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2014 Report
Dear Ones,
We began July with our annual team meeting. Dennis and Sharon Larson came down a little early
(so he could work on changes that needed to be made in our data programs for addresses and bookkeeping.) The Bates, Rushmores, Larsons, and I went to our nearby catfish restaurant for dinner Saturday
evening (Im sure that was a primary reason for coming early, because catfish places do so well ThursdaySunday that they are not open the first part of the week!) The rest of the group were sorry they missed the
treat, but schedules were so tight that Monday-Wednesday were the only days everyone could be present.
The Barriers, Larry Murdocks, Thurman Hodges, and Robin Dunaway joined us on Monday
for the planned meetings. Reports were shared, and there was some discussion about the graded
literature. The finished products were projected to be delivered in time for Beta testing in a number
of congregations this fall.
As all of you on my mailing list would know, the commitment was made the last part of June
to help with monthly support for Shahid Khokhar in Toba Tek Singh, Pakistan. He was converted
about three years ago through World Bible School lessons with Mary McKinney. With the approval
of the Liberty elders I sent an appeal letter to you and you responded wonderfully, as you always do.
Commitments have been made to cover the monthly personal support, and there are some funds for
printing and other work expenses that will arise.
Some of the ladies from nearby Huntsville congregation came over one day to help get my
report ready for the mail. Another day a good group from Strickland spent much of a day packing
three large Balikbayan boxes with books to be shipped to the Philippines. They also packed Priority
Mail boxes for shipment in response to various overseas requests for books and The Voice of Truth
International. Jerry was taking a trailer load of materials to Mission Printing in Dallas so they
packed the trailer, and then stuffed 700 envelopes with appeal letters before leaving for home.

I worshiped in the evening with the Austinville congregation, long-time supporters of the work,
and spent the night with Arnettie Wright. Of course, she misses Wilbur, as I miss J.C. Evidently

Liberty Church of Christ
689 Highway 25
Dennis, MS 38838
Co-worker with
Wayne and Janet Barrier
Byron and Gay Nichols
Jerry and Paula Bates
Louis & Bonnie Rushmore
Allon Brumley
Robin Dunaway


On Sunday morning I had a good visit with the Southside church in Shelbyville, supporters of
our work. The worship was very meaningful, and I was so happy to see that they make the bread
for the Lords Supper instead of using the matzos. I came back to Ruths in the afternoon and was
thrilled that Jane George came in while I was there. She is another precious sister in the Family.

(Continuing the work begun

by J.C. in 1962)
708 Burton Drive
Winona, MS 38967
email: Choate@
Web site:

The Voice
of Truth

Ruth Orr, a very dear sister in

Christ and long-time World Bible
School teacher, has been diagnosed
with stage 4 colon cancer. I drove to
Lewisburg, TN on July 19 to have some
time with her, a precious opportunity.
She is undergoing chemo treatments
and is surrounded by attentive family members as well as church family
members. Because of her close relationships with many she has taught and
converted in Africa, and the many who
love her dearly here in the States, she is
also being upheld by constant prayer.

