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Potential Within - Introduction

The Power of the Atom

Author: Prof. Franco Cavaleri

Hiroshima. In 1945 atomic power levelled an entire city in seconds. Life on

earth was changed forever without warning or discretion. Although many
people believe the deployment of this innovation was justified to end
World War II expeditiously, it was far from a display of harnessed might.
It was more like a juvenile experiment let loose with an insidious anticipation
of the unknown. Still, to this day, our understanding of atomic energy
is based on the theory of atomic construction. No one has actually seen the
components making up the atom; we’ve merely measured the energy
dynamics that signify their existence and interaction.

The atom bomb is a crude invention of the human intellect pretending to

comprehend the power of the atom—the stitch that constitutes the fabric of
the universe and everything in it, including humanity. Imagine that a metal
frying pan, the gold ring on a finger, the diamond in that ring, the glass in
a window, the wood of a tall cedar, living flesh and blood, and the bomb that
destroyed Hiroshima are all made of the same fundamental unit of matter—
the atom. The only measure that differentiates the various atoms of one
form of matter and another is the distinct pattern of energy each harnesses.
You and I have the ability to extract the energy potential of the atom
to power our existence. The power of the atomic bomb is the same potential
that fuels our cells, though our bodies are able to harness and direct it better.
The relatively lifeless materials of our world don’t possess this ability as
we experience it, but the potential still pulsates with bounding life deep
within the core of the atomic building block. The extraction of this potential
within the animate system requires precise activity, which we explain in
terms of chemistry, molecules, co-factors, catalysts (reaction facilitators),
minerals, and vitamins. The potential that’s packed within ourselves,
within our genetic codes, within our atomic embodiment, is far beyond
what most of us can fathom. The notion that man can change the nature
of nourishment, thus altering the cell’s ability to extract atomic potential,
is absurd. Not only do we not have the intellectual capability to under-stand
the true nature of the atom but we don’t possess the insight into the
dynamic of nutrition that encompasses the biochemistry or bioenergy of
human life.

A minute deviation from this meticulous biochemical design impairs

our ability to derive the full potential from within the atom, taking the
animate flesh and blood one step closer to the energetic state of the lifeless
dust that constitutes our being. This is the essence of nutrient deficiency,
and it’s not an all-or-nothing occurrence. Nourishment delivers a dose-dependent
potential for life, with optimal nutritional states promoting
maximum vitality, while anything less than paramount nutrient status
results in a dose-related lower state of vitality. In other words, our levels
of vitality depend almost exclusively on our bodies’ nutrient statuses.
Every mouthful of food evokes a hormonal cascade that permeates the
body, affecting each molecule. The right food choices provide a healthy
hormonal wave on which we can ride to enhanced vitality. The wrong
selections prompt a bioenergetic rippling much like the disruptions of a
glassy stone by a stone tossed into its center. Manhandling of the food
supply and environment has resulted in catastrophic consequences. In
essence it provokes a rippling interruption of cellular chemistry, interfering
with the delicate dynamic of body and mind. Ageless Performance, the dietary
and nutritional program detailed in this book, gets this biochemistry flowing
in the right direction again. It shifts our metabolisms so that they work
with us toward our goals, taking the battle out of disease prevention and
therapy and elevating performance potential to completely new levels.
Ageless Performance kick-starts the bio-energetic state, making it vibrate
with harnessed atomic power.

The biochemistry of our nourishment was crafted over millions of

years of evolutionary design. In terms of the evolutionary timeline, we’ve
changed this carefully proportioned food chemistry in the blink of an eye
with processing. Our genetic designs require specialized dietary influences
that come from whole nourishment. In essence, whole-food chemistry acts
as programming for the human genome system. Our hormonal works, as
well, depend tremendously on whole food’s biochemical language, which
also regulates its activity.

