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A Study of the Buckling of Rotary Drilling Strisgst

The theory of elastic stability i s applied to the
drilling string, and the critical conditinns for which
the buckling occurs are investigated. 'rhe location
of points at which the buckled pipe is tangent to
the wall of the hole A d the force with which i t contacts the wall are determined. The location of
points of maximum s t r e s s e s and the value of these

T h e fatigue and failure of t h e drilling s t r i n g have

been a s u b j e c t of numerous investigations;@but, to
t h e b e s t knowledge of t h e author, no mathematical
approach t o t h e problem h a s b e e n undertaken. In
order to allow t h e conclusions of t h i s investigation
t o b e e a s i l y read by t h o s e who are not interested
in mathematical developments, t h e derivation of
formulas i s given in a n appendix.
Without weight on the bit, a drilling st;ing i s
straight if the hole i s straight. With a sufficiently
s m a l l weight on the bit, t h e string remains straight.
A s the weight i s increased, a so-called critical
value of weight i s reached for which t h e straight
form of t h e s t r i n g i s no longer stable. T h e drilling
s t r i n g b u c k l e s and c o n t a c t s the wall of t h e hole a t
a point d e s i g n a t e d a s t h e point of tangency. If the
weight on t h e bit i s further increased, a new critic a l value i s reached a t which t h e drilling string
buckles a s e c o n d time. T h i s i s designated a s
buckling of the s e c o n d order. With s t i l l higher
weights on t h e bit, buckling of t h e third and higher
o r d e r s occur.
At the point of tangency t h e drilling s t r i n g rubs
a g a i n s t the wall of the hole, and t h i s c a u s e s caving in certain formations. T h e rubbing effect becomes worse when the force between the buckled
pipe and the wall of t h e hole increases. When the
buckled s t r i n g i s rotated, some reversing s t r e s s e s
a r e developed. T h e s e s t r e s s e s i n c r e a s e with t h e
diameter of t h e hole and result in fatigue failure of
the string.
A s s o o n a s a drilling string b u c k l e s in a straight
hole, t h e bit i s no longer vertical and a perfectly
vertical hole cannot b e drilled.

s t r e s s e s are also calculated. The inclination of

the bit and of the force on the bit are investigated.
Measures for prevention of buckling and for rninimizing i t s effect are given. Essentially, these
measures are carrying proper weight on the bit
and/or the u s e of special drilling methods

T h i s investigation a t t e m p t s t o find a n s w e r s to
the following q u e s t i o n s :
1. What a r e the critical v a l u e s of weight on t h e
bit a t which buckling o c c u r s ?
2. What i s the s h a p e of the buckled s t r i n g ?
3. Where are t h e points of tangency and maximum
fatigue s t r e s s located?
4. What i s the magnitude of the force between the
buckled pipe and t h e wall of t h e hole?
5 . Under what circumstances a r e t h e s t r e s s e s in
a buckled s t r i n g e x c e s s i v e ?
6. How g r e a t a r e t h e inclinations of t h e bit and of
the force on t h e bit?
7. How may buckling be avoided; or, eventually,
how-to drill to minimize t h e bad effects when drilling with a buckled string?

Critical Conditions
A certain point of a drilling s t r i n g i s usually
d e s i g n a t e d a s the "neutral point." In t h i s investigation t h e neutral point i s defined by t h e following
conditions: T h e weight i n mud of t h e portion of a
drilling string below the neutral point i s e q u a l to
t h e weight on t h e bit.@ E a c h v a l u e of weight on
t h e bit corresponds to a value of t h e d i s t a n c e between t h e bit and the neutral point. T h e critical valu e s of t h i s d i s t a n c e depend upon t h e type o f pipe
o r drill c o l l a r s and the specific gravity of the mud.
It i s very convenient t o measure d e p t h s not in feet,
but in a dimensionless unit in order t o obtain the
r e s u l t s independent of t h e type of pipe, collars,
a n d mud.
I t w a s found that buckling of t h e first and s e c o n d
orders o c c u r s when the neutral point i s located 1.94
and ,3.75 d ~ n i e n s ~ o n l e sunits,
respectively above

* Barnsdall

R e s e a r c h Corp., T u l s a , s i n c e r e ~ o v e dt o Stanollnd 0 1 1 and G a s Company, T u l s a .

+ p r e s e n t e d at the sprlng meetlng, Mid-Cont~nent D l s t r ~ c t ,Dlv l s l o n of Productlon. Oklahoma City, ,March 1950.

@ ~ l b l ~ o g r a p h1 ys at the end of t h e paper.

@ A S shown In t h e appendix, t h l s polnt 1s different from that at

whlch there 1s n e ~ t h e rcompression nor t e n s l o n , b e c a u s e s u c h
a polnt 1s displaced by the hydrostatic pressure and the pump



the b i t . @ ~ h elength in feet of one d i m e n s i o n l e s s

unit i s given by the followipg expression:

wherein: E i s Young's modulus for s t e e l , in pounds

per s q u a r e foot.

E = 29(106 p s i ) =4,176(106 Ib per s q ft)


I i s the moment of inertia of the p i p e c r o s s s e c tion, in feet4.

nz i s the length, in feet, of o n e d i m e n s i o n l e s s
unit. T h e v a l u e s of nz for various t y p e s of drill
pipe and drill c o l l a r s are plotted on F i g . 1.
p i s t h e weight i n mud per unit of length of t h e
drilling string, in pounds per foot.
T h e weight per foot of the drill pipe must be increased to niake allowance for tool ioints. T h e
weight of a tool joint i s assumed to be e q u a l l y
distributed over a 30-ft joint of pipe. T h e weight,
in pounds, of the length of a drilling s t r i n g e q u a l
to one dimensionless unit i s e q u a l to:

d3 w

nip =
By nlultiplying t h e v a l u e s of m p by 1.94, t h e
critical weights on the bit of the first order for vari o u s t y p e s of drill pipe a n d drill c o l l a r s were found
and plotted on Fig. 2. C r i t i c a l weights of t h e
s e c o n d order may be obiained by multiplying t h e
3.'5 - 1.934. T h e following
readings of Fig. 2
b y m conclusions may be drawn from t h i s figure.
1. A drilling s t r i n g coniprising drill pipe only
buckles with a very small weight on the bit. A
4%-in. drill pipe can s t a n d no more than 1,400 Ib
without buckling,
- and a t 3,000 Ib h a s already
buckled twice.
2. A drilling string of drill c o l l a r s only could
s t a n d much more weight on the bit without buckling. However, the belief sometimes e x p r e s s e d
that drill collars d o not buckle i s erroneous. Under
normal drilling conditions t h e drill c o l l a r s a r e
generally buckled a t l e a s t once and sometimes
two o r three times. F o r 6fi-in. drill c o l l a r s t h e
critical weight of t h e first oraer i s between 7,700
and 8,700 Ib, and the critical weight for the s e c o n d
order i s between 15.000 and 17.000 Ib. No computation h a s been made for buckling of higher orders,
but i s expected that a third buckling would occur
a t a c r i t i c a l weight snlaller than 26,000 Ib.
3. T h e heavier the mud, the smaller are the critic a l weights on the bit. However, the influence of
t h e specific gravity of mud on buckling i s not very

or a complete understand~ng,see the appendix.


Fig. 1

- L e n g t h i n F e e t of O n e Dimensionless U n i t

Fig. 3 i l l u s t r a t e s the general c a s e of buckling

of a combination string comprising 4%-in., 16.60-lb
API drill pipe and 6f4-in. drill collars. T h e weight
on the bit i s plotted vs. the number of 30-ft drill
collars. L i n e s 1, 2, and 3 correspond to critical
weights of t h e first, second, and third order, respectively. F o r a n y condition corresponding t o a
point l o c a t e d under line 1, e.g., no drill collars and
1,000 Ib on the bit or 3 drill collars and 6,000 Ib,
the string i s straight. F o r a n y condition corresponding to a point located between l i n e s 1 and 2,
e.g., 3 drill c o l l a r s and 8,000 Ib on the bit or 9
drill collars and 14,000 lb, the drilling s t r i n g i s
buckled once. F o r any condition corresponding to a
point l o c a t e d between l i n e s 2 and 3, e.g., 3 drill
collars and 9,000 Ib on t h e bit or 12 drill c o l l a r s
and 22,000 Ib, t h e drilling string i s buckled twice.
T h e mathematical computation w a s not made up t o
buckling of t h e third order. Line 3, corresponding
to buckling of the third order, i s only approximated;
consequently, it i s not altogether correct.
Fig. 4 and 5 concern drilling s t r i n g s comprising
4%-in., 16.60-lb API drill pipe with 7-in. drill collars, and 3?4-in., 13.30-lb API drill pipe with 434-in.
drill collars.




Fig. 2

- Critical Weights


the Bit

First Order

L i n e s 1, 2, and 3 of big. 3, 4, and s correspond

to critical conditions in a 12 Ib per g a l mud. T h e
influence of drilling fluid density i s negligible,
except with heavy drill collars in a heavy mud. A
correction may b e made by using Fig. 2. F o r ins t a n c e , for 6;i-in. drill collars in a 16 Ib per g a l
mud, Fig. 2 s h o w s t h a t the horizontal portion of
t h e curve 1 of Fig. 3 should be displaced downward
from 8,400 to 8,000 Ib.
L e t u s a n a l y z e a l l t h e m e a n s which might be
considered t o avoid the buckling of drill strings,
e v e n though some of them d o not apply to present
1. T h e s i m p l e s t m e a n s i s to carry a weight on the
bit smaller than the critical weight of the first
order; e.g., drill with s i x 65i-in. drill collars and
maintain a weight on t h e bit 6f only 8,000 Ib. Unfortunately, s u c h a weight i s t o o s m a l l to drill
most formations economically. Nevertheless, inr
some c a s e s i t s h o u l d b e carried, e s p e c i a l l y when
particuIar c a r e i s indicated in order t o drill a
straight hole o r t o avoid enlarging a cave.
2. Analyzing formula (2) i t may b e s e e n t h a t t h e
c r i t i c a l v a l u e of weight on the bit might be inc r e a s e d by increasing E, I , or p. I t i s obviously

impossible to modify Young's modulus E by choosing a material other than s t e e l . However, b y u s i n g

larger drill collars, both t h e moment of inertia I
and t h e weight per foot p i n c r e a s e . T h e critical
weights vs. o u t s i d e diameter of drill c o l l a r s were
c a l c u l a t e d with formula (2) and plotted on Fig. 6,
which s h o w s t h a t t h e c r i t i c a l value of the weight
on the bit i n c r e a s e s by large amounts for s m a l l
i n c r e a s e s in drill-collar s i z e . Consequently, a
g r e a t improvement may be obtained by using larger
drill c o l l a r s with t h e s a m e bit gage; that i s to
s a y , by decreasing t h e play between the c o l l a r s
and the hole. Using larger drill collars and maintaining the conventional p l a y requires drilling a
larger hole a n d carrying more weight on t h e bit.
In order t o e s t i m a t e t h e improvement which might
be obtained in t h i s l a t t e r c a s e , t h e curve of critical weights p e r s q u a r e inch of bore hole h a s a l s o
been drawn o n Fig. 6. From inspection of t h e two
c u r v e s i t i s s e e n that, in order to a c h i e v e a 1 0 0
percent improvement, 6;;-in. drill c o l l a r s must b e
replaced by 8 4 - i n . drill collars if t h e bit gage i s
maintained and by 11%-in. drill c o l l a r s if the
clearance is maintained and a 1 4 k -in. hole drilled.
T h e practical difficulties t o be encountered in t h i s
l a s t form of solution a r e obvious.
On F i g . 6 t h e i n s i d e diameter of the 6::-in. drill
c o l l a r s i s assumed t o be 2!i in. F o r larger drill
collars, the i n s i d e diameter i s a s s u m e d t o b e proportional t o t h e o u t s i d e diameter.
3. Some new methods of rotary drilling require
l e s s weieht on the bit than t h e conventional meth-


Fig. 3
Buckling Conditions for Drilling Strings
Comprising 44-in. 16.60-lb API Drill Pipe and
64-in.(24-in. ID) rill Collars in 1 2 L b per Gal Mud




od. Drilling may b e carried on with w e i g h t s smaller

than t h e critical v a l u e s of t h e first order. T h i s
h a s been accomplished in t h e rotary p e r c u s s i o n
drilling method described in a r e c e n t paper.' T h e
rotary percussion method w a s developed principally for u s e in very hard formations, but t h e author a l s o s u g g e s t s i t s u s e where conventionally
drilled h o l e s go crooked. T h e s t r a i g h t n e s s of
h o l e s drilled by t h i s method and a l s o drilled with
diamond b i t s i s undoubtedly due to t h e fact that
t h e drilling string d o e s not buckle.


30 PMT D R I U . C O W

Fig. 5
Buckling Conditions for Drilling Strings
Comprising 3 4 .In. 13.30-1 b API Drill Pipe and 4 4 -in.
(14-in. ID) Drill Collars in 12 Lb per Gal Mud
l e n g t h s of drill pipe which c a n be s t a c k e d i n t h e
derrick are "trebles."
Longer s t a n d s must be supported near t h e middle.
Shape of the Buckled Drilling String

In t h i s s e c t i o n we will consider how the s h a p e

of the drilling string v a r i e s a s t h e weight on the
bit i n c r e a s e s from zero to some high value.
T h e drilling s t r i n g remains straight when t h e
weight on t h e bit i s s m a l l e r than the critical value.
T h e s h a p e of t h e buckled pipe a t the critical value
i s shown on Fig. 7 a n d 8. Curve 1 on both figures
r e p r e s e n t s the a x i s of t h e drilling string. P o i n t 0
i s the bottom end, or t h e bit.The vertical d i s t a n c e s
a r e measured in dimensionless units. T h e length of
one d i m e n s i o n l e s s unit has been given in F i g . 1.
PER 511. IN. U P

(12 LB/CkL MUD)

Fig. 4
Buckling Conditions for Drilling Strings
Comprising 44-in. 16.60-lb API Drill Pipe and 7-in.
(3-in. ID) Drill 'Collars in 12 Lb per Gal Mud



Critical Length in Stack

T h e critical length of s t a n d s of pipe or collars,

vertically s t a c k e d inside t h e derrick and supported
c l o s e t o their top, i s equal t o 2.65 d i m e n s i o n l e s s
units ( s e e Fig. 1); i.e., equal to:
1 0 7 ft for 3%-in., 13.30-lb A P I drill pipe.
1 2 7 f t for 4k-in., 16.60-lb API drill pipe.
122 ft for 44-in., ( I t - i n . ID) drill collars.
1 4 4 ft for 64-in., ('24-in. ID) drill collars.
159 ft for ?-in. (3-in. ID) drill collars.
T h i s conforms with t h e f a c t t h a t the maximum
' ~ e f e r e n c e s are at the end of the paper.