Betty (Mrs. J.C.) Choate

both of us are night people because we talked non-stop till midnight, then had another good visit during breakfast before I had to say
goodbye and head back to Winona.
Bonnie had hernia surgery and is still having pain from that. Rebecca, their daughter, spent a couple of weeks with them, to help out
since Bonnie cannot be lifting anything for a long while. We are praying for a full recovery and that she will remain clear of cancer. She
is to have further tests on the 24th of September. If those reports are good, they plan to leave for India the 26th, for nine weeks.
On the 27th of July, the Bates and I were with the North Brandon church in Jackson. They have begun helping with the new
Hindi TV program, for which we deeply thankful. We met some family members of brother G.K. Tanner who did so much work on
our office building back in 1993.
Proofing of The Voice of Truth International consumed time at the end of July, as well as writing checks for radio/TV/literature for
the men with whom we work overseas. That in itself sounds like a small job but it involves emails back and forth with the men about
their expenses for the up-coming quarter, writing 50 or more checks, totaling thousands of dollars, copying everything, double-checking,
writing notes of explanation to the men, etc. Sometimes the checks have to be sent by registered mail but this time Jerry and Paula were
leaving for Tanzania, Nepal, and India on the 30th, so they were the designated carriers. I am so thankful for co-workers!
All work and no play makes Betty a dull girl so they say! During August I blended the two very happily. I cleaned house,
packed clothes, and on the 4th Barbara Oliver (who used to work with us) took me to Memphis to catch my flight to San Jose, California for a visit with Brad, Georgia, Savannah, Seth, and Arwen in Pleasanton.
On Sunday we met with the Ocean View church in Pacifica. The worship was inspiring, the fellowship warm and encouraging.
David Hinds serves as their pulpit minister. We had lunch and a good visit with Roy (one of the elders ) and Bonnie Cobb. For many
years Tami L. Quan, a member of the congregation, has supported our work on a monthly basis. We are grateful that the church itself
is also involved now.
On the 11th I flew to Seattle, Washington. Our granddaughter (Stephanie) and her family (Matt and two little ones: Riley and
Jack) live there, and Sheila joined us from Ketchikan, Alaska. The visit was short (I returned to Pleasanton on the 14th) but packed
full of grandmothering. I was a little shocked as we were saying goodbyes, when Sheila told Jack (18 months) to, Give Amie a hug,
and he leaned over to hug me and also very deliberately poked my hair! Of course, through the years, the grandkids have had uproarous delight in slipping up on me and doing that, but I wasnt expecting it yet from Jack!
On the 17th I was happy to worship again with the Tri Valley congregation in Livermore, where Brad serves as one of the deacons. He led in the Memorial Supper with words that brought tears to many eyes. Steve Martin is the pulpit minister, and I was glad to
know that he is also teaching a history class in the school there, which includes some history in the Old and New Testaments. He looks
on this as a wonderful opportunity to incorporate Bible in the secular curriculum.
On the 23rd, Brad and I drove to Visalia to visit overnight with Bob and
Travene Collins, and to worship with the church in Tulare on Sunday. I was
given the opportunity to teach a ladies class on The Sacrifice of Christ. The
ladies are suggesting that I come again for a full-fledged ladies day. I hope
that will be possible.
Of course, since there is Internet access everywhere, and also mail service, I spent a good bit of time responding to emails from here in the States and
overseas. Corrections were made on the files for Volume 81 of The Voice of
Truth International. The proofs for Global Harvest and Louis and Bonnies
study of Ruth and Esther (Noble Sisters) came so there was communication
back and forth with the Hong Kong printer about the books, their printing, and
the expected delivery date. Two reprints are being done with the printer here in
the States, and of course printers have to be paid so there were checks to write
and get to the post
office. Also, work
and personal credit
card bills do come
due every month, so
I asked Bonnie to
forward those to me
along with any mail that I would need to answer. By staying up to date,
there wasnt an avalanche waiting for me when I got home.
With goodbyes and hugs, I returned to Winona on the 26th of August,
arriving half an hour before the truck delivered 277 boxes of Into Gods
World materials that were printed in Hong Kong. Nineteen brothers and
sisters from Liberty, from Huntsville, and from Greenwood were here to
help with the work. Gods timing is PERFECT!

Although there is not room for full reports from all the men overseas with whom we work, I do want to include some information
so you can have a small picture of what is being done.

From Joshua Gootam:

