made his remarks at a
White House Tribal Nations Conference. Because, you know, Obama is trying his best to eliminate all of
the warring and discord going on between all the tribes, right?"
"It's now going to be a courageous campaign when one of the candidates openly says that he will need
to run against his base in order to get elected, and that's what today's story in The Hill about Jeb Bush is
all about."
"Disposable income is dwindling because the cost of satisfying government is going up."

"It's our little cat's first Christmas tree, had no idea what to make of it. It was funny. Little kittens and
cats are so damn curious. There's this big tree going up, had no idea, looking suspicious, you know,
hiding behind a post thinking of ways to attack it. It's just hilarious watching these animals react to
things that they're seeing for the first time."
"Folks, I don't care what you think about abortion politically, but you simply can't retard your birthrate
by 1.3 million a year every year since 1973 and have it not mean something."
"Here's a guy trying to earn a living selling individual cigarettes. I don't know about you, but that causes
me to sit up and kind of cock my head and say, "What?" That's pretty dire. That tells us quite a lot, right?
Single cigarettes, he's selling loosies they're called, because for many people that's all they can afford, is
one cigarette? All the while the government's done everything they can to addict people to them."
"The ChiComs, a communist country, have overcome us as the world's largest economy? This is the
exact kind of thing the so-called Greatest Generation sacrificed everything to prevent in World War II,
fighting the communists, all of that. But then again, the World War II generation did play a role in
creating all the dependency in a way. They gave birth to them."
"It used to be that bumming a cigarette was, 'Hey, man, you got a cig?' A guy would give you a cigarette.
Try that now. It's like asking somebody to give 'em 20 bucks. It doesn't happen."
"It's our little cat's first Christmas tree, had no idea what to make of it. It was funny. Little kittens and
cats are so damn curious. There's this big tree going up, had no idea, looking suspicious, you know,
hiding behind a post thinking of ways to attack it. It's just hilarious watching these animals react to
things that they're seeing for the first time."
"Liberalism has created literally deranged people afraid of everything."
"It makes no sense to be afraid of secondhand smoke a hundred yards away from it."
Quick Hits Page ... On the Rushwire:
Michael Sam: I'm Not in the NFL Because I'm Gay...... UK Considers Paid Menstrual Leave... New Gruber
Video Will Kill Them at the Supreme Court... The Sexodous... De Blasio: We Must Fix Fundamental Flaw
of Our Founding...
Most Popular Segments

Chuck Barkley Doubles Down

Are There Still Educated People Who Think the Gentle Giant Put His Hands Up and Surrendered?

New York Cigarette Taxes Killed Eric Garner

NFL Faces Blowback for Rams Protest

Quick Hits Page

The Government Shutdown Myth

Face It: Republicans Want Amnesty

GRETA VAN SUSTEREN, FOX NEWS HOST: Listen to this. Former secretary of state and potential
presidential candidate, Hillary Clinton, speaking at a foreign policy conference and saying this: (BEGIN

HILLARY CLINTON, FORMER SECRETARY OF STATE: This is what we call smart power,
using every possible tool and partner to advance peace and security, leaving no one on
the sidelines, showing respect even for one's enemies, trying to understand and, insofar
as psychologically possible, empathize with their perspective and point of view, helping
to define the problems to determine the solution. That is what we believe, in the 21 st
century, will change, change the prospects for peace. (END VIDEO CLIP)
VAN SUSTEREN: Lieutenant Colonel Oliver North joins us.
Just to back up a little bit, she was making a reference to a dispute that two women settled in the
Philippines that's been going on for a number of years. Nonetheless, that's what she said.
LT. COL. OLIVER NORTH, FOX HOST, WAR STORIES: Those words coming out of someone who intends to
become commander-in-chief are not just naive and utopian, it's irrational. Consider, we are supposed to
be using smart power. Sounds more like, to me, we have no power. And that isn't smart to say as a
candidate. And I can't think of a presidential candidate who said those kinds of things.
Think about this. She is urging us to empathize with our enemies. Think about December 7 th, 1941. And
then FDR going to the Congress of the United States the next day saying we need to have more empathy
for --

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