Fig. 6

- Influence






or Drill-collar Size on Buckling




- Shape of Buckled Curves and Diagrams of

Bending Moment Coefficient

T h i s length d o e s not vary appreciably from one

type of drilling s t r i n g to another and i s usually bet w e e n 4 0 and 65 ft. Therefore, for a n y order o f buckling, the s h a p e i s very much the s a m e r e g a r d l e s s
of whether the bottom part is a drill-pipe s t r i n g o r a
drill-collar string. However, in the c a s e of drill
pipe t h i s s h a p e ~ c o r r e s p o n d st o a much s m a l l e t
weight on the bit than in the c a s e of drill c o l l a r s
(Fig. 2).
Referring a g a i n to Fig. 8,
i n d i c a t e s the location of t h e neutral point (1.94 units above t h e bit).
TI i n d i c a t e s the point of tangency.
A s the weight on the bit i n c r e a s e s between the
critical v a l u e s of the first and s e c o n d order, t h e
s h a p e of the buckled string c h a n g e s progressively
between c u r v e s 1 a n d 2 of Fig. 8. T h e l a s t curve
(neutral point N2 and t h e tangency point T 2 ) corres p o n d s to critical conditions of the s e c o n d order.

+ r d . +
(r 1s the apparent radlus of the hole, t.e.. the rnaxlrnurn
possrble deflect~on)

Fig. 8
Shape of Buckled Curves
[Curve (1)
Critical, First Order; Curve (2)
Critical, Second Order; Curve (3)
Prior to Second Buckle Contacting the Wall of
the Hole.]


Comparison of curves 1 and 2 of Fig. 8 shows that

the portion of the string located close to the bit i s
deflected more and more, while the portion located
above the tangency point i s progressively straightened.
A s the weight on the bit increases above the
critical value of the second order, a second buckle
appears on the drilling string and grows rapidly for
small increments of weight on the -bit. Curve 3 of
Fig. 7 and 8 shows the shape of the drilling string
at the very nloment when the second buckle cont a c t s the wall of the hole a t T3'.
The change of the shape of the buckled curves
may also be seen on Fig. 9, in which the a b s c i s s a
represents the distance between the bit and the
neutral point, in dinlensionless units; this is, of
course, proportional to the weight on bit. In order
to help visualization, another a b s c i s s a s c a l e has
been drawn to indicate the weight on the bit in the
particular case of 6!i-in. OD 2!;-in. ID drill collars
in 12 Ib per gal mud. T h e solid-line curve shows
the distance between the bit and the lowest tangency point. Two ordinate s c a l e s correspond to
this curve; one i s in dimensionless units and the
other is in feet for the particular case of 6!:-in.
drill collars. It may be desirable to determine the
relative position of the point of tangency with respect to the neutral point. For this purpose, a
dashed straight line, inclined a t 45 deg with respect to coordinate axes, has been drawn on Fig.
9. T h e ordinate of any point of this line indicates
the distance from the bit to the neutral point, and
the vertical distance between the solid and dashed
lines represents the distance between the tangency
and neutral points.
The following conclusions may be drawn from
inspection of these two lines:
1. For weight on the bit equal to the critical value of the first order (1.94 du* 8,400 Ib**) the
tangency point TI i s located 1.8 du or 104 ft above
the bit; i.e., somewhat lower but close to the
neutral point hi, which i s located 1.94 du or 113
ft above the bit.
2. As the weight on the bit increases between the
critical values of the first and second order, the
tangency point i s displaced downward by small
amounts, while the neutral point i s displaced upward by much larger amounts. The tangency point
i s progressively displaced from 1.8 du (104 ft) to
1.41 du (82 ft) above the bit. At the same time,
the neutral point goes up from 1.94 du (113 ft) to

* Dimensionless unit.

** In

thls c a s e and in the following text the values in dimens ~ o n l e s sunits are general; and those in pounds or-feet pert a n to the particular case of 6%-~n.O D 2 5 i n . ID drill collars in 12 Ib per gal mud.








- Location of the First Tangency Point and

Deflection of the Second Buckle

3.75 du (219 ft) above the bit. The distance between the tangency point and the neutral point increases from 0.14 du (8 ft) to 2.34 du (137 ft).
3. The downward displacement of the tangency
point becomes much faster when the weight on the
bit i s increased between the critical value of the
second order and the weight for which the second
buckle contacts the wall of the hole; i.e., when
the weight on the bit increases from 3.75 du
(16,200 1b) to 4.22 du (18,300 Ib). For such a
small increase of weight on the:bit, the tangency
point i s displaced from T2 (1.41 du, 82 ft) to T3
(1.12 du, 65 ft) above the bit.
The dotted curve (lower right-hand corner of
Fig. 9) shows the deflection of the second buckle
while the weight on the bit i s increased above the
critical value of the second order. As previously
mentioned, the second buckle grows very rapidly.
Curve 3 of Fig. 7 and 8 shows that the second
buckle contacts the wall of the hole a t the point
T3'located 4.20 du (245 ft) above the bit; i.e., under
but very close to the neutral point
located 5.22
du (346 ft) above the bit.
Curve 3 of Fig. 7 and 8 corresponds to the highe s t value of weight on the bit investigated in this
study. It i s very possible that, for greater orders
of buckling, the highest buckle contacts the wall
of the hole a t the neutral point; and that, a s the




10.- Comparison of Electric L o g Runs on Well in N. E. Lindsey Field, Oklahoma


weight on the bit i s then increased, the point of
tangency i s slightly displaced downward while the
neutral point moves rapidly upward. Also, it seems
logical to assume that an increase in weight on the
bit distorts the highest buckle in contact with the
wall of the hole, whereas the shape of the buckles
below does not change very niuch.
Knowledge of the location of the tangency point
may be useful when drilling in a hard formation
below a soft and caving shale. Suppose that, in
the caving shale, l e s s weight than the critical
value of the first order had been carried in order
to avoid caving. After having encountered the hard
formation (which requires a large weight on bit) the
weight should not be increased imn~ediately, if
caving i s still to be avoided; for, if this i s done,
the buckles of the string will contact the caving
shale above. One and one-half dimensionless units
or 87 ft of hole should be drilled in the hard formation before the weight on the bit i s increased. At
that time the weight on the bit should be immediately rather than progressively increased, by a
considerable amount, in order to obtain a tangency
point in the hard formation. Fig. 9 shows that, with
a weight on the bit very little larger than the critic a l value of the first order, the tangency point would
be located 1.8 du (104 ft) above the bit; i.e., in the
caving shale.. On the other hand, if the weight on
the bit i s approxin~atelyequal to the critical value
of the second order (3.75 du or 16,200 IL), then the
tangency point would be located at 1.41 du (82 ft),
or in the hard non-caving formation. Consequently,
drilling should be carried with a weight on the bit
corresponding to approximately 3.75 du between
the bit and the neutral point (16,200 Ib), but no
more than 4.22 du (18,200 Ib), in order to keep the
second buckle from contacting the caving shale
above. Higher values of weight on the bit should
not be carried before 4.2 du (245 f t ) of the hard
formation are drilled, because a s seen in curve 3 of
Fig.? a n d 8 the second tangency point T3'is located
4.3 du above the bit.
In certain areas, e.g., Lindsey Field in CIklahoma,
some fornlations have a tendency to cave and allow
large boulders to drop into the hole which c a u s e s
considerable trouble. With the thought that a special
mud might solve the drilling difficulties of t h i s area,
an API district study group w a s formed. After prolonged investigation, the conclusion was reached
that no mud could lift these boulders through the
caves. A new approach to the problem i s needed,
and the possibilities of special drilling methods
must be considered. Use of weight on the bit, previously suggested, i s advised. Another possible
way to avoid buckling i s by drilling with the rotary


percussion method previously analyzed. Evidence

of the fact that the caves are not made by the bit,
but by the drilling string rubbing against the wall
of the hole, i s given by logs.
Fig. 10 represents a comparison of two electric
log runs of a well located in the northeast Lindsey
Field. In the shale, the top of which i s located at
9,964 ft, i.e., 48 ft above the bottom of the first run,
the normal resistivity curve shows a smaller apparent resistivity in the second run than in the first
run. Inasnluch a s the mud resistivity remained almost the same and no invasion occurred in the
shale, the, only reason for the change i s a cave
created between the two runs. T h e s i z e of the cave
nlay be estimated by using the departure curves.
T h i s cave was evidently made by drill collars rubbing against the wall of the hole, and possibly
might have been avoided by using better drilling
Force Applied by the Buckled Drilling String on
the Wall of the Hole
The larger the hole, the greater i s the force
applied by the .buckled drilling string on the wall
of the holq. In the forn~ulas, however, i t i s more
practical to use not the hole s i z e , but what will be
termed "the apparent radius of the hole" which i s
the maximum possible deflection of the string in a
hole of a certain s i z e .
The apparent radius of the hole r may be calculated with the following formulas for drill collars
and drill pipe, respectively:
r = %(D-D,I


r = % (0-4)


D i s the diameter of the hole.
D, i s the outside diameter of the drill collars.
I), i s the outside diameter of the tool joints.

It will be proved in the appendix that the force

applied by the buckled drilling string on the wall
of the hole nlay be expressed a s follows:

F = fpr


wherein: p i s the weight in mud per unit length of

the string, in pounds per foot; r i s the apparent
radius of the hole,expressed in feet in order to u s r
a consistent system of units; and f i s a coetficient
which depends on the distance in dimensionless
units, between the bit and the neutral point. T h i s
distance i s , of course, proportional to the weight
on the Lit.
The variation of f vs. the distance in dimensionl e s s units between the bit and the neutral point i s
shown in Fig. 11.



equal to zero. T h i s fact may be visualized by

means of the following consideration. When buckling
i s on the verge of occurring, the slightest increase
in rigidity of the pipe would prevent it. Similarly,
if it occurs, the slightest force can stop it and the
reaction of the wall of the hole on the buckled
string i s nil.
As the weight on the bit Leconies greater than
the critical value, i.e., a s the distance between
the bit and the neutral point increases above 1.94
du, the coefficient f and consequently, the force F
increase too. The greatest value of this distance
studied i s 4.22 du for which the second buckle
contacts the wall of the hole. Fig. 11 shows that
the corresponding value of f i s 2.7.
In order to show the order of magnitude
of the
force F in the latter case, substitute f = 2.7 into
equation (S), which becomes:



Fig. 11 Coefficient f for Calculating Force Applied

by Buckled Drilling String on the Wall of the Hole

When the weight on the bit is progressively

creased and the distance between the bit and
neutral point reaches the critical value of 1.94
the drilling string buckles; but, a s seen in Fig.
the coefficient f and, consequently, the force F



The values of the force F given by this expression have been plotted on Fig. 1 2 for various s i z e s
of drill pipe and drill collars in a 12 1b per gal mud.
T h i s illustration shows that the force F i s not
very great-a few hundred pounds a t the most. For
that reason, in most formations the hole remains on




Fig. 12
Force F Applied by the First Buckle on the Wall of the Hole for the Smallest Weight
on B i t at Which the Second Buckle Contacts the Wall of the Hole (12 L b per Gal Mud)


g a g e in s p i t e of t h e buckled drilling strings. However, if the formation h a s a tendency t o cave, t h e

rate a t which t h e c a v e grows a c c e l e r a t e s b e c a u s e
the force involved i n c r e a s e s with t h e diameter of
the cave.
It should be borne in mind that t h e v a l u e s of the
force F given in Fig. 1 2 correspond to the weight
on the bit for which the s e c o n d buckle c o n t a c t s
t h e wall o f t h e hole, which i s e q u a l t o about 18,000
Ib for 6?i-in. drill collars. Fig. 11 s h o w s t h a t for
v a l u e s of weight on t h e bit beyond t h e limit of t h e
diagram-higher v a l u e s a t which the s t r i n g i s buckled many times-the probable, trend i s toward a
large increase of t h e coefficient f and, consequently, of the force F.

Bending Bloments and Stresses

When {he drilling s t r i n g buckles, e a c h c r o s s s e c tion becomes s u b j e c t e d t o a bending moment generating a tension s t r e s s on one s i d e and a compression s t r e s s on t h e other. A s t h e drilling s t r i n g
rotates t h e s e s t r e s s e s reverse; and, consequently,
they c a u s e a fatigue of t h e steel. Sometimes t h e y
may be a reason for failures.
T h e following expression for the bending moment
h1 will be proved i n the appendix:

M = ipmr
wherein: i i s a coefficient which will be explained
further; and p, m, and r have the same meaning as
previously s e t forth.,
F o r any given s i z e of drill pipe or drill collars,
the weight per foot p and the length of one dimens i o n l e s s unit m are constant, and formula (6) s h o w s
that the bending moment W i n c r e a s e s with t h e apparent r a d i u s of the hole, which i s obvious. If t h e
s i z e of t h e hole i s a l s o constant, then t h e bending
moment hi depends only upon the coefficient i and
i s proportional t o L .
T h e variation along t h e drilling string of the coefficient i for two different buckling conditions i s
shown in Fig. 7. A s previously explained, c u r v e s
1 a n d 3 indicate t h e s h a p e of buckled c u r v e s for
critical conditions of the first order and for the
s m a l l e s t weight on t h e bit a t which t h e s e c o n d
buckle c o n t a c t s t h e wall of t h e hole, respectively.
Curves 1A and 3A a r e t h e corresponding diagrams
of the bending-moment coefficient i
Curve 1 A s h o w s t h a t on a drilling string subjected t o buckling of the first order there a r e two
points (designated a s Mi and Mi')a t which t h e bending moment i s maximum. T h e largest of t h e s e t w o
maxima o c c u r s a t the point MI, which i s c l o s e r to
t h e bit than .A1'!
Curve 3A s h o w s t h a t on a drilling s t r i n g s u b
jected to buckling of t h e s e c o n d order there a r e



three points (designated as M3, M3/, and '14") a t

which. t h e bending moment is maximum. A s for
buckling of t h e first order, t h e bending moment i s
t h e l a r g e s t a t point M3, which i s n e a r e s t t o t h e
bit, medium a t ,M3', and t h e s m a l l e s t a t point M3",
which is f a r t h e s t from t h e bit.
A discontinuity is s e e n on curve 3A a t depth
T3, a t which the s t r i n g c o n t a c t s the wall of the
hole which r e a c t s and a p p l i e s a lateral load on t h e
string. There, is n o discontinuity of the bendingmoment coefficient i a t t h e depth T3', a t which t h e
s e c o n d buckle c o n t a c t s the wall of the hole, bec a u s e there i s n o I a t e r a l load applied t o t h e string
a t t h i s point. I t should b e kept in mind t h a t curve
3 corresponds to t h e s m a l l e s t weight on the bit a t
which the s e c o n d buckle c o n t a c t s the wall of the
hole; and, consequently, no force i s 'applied on the
wall, e x a c t l y a s in the c a s e of the point TI of
curve 1 for critical conditions of the first order.
Fig. 7 s h o w s the bending-moment coefficient
for two extreme c a s e s studied in t h i s paper. In
order t o a n a l y z e the conditions between t h e s e
c a s e s , Fig. 13 h a s been &awn in which t h e abs c i s s a r e p r e s e n t s t h e d i s t a n c e in dimensionless
u n i t s between the b i t and the neutral point, which
i s proportional to the weight on the bit. Dashed
l i n e s represent t h e d i s t a n c e between the bit and
t h e two lowest points on t h e string, a t which t h e
bending moment i s maximum. I t i s s e e n that, as t h e
weight on t h e bit i n c r e a s e s , a l l t h e points of maximum bending moment move downward. Between the
extreme conditions of t h e diagram the lowest point
of maximum bending moment moves from 14 to 114;
i.e., from 1 t o 0.75 du above t h e bit or, in t h e c a s e
of 6:A-in. drill collars, from 5 8 t o 44 ft above t h e
bit. T h e s e c o n d point of maximum bending moment
moves frornMif to M3'; i.e., from 4.3 t o 3.35 du above
t h e bit, or from 250 t o 195 ft in the c a s e of 6x411.
drill collars.
Fig. 13 s h o w s not only where the points of maximum bending moment a r e located, but. a l s o which
a r e the corresponding v a l u e s of the maximum bending-moment coefficients if and i2. Coefficient if
corresponds t o t h e point of maximum bending moment which i s n e a r e s t the bit, and i2 corresponds
to the point above.
T h e following conclusions may be drawn from
inspection of curves if and i2 of Fig. 13:
1. Coefficients if and i2 and, consequently, t h e
maximum bending moments, increase with weight
on the bit. T h i s i n c r e a s e becomes very sharp for
weights on t h e bit above the critical value of the
s e c o n d order, a t which t h e second buckle i s growing. Between t h e extreme conditions of t h e diagram
the largest maximuni bending-moment coefficient







Diagram of Bending Moment Coefficients

i (Solid Lines) and Location of Maximum Bending

Moments (Dashed Lines)

increases by a factor of about 2.5.

2. Between the critical conditions of the first and
second orders, iq i s very small compared to r l ;
il becomes appreciable only after the second
buckle has grown.
In order to calculate the magnitude of s t r e s s e s
generated by the bending moments due to buckling,
consider the condition a t which the second buckle
contacts the wall of the hole. The corresponding
value of the nlaxirnum bending-moment coefficient
if for the first buckle, a s shown in Fig. 7 or 13, i s
equal to 1.84. Substituting this value into ( 6 ) , this
formula becomes:
M = 1.84pmr
The weight in mud per foot of drilling string, p,

may be easily calculated for any s i z e of drill pipe

or drill collars. The length m, in feet, of 1 du i s
given by Fig. 1. Consequently, bending moments
!il, in foot-pounds, may be calculated for various
values of the apparent radius of the hole r, in feet.
The s t r e s s e s may be calculated, when the bending moments are known, with the following wellknown formula:
kl v
0 - (8)
o i s the stress, in pounds per square inch.
iM i s the bending moment, in inch-pounds.
I i s the moment of inertia, in inches4.
2, i s the outside radius of the drilling string, in
Maximum s t r e s s e s have been calculated with
formulas (7) and (8) vs. r . They change little with
mud density and s i z e of drill pipe or drill collars.
Those corresponding to &;-in. drill collars in a 12
Ib per gal mud are plotted against the hole diameter
on Fig. 14, which shows that the diameter of a
cave must be very large t o c a u s e dangerous s t r e s s e s
in a drilling string subjected to the second order of
buckling. Given a cave diameter equal to 100 in.,
the s t r e s s i s equal to about 16,000 psi. Some wide
caves occur a s shown on Fig. 15, which represents
a portion o f a caliper log of a well located in northe a s t Catherine Field, E l l i s County, Kansas. T h e
actual diameter of large caves i s not known because the surveying caliper does not extend beyond
a certain limit. Neither are the maximum safe
s t r e s s e s known. The tensile strength of drill-pipe
s t e e l and drill-collar steel is very high, but the
metal i s subjected to reversing s t r e s s e s in the
order of magnitude of 100,000 reversings a day. A
s t r e s s which i s normally s a f e for s t e e l may cause
failure after a certain number of reversings.' There
i s a s t r e s s for which the number of reversings may
be practically infinite without any failure. Unfortunately, the value of this safe s t r e s s i s not
known; such t e s t s have never been made. It seems
logical to assume that a drilling-string s t e e l can
withstand a continuously reversing s t r e s s of a t
least 20,000 psi without failure. Fig. 14 shows
that such a s t r e s s would be reached with cave
diameters equal t o about 120 in. Such holes are
probably not very common.
It should be kept in mind that Fig. 14 concerns
the condition when the second buckle contacts the
wall of the liole. On the other hand, Fig. 13 shows
that the bending moments increase with the weight
on the bit, and undoubtedly the s t r e s s e s would be
much larger for high orders of buckling. I f the
weight on the bit i s no larger than the weight of



drill collars, the order of buckling i s low (first,

second, or third); and, therefore, even in caved
holes the s t r e s s e s in s t e e l are low. If the same
weight i s carried with too few drill collars, the
order of buckling becomes high and the s t e e l may
be subjected to reversing s t r e s s e s of 20,000 psi or
more, even in caves of smaller diameters. T h i s i s
the reason for the occurrence of fatigue failures
when the number of drill collars i s too small. T h e
conclusion i s that it i s always safer to drill with a
sufficient number of drill collars and adequate
weight on the bit s o that the order of buckling remains low. Fig. 3, 4 and 5 give useful information
in this connection.
The foregoing analysis o f s t r e s s e s i s based upon
the assumption that the cave extends sufficiently
deep for a buckled curve, a s shown on Fig. 7 and



- Caliper Log of Well in N. E. Catherine

Field, Kansas







Fig. 14
Maximum Bending Stresses for 64-in.
D r i l l Collars (24-in. ID) in 12 L b per Gal Mud for
the Smallest Weight on B i t at Which the Second
Buckle Contacts the Wall of the Hole

8, to be located inside the cave. Consequently, the

depth of the cave must be larger than 3 dimensionl e s s units, or, generally, more than 160 ft. In Fig.
15 the cave extends from 1,530 ft down to 1,850 ft,
or 320 ft. However, the large cave i s interrupted a t
1,710 ft where the diameter of the hole i s only 21
in. At this depth the drilling string contacts the
wall of the hole; and, for this reason, the maximum
deflection probably does not exceed 15 in. which
corresponds to a diameter of 30 in. Without the
streak a t 1,710 ft the drilling string would more or
l e s s follow the contour of the cave.
Fatigue failures of drilling strings may occur
not only because of buckling in caves, but a l s o because of the bending due to crooked holes and key
seats, which are outside of the scope of the present
investigation. ,

tnciination of the Bit and of the Force on the S i t

Suppose a drilling string buckles in a straight






Inclination of B i t Coefficient t, and
Inclination of Force on B i t Coefficient n

hole. In that c a s e t h e s t r i n g i s no longer vertical

a t i t s lower end, and t h e bit s t a r t s drilling an inclined hole.
Actually i t i s not t h e inclination of t h e bit, but
t h e inclination of t h e force on t h e bit which i s the
c a u s e of the hole going crooked, and the two inc l i n a t i o n s a r e not equal. I t will be proved in t h e
appendix hereto t h a t t h e s e inclinations a r e given
by the following formulas:


r and m are a s previously defined.
t and n are coefficients which depend upon t h e

d i s t a n c e between t h e bit and t h e neutral point;

a and /3 designate t h e inclinations of t h e bit a n d
of t h e force on the bit, respectively. 3 y inclination
we mean the s l o p e with r e s p e c t t o the vertical,
which i s , of course, e q u a l t o the angle e x p r e s s e d
in r a d i a n s b e c a u s e a and /3 are small.
T h e length rn of one d i n ~ e n s i o n l e s sunit i s cons t a n t for a given s i z e of drill pipe o r drill c o l l a r s
in a given mud. T h e apparent r a d i u s of t h e hole r
d o e s not change if we a s s u m e a hole of c o n s t a n t
diameter. T h e n the inclinations vary only with t h e
coefficients t and n. T h e s e coefficients have been
plotted in Fig. 1 6 v s . t h e distance, in dimensionl e s s units, between the bit and the neutral point,
which i s proportional t o t h e weight on the bit.
T h i s figure s h o w s that t and, consequently, t h e
inclination a of the bit i n c r e a s e with the weight
on the bit. Fig. 1 6 d o e s not extend beyond the beginning of the s e c o n d order of buckling, but t h e
trend of t h e curve t i n d i c a t e s clearly that the inclination of the bit k e e p s increasing with the
weight on t h e bit for higher orders of buckling.
From an inspection of curve 11 of Fig. 16 i t i s
s e e n that:
1. T h e inclination of tlie force on t h e bit i s smaller
than the inclination of the bit.
2. T h e inclination of the force on the bit a l s o inc r e a s e s between t h e critical conditions of the
first and second order.
3. T h e inclination of the force on the bit r e a c h e s
a maximum when the s e c o n d buckle i s growing on
the drilling string; and, for more weight on the
bit, the inclination of the force on the bit dec r e a s e s . T h i s surprising fact may b e e a s i l y explained. F o r t h e first order of buckling, the s i n g l e
buckle i s located entirely on one s i d e of t h e a x i s
of the hole, and the unbalance of the s y s t e m gene r a t e s a horizontal component of t h e force on t h e
bit. F o r the s e c o n d order of buckling, the two
buckles are in opposite directions and partially
compensate each other. I t i s quite p o s s i b l e that
for some value of the weight on the bit within t h e
range of the s e c o n d order of buckling, the inclination of the force on t h e bit i s nil.
T h e conclusion i s that in order t o drill a straight
hole it i s best t o carry l e s s weight on the bit than
t h e critical value of the first order a t which the
drilling string buckles. However, if s u c h weight is
not sufficient, it i s advisable to avoid the first
order of b u c k l i n g a n d t o carry a weight on the bit
close to the critical value of the third order. According t o t h i s rule, for 6'4-in. drill collars Fig. 2
and 3 show that the recommended weights on t h e
bit are either under 8,000 Ib or about 20,000 o r

22,000 Ib.
In order to c a l c u l a t e the magnitude of t h e inclination of the bit and of t h e force on t h e bit c a u s e d
by buckling, consider, for example, 6!&-in. drill
collars in a 1 2 Ib per gal mud s u b j e c t e d t o t h e
s m a l l e s t weight on the bit for which the s e c o n d
buckle c o n t a c t s the wallof the hole. Fig. 1 6 s h o w s
that the corresponding v a l u e s of t h e inclination
coetTicients are: t = 1.52 and n = 0.52. Fig. 1
s h o w s that ni = 58 ft. Substituting t h e s e numerical
v a l u e s into equations (9) and ( l o ) , t h e inclinations
are found a s functions of the apparent r a d i u s of
the hole r Converted t o degrees, t h e s e inclinations
have been plotted on Fig. 1 7 a g a i n s t the hole diameter. I t must be well understood that a "diameter
of the hole" equal t o 20 in., for example, m e a n s
that there are some c a v e s in the hole and that the
drilling string may t a k e t h e same s h a p e in t h e s e
c a v e s a s i t would in a 20-in. hole. Fig. 1 7 s h o w s
that for 6%-in. drill c o l l a r s in a SO-in. cave, subjected to the s m a l l e s t weight on t h e bit a t which
the second buckle c o n t a c t s t h e wall of the hole,
t h e inclination of the bit i s equal t o 2 d e g and t h e







Fig. 17
Inclination of B i t and Inclination of
Force on B i t for 64-in. O D ( Z ~ - i n . ID) Drill Collars
in 12 Lb per Gal Mud for the Smallest Weight on
B i t at Which the Second Buckle Contacts the Wall
of the Hole





18- K e l l y Displacements vs. Weight on the B i t

inclination o f t h e force on the b i t i s equal to deg.

Drilling crooked h o l e s i s c a u s e d not only by
buckling of drilling strings, but i s a l s o a result of
drilling in a dipping formation. T h i s l a t t e r factor
i s outside t h e s c o p e of t h i s investigation.

Length of Buckled Curves

Consider that the kelly i s displaced while no
drilling i s in progress. Such a c a s e o c c u r s when
drilling in a very hard formation, or when the rotary t a b l e i s not turning. If the lielly positions are
plotted v s . t h e weight on t h e bit (Fig. 18), the
diagram comprises a straight portion .4P and a
curved portion PB. T h e curved portion corresponds
to larger weights on t h e bit when the drilling s t r i n g
i s buckled.* L e t u s consider point E in the curved
portion of the diagram. T h e corresponding ordinate
C E i s equal to the sum of C D and DE. C D repres e n t s t h e displacement of the kelly due to e l a s t i c
elongation of t h e drilling string, and DE represents
the displacement of the kelly due to buckling.
I t will be proved in t h e appendix that the displacement AL due to buckling i s given by t h e
following expression:

wliereirz: r and m are a s previously defined; and q

i s a coefficient which depends upon the d i s t a n c e ,
in d i m e n s i o n l e s s units. between the bit and the
neutral point, which i s proportional t o the weight
on the bit. F o r a given s i z e of drill collars or drill
pipe and a given mud density, the length rn of 1
du and the apparent radius of tlie hole r a r e cons t a n t , and AL d e p e n d s only upon q. T h e coefficient
q h a s been plotted on Fig. 1 9 vs. the d i s t a n c e , in
dimensionless units, between the bit and the neutral point. Consider progressively increasing v a l u e s
of the weight on the bit. When t h e critical value of
the first .order i s reached, q suddenly i n c r e a s e s
from zero to 0.465. If t h e weight on the bit i s f u r
ther increased, q becomes progressively larger;
and the i n c r e a s e of q becomes extremely rapid beyond t h e c r i t i c a l conditions of the s e c o n d order for

* D~agramsin

which the welght on the elevators i s plotted instead of the we~ghton the blt were applled to determine how
much of a frozen or cemented column of pipe 1s free.3



to various s i z e s of drill pipe and drill collars in a

12 Ib per gal mud (Fig. 11, AL has been calculated
vs. r and plotted in Fig. 20 vs. the hole diameter.
T h i s figure shows that for the secondorder of buckling AL i s equal to about 0.1 in. in a 20-in. hole,
and cannot be observed. In other words, point E of
Fig. 1 8 i s located close to P, e.g., a t El where the
deflection of the curve PB withregard to i t s tangent
PL, cannot yet be seen.
AL increases very rapidly with the hole diameter,
and Fig. PO shows that, for 6:i-in. drill collars subjected to the second order of buckling in an 80-in.
cave, AL i s equal to 3 in. and may easily be observed.
On the other hand, Fig. 19 shows that nL, a l s o
increases rapidly with the order of buckling. If
the weight of drill collars i s a t least equal to the
weight on the bit, the order of buckling i s generally low; and, therefore, the displacement of the
kelly when no drilling i s in progress i s proportional
to the increases of weight on the bit. A positive
indication that something abnormal has happened







- K e l l y Displacement Coefficient

which the second buckle i s growing. This fact,

which i s in perfect agreement with common s e n s e ,
certainly also holds true. for higher orders of buckling. As the weight on the bit i s increased above
any critical condition and a s long a s the new
buckle i s growing, relatively large displacements
of the kelly produce small increases in the weight
on the bit. After the buckle contacts the wall of
the hole, the same increments of the weight on the
bit are produced by much smaller displacements of
the kelly.
In order to calculate the magnitude ofthese facts
and to realize in which circumstances they may be
actually observed, consider the drilling string subjected t o the smallest weight on the bit at which
the second buckle contacts the wall of the hole
and for which Fig. 19 indicates that q = 1.51. Substituting this value into forniula (11) and replacing
the length nr. of 1 du with the values corresponding







Fig. 20
K e l l y Displacements for the Smallest
Value of the Weight on B i t at Which the Second
Buckle Contacts the Wall of the Hole



i s given by the fact t h a t the kelly d i s p l a c e m e n t s

a r e not proportional to t h e i n c r e a s e s in t h e weight
on the bit. One possibility i s a very wide cave;
another t h a t a tight s p o t occurred somewhere in t h e
drill pipe, which buckled above t h i s spot, with a
high order of buckling.
Centrifugal Forces

Consider Fin. 23 which r e p r e s e n t s a c r o s s s e c tion through a hole and a buckled, therefore e c c e n tric, drilling string. When the drilling s t r i n g i s ro-










P. S. I./1000 FT



Influence of Drill-pipe Pressure ~~o~

on Buckling

If the motion a occurs, the energy s p e n t on friction a g a i n s t t h e wall of the hole i s i n c r e a s e d in

t h e ratio of diameters of the hole and the pipe.
Moreover, the r e s i s t a n c e of .the mud t o a f a s t rotation of t h e pipe about t h e a x i s 0 of the hole must


P. S. I./lIXX)




lnfluence of Drill-collar Pressure Drop

on Buckling

ing string may behave like a flexible s h a f t and rot a t e about i t s own a x i s C. T h e motion which actua l l y o c c u r s i s that requiring the l e s s e r energy.
R'hile buckling, the drilling s t r i n g w a s d i s p l a c e d
downward, and the work s p e n t by gravitational
f o r c e s w a s s t o r e d a s potential energy of e l a s t i c
bending of t h e pipe. If thereafter t h e motion b occurs, t h e drilling string d o e s not go dovm any farther, and no more energy of bending i s spent. T h e
only energy required i s that which i s s p e n t on
friction a g a i n s t the wall of the hole and on v i s c o u s
f o r c e s i n the drilling fluid.

Fig. 23

Cross Section Through a Hole Showing

Buckled Drilling String



be very high. Consequently, the normal motion of

the buckled drilling string i s the motion 6; i.e., the
rotation about i t s own a x i s C. Therefore, the resultant of centrifugal forces i s equal t o zero; and
their influence on buckling i s nil.
The foregoing holds true for an ideal pipe for
which the flexural rigidity i s the same in all directions. At the other extreme, imagine string which
would have very small flexural rigidity in one direction and very large .in others, such a s a rectangular bar. It i s obvious that the bar would buckl e in the plane of the smallest flexural rigidity and
would rotate about the a x i s of the hole and not the
axis of the bar. The actual c a s e of a drilling string
l i e s between the two extreme cases. The pipe i s
not altogether symmetrical but the asymmetry i s
much smaller than i n a bar.The string rotates about
i t s axis unless the weight on the bit i s such that
a new buckle i s just added, e.g., for a little more
than 4 du (see Fig. 9) or about 18,000 Ib for 65i-in.
drill collars. Drilling with a buckled string rotating
about the a x i s of the hole should be avoided in
caving formations. A good procedure for avoiding
this condition i s to watch a rotary torque gage
which would indicate a sharp increase. Another
way i s to drill with weights on the bit which are
not too close to critical values (see Fig. 2 through
The normal motion of the buckled drilling string,
i.e., rotation about its axis, i s the reason for the
reversing, or rather rotating stresses, and for the
inclination of the bit.
Influence of Hydrostatic Pressure on Buckling
The influence of hydrostatic pressure on buckling
i s a subject of controversial opinions. According
to a general belief, the pipe buckles when under
compression; and, i nasrnuch a s the hydrostatic
pressure always gives a high compression to the
lower part of the drilling string, an erroneous conclusion has sometimes been reached that the hydrostatic pressure contributes to the fatigue of the
drilling string.4 These conclusions are part1
based on a theoretical investigation by Handleman
which re!ates to the buckling of a beam submitted
to pressure. Handleman's results are not applicable
to the drilling string because, in the latter problem,
the weight of the string i s essential and cannot be
The only influence of the hydrostatic pressure on
buckling resqlts from the changes in value of weight
per foot p, a s indicated on Fig. 1 and 2. T h i s
influence i s smal1.1t will be proved in the appendix
hereto that the increase of compression in the
lower part of the drilling string has no effect on
buckling and fatigue.

To avoid confusion, l e t us point out that it i s

perfectly correct to say that buckling mainly concerns the portion of the drilling string located under
the neutral point, provided the definition of the
neutral point i s that adopted in this paper, viz.:
"The neutral point divides the drilling string into
two portions; the weight in mud of the upper portion being equal to the weight suspended from the
elevators, and the weight in mud of the lower portion being equal to the weight on the bit."
According to the usual definition, which i s rejected herein, the neutral point i s that at which
there i s neither compression nor tension.
Influence of Pump Pressure on Buckling
The pump pressure i s equal to the sum of pressure drops in the bit, in the drilling string, and in
the annulus. The latter i s negligible. The first two
will be considered in succession.
a. P r e s s u r e Drop i n the Bit
A s proved in the appendix, drop of pressure in
the bit i s of the same nature a s the hydrostatic
pressure, but acting the opposite way. It decreases
the compression in the lower portion of the drilling string, but h a s no effect on buckling and
6. P r e s s w e Drop i n the Drilling String
As explained previously, the buckling characteristics (length of a dimensionless unit, critical
weights, etc.) depend upon the l o s s of weight of
steel in the drilling fluid. T h i s l o s s should be considered somewhat higher than the actual ,one in
order to make allowance for the drop of pressure
in the drilling string. Fig. 21 and 22 show the
values of k, the coefficient by which the weight
per foot p must be multiplied, vs. the pressure
drop in the drilling string. Fig. 21 concerns drill
collars and Fig. 22 various types of drill pipe. On
both figures lines for three densities of mud are
drawn. Fig. 2 1 shows that the influence of the
drop of pressure on buckling i s negligible for drill
Fig. 22 shows that the situation i s different
for drill pipe. For high rates of circulation, the
critical weights are slightly decreased and the
length of a dimensionless unit i s increased. Fig.
22 enables the proper use of formulas and curves
involving p and m
The values of pressure drop in drill pipe are
The principal results of t h i s investigation may
be summed up a s follows:
1. The best drilling conditions occur when the
drilling string i s straight; i.e., when the weight
on the bit i s smaller than the critical value of the


first order. Unfortunately, such weights are usually

not sufficient because the rate of drilling i s too
low. New methods which might allow a satisfactory rate of penetration with a straight drilling
string should be tried by the drilling industry.

19 5

the use ofsufficient drill collars avoids high-order

buckling which generates large bending moments
and fatigue failures of the drill pipe.
When working out a drilling program for an area
in which drilling i s difficult, a careful study should
be made of the number of drill collars and the
2. Insofar as straight-hole drilling i s concerned,
weight to be
on the bit.
carrying weights on the bitwhich are slightly l e s s
Rigs should be provided with good quality weight
than the critical value of the third order i s better
Their calibrations should be checked
than using any smaller value of weight at which
from time to time. T h e use of rotary torque gages
the string i s already buckled.
i s advised. A weight recorder i s useful in order to
3. When the required weight on the bit i s large,
rheck whether the weight instructions are observed.
The influence of the viscous forces on the drilling
string and of the "jet" force on the bit are
In various treatises on elasticity, applied matheneglected.
They are small in comparison to the
matics, or ~~~~~l functions,7~8~9,10
the only ariaweight.
lyzed case of buckling with distributed weight conWhen IT$= 0, there i s no weight on the bit, the
cerns a vertical pole with the lower end fixed and
drilling string i s straight and this straight form of
the upper end free. There i s a reaction on only one
elastic equilibrium i s stable; i.e., if a lateral force
end, and this reaction i s vertical.
s applied and a small deflection i s produced, this
~h~ case of the drilling string is much more
disappears when. the lateral force i s replicated. Both ends can be considered a s hinged;
the pipe becomes straight again- If E$ is
and, consequently, there are reactions on the string
increased, but maintained below a certain critical
at both ends, ~h~~~ reactions have vertical and
the straight form remains
If the crithorizontal components. hjoreover, there m e reactions
is reached, the
form of the
of the wall of the hole at the points where the buckpipe becomes unstable; i.e., if a lateral force, howled pipe contacts the wall.
ever small, i s applied and a small deflection i s
Analytical Formulation of the problem
produced, this deflection does not disappear when
the lateral force i s removed. On the contrary, the
L e t u s begin with an assumption that the drilling
deflection increases until a bent form of stable
string i s a continuous pipe with no tool joints.*
equilibrium known a s buckling i s reached.
The external forces acting on the drilling string
We shall choose, a s a x e s of coordinates, ,\ and
are represented on Fig. 24, in which:
a s shown on Fig. 25. The ,T axis i s the axis of
1. The upward force IT$ i s the reaction of the eleof the hole. The point of origin N i s the previously
vators on the drilling string.
defined neutral point. I t i s well understood that the
2. The upward force W2 i s the vertical component
plane of the X and Y a x e s i s the plane of smallest
of the reaction of the bottom of the hole on the
rigidity in which the buckling occurs. The
drilling string and i s commonly called "weight on
s directed downward a s shown on Fig. 25.
the bit."
The function I'(S), representing the axis of the
3. The force F2 i s the horizontal component of the
buckled string, can be represented by the following
reaction of the bottom of the hole on the drilling
4. The horizontal force 4 i s the reaction of the
hl = E I dX2
-bushings on the drilling string.
5. The horizontal force F i s the reaction of the
where,n: ,)I is the bending moment; E is Young*s
of the
0' the drilling string i f the pipe
modulus of the steel; and I is the moment of inertia
i s buckled.
of the cross section.
Twoadditional forces not shown on Fig. 24 should
Taking the derivative of both members of the
be considered; viz., the weight of the pipe which i s
(12), we obtain:
a vertical downward force, and the buoyancy which
A = EIi s a vertical upward force, both applied to the
center of gravity of the drilling string.
wherein: [I i s the shearing force.
'The generalization of the r e s u l t s to combination strlngs of
We shall now determine the shearing force along
drlll pipe and drill collars w i l l be e a s y b y the u s e of dlm e n s l o n l e s s unlts.
any cross section of the drilling string, such a s



,MN ( s e e Fig.
- 24), and substitute in equation (13)
the value obtained. For this purpose, we shall
determine all the known forces applied to the portion of the drilling string located below the section
IMN. These forces are represented vectorially on
Fig. 26 and are: W2 and F2 already defined; V or
weight of the portion of the drilling string located
under IMN; and the buoyancy.* If the portion of the
drilling string under ,MN i s surrounded by the fluid;
i.e., if we consider the portion above il!N a s nonexistent, the buoyancy would be equal to the weight
of the displaced fluid. & represents this upward
force on Fig. 26. Actually, the hydrostatic pressure
does not act on the section .MN. T h i s part of the
Luoyancy (& on Fig. 26) must be vectorially subtracted from Bl in order to obtain the true buoyancy.
Since the portion of the drilling string we are
considering i s in equilibrium, the ve'ctorial sum of
all the forces i s equal to zero. As shown on Fig.
27: A B i s the weight on the bit, or K$; BC i s the
horizontal component of the reaction of the bottom
of the hole, or F2; C D i s the weight IV of the part
of the string located under MN; D E i s the buoyancy
13,; and E F i s the buoyancy B2.
If the cross section ,MN i s taken higher
- on the
drilling string, we should consider a l s o the force
F, i.e., the reaction of the wall of the hole on the
buckled pipe. Ilowever, let us consider first the
theoretical- c a s e of buckling which would occur
outside the hole, in which c a s e F = 0.
From the construction of Fig. 27, we rnay determine the force FA which represents the reaction of
that part of the drilling string above hliV on the
portion below. T h i s force has two components, viz.,
FG i s the shearingforce and C;A i s the compression
or tension, according to i t s direction.
Consider a cross section ,MIN' somewhere above
MR. Then the forces C D (weight of the portion located below ,M1N') and DE (buoyancy & or weight
of displaced fluid) corresponding to the new cross
section are larger than the forces corresponding to
the cross section MR. However, the ratio of these
two forces remains the same and i s eaual to the
ratio of the densities of steel and mud. Therefore,
instead of forces C D and DE, we shall consider
the force CE a s being equal to the weight of the
drilling string under the cross section, on condition
that we multiply this weight Lv

As - %


- Designation of External
upon Drilling String

Forces Acting

* I n u s i n g t h e term "buoyancy," it i s a s s u m e d that the drilling

string i s subjected to a hydrostatic distribution of pressure.
Actually, t h e c a s e i s more complicated; but, a s shown later,
the dynamic and s t a t i c distributions o f pressure l e a d t o the
same buckling characteristics.




is t h e specific gravity of s t e e l , and

-AM i s the specific gravity o f mud.