What we’ve done by transforming the language of this nutrient chemistry

is to create an inflection point in the evolution of humanity—a shift in
the internal biochemistry of human life. This shift cultivates a sort of
weeding process—natural selection, survival of the fittest, a process
designed to choose the genetic strains of life that will tolerate the new
environmental standard.

The result of this powerful inflection point is the overwhelming escala-tion

of disease and death whose vastness we’re just beginning to grapple
with. Every bite of this newly designed food chemistry evokes a foreign
cascade of hormones that we try to survive. Few of us are genetically pre-pared
to tolerate this new biochemistry, and if it weren’t for our incredible
medical advances, which have helped us limp along in these compromised
conditions, even fewer of us would be here today.

There is hope, however. Ageless Performance can offset this biochemical

shift of nourishment. That’s right—it modifies genetic activity to help
reestablish the body’s natural biochemical performance. Taking back our
health requires feeding the body many of the biochemical influences that
directed its evolution, and the same is so if maximum physical and mental
performance is desired. The first step toward this state is to return to
whole foods as the major source of nourishment. These foods closely
resemble the biochemical profiles that dictated our genetic designs. The
second step is to compensate for the proven shortfalls of today’s whole
foods and those produced by an unnatural degree of environmental toxicity.
The evidence in this book validating these strategies will overwhelm you
with enthusiasm as you begin to realize that by applying this science you
can control your health and level of performance.

Recent research has revealed that many of our common nutrients find
their way into our genetic codes to stimulate or inhibit specific genes that
are involved in the construction and maintenance of hormones, tissues,
neurotransmitters, and entire biological systems. This activity permeates
much deeper than the simple action of enzymes and mitochondria (the
powerhouse of every cell in the body that generates adenosine triphosphate,
or ATP). These recent findings indicate that common vitamins like C play a
role in gene regulation, and a limitation of this vitamin results in the failure
of a gene to partake in its biological role. This activity wasn’t known only a
few years ago.

Many other similar models have been unveiled. We’ve found that free
radicals play a role in gene regulation, as well, and that antioxidants, which
counter uncontrolled free-radical activity, are important gene regulators.
Imagine that—we can actually take an active part in the regulation of our
genes by modifying our diets and augmenting our dietary nutrient intakes
with a strategic nutritional supplement program. It’s not science fiction; it’s
scientific fact. The latest research has revealed how we can use specialized
nutrients to activate genes that may have become dormant with age.
This amazing activation has been shown to prevent and even reverse
diseases as serious as cancer, diabetes, and chronic inflammation. It has
literally put a new face on medicine, health care, prevention, and athletic
performance. This new age has brought nutraceuticals and the natural
health industry to a new level of credibility. In fact, the synergy of
nutraceutical and pharmaceutical care, which is irrefutably demonstrated
in this book, will be the new wave of effective therapy.

I’ve seen the results of nutrient-induced gene activation and gene inhi-bition
in the laboratory and in those outside the laboratory who have
consulted me. I’ve witnessed firsthand, in vivo, in vitro, through personal
and client trials and tribulations, the onslaught of toxicity that can so easily
and inexpensively be intercepted to prevent terminal disease. Diabetes is
terminal. Most diseases, although not viewed as terminal, reduce life span.
Just because the process of dying that a diabetic experiences may be slower
than that of an individual with liver cancer doesn’t change the fact that
diabetes causes death. But most cases of Type II diabetes are easily curable.
The disease is only terminal because most of us choose the type of health
care that allows secondary diseases to develop without opposition.
The medical practitioners who previously scoffed at these claims were
mesmerized without comment when the program prompted, in mere weeks,
the result they battled for years to deliver to their patients. The result I’m
referring to is the reestablishment of cellular responsiveness to natural
secretions of insulin in Type II diabetics—complete reversal of the disease.
The same thing happened when I recovered completely from severe ulcer-ative
colitis without any residual trace.