First century Christians did their job well and covered the whole earth
with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord. But then what about us in the
21st Century? Surely the world has expanded beyond imagination in the last
20 centuries. Population and problems have multiplied tremendously. Sin
has grown manifold in the world. The need for the message of salvation is
even greater now than ever before.
The Lord has raised men like Bro. J.C. Choate who had a vision to cover
the world with the knowledge of Gods word. He had a vision to reach the
modern world through Radio and Literature. He chose the most populous
Indian subcontinent as his work place and began to accomplish things for
the Lord. Broadcasting the Good News on Radio Sri Lanka, Bro. Choate
reached millions of people in their own mother tongue, in Hindi, Telugu,
Tamil, Kannada and English. These languages literally cover the whole
Indian subcontinent. In order to help people acquire the knowledge of Gods
word Bro. Choate hit upon the idea of printing the Radio lessons into books
and supplying them freely to those that are interested in acquiring that
knowledge. The printed tool was reassuring to people. They could verify in
print, black and white, what they had just heard on the Radio and keep it for
good for future reference.
The TELUGU radio program was known as SATYA VANI which means
the Voice of Truth. We began broadcasting on short wave Radio twice a
week. The response was so great it soon became a daily program. As there
was no TV in India in the early 70s, 80s and 90s, we had a massive radio audience.
Most of all contacts were enrolled in the free Bible Correspondence course. They were asked to study the Bible in the quiet
of their homes and come to the knowledge of the truth. Soon 100s and 1000s began to obey the gospel throughout the Telugu
speaking world which resulted in 100s of congregations that later multiplied into 1000s. As the waters fill the sea, this state
of Andhra Pradesh was filled with the glory of the knowledge of Gods word. We now have had over 4 million to enrol in the
Bible Correspondence Courses. Each one that completes the course either in Telugu or Oriya gets a copy of the Holy Bible for
free. Each person is encouraged to study and get the knowledge of the glory of the God.
With the onset of TV in the Indian home in a big way, the radio audience began to be on the wane. Bro. Choate realized
this and encouraged Indian preachers to take advantage of this audio visual medium. Over here at SATYAVANI we telecast
Gods Good News four times a week on Satellite channels which reach all over the world. Our TV programs are simultaneously put online on the website and so everyone interested can hear Gods word
with the click on the mouse anywhere in the world. Besides the four satellite channels we are also using several local cable TV
stations to telecast our messages. One can see the impact in the response we get in terms of phone calls, letters and post cards
daily. Surely, this earth is being filled with the knowledge of the Glory of God.
We receive an average of 200 letters per day asking for the Bible correspondence course. Our phone at the office is constantly ringing with calls from our contacts. We run the worlds biggest Bible correspondence program in a regional language. We translate, write, and print books in the Telugu and Oriya languages for the benefit of the church in India. Our aim
is to make people literate with the knowledge of Gods word. Our Telugu monthly magazine SATYA WAKKU, which means
the Word of Truth, goes to 11000 homes while the Oriya magazine goes to 3000 homes. We also print trifold multicolored
tracts in thousands and make them available to preachers so they can distribute them. Tracts are in great demand in this
country. Preachers use them as tools to gain access to different homes. You pass a tract and make friends with people and then
it is possible to schedule a personal Bible study. Needless to say each tract carries an ad about our TV programs and free Bible
Correspondnence course.

From Rajanayagam:
Warm greetings and it was good to talk with you over phone from Tirupattur. As I mentioned, we had two baptisms at
Salem and the meeting was attended by about 70. It was arranged on the top of the preachers house. A Hindu temple was
adjacent to his house and you can see on the back drop of a picture. There only we had two baptisms, a man, whose wife is
already a Christian, and a young girl whose parents are Christians. Please remember them in your prayers.
We had a lectureship meeting at Tirupattuer and there were 4 speakers, including myself. It was well arranged and was
attended by about 120. The preacher hopes to have some conversions in the near future. Please pray for them.

This is to let you know about the meeting we had

Mayiladuthurai, which is about 350 Km away from Kangayam. It is an work started about two years back by the
effort and support of Kangayam church. It is a congregation of about 35 Christians.
We had a group meeting and ladies meeting on Saturday afternoon and 4 obeyed the gospel. It was drizzling at
the time of baptism and we had to go to a near by field to
find enough water and also it was getting dark. But, they
cooperated well for this spiritual event.
Please pray for the young Christians to grow well in

From Arjunan
On 11th of this month we went to Trichy to conduct the Preachers Seminar. I shared the word of God and we discussed
about the ministries. I distributed tracts, books in Tamil and English, and CDs.
As we had written in the last month we converted a good family through our World Evangelism ministries. The head of
that family is Brother Jeevadurai and his wifes name is Sister
Jeevajothi, our TV viewers for the past one year. Both are retired army workers. He worked as a mechanical engineer and
she worked as a staff nurse in the army. Sister Jeevajothi is a
diabetes patient. She has no sensation below her two knees and
also in her hands. Now they live in their native village, which is
near to Kumuli in Kerala. He has built a beautiful new house in
his place and gave a veranda to worship God. Not only he has
built a house he also has built a baptism tub in his campus.
We have gone there many times and preached Gods
word. He arranged a special meeting and invited us on 18th
of June. At that time 8 persons obeyed the Lords word and
took baptism. Now they gather in his house and worship God.
Our ministry is going well. Like last month this month also 16
persons were baptized in the same area when we went to conduct worship service on 27th. Brother Jeevadurai had invited his
relatives and gathered them to hear the word of God like Cornelius in his house. The event of sixteen persons were baptized is
double blessing to us. Now we plan to go to his place every Sunday evening for Bible Class.
Our Brother Jerrys and Sister Paulas visit was good. Brother Jerry took classes in World Evangelism Bible School for three
days and also he preached in the Gospel Meetings for two days and Sister Paula took classes for ladies when the bible classes were
going in Chennai. Three were baptized at that time.
This month 17th twelve persons obeyed the Lords Word and took baptism. Thus the numbers are increasing. We are very
glad about it and thank God. Now there are 36 people who were baptized for the past 3 months. Brother Jeevadurai is working
in this place which is in Theni District near Kumuli. His wife has been admitted and taken treatment in the Diabetes Research
Center in Chennai. Please pray for her.

From Lahore, Pakistan:

[Brother Asghar Ali has been a strong pillar of faith and
leadership for many decades in the church in Lahore. He had
five daughters. The daughter with whom we have corresponded more frequently in the past year is Dilnawaz. She and her
family plan to move to Canada in October. Asghars oldest
daughter, Dilnasheen, is married to Obed Arthur (pictured in
the black clothing, as he was overseeing the construction of
the church building in Lahore). This is a recent letter from
him, acknowledging that he will be the one most often in
communication with us on this side of the world, as Dilnawaz
leaves the country and as Asghar ages.]
I hope this email finds you in good health. Dilnawaz
asked me to introduce myself to you. My name is Obed
Arthur and I am associated with the Lords Church since

the year 1992 when I was baptized in Garden Town, Lahore by brother Asghar who is also my father-in-law. Before that I
was a Pentecostal by faith and after a couple of Bible classes with brother Asghar I found that Church of Christ is on the right
track so I was inclined towards the Lords Church. Moreover, bringing me closer to the Church of Christ was not only the
Bible class but the personal life of brother Asghar who really impressed me a lot.
So I gave my life to Christ. In the beginning I was not so active member but then my interest grew more and more in
Christ and I started visiting with brother Asghar and later on I started delivering sermons on alternate Sundays since the year
2006. I also accompanied brother Asghar during his visit to Toba Tek Singh in the year 2011.
I was also privileged to monitor the construction work of our church building in Lahore, Pakistan which I know was only
possible due to your personal efforts. Although this is my first ever email to you but I know you a lot from brother Asghar who
always appreciated your support and concern for Lords Church in Lahore.
In addition to the above information, I am a commerce graduate and Diplomaed member of Institute of Bankers in Pakistan. I am working in a Bank as Assistant Vice President for which I am thankful to God for His blessings on me.
Further I am committed to put my efforts for the growth of the Lords Church in Pakistan. You are always welcome to
contact me on my email whenever you like. Thanks and Regards,
Brother In Christ
Obed Arthur