F o r the c r o s s s e c t i o n h!'N1, the force E F i s
smaller than the corresponding force for t h e c r o s s
s e c t i o n MN. However, E F i s perpendicular t o the


shearing force FG; and, consequently, t h e value of

FG i s independent of E F . T h e final conclusion.
then, i s t h a t a s far a s formula (13), i.e., t h e shearing force, i s concerned, we need not consider t h e
buoyancy a t all, if w e consider the density of the
drilling-string material reduced in t h e ratio

- 41
T h e vectorial equation

gives, by projecting a l l the vectors on the a x i s ,lilAr:

A 3 sin a-BC c o s a-CE sin a-FG = O

Fig. 25

Fig. 26



of the buckled drilling string. B y properly c h o o s i n g

t h e unit of length, the equation may b e put in a
simpler form. Let:
= mx


Y = my
wherein: rn i s a constant which will be chosen
later. Then:

Substituting e x p r e s s i o n s (19), (21), and (23) in

equation (181, we obtain:

Fig. 27
T h e n , t h e shearing force FG i s equal to:

FG = (AB - C E ) s i n a- BC c o s a
Under a c t u a l conditions in the hole a i s very
small; therefore, w e may put c o s a = I and s i n a =
tan a. T h e n t h e l a s t equation becomes:
Shearing force A = F G = (AB-CE) tan a- BC (14)
L e t p designate the weight of the drilling s t r i n g

T h e value nL should b e chosen s o that

L e t c be defined a s follows:

Substituting (25) and (26) into (24), we obtain

n -A

M , a s preper unit of length multiplied by s

viously explained.
L e t ,k and ,b designate respectively t h e v a l u e s
of X for the two e n d s of the drilling string. Hence:

T h e n formula (14) may be written a s follows:

Shearing force A = [Ri2 - p(X2- $)I tan a(17)
Substituting equation (16) in equation (17) and
replacing tan a - w i t h -dlYd,Y,..we obtain

and s u b s t i t u t i n g t h i s l a s t expression in equation


Substituting the e x p r e s s i o n s (22) and (25) into (12)

we obtain:

i s the bending moment.
L e t u s adopt a s y s t e m of c o n s i s t e n t u n i t s in
T h e unit of X and 1' is a foot.
T h e unit of R/i, .K$, F2, F, e t c . i s a pound.
T h e unit of p i s a pound per foot.
T h e unit of E i s a pound per s q u a r e foot.
T h e unit of 1 i s a foot4.
T h e unit of hi i s a foot-pound.
Formula (25) s h o w s t h a t rn i s measured in feet.
T h e n e x p r e s s i o n s (19), (201, (211, (281, and (26),
show t h a t x, y, dy/dx, dZy/dx2, a n d c a r e dimensionl e s s . Consequently, t h e a n a l y s i s made with t h o s e
f a c t o r s will b e altogether general and independent
of the type of t h e drilling s t r i n g and drilling fluid.

We have t h u s obtained the differential equation



e x p l a ~ n sformula (1) in the first part of this



Solution of the Differential Equation



Substituting (29) into (27), the differential equation becomes

The variable z can be expressed in form of power

n =0
and substituting (31) in equation (30), we obtain

T h i s expression i s a polynomial of powers of x.

Expression (32) must be satisfied for any value of
x; and, therefore, the coefficients of xO, xi, x2, x?,
x4, etc. must a l l be equal to zero. We obtain thus
the following expressions:
coefficient of x" = 2az + c = 0
coefficient of xl = a. t2(3a3) = 0
coefficient of x2 = al+3(4a4) = 0 .
coefficient of x3 = a2+4(5%) = 0


Consequently, q,, al, a*, a3, .a,,,etc. may a l l be

expressed a s functions of w, a l , and c . Substituting these expressions in equation (311, we find the
general solution of the differential equation:

The functions F(x), G(x), P(x), and Q(x) may be

expressed in the form of Bessel functions of frac1 2
tional orders
, - /J , /3 and - /3.

Putting in equation (33) a o = a , a1 = b , and expressing z by dy/dx we obtain equation (35) below. 3 y
integrating and taking the derivative of (35), we
obtain equations (34) and (36):
y = aS(x) + bT(x,

+ cU(x) t g


In equations (34), (35), and (36) the following

designations are made:
g i s an integration constant.

Complete tables of Bessel functions of fractional

orders have been made available very recently. l1
For the negative values of N, the corresponding
Bessel functions of the second kind must be used.
Functions s(x), T(x), U(x), li(x), and R(x) have
been calculated by series, the convergence of
which i s fairly satisfactory. The computation has
been made for a range of x from -4 to t4.218 for



for many calculations. When needed, functions

have been computed for particular v a l u e s of x with
up t o s i x d i g i t s after t h e decimal point.
Inasmuch as the differential equation (27) i s of
the third order, i t s general solution, equation (34),
c o n t a i n s 3 integration c o n s t a n t s , viz., a, 6, and g.
In addition t o the integration c o n s t a n t s , the.parameter c i s unknown b e c a u s e F2 (the horizontal component of the reaction of the bottom of the hole on
t h e bit) i s a l s o unknown. T h i s parameter c a n be
determined by imposing an additional boundary

Critical Conditions of the First Order

L e t xi and r2 d e s i g n a t e t h e v a l u e s of x for the



- Functions F(x),

P(x), and S(x)

the functions F(x), q x ) , and ;I(%) and from -6 to

4 . 3 2 for the s i x other functions. T h e r e s u l t s are
plotted on Fig. 2 8 t o 33. T h e number of decimal
p l a c e s given by t h e s e figures i s not large enough



- Functions H(x),

R(x), and U(x)

upper and lower ends, respectively, of t h e drilling

string. L e t P i , Q , Rl, S 1 , etc. d e s i g n a t e the v a l u e s
of the functions P(x), W x ) , R(x), S(x), e t c . for
X. = X I , and P 2 , Q 2 , R 2 , S2, etc. d e s i g n a t e r e s p e c tively t h e v a l u e s of the s a m e functions for r = x s .
At both e n d s of t h e drilling $tring t h e bending
moment i s equal to zero (both t h e b u s h i n g s and the
bit may be considered as hinged ends). Therefore,
formulas (28) and (36) give:



aP, + bQ, + cK, = 0

aP, t b Q 2 + c K 2 = O
Functions of G(x), a x ) , and T(x)



F o r both k n d s y = 0; a n d , therefore, formula (34)




asl + bTl


- Functions F(x), -P(x),

t cU1 t g = O

as, t b T t cU2 t g = 0
By eliminating g between the two receding equations and rewriting equations (50) and (511, we get
the following s e t of 3 equations in which a, 6, and
c are unknown:


+ bQl

t cK1

t bQ2

t cR,
a(S1- S2) t b(Tl -T2)+c(Ul



- U,) =O

(5 1)

Since the second n ~ e n ~ b e of

r s all three equations
of the s e t are equal to zero, the solution of the s e t
h a s a physical meaning only if i t s determinant i s
equal to zero.





(Sl - S,) (TI -





Expression (53) i s the relation between xi and x2
which must be satisfied for the buckling to occur.
By the trial-and-error method it was found that expression (53) may be represented by a series of
curves. Only the curve pertaining to the s n ~ a l l e s t

and -S(x)

value. of x2 corresponds to a stable equilibrium and

has been drawn on Fig. 34. F o r the interpretation
of this figure, i t should be remembered that xi (the
ordinate) i s the distance from the neutral point to
the top of the hole, and that x i s the distance from
the neutral point to the b i t
latter distance i s
proportional to the weight on the bit U;. Fig. 34
shows that when the absolute value of xi i s small,
i.e., when the hole i s very shallow, the pipe requires a larger weight on the bit in order to buckle.
When the hole i s deeper, the critical value of the
weight on the bit decreases and approaches asymptotically to a certain value. T h i s may a l s o be explained without the previous mathematical analysis.
If the upper end of the drilling string i s close to
the neutral point, the bushings add some rigidity to
the string. On the other hand, when the hole i s deep
enough, buckling of a joint located under the neutral
point i s independent of whether the portion of the
string above this point i s 1,000 or 10,000 f t long.

i is

Under actual drilling conditions;xl i s very large

and x2 i s equal to i t s asymptotic limit. 'I'he curve
of Fig. 34 has been plotted with calculated data
between z1 = O and xl =-6. The extrapolation of






Functions -G(x),

this curve beyond xi = -6, shown a s dashed

lines, seems to indicate that the asymptotic limit
of x2 i s 1.88. On the other hand, for x1 =-6, x 2 i s
equal to 1.94. Consequently, we may assume with
negligible error that x2 = 1.93 i s the critical condition of the first order.
For all practical purposes we may consider the
point x1 as being not the upper extremity of the
drilling string, but simply a point for which x1 =-6.
The deflection and the bending moment are practically equal to zero a t this point.

Critical Lengths of Stands in Stack

The relations obtained previously may l e used
to determine the critical length of stands of pipe
stacked vertically in the derrick. Let u s assume
that a stand of pipe in stack i s vertical, h a s both
ends hinged, and the whole weight i s supported by
the lower end. These assumptions are close to the
actual conditions.
Nhat i s the maximunl length for which the pipe
remains straight and does not buckle? The answer

Q(x), and T(x)

i s immediate: x1 = 0 and then we s e e on Fig. 34

that q = 2.65 a s used previously herein.
Critical Weights of Combination Drilling string
Consider first the case in which the,,length of
one dimensionless unit rn i s the s a m e for ..drill
pipe and drill collars. For example, 47i-in: drill
collars are many times heavier than &-in. drill
pipe, but Fig. 1 shows that for both, m i s almost
the same.
It is quite obvious that our previous analytical
study concerning the single drilling string holds
true in the present case, insofar a s the critical
distances in dimensionless units between the bit
and the neutral point are concerned. Two different
c a s e s must be considered according t o the location
of the neutral point, which may be in the drill pipe
or in the drill collars.

L et:
designate the critical weight of the first order.

L, designate the total length of drill collars,.in



20 3


Fig. 33

Functions -H(x),

nz designate the length, in feet, of one dimension-

l e s s unit of collars and pipe.

pc designate the weight per foot of the drill collars, in pounds per foot.
p,, designate the weight per foot of the drill pipe,
in pounds per foot.

First case-the neutral point i s located in the drill

The critical weight on the bit i s equal to the
weight of the drill collars plus the weight of a portion of drill pipe. The length of the collars, in
dimensionless units, i s LJm, Therefore, for critical conditions of the first order, the lengthof that
portion of the drill pipe located below the neutral
point i s equal (in dimensionless units) to 1.94LJm. The weights of these two portions of the
drilling strings are Lp, and (1.94- L b ) m p p ,
respectively. Their sum i s equal to:
= LC ( ~ , - p ~ )t 1.94mpp
'-Consequently, the critical weights are linear

R(x), and U(x)

functions of the total length of drill collars. These

functions are represented on Fig. 3, 4, and 5 by
the inclined portions of line 1.

Second case-the neutral point L S located in the

drill collars.
The whole weight on the bit i s given by the drill
collars. The critical values of weight on the bit
cannot be increased by adding more drill collars.
T h i s c a s e corresponds to the horizontal portions of
line 1 on Fig. 3, 4, and 5 .
Consider now the case when length m of one
dimensionless unit i s not the same for the pipe
and the collars. Separate equations should be written for the pipe portion and collar portion of the
string. The boundary conditions at the two ends of
the string would be the same as for a single string.
Three additional boundary conditions should express the fact that at the junction of pipe and collars the deflectior,~,the tangents to the a x i s of the
string, and the bending moments are equal for these



two portions of t h e string.

Instead of t h i s rigorous but very long method, a n
approximate approach h a s been u s e d in t h i s study.
Fig. 1 s h o w s that t h e dimensionless u n i t s of coll a r s and pipe are -of approximately the s a m e length.
Consequently, it i s believed that the method described previously for t h e c a s e of equal v a l u e s of
m for pipe and c o l l a r s may b e applied t o a c t u a l

c a s e s with a sufficiently c l o s e approximation for

a l l practical purposes.
Consider, for i n s t a n c e , the broken line 1" o f
Fig. 3, which h a s been c a l c u l a t e d a s follows:
OA = critical weight of pipe.
DC = critical weight of collars.
a = critical length of collars.
T h e line rigorously c a l c u l a t e d would a l s o p a s s
through point A. I t would approach asymptotically
the straight l i n e BC
point of Tangency for Critical Conditions of Ule
First Order

We s h a l l determine t h e point of contact, t h e

a b s c i s s a of which will be designated X3, in f e e t ,
and x3, in d i n ~ e n s i o n l e s sunits. Since for x = x3,
dy/dx = 0, we have from the equation (35):
a & + bG3 + cH3 = 0
Equations (55), (50), a n d (51) form t h e following
aF3 t bG3 t cH3 = 0

aP, t bQ1 t cR1



aP, t bQ2 t cR2 = 0
which h a s p o s s i b l e s o l u t i o n s if t h e following determinant i s equal to zero.







Q2 R2
E x p r e s s i o n (56) is t h e relation between t h e abs c i s s a ~of ~the point of t a n g e n c y and the a b s c i s s a s
xi and xg of t h e end of t h e string for c r i t i c a l conditions.Aspreviously explained, z1 = -6 a n d x 2 = 1.94.
T h e value of x3 s a t i s f y i n g the relation (56) w a s
found by trial and error and i s equal t o x3 = 0.145.
Equation Coefficients for Critical Conditions of the
First Order



- Critical Conditions of the First Order

In order to investigate the s h a p e of t h e buckleds t r i n g a x i s , the distribution of bending moments,

etc., we must find the v a l u e s of a, 6, and c, but t h e
s e t of e q u a t i o n s (501, (51), and (52) g i v e s indetermin a t e v a l u e s for t h e s e factors. T h e n , apparently, if
we consider the pipe outside of t h e hole, t h e buckling once started would not stop. T h e pipe would
bend more and more without r e a c h i n g any equilibrium. T h i s apparent absurdity i s due to the fact
t h a t formula (12) h o l d s true only for small deflect i o n s for which the curvature i s equal t o d2y/d,y2.
F o r large deflectionsfor which an equilibrium would
b e reached, a more complicated formula should b e
used. However, all t h i s i s without a n y practical
* L i n e s 2 and 3 concerning the second and thud orders of
buckl~nghave been constructed by analogous means.



meaning b e c a u s e he t h e o r e t i c a l equilibrium of the
buckled pipe would be r e a c h e d far beyond t h e
e l a s t i c limit of t h e s t e e l , a n d t h e pipe would not
only become crooked but would break. P r a c t i c a l l y ,
s u c h a condition never o c c u r s b e c a u s e t h e buckling
i s stopped when t h e p i p e . c o n t a c t s the wall of t h e
hole. T h i s should b e t a k e n into account in order t o
remove t h e indeterminancy of e q u a t i o n s (50), (51),
and (52). F o r t h i s purpose, l e t u s take into consideration that a t t h e point of t a n g e i c y the deflection i s equal t o t h e apparent r a d i u s of the hole;
i.e., for x = x3, Y = r, and, according t o equation
(20), y = r/m. Therefore, equation (34) gives:

At the lower end of t h e s t r i n g t h e deflection i s

nil, i.e., for x = x2 = 1.94, y =O. Therefore, equation (34) g i v e s :
a s 2 + bT2 + c U 2 t g = 0
Eliminating g between the l a s t two equations and
rewriting equations (50) a n d (51), we obtain the
following s e t of equations:
a(S3 S1) + b(T3 -TI) + c(U3 - Ul) =



T h e integration of the differential e q u a t i o n s (30)
and (60) g i v e s the s a m e kind of g e n e r a l solution,
viz., (34), (35), a n d (36). However, not only c, but
a l s o the integration c o n s t a n t s a, 6, and g become
different for the lower and upper portions of the
drilling string.
C o n s t a n t s corresponding r e s p e c t i v e l y to the ,upper and lower portions of t h e drilling string will be
d e s i g n a t e d by s u b s c r i p t s 1 and 2, respectively.
T h e n the e q u a t i o n s corresponding to t h e upper portion are:
y = alS(x) + blT(x)

+ clU(x) + gl


= 0
= 0 . (51)

In t h e s e equations xi = -6, x2 = 1.94, and x3 = 0.115.
T h e solution of the s e t l e a d s to the v a l u e s .of
a(m/r), b(ni/r), and c(m/r) which a r e written in a
t a b l e later herein.
Points of Tangency for Weights on the Bit Above
Critical Conditions of the First Order
From equation (53), we have deduced that a
buckled form of t h e first order is s t a b l e only for o n e
v a l u e of the weight on t h e bit; i.e., a value corresponding t o x2 ~ 1 . 9 4 .We s h a l l now i n v e s t i g a t e
what happened after buckling of t h e first order
occurred a n d t h e weight on the bit i s gradually
further increased. Apparently there should be no
buckling a t all. Such a conclusion is erroneous bec a u s e the differential equation (181, which w a s t h e
starting point for a l l of our deductions, d o e s not
hold true any more for t h e whole length of the drilling string. F o r the upper portion of t h e drilling s t r i n g
(that which i s l o c a t e d above the point o f tangency,
s e e Fig. 241, we must take into consideration t h e
force F which i s the reaction of t h e wall o f t h e hole
a g a i n s t the pipe. Equation (18) is replaced by:

E x p r e s s i o n (26) and the differential equation (30)

a r e r e p l a c e d by:

and t h o s e corresponding to the lower portionare:

y = a2S(x) + b2T(x) + c2U(x) + g2



L e t xi correspond, a s previously, to the upper
end of the drilling string; or, rather, t o the point
where XI =-6. L e t x2 correspond t o the lower end
of the drilling string, and x3 t o t h e point a t which
t h e pipe i s tangent to the wall o f the hole. T h e
three boundary conditions for the upper portion of
the drilling string are a s follows:
1. T h e bending moment i s equal to zero a t the
upper end of t h e drilling string, which l e a d s to
equation (69).
2. dy/dx i s e q u a l to zero for x = x3, which l e a d s to
equation (70).
3. F o r x = xi, y = O .
4. F o r x = x 3 , y = r / m
T h e s e l a s t two conditions, when introduced into
t h e equation (611, give two e x p r e s s i o n s from which
g h a s been eliminated giving finally equation (71).



T h e boundary conditions are t h e same for the

lower portion of t h e drilling string a s they were for
t h e upper part; therefore, no explanation i s necess a r y for equations (72), (73), and (74) following,
which a r e analogous t o equations (69), (70), and
One additional boundary condition e x p r e s s e s t h e
fact that a t the point of tangency ( x = x 3 ) , the
bending moments and, consequently, t h e v a l u e s of
dZy/dx2 [ s e e e x p r e s s i o n (28)] calculated with (63)
a n d (67) must be equal, which l e a d s t o equation

% F3


b ~ Q ~



+ bl(T-TI)



+ cl(U3-U,)



t b;~,


+ b2(T-T2)

+ c2(U3-U2)




t c1R3





= 0 (72)
= 0 (73)
= & (74)


- b2Q3
- ~ 2 ~ 3 = 0 (75)
T h e foregoing s e t of s e v e n equations with s i x
unknowns a l , b l , c i , a 2 , b 2 , and c2 h a s p o s s i b l e
s o l u t i o n s only if t h e following condition i s satisfied:

l i n e s of T a b l e 1 will be explained l a t e r herein.

T h e d i s t a n c e x 2 - x 3 between the bit a n d t h e
tangency point h a s b e e n plotted vs. t h e d i s t a n c e
x2 between the bit a n d the neutral point on Fig. 9,
which w a s explained previously.

Equation Coefficients for Weights on the Bit Above

Critical Conditions of the First Order
S e t s of numerical v a l u e s of x2 and x3 from T a b l e

1 are substituted into e q u a t i o n s (69) t o (74). T h e

s e t of equations (69), (701, and (71) i s s o l v e d for
al(rn/r), bl(rn/r), a n d cl(rn/r). T h e s e t of e q u a t i o n s
(721, (73), and (74) i s s o l v e d for a2(rn/r), b2(n1/r),
and c2(rn/r). T h e r e s u l t s t o three decimal p l a c e s
a r e shown in T a b l e 2. T h e r e s u l t s a c t u a l l y u s e d
comprised s i x decimal p l a c e s , n e c e s s a r y mainly
when large negative v a l u e s of x are involved.
T h e first line of T a b l e 2 corresponds t o the critic a l conditions of the first order for which al = a 2 ,
bi = b 2 , and cl = c 2 . T h e s e v a l u e s have been prev ~ o u syl found.
T h e s p e c i a l meaning of the v a l u e s of t h e fourth
and l a s t l i n e s of the t a b l e above will b e explained
further herein.

Shape of Ule Buckled Drilling String

L e t u s define the deflection coefficient h by t h e
following expression:

From equations (77) and (20) we obtain

E x p r e s s i o n (761, in which xi i s constant and

equal t o -6, i s the relationship between x2 ( t h e
d i s t a n c e from t h e neutral point to the bit) and x3
(the d i s t a n c e from the neutral point to the tangency
point). T h e following v a l u e s of x3 corresponding to
various v a l u e s of x2 h a v e been found with equation
(76) by trial and error.

Table 1




R ernarks
Crltical condition of the first order.
Critlcal condition of the second order.
Second buckle contacts wall of the hole.

T h e v a l u e s given in t h e first line of T a b l e 1 have

been previously found. T h e y correspond t o the
critical conditions of the first order. T h e s p e c i a l
meaning of t h e v a l u e s of t h e fourth and the l a s t

Y = hr
%herein: h is equal t o unity for t h e deflection I'
which i s equal to the apparent r a d i u s of the hole r.
At the upper end of t h e s t r i n g t h e deflection is
ni! and, consequently, equation (61) g i v e s :

= a,Sl t b l T l t c l U 1 t g ,

Eliminating gl between t h i s e x p r e s s i o n and equation (61), we obtain for t h e portion of the s t r i n g

above the tangency point:
A similar equation for t h e portion of the string
below t h e tangency point is:
Substituting in e q u a t i o n s (79) and (80) t h e v a l u e s
of a l , b l , c l , a 2 , b 2 , and c 2 from T a b l e 2 and t h e nuS O , T2, and U2 from
merical v a l u e s of S1, T I ,
Fig. 28 through 33, e x p r e s s i o n s of the deflection
coefficient h vs. x a r e obtained. h vs. x 2 - x h a s
been plotted in Fig. 7 for x2 equal to 1.94 and
4.218, respectively,* and in Fig. 8 for x2 equal t o


* T h e letter " h " h a s not been Indicated in Fig. 7 and 8 .


1.94, 3.753, and 4.218, ;espectively. These figures

have been explained previously.
Deflections of the second buckle have been calculated with equation (79) and plotted in Fig. 9,
previously explained. It has been found by trial and
error that for x2 ~ 4 . 2 1 8the deflection of the second
buckle i s equal to the apparent radius of the hole.


Inclination of the Bit

Let us define the inclination a and the inclination

coefficient t by the following expressions

Bending Moments

Let us define the bending moment coefficient i by

the following expression:

By eliminating #y/dz? between equations (81) and

(28), equation (6) h a s been obtained.
Substituting in equations (63) and (67) the values
of a l , b , , c , , a 2 , b2, and c2 from Table 2, expressions of the deflection coefficient i vs. x are obtained; thus data plotted in Fig. 7 and 13 are found.
These figures have been previously explained herein.

i3y eliminating dl'/d,l and dy/dx between equations (82), (83), and (21), formula (9) has been obtained.
Substituting in equations (63) and (66) the values
of a l , b l , e l , a 2 , b p , and c 2 from Table 2 , expressions for the inclination coefficient t vs. x are obtained. Values of these expressions for x = x 2 concern the inclination of the bit. They have been
plotted vs. x2 on Fig. 16.
Length of Buckled Curves
The length L of a curve between two points of
a b s c i s s a s equal to ,Ii and .X2 i s equal to:

Critical Conditions of the Second Order

At the upper end of the string the deflection i s

nil and, therefore, y = 0. Curves 1 and 3 of Fig. 7
show that, in the vicinity of the upper end, y i s
positive for the first order of buckling and negative
for the second order. Consequently, at the upper
end dy/dx i s positive for the first order and negative
for the second; and dy/dx is nil for the limiting
condition, i.e., for the critical value of the second
order. Similarly, d2y4dx2 i s nil a t the upper erid of
the string and curves 1A and 3A of Fig. 7 show
that, in the vicinity of the upper end, d2y/dx2 i s
positive for the first and negative for the second
order of buckling. Consequently, a t the upper end
d3y/dz3 i s positive or negative for the first and
second order, respectively, and d3y/dx3 is nil
the critical condition of the second order. Sub= d3y/dx3 = 0 into equation (27) and
stituting- dy/dx
replacing c with c , , we obtain c , = 0. It has been
f o k d by trial and error that c; i s very close t o
zero for x2 = 3.753 (see Table 2) which i s the
critical condition of the seconcl order.

In the case of drilling strings, I' i s small with

regard to X; therefore, after expanding the square
root in series, all the terms but the first two may
be neglected. Thus we obtain:

A s S 2 - . X I i s the length of the projection of the

drilling string on the a x i s of the hole, the increase

A L of the length of this projection which i s due to

buckling is equal to:


Substituting (19), (201, and (83) into equation

(84), we obtain

Table 2

a, (m/r)

b, ( m h )

c 1( m h )












Critical condition, first order.

Critical condition, second order.

Second buckle contacts wall of hole.








By eliminating the integral between e q u a t i o n s

(85) and (86) formula (11) h a s been obtained.
It h a s been explained how t h a s been c a l c u l a t e d
vs. x for various v a l u e s of x 2 . Simpson's method
h a s been used i n t h e integration (86) and q plotted
vs. x2 on Fig. 19.

Inclination of the Force on the Bit

Formula (68) g i v e s the horizontal component F2
of the reaction of the bottom of the hole on t h e
F2 = c2pm
Substituting (19) into (16), the vertical component

5 i s found to be:

% = =Pm
T h e ratio of t h e s e two components i s equal t o
the inclination fl of the force on the bit:

C2 T

-= n


,6 = n mr

which is formula (10) u s e d previously.

T h e v a l u e s of c2m/r have been previously calculated for various v a l u e s of x2 (Table 2). T h e n
t h e inclination of the force on the bit coefficient n
i s calculated with equation (87) and plotted vs.
x2 on Fig. 16.