How was it done? In the case of diabetes it was accomplished by adminis-tering

the right mix of nutraceuticals that activates the genes responsible for
the manufacture of the cell membrane’s glucose-transport sites. This activity
literally rejuvenates the cell with respect to insulin function and, conse-quently,
turns back the biological clock because any state of insulin
resistance, even one that’s prediabetic, accelerates biological aging. Keep
in mind that this innovation is not at all like insulin compensation such
as metformin, which might be required indefinitely.

Ulcerative colitis is more difficult to overcome and requires a more

comprehensive program, something we’ll see in subsequent pages. The point
is that a state of disease can be reversed. However, Ageless Performance
isn’t just limited to rectifying diabetes and ulcerative colitis. It’s aimed at
the biochemical correction of the cellular problem that’s at the root of many
diseases. The chemistry of inflammation is one of these common disease-promoting
denominators, and producing a sort of anti-inflammatory environ-ment
in the body is a key preventive tactic. It’s not so much that Ageless
Performance induces an anti-inflammatory hormonal cascade; more
accurately, the program corrects the cells’ chemistry to create a neural state
of non-inflammatory activity. Processed, refined foods, which tend to be
insulin-straining, promote an inflammatory hormonal cascade that
Ageless Performance blocks and reverses.

The solutions I’m referring to are the consequences of a complex science

and relate to multiple disorders, including cardiovascular disease, chronic
inflammation, dementia, asthma, and more. The simple administration of
precise mixes and doses of nutraceuticals and, of course, mild dietary
changes, result in profound shifts in health. This book teaches how this
can be accomplished. You’ll also learn how this science can be applied to
maximize athletic-performance potential and to shed, with ease, unwanted
pounds. It’s truly an exciting time—new-age medicine and a new standard
for sports performance.

We all have the ability to extract and focus this power any way we choose.
Most of us don’t know that this possibility exists within us and therefore will
never experience true human potential. Some of us are aware that we’re
filled with potential from the day we’re born, but we don’t know how to
tap into it. Ageless Performance is designed to help release this power in a
controlled manner to fuel cellular chemistry and navigate its course along
the path it was designed to take.

Diseases such as dementia and other cognitive disorders; arthritis, colitis,

and other inflammatory conditions; cardiovascular illnesses such as hyper-tension
and hypercholesterolemia; and asthma, diabetes, osteoporosis,
obesity, even aging are all caused and propagated by common factors. These
disorders can be treated easily in one clean sweep by rectifying the cause
instead of applying drug compensation for each ailment. Biochemical
correction is a more logical solution. Human life was designed with a host
of intrinsic genetic miracles that are geared to support life. Disease isn’t a
natural state. We’ve created it by adulterating our environment and our
precisely formulated nourishment, thus polluting the chemistry of life,
hindering the flow of energy within ourselves, and thwarting our ability
to liberate the miracles that lie deep within our genetic codes. Ageless
Performance prepares the way for the resurrection of our inherent gift of
healing, recovery, performance, and life.

Most of us have heard about the frail woman who lifted the back end
of a crumpled car to save the life of her gasping child. This potential didn’t
come from an external source. The power came from within. The uninhibited
mind of that frail woman was able to dig deep into her atomic core, which
embodies humanity and its genetic codes, to focus this harnessed might.
We’ve inhibited this potential through mental, emotional, environmental,
and food-borne toxicity. Extraction of this potential is next to impossible
unless we free ourselves of these inhibitions.

In the face of a life-or-death ordeal few inhibiting factors are profound

enough to interfere with the mind’s impermeable focus. Because of the
toxicity we’ve imposed on ourselves, it takes an extreme experience to
overcome toxic interference. However, if we can accept that this atomic
power is real, we can empower our minds to activate this potential day after
day. Once we’ve released ourselves from self-imposed mental bindings,
the next step is to neutralize the free-radical interference that also impede
the resurrection of this harnessed power for healing, prevention, and athletic
performance, propelling us farther along the road to experiencing a pro-grammed
state of well-being.

Ageless Performance is about clearing the mind and guiding the way to
the potential within. Ageless Performance is about neutralizing the chemