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Harta genetica a tuturor bebelusilor va transforma medicina preventiva

Fiecare bebelus nascut in urmatorul deceniu va avea codul genetic trasat si arhivat inca
de la nastere, sustine seful celei mai importante companii de cercetare in domeniul
genomului uman.
Intocmirea unei scheme complete a ADN-ului pentru fiecare nou-nascut este o tehnica ce va
deveni posibila si accesibila in mai putin de cinci ani, promitand o revolutie in domeniul sanatatii,
sustine Jay Flatley, director executiv la Illumina, scrie The Times.
Era "secventelor genomului" pentru toti va putea fi amanata doar de chestiuni de ordin social si
legal. Pana in 2019 va deveni rutina stabilirea hartei generice a bebelusilor, chiar la nastere,
spune Flatley.
Prin aceasta masura se deschide o noua abordare pentru medicina, in care conditii precum
diabetul si bolile coronariere pot fi prevazute si tratate mai sigur si mai eficient.
Poiectul Human Genome, care a publicat prima secventa in mare a codului genetic al omenirii in
2001, a costat 4 miliarde de dolari. Pana cand oamenii de stiinta James Watson si Craig Venter
si-au intocmit harta genetica anul trecut, costul a scazut la 1 milion de dolari.
Illumina se pregateste sa lanseze un serviciu mult mai ieftin de trasare a hartii genetice pentru
doritori, care ar putea costa intre 10.000-20.000 de dolari.
Flatley spera insa ca progresele tehnologice vor cobori pretul pana la 1.000 de dolari in urmatorii
trei-cinci ani.

Wear and Tear: DNA Errors. The varying factors that affect DNA.
When DNA strands are copied, errors may occur. Certain enzymes can correct these problems
by carving out the damaged segments of DNA, while others replace them.
Free radicals are not the only offenders that alter DNA. Sunlight and toxic substances, such as
tobacco and environmental toxins, can also cause damage. And errors can occur during
transcription, which is the process of uncoiling and copying one of the double strands of DNA in
the course of cell division. Such alterations and errors may later repeat and accumulate as cells
split again and again. It's the job of certain enzymes to fix these problems swiftly by carving out
damaged segments of DNA. Still other enzymes replace the damaged segments.
Life span in animals is linked to the ability to swiftly and efficiently repair DNA. Humans have
developed better systems for ironing out glitches than mice, for example, and our life span is
correspondingly longer. Scientists who focus on DNA repair have found a triage system in place.
Cells concentrate on repairing active genes and the strand of DNA that gets transcribed before

any resources go elsewhere. This knowledge may lead to ways to step up and expand the repair
From the Harvard Health Publications Special Health Report, Living Better, Living Longer.
Copyright 2001 by President and Fellows of Harvard College. All rights reserved.

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