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Ans: 1

As referred to Table 2.4 for the period of 1999-2000, for males and females jointly, we
can see that the Labor force participation varies with age group. It is shown in the graph
as follows:
Age group
15-19 years
20-24 years
25-29 years
30-34 years
35-39 years
40-44 years
45-49 years
50-54 years
55-59 years
60-64 years
65+ years



It is seen from the above graph that, from the age group ranging from 15 years to 44
years the labor force participation rate increases gradually from 41.66% to 66.58%.The
labor force participation is highest among the age group40-44years.But from the age
group starting from 45 years the labor force participation rate gradually declines and with
age group above 65 years, the labor force participation rate is only 37.39% which is the
lowest rate of labor force participation of both males and females.

As referred to Table 2.4 for the period of 1999-2000, for males and females separately,
we can see that the Labor force participation varies with age group. It is shown in the
graph as follows:
Age group
15-19 years
20-24 years
25-29 years
30-34 years
35-39 years
40-44 years
45-49 years
50-54 years
55-59 years
60-64 years
65+ years



From the above graphs, we can see that for males the labor force participation rate rises
from the age of 19years to 39years.The
labor force participation rate rises from
55.85% to 98.23% among this age group.
The highest rate of participation is
between the age group 35-39 years. After
that from the age group starting from 40
years the participation rate starts to fall.
The lowest labor force participation rate is
56.56% which is seen among the age
group above 65 years.

For females, we can observe that in a similar manner the labor participation rate starts to
increase from the age of 19 but at this point the labor participation rate is only
23.35.Gradually it increases up to 27.08% which is in between the age group 25-29 years
and this is the highest labor force participation rate among females. Then within 30-34
years of age group it is seen to decline but again the participation rate rises to 26.57%
among the age group 40-44 years. The lowest participation rate is observed between the
age group above 65 years and it is only 8.99%.

Ans: 2
As referred to Table 2.5, at a National level yes we can see evidence of difference in
Labor force participation rate across Married and Never Married females.
The labor force participation rate among married females is only 23% whereas the rate
for never married females is 4.2% higher than married females which is 27.2%.The
reason for this difference is that married females in our country are engaged with
childbearing and childcare after marriage as the state lacks strong childcare facilities so
the participation in labor force becomes low compared to the labor force participation of
never married females.

3. Ans:
Refer to Table 4.2 at a national level, the top 5 sectors that employ the most no. of male
labor are agri forestry & related, wholesale & retail trade, transport storage
communication services, manufacturing, community and personal services, household &
others. At a national level the top 5 sectors that employ the most no. of female labor are
agri forestry & related community and personal services, manufacturing, wholesale &
retail trade, education. The top 5 sectors for the male and female are not same because in
agri forestry related sector women do not usually work.
Because this sector is not flexible for Female. Men prefer to do work in this sector.
According to this table Women are contributing more in education sector because they
wanted to be educated in a better way for their own self confidence and their next
generation. In wholesale & retail trade, Hotel n restaurant, Public administration, and last
of all in fishing men are doing much better than women. Because our country is a
developing and poor country. Our society is still in very backward. They think women are
inferior to men. These are the reason why women cant contribute in those sectors where
men are contributing.

4. Ans:
a) Refer to Section 6 wage rates and family income gender differences in Bangladesh
are really noticeable. An important factor contributing to job segmentation, especially
in the countrys rural areas, is the relatively greater weight attached to a womans
domestic rather than market activities. Women are deprived of better wages than man.
If women get better wages, it will encourage them to join the labor force more n
more. One of the most important implication of traditional attitudes is that only a few
jobs are considered for the women which continues to enforce the traditional division
of labor between women and men, this also enforce the differences in wages rates
between male and female. Womens willingness wages is linked to some extent to
their lower bargaining power. If male workers find that their employer can replace
them with readily available female workers they will be on a weakening bargaining
situation. As a result the association between the ratio of male female wages and the
ratio of the male and female composition of employees could be weakened.
b) For low wage rates of women are the consequences of some following factors:
Low female wages are weakening the staying power of women in the labor market.
Although some uneducated female are usually come from poor households their
bargaining position is weaker than that of mail labors. So this makes more vulnerable
to low wages and poverty.
It can create some social pressures. Usually in our country because of some old tradition
wives were preferred to stay at home. But now gradually this pattern is changing. It is
now preferable in poor households that the wife supplements the husbands income. So in
this situation low wage rate can create rift among her family members especially in laws.
In most rural areas women are not hired to work to work in the fields harvesting the
major crops. In this point of view people are quite clear about the reasons why they
cannot break the tradition of hiring more female worker in this sector in this sector. That
is the reason female labor is not getting chances on those sectors. On this basis female
workers are depriving of those working sectors and their wages are less than male as

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