From Shahid:
Dear followers of Jesus Christ.
We are grateful and appreciate the efforts you are making for us. We are thankful for the brothers and sisters who are
making things possible for the spread of the Kingdom of our Lord over here. We have unpacked our things and found many
other books beside that you had sent. Some of them we received from brother Asghar when we had our first visit to Lahore.
We also got some tracts from brother Chito who was there in Hyderabad with us. We will make the list of complete material
of the books that we have with us so far from different resources. We are still waiting for the books that you have sent and as
soon as we receive the package, we will let you know.
As you have asked about the concordance, it is one of the important things that a preacher should have and I got an old
copy of it from Brother Asghar but that is not in a very good condition as some of the pages are missing and I have difficulty in
using it. We are thankful for the funds sent for buying song books and I have given an order for sending them to us in Toba. It
will take couple of days to reach here. These books mostly have psalms written in the form of songs and are used by the church
in Lahore as well. While we were starting church in Hyderabad one of the hymn books was given to us by brother Asghar
which we still have and are using. After this we bought more copies for other church members in Hyderabad, funded by sister
Mary. These books do have some denominational doctrines in some of the wording, but before using a song we are in the habit
of checking. Anyhow it is good to remind us and we too feel the need to be careful.
The place where we are worshiping is a room allotted to us by one of our Christian brothers here, but soon we have to
pay the rent for it because he is a poor man who does not have any job and wants to give that place on rent. It is a place that
is easily accessible to the members of church and we go there on rickshaw. Sometimes it is very difficult for Jennifer to travel
because of uneven roads and speed breakers and due to jumps; she faces pains while reaching the place. Well, I believe she is
still full of spirit to continue the work and she never refuses to go and serve for Lords work.
Here we are not affected by any of the political or radical situations, but the difficult time was in Lahore and Islamabad as
they are the bigger cities and you know Islamabad is the
Capital. Now the situation is under control and we are
safe from any such threats, but still if you want to continue
the communication through WBS, we agree to do that.
Now days, due to our rainy season, many cities of the
Punjab are affected by floods and we are praying for the
people who are helpless on the roofs of their houses, waiting for rescue teams to reach them.
You asked about homeschooling Sterling. We dont
have a system in Pakistan especially for Christian children; otherwise we would have preferred to teach our
kids at home. Both of us have gone through the websites
of homeschooling in Pakistan and found only one genuine
website, but that one was only supporting the Islamic
Curriculum as we have mentioned earlier.
Prayerfully we all salute you,
In Him, Shahid & Jennifer

The Gospel is our mission. The world is our home.

Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and
of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you;
and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age. Amen.
I will not leave you orphans; I will come to you (John 14:18).
[Angels are] ministering spirits sent forth to minister for those who will inherit salvation... (Hebrews 1:14).

Dont miss out on these treasures!

Fall 2014

The new issue of Global Harvest has
arrived. Many will receive a free copy because
we are trying to make more brethren aware
of its existence. We do need you to order
the magazine ($10 for 2 issues), so that its
future publication can be secured. The
church needs this.

Do you receive The

Voice of Truth International, our 116-page teaching magazine that is published quarterly? Many
have proclaimed these two magazines to be the
best in the brotherhood! Four issues of TVOTI
are $15, 8 issues are $25; or the congregation
can enlist for a box of 35 copies of each issue
for $30 a month.


Volume Eighty-one

Mrs. J.C. Choate

World Evangelism
P.O. Box 72
Winona, MS 38967

Non Profit Organization

U. S. Postage Paid
Permit No. 12

Change Service Requested

oice of Truth


Work for the Master

and great fellowship
on delivery days!

Place Label Here

We now have 106 titles, full-color,
pocket-sized tri-fold tracts that will
be extremely useful to you in your
outreach ministry. In packets of 25,
they are only 10 cents each. BBC

God bless us all, Betty

ing the Bible class materials that were being printed in Hong Kong.
Nineteen brothers and sisters came in to help with that, and with
assembling the memory work cards and weekly take-home sheets
for the fifth grade lessons. We have gotten those packages in the
mail to those who volunteered to help with the Beta testing during
the fall quarter. I have also sent samples to numerous other people, and to those who volunteered to help with the writing of future quarters.
I have sent letters or emails to most of the volunteers [for some, I had only phone numbers and have not had time to make those calls yet], needing renewed confirmation of their
desire to help when we are ready to make new assignments. Often volunteers offer to do more than
their lives will allow, so I feel sure that we will
need others to join this effort. If you have experience in writing, artwork, graphic layout, editing,
and development of activities, please call me at
662-283-1192 or write to, and tell us how you would like to help. I
am convinced that there is no more vital work we
can do for the welfare of the church, both here in
the States and, ultimately, throughout the world.

Into Gods World.....

I returned home from California in time to help with unload-

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