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Anti collision system for trains

These days a number of new systems are invented to evade the train collisions. T
his project is one such way to confine the train collisions. In this project, th
e microcontroller is united with the GPS modem, GSM modem or cellular phone. GPS
modem will discover the current locations of the train through satellite. The k
eyboard & display screen are also used with the controller for the convenience o
f the user. GSM cell phone is employed to provide appropriate information via SM
S to the drivers of the train as well as to the controlling booths. With the hel
p of this project, the train drivers can obtain apt signal information and the c
ollisions can be evaded. In this project microcontroller is attached with a disp
lay (LCD screen), Keyboard, Memory card and a GPS recipient. Particular train ha
ve GPS recipient with a microcontroller together with a GSM Mobile or Modem.
4. Intelligent load shedding using GSM
Integrating automatic system in each & every machine is very much required as it
helps in saving lot of time spent on it. In production units where a control is
maintained over the usage of power i.e. below the predetermined maximum demand,
there it is a big hitch. If the predetermined maximum usage go beyond then the
production units have to give a penalty to the electricity department. Therefore
an automation method is necessary to work out the problem. The max demand is de
fine as the product of the current and the voltage that has been used by the loa
ds. The significance of the max demand fluctuates for diverse sub-stations depen
ding upon the load. The collective maximum demand is the instant average value o
f max demand. In this project, microcontroller is connected with a GSM Modem & R
TC. For the convenience of user LCD screen is also connected with the microcontr
oller. Hence, the critical and non-critical loads are coupled through relay
5. Tongue Motion Controlled Wheel Chair
7. GSM Autonomous CAR Parking
GSM Based CAR Parking System
GSM Based CAR Parking System
In this project of car parking system , the entrance of the car is noticed autom
atically and the entrance of the parking is open for the automobile vehicle. The
Car s number is acknowledged by image development and later the billing is done a
ccording to the number of hours car was parked. RF & IR technology is used for o
bject s movement detection at the entrance door and also for data transmission. Th
is car parking project has three sections. First one is located at the entrance
of the parking gate. The next module is positioned in the parking floor. The las
t one is located at the billing division.

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