Force Applied by the Buckled Drilling String on the

Wall of the Hole
T h e r e a c t i o n F of t h e wall of the hole on the
buckled drilling s t r i n g i s equal to:
Substituting e q u a t i o n s (64) and (68) into t h i s l a s t
expression, w e obtain:

F =pr(c2~-cl~).
P ut:
f =

cm ~

~m -



F = fpr
which i s formula (5) used previously.
V a l u e s of c 2 m / r and ci m/r have been previously
c a l c u l a t e d for various v a l u e s of x2 ( T a b l e 2). T h e n
t h e coefficient f i s calculated with equation (88)
a n d plotted v s . x2 in Fig. 11.
By inspecting t h i s figure, we may s e e . that
- for

weight on the bit smaller than t h e critical v a l u e

= 1.94) f i s negative which means t h a t t h e p i p e
should be pulled toward the wall i n order t o b e
bent. F o r the critical v a l u e t h e pipe buckles, but
i t c o n t a c t s the w a l l with a force e q u a l to z e r o a t
the point of contact.
Influence of Hydrostatic Pressure on Buckling
Heferring again to Fig. 27, i t i s s e e n t h a t t h e
buoyancy i s e q u a l t o the vector sum of f o r c e s DE
and E F . T h e force EF i s proportional to t h e hydros t a t i c pressure. A s E F i s perpendicular t o t h e
s h e a r i n g force FG, t h e shearing force i s independ e n t of EF but d e p e n d s on DE. A s s t a t e d under
"Analytical Formulation of the Problem," t h e force
D E may be eliminated from our considerations by
replacing t h e weight C D by t h e force CE s u c h t h a t
t h e ratio of C D and D E is equal t o the r a t i o of
d e n s i t i e s of s t e e l a n d mud.
Consequently, t h e shearing force and, therefore,
a l l t h e buckling c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s a r e not dependent
on t h e compression EF which r e s u l t s from t h e
hydrostatic pressure, but they do depend on t h e
l o s s of weight DE of s t e e l i n t h e drilling fluid
which is a l s o a r e s u l t of hydrostatic pressure.
Influence of Pump Pressure on Buckling
I'he effect of buoyancy on buckling of the drilling
s t r i n g w a s e s t a b l i s h e d with a n assumption of a hyd r o s t a t i c distribution of pressure in the hole. A s
t h e mud i s actually circulating, a hydrodynanlic
distribution of pressure should be considered. A t
a n y d e p t h t h e pressure i s larger inside the drill
p i p e than in the annulus. L e t u s i n v e s t i g a t e t h e
influence, if any, of t h e high inside pressure o n the
buckling of a drilling string.
Imagine a hydrostatic s y s t e m b (Fig. 35) in which
t h e distribution of pressure would be the same as
in t h e hydrodynamic s y s t e m a. T h e s y s t e m a comp r i s e s the pump P, t h e drilling string D , t h e bit
n o z z l e s N, and t h e annulus A. T h e e q u i v a l e n t hy.
d r o s t a t i c s y s t e m b comprises a drilling s t r i n g D not
communicating on bottom with t h e a n n u l u s A. T h e
hydrostatic pressure i n c r e a s e s with depth. In t h e
hydrodynamic system t h i s i n c r e a s e i s s m a l l e r ins i d e the drilling- s t r i n -g and larger in t h e annulus
b e c a u s e of the l o s s of head due t o v i s c o u s or turbulent forces. Therefore, t h e drilling s t r i n g of t h e
equivalent hydrostatic s y s t e m should be filled with
a lighter drilling fluid; and, inversely, the annulus
should b e filled with a heavier one.
designate t h e d e n s i t y of 1.11e drilling fluid.
- AM
e s i g n a t e t h e drop of p r e s s u r e due t o v i s c o u s
OF turbulent f o r c e s per unit of length of t h e
drilling string.



d e s i g n a t e the drop of p r e s s u r e due t o v i s c o u s
or turbulent f o r c e s per unit of length of t h e
T h e d e n s i t i e s of fluids i n the equivalent hydro
s t a t i c system are:
AM p in t h e drilling string, and
AMt p1 in t h e annulus.*


Moreover, t h e pump p r e s s u r e of the hydrodynamic

system should be replaced by a n equivalent head
in the hydrostatic s y s t e m as shown on F i g . 35.
Consider the forces acting on a portion of t h e
drilling string between t h e bit and a n y c r o s s s e c tion iClN (Fig. 36). T h e reaction of t h e bottom of the
hole on t h e bit, the shearing force, a n d the compression (or tension) in the c r o s s s e c t i o n hlN a r e
similar t o t h o s e previously considered, but t h e
weights and buoyancies are different.
T h e force A i s the weight in air of t h e portion of
the string below h1N. T h e force R$ i s the buoyancy
acting on t h e portion of the s t r i n g below ,MN supposedly completely surrounded by t h e fluid, i.e.,
severed from the portion above h l h . T h e force K$
i s then equal to the weight of the fluid of apparent
density Ahf + pl , and of the volume equal t o t h e
volume of the portion of the s t r i n g located be104
,!IN, assuming that t h e s t r i n g i s not hollow.
W3 i s the force which must be added vectorially
t o F1 in order to obtain the true buoyancy, b e c a u s e
the fluidpressure a c t u a l l y d o e s not a c t o n the c r o s s
s e c t i o n ,l!N.
and IV3 i s
In other words, the sun1 of vectors
the resultant force a c t i n g on the portion of t h e
string below ICIN by t h e fluid.of the annulus.
Similarly, the resultant force a c t i n g on t h e portion of t h e string below MN by t h e fluid of the drilli n g s t r i n g i s t h e sum of vectors IT$ and &. K$ i s
equal to the weight o f t h e inside fluid located below
dlN and of apparent d e n s i t y e q u a l t o AM- P . W3
i s t h e pressure inside the drilling string a t illA'
multiplied by the inside cross-sectional area.
By reasoning similar t o that followed previously
when analyzing the influence of hydrostatic press u r e on buckling, we may s a y t h a t t h e compression
(or tension) in the string i s a function of W3 and I&.
T h e internal pressure i n c r e a s e s the t e n s i o n (or
d e c r e a s e s the compression) of the drilling string,
but the s h e a r i n g force in ,l!N and, consequently, t h e
buckling, a r e independent of If$ and ri b e c a u s e
, t h e s e f o r c e s a r e perpendicular t o t h e c r o s s s e c t i o n

A s far a s buckling i s concerned, we must con* T h e s e expressions and formula (90) following concern a system of c o n s ~ s t e n tu n ~ t s ,such a s pounds per c u b ~ cinch for
d e n s l t ~ e s and pounds per square inch per Inch for drops of
pressure p a u n ~ tlength.

Fig. 36
Intluence of Dr~lling-stringPressure Drop
on Buckling



2 10

s i d e r only t h e f o r c e s W, R', and W2. L e t u s cons i d e r U$ a s being e q u a l to the following sum:

W1 = WI1 +


wherein: fi' i s the weight of the fluid of apparent

d e n s i t y AM p, and of t h e volume equal t o t h e
volumeof t h e s t e e l below ;)IN; and &'I i s the weight
of the s a m e fluid and of a volunle equal t o t h e internal volume of t h e portion of the s t r i n g below MN.
T h e resultant of vertical weights and buoyancies
is then e q u a l to:

W - W l t W , = (W-W,')(W,"-W,)
T h e expression in t h e first p a r e n t h e s i s i s equal
t o the weight of s t e e l in fluid of apparent d e n s i t y
AM t pl T h e e x p r e s s i o n in the s e c o n d ~ a r e n t h e s i s
i s equal t o t h e difference of weights of the inside
volume Llled with fluids of apparent d e n s i t i e s e q u a l
t o AM t p1 and AM p respectively.

T h i s expression may be transformed a s follows:


+ W, = VsAsk


wherein: K and A, a r e the volume and d e n s i t y of

steel. and

whe'rein: D and d are t h e outside diameter and ins i d e diameter of the drilling string, respectively.
T h e meaning of t h e l a s t two e x p r e s s i o n s i s that
in t h i s investigation we should have considered t h e
v a l u e s of weight per foot of s t r i n g s multiplied by k;
and, consequently, t h e s e v a l u e s would have been
somewhat smaller.
T h e v a l u e s of drop of pressure p a n d p1 per unit
of length of pipe and annulus are a ~ a i l a b l e . T~ h e
v a l u e s of k were then calculated for a few t y p e s of
drill p i p e and drill c o l l a r s and for various r a t e s of
mud flow, and plotted on Fig. 21 and 22. T h e s e
figures were a n a l y z e d previously herein.

T h e author w i s h e s to thank t h e following:

E. E. Huebotter, of Baroid S a l e s Division, National L e a d Company, for having initiated t h i s
study by h i s questions.
J. T. Hayward, P. A. Wolff, V. M. Williams, and
T. .!\I P o t e e t of Barnsdall Oil Company, and J. J.
Arps and T. Gilmartin for helpful criticism a n d
Henry Schaefer and J. A. Muckleroy, of Stanolind
O i l and G a s Company, for help and advice in rev i s i n g t h i s paper following the API meeting a t
which i t w a s presented.
L. B. Wilder, of Stanolind Oil and G a s Company,

for help in t h e numerous computations.

Schlumberger Well Survey Corporation for useful
P h i l l i p s Petroleum Company, Carter O i l Company,
Magnolia Petroleum Company, a n d AndersonPrichard Oil Corporation for furnishing l o g s a n d
Mayborn, T. W: P r o l o n g n g Drill-pipe Life, D r r 11 r n g ,
6 [dl, February (1945).
Texter, H. G: Corrosion Fatigue of-Drill P i p e , D r I 11 r n g ,
5 [121, October (1944).
Crenshaw, Wm. H: Drill-pipe Failures, Dr r 11 r n g , 8 [5]
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Crenshaw, W. H; Bottoms, V. B; Wallace, C. N; and
O'Dell, C. R: Drill-pipe Failures, Inspection, and
Protection in t h e Permian Basin, Dr r 1 1 r n g a n d P r o d u c t c o n P r a c t r c e , 247 (1948).
Thompson, A. W. and Texter, H. G: Field T e s t s on Hejected Drill P i p e , Dr r l l r n g a n d P r o d u c t r o n p r a c t a c e ,
8 7 (1948).
Graser, F . A: T h e Fundamental Mechanics of Directional
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Wilson, Gilbert hl: Locating Critical Point of Stuck P i p e
or Casing, T h e 0 11 W e e k l y , 126 [I], June 2 (1947).
Lloyd, W. S: Surface Preparation and Drill-pipe F a t i g u e
Failures, T h e o r 1 W e e k l y , 124 [2], Dec. 9 (1946).
Maln, Walter C: Detection of Incipient Drlll-pipe Failures, D r r 1 1 r n g a n d P r o d u c t t o n P r a c t l e e , 89-102
( 1949).
RlcMaster, Robert C: Prevention of Drill-string F a i l u r e s
in the Permian Basin, W o r l d obi (published in 2 parts)
Part 1, 127 [131, April (1948); Part 2, 128 [I], May
Cavanagh, R. L: Non-destructive T e s t i n g of Drill P i p e ,
T h e O r 1 W e e k l y , 125 [2], March 10 (1947).
Martrn, Philip W: Magnetic Device Measures S t r e s s on
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Main, Walter C: Controlled Vertlcal Drilling, W o r l d 0 11 ,
128 [13], April (1949).


Guarin, P. L; Arnold, H. E; Harpst, W. E; and Davis,

E . E: Rotary P e r c u s s i o n Drilling, Dr r 11 r n g a n d P r a d u c t r o n P r a c t ~ c e ,112 (1949).

Grant, R. S. and Texter, H. G: C a u s e s and Prevention

of Drill-pipe and Tool-joint Troubles, Dr r 11 r n g a n d P r o d u c t r o n p r a c t r c e , 9 (1941); revised by H. G. Texter and
S. C. Moore, W o r l d O r 1 (published in 5 arts) Part 1,
128 [6], 79, Oct. (1948); P a r t 2, 128 [ I T , 124, Nov.
(1948); Part 3, 128 [8], 100, Dec. (1948); P a r t 4, 128 191,
90, 92, 96, 100, 102, 104, Jan. (1949); Part 5 , 128 [lo],
96, 97, 100-102, 104, Feb. (1949).

Wayward, John T : Methods of Determining How Much

of a Frozen or Cemented Colunln of P i p e i s Free, Dr I 1 1
r n g a n d P r o d u c t r o n P r a c t r c e , 16 (1935).

Hawkins, Murray F . and Lamont, Norman: T h e Analy-

s ~ of
s Axlal S t r e s s e s in Drill Stems, Dr I 1 1 r n g a n d P r o d u c t r o n p r a c t r c e , 358 (1949).

Handleman, G. H : Buckling under Lpcally Hydrostatic

P r e s s l ~ r e , J. App. M e c h a n ~ c s , 13 [3], Sept. (1946).


Nolley, J. P; Cannon, George E; and Ragland, Douglas:

T h e R e l a t i o n of N o z z l e Fluid Velocity t o R a t e of p e n e tratlon with Drag-type Rotary B i t s , D r r l l r n g a n d P r o duct ton Practrce,

23 (1948).

' ~ i m o s h e n k o , ~ : T h e o r yo f ElastrcStabrIrtY,McGrawHill Book Co., Inc., New York, 1936.


Karman, T. V. and Blot, M. A: M a t h e n a t r c a l M e t h o d s

rn E n g r n e e r r n g , McGraw-Hill Book Co., Inc., New York,


Bowman, F: I n t r o d u c t r o n t o B e s s e l F u n c t ~ o n s .
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Gray, Andrew and Mathews, G. B: A T r e a t r s e o n B e s -




Therr Applrcatrons

to Physrcs,

McMillan S; Co., Ltd., London, 1925.


Tables o f Ressel Functrons of Fractronal Orders.

prepared by t h e Computation Laboratory of t h e National

Applied Mathematics L a b o r a t o r i e s , National Bureau of
Standards, Columbia U n i v e r s ~ t yP r e s s , New York, 1948,

VoI. I; 1949, VoI. 11.


E. E. Huebotter (Baroid S a l e s Division, National

L e a d Company, Tulsa): T h e paper by Rlr. Lubinski
will undoubtedly s t a n d a s a milestone in a study
which h a s been in progress for t h e p a s t 5 years,
viz., investigating the action of t h a t portion of the
rotary drilling s t r i n g in compression while drilling.
A recent investigation undertaken in an a c t i v e oil
field revealed that, a t times, a s much a s 30,000 Ib
of the s h a l e formations penetrated were s u s p e n d e d
in the drilling fluid e a c h d a y while drilling. Cons i d e r i n g t h e f a c t that the bit in t h e s e i n s t a n c e s w a s
not drilling in the s h a l e formations under consideration, t h e rapid r a t e of suspension, for t h e m'ost
part, can be reasonably attributed to the a c t i o n of
the compressed portion of the drilling string a g a i n s t
the e x p o s e d s h a l e formations.
T h e mechanism by which the s h a l e formations
penetrated are ground into s u s p e n s i o n in the drilling
fluids being u s e d h a s been considered only by a
simple approach in t h e p a s t , with few refinements
until now. Mr. L u b i n s k i i s t o b e congratulated for
developing a most thorough approach to t h e theory
underlying the buckling of drilling s t r i n g s in compression; thereby possibly more p r e c i s e l y accounting for their grinding action upon bore holes, and
s u g g e s t i n g m e a s u r e s to minimize t h i s action.
T h e high maintenance c o s t s of many of the present-day drilling fluids are a direct r e s u l t of t h e
d a i l y grinding of large amounts of s h a l e , etc. from
penetrated formations into s u s p e n s i o n in the drillfluid by drilling s t r i n g s rotated in compression.
T h i s c a u s e s increased drilling-fluid weight, visc o s i t y , g e l strength, and, frequently, filter l o s s e s
beyond permissible limits. Such s u s p e n d e d s o l i d s
must be diluted with water, q u a n t i t i e s of which on

o c c a s i o n reach v a l u e s exceeding 400 bbl in a sing l e day. Average daily r a t e s of water addition of
100 t o 250 bbl t o maintain t h e suspended s o l i d s in
a drilling fluid a t a workable value i s not a t a l l unusual. E a c h barrel of water s o added t o t h e drillingfluid s y s t e m ~ r o d u c e sa barrel or more of new drillfluid which must be treated t o maintain t h e propert i e s desired, thereby obviously gearing drillingfluid maintenance c o s t s to daily make-up water additions. Inasmuch 9s t h e introduction of a certain
quantity of s h a l e s o l i d s into t h e drilling-fluid s y s tem requires a specific volume of water dilution to
maintain a prescribed drilling-fluid weight, greater
bit penetration p e r barrel of water added, reflected
in lower mud-maintenance c o s t s per foot of drilled
hole, c a n be realized if the grinding action of the
drilling string can b e minimized.

,J. L. Holmquist (Spang-Chalfant Div. of the National Supply Company, Ambridge, Pa.) (written)*:
T h e paper by Arthur Lubinski i s a valuable and
welcome addition t o the technical literature on
drilling strings.
A p h a s e of t h e problem in which we are e s p e c i a l l y interested i s t h e s t r e s s in the drill p i p e when a
considerable length of drill pipe i s in compression
b e c a u s e of weight on t h e bit and high-order buckling
o c c u r s in consequence. An extension of the r e s u l t s
t o higher buckling orders would be of considerable
With regard t o t h e reverse bending s t r e s s which
drill pipe can withstand without failure by fatigue,
in the p r e s e n c e of a corrosive environment s u c h a s
water-base drilling mud, t h i s s t r e s s c a n be of a
surprisingly low level. From various d a t a which
h a v e come to our attention, we judge that t h e maximum permissible s t r e s s i s likely t o l i e in t h e range
of 10,000 t o 15,000 psi.
Mr. L u b i n s k i h a s treated the subject in a n admirably rigorous and competent manner. We expect
t o have many o c c a s i o n s t o refer t o t h i s paper i n
the future.
Howard G. T e x t e r (Spang-Chalfant Div. of T h e
National Supply Compan y, T u l s a ) (written): I am
quite impressed with Rlr. Lubinski's c a l c u l a t i o n s of
the critical l e n g t h s of s t a n d s of pipe or c o l l a r s
vertically s t a c k e d in a derrick. H i s figure of 1 2 7 ft
for 4%-in. 16.60-lb drill pipe i s well borne out by
study of complaints which we sometimes receive
when t r e b l e s of Range 3, 4%-in. pipe are s t a c k e d ;
and when a s i n g l e s t a n d g e t s away from the derrick
man and s e t t l e s itself into a buckle which perma'Presented by H o w a r d G. Texter, Spang-Chalfant Dlv. of T h e
Katlonal Supply C o m p a n y , Tulsa.



nently bends one of t h e lengths. In t h e s e c a s e s the

critical length h a s been exceeded by just a few
feet inasmuch a s 3 l e n g t h s of Range 3 pipe, p l u s
the tool joints, i s in t h e nature o f 1 3 0 ft. T h e complaint i s , of course, that the pipe i s "soft"; but
the truth of t h e matter i s that the critical length
h a s been exceeded b e c a u s e t h e derrick man failed
to p l a c e the s t a n d s o that i t r e s t e d a g a i n s t the intermedi a t e supporting point.
I should like to emphasize R'lr. Lubinski's conclusions; viz., "If the weight on the bit i s no larger
than the weight of drill collars, t h e order of buckling
i s low; and, therefore, even in caved holes t h e
s t r e s s e s in s t e e l are low. If t h e same weight i s
carried with too few drill collars, the order of
buckling becomes high; and the s t e e l niay be subjected to reversing s t r e s s e s o f 20,000 p s i or more,
even in c a v e s of smaller diameters. T h i s i s t h e
reason for the occurrence of fatigue f a i l u r e s when
the number of drill c o l l a r s i s too snlall."
I would point out that t h i s i s particularly true
where corrosion fatigue i s involved, a s in drilling
the "salt string9' h o l e s of West T e x a s . In corrosive
media there can be no true endurance-limit s t r e s s
figure and i t i s my opinion, from observation of field
troubles, that fatigue failures can and do occur
when t h e s t r e s s e s from buckling are kept a s low a s
10,000 t o 15,000 psi, a s mentioned by Holmquist,
or p o s s i b l y e v e n lower. T h i s partly explains, then,
t h e occurrence of corrosion-fatigue failures of drill
pipe e v e n where there s e e m s to be an adequate
number of drill collars. I s a y "partly explains"
because I s u s p e c t that bending s t r e s s e s from c a u s e s
other than buckling s o n ~ e t i n l e s may be involved;
e.g., whipping of t h e drill pipe from certain critical
s p e e d s of rotation.
A s the author s t a t e s , i t i s quite surprising that
the inclination of the force on the bit i s smaller for
buckling of the s e c o n d order a s compared to buckling of the first order. I, for one, would never h a v e
dreamed of s u c h a thing. P o s s i b l y t h i s e x p l a i n s the
more s u c c e s s f u l operation of some contractors whose
p r a c t i c e s h a v e not seemed in accord with the accepte d relation of weight on the bit to s t r a i g h t n e s s of hole.
I am p l e a s e d t o note Rlr. Lubinski's conclusion
t h a t hydrostatic p r e s s u r e of the mud fluid in a well
h a s no effect on buckling and fatigue. With that I
am heartily in accord.
I do not s e e how anyone could p o s s i b l y t a k e exception to the very clearly and s u c c i n c t l y worded
conclusions. T o me t h e y s e e m almost self-evident
after following rhrough t h e r e a s o n i n g i n t h e body of
t h e paper. I am very glad t o have s u c h a complete
a n a l y s i s of t h e f a c t o r s involved in the buckling of
rotary drilling strings. I t will help me imnieasurably

in my never-ending study of a c t u a l drill-pipe a n d

drill-collar failures.

W. S. Crake (Shell Oil Company, Houston) (written): At t h e o u t s e t , t h e d i s c u s s e r w i s h e s t o congratulate Rlr. Lubinski on t h i s paper, which d e v e l o p s
the theory of the problem and a l s o s u g g e s t s some
p r a c t i c a l a p p l i c a t i o n s of h i s work to rotary drilling.
Although t h o s e who have had to wrestle with t h e
practical problem in t h e p a s t have Known t h a t
buckling took place in about t h e s h a p e s proved by
t h e author, t h i s is t h e first time t o t h e writer's
knowledge that a clear picture h a s been presented;
and, naturally, about a s many q u e s t i o n s a r i s e a s
a n s w e r s a r e given.
In the first place, inasmuch a s good drilling pract i c e requires, and t h i s paper p r o v e s clearly, t h a t
t h e neutral point must be contained within t h e drillcollar string t o avoid s e r i o u s trouble, the d i s c u s s e r
p r o p o s e s to n e g l e c t d i s c u s s i o n on drill p i p e e x c e p t
a s follows:
While t h e paper t r e a t s both the drill-pipe and
drill-collar s e c t i o n s as uniform wall tubes,. what i s
the effect of, first, interposing a tool joint of heavy
s e c t i o n modulus (over 1 0 0 percent joint efficiency)
every 3 0 ft on the drill pipe? Second, what i s t h e
effect on drill collars, with a joint efficiency of
about 65 percent and a lighter equivalent s e c t i o n
nlodulus every 3 0 ft?
I t a p p e a r s that a weak s e c t i o n a t drill-collar
joints would tend to hold maximum buckling deflection a t the joint over quite a wide range of loading,
and t h i s may be a c a u s e of premature fatigue of
j o i n t s if drilling i s carried on for long under t h e s e
conditions. Therefore, i t a p p e a r s to b e d e s i r a b l e to
determine l o a d s which would c a u s e maximum deflection by s e c o n d or third order buckling to fall
between drill-collar joints. I t i s r e a l i z e d 'that other
vibrational s t r e s s e s in the string, both vertical and
horizontal, would c a u s e v e r t i c a l shifting of the
point of maximum deflection. T h i s may be helped
by s r e a d y feed r a t e s , automatic bit-weight control,
and s t e a d y rotational s p e e d s .
While t h e s t r e s s e s shown on Fig;. 14 for 6!4-in.
drill c o l l a r s s e e m low, t h e i n ~ p o r t a n tquestion i s
what are t h e pin s t r e s s e s on connections when
first, s e c o n d , third, and other order deflections are
centered a t the made-up joint?" I t i s felt t h a t some
r e s e a r c h on t h i s question would follow, now that
maximum deflection and use i s e s t a b l i s h e d by this
p a p e r for t h e various orders of buckling.
With regard to crooked hole, a number of intere s t i n g thoughts are provoked.
F i r s t , i t should be simple t o locate drill-collar
supports, o r ' s t a b i l i z e r s , c l o s e enough t o the bit s o


t h a t t h e collar between bit and s t a b i l i z e r s becomes
a short column and almost unaffected in buckling by
t h e l o a d s imposed. T h i s would follow surface machine drilling which u s e s a s t a b i l i z e r immediately
above the bit, and often another a short d i s t a n c e
behind if the drill bar i s long and slender.
Second, as d i s c u s s e d in the paper, if the vertical
deflection plane of the drill collar a t the first buckle
from the bottom r o t a t e s with t h e pipe, t h e bit trying
t o g o crooked a t a l l 360 deg of rotation i s hardly
more likely to cause"crooked hole" than with light
weight. If, however, the deflection plane s t a y s a t
one point on t h e c i r c l e and d o e s not rotate, the bit
i s perfectly whipstocked usually in the natural direction t h e hole would tend t o deviate. T h i s follows the known method of making a hole sidetrack,
by using a "limber joint" i n ~ m e d i a t e l yabove t h e
P e c u l i a r l y enough, truly aligned a n d perfectly
balanced collars having a uniform r e s i s t a n c e to
bending around t h e pipe a x i s would probably tend
to c a u s e t h e deflection plane to s t a n d s t i l l a n d
c a u s e crooked hole; whereas out-of-balance o r misaligned collars would tend t o have the plane rotate
because the natural "kink" of poor c o l l a r s a t t h e
w e a k e s t s e c t i o n would hold t h e position of the kink
and make i t s plane rotate.
One final point i s t h a t the investigation h a s very
significant bearing on t h e action of c a s i n g when
"floating" into the hole, a l s o drill-stem t e s t i n g and
tubing operations when running empty pipe. I t certainly e x p l a i n s inability t o g e t long, close-cleara n c e t o o l s into pipe, t h e bottom end o f w h i c h i s
pushed up in column loading. T h i s effect, t o a major
or minor extent, may be s e r i o u s when s e t t i n g c a s i n g
and bleeding off c a s i n g pressure a t the s u r f a c e before cement s e t h a s t a k e n place. T h i s action c a n
sause s e r i o u s kinks in c a s i n g s t r i n g s in washed-out
s e c t i o n s if long columns of cement a r e allowed to
push up" on the float s h o e s and c o l l a r s without
a n e q u a l internal pressure load holding the p i p e out
of compression from bottom.
Xlr. Lubinski: T h e author a g r e e s with hlr. Holmt o higher
quist that the extension of the
buckling orders would be of considerable interest.
It should, however, be well understood that t h i s investigation i s a s t a t i c study of buckling in O n e
plane. T h e presence of s t r e s s e s due to torque,
when the pipe i s rotated, probably brings
change to the s w i n g s u b j e c t e d t o the first order
buckling. On t h e other hand, i t i s very probable
t h a t t h i s change i n c r e a s e s with t h e number of buckl e s and that, for high order of buckling, t h e buckled
curve r e s e m b l e s more a helix than a plane curve.


Consequently, another approach should be used to

investigate high orders of buckling of drilling
strings. Probably some experimental approach to
the problem would be t h e best. Theoretical considerations would b e u s e d only for extension of
r e s u l t s from t h e model to t h e a c t u a l s t r i n g s or from
one s i z e of pipe to another.
T h e kformation given both by Mr. T e x t e r and Rlr.
Holmquist, viz., that in corrosive media the reversing s t r e s s e s should be kept a s low a s 10,000 to
15,000 p s i , i s very valuable. Some o t h e r d a t a have
s i n c e been published which confirm t h i s opinion.*
Mr. Crake r a i s e d the question of t h e influence of
connections between joints of drill pipe or drill
c o l l a r s on t h e s t r e s s e s . T h e length of one connection i s s h o r t as compared t o a 30-ft joint of pipe or
a drill collar. Consequently, t h e influence of a connection on t h e p i p e or on t h e drill collar i s negligible a t some d i s t a n c e frorn t h e connection. On t h e
other hand, the s t r e s s e s in the immediate vicinity
of t h e connection or in the connection itself are
not known; t h e s e s t r e s s e s perhaps might b e determined by p hoto-elastic study of models.
I t would certainly be useful to drill with a weight
on the bit for which large v a l u e s of bending moments occur somewhere in t h e middle portion of a
drill collar, and not near a connection between two
drill collars. T h i s might be p o s s i b l e only if the
portion of the string a t which t h e bendingmome!t
i s large is much shorter than 3 0 ft, which, unfortunately, i s not the c a s e . Inspection of curves 1A
and 3A of Fig. 7 s h o w s t h a t t h e lengths for which
the bending moment i s larger than 7 5 percent of i t s
maximum value a r e a s follows:

Buckling of the first order (curves 1 and IA):

1.2 diniensionless units, or about 70 ft for 6!d-in.
drill collars.

Buckling of the second order (curves 3 and 3A):

1 dimensionless unit, or about 58 f t for 6!C-in.
drill collars.
Consequently, the bending moment is n e c e s s a r i l y
tquite large in a t l e a s t two connections for buckling
of the first and s e c o n d order.
h t . C r a k e s u g g e s t s u s e of s t a b i l i z e r s c l o s e
enough to the bit s o that the collar between the bit
and s t a b i l i z e r s becomes a s h o r t column and almost
unaffected in buckling by the l o a d s imposed. In
fact, this collar would be practically straight, but
the lateral forces on t h e s t a b i l i z e r and on t h e bit
would not be nil and, consequently, a straight hole
would not be drilled. T h e author thinks t h a t Rlr.
Crake's suggestion of using s t a b i l i z e r s should be
Dr I l i lng, 11


equlrernents o t DTIII p l p e ,
23-25, 109, M ~ ~ C (1950).




2 14


modified. The stabilizers should be used not close

to the bit, but a t the points of maximum deflection
of the buckled drilling string. Thus, after stabilizing, there would be no lateral forces either on

the stabilizer or on the bit.

T h e author agrees with Mr. Crake that the difficulty which i s sometimes encountered in floating a n
empty casing into the hole i s due to buckling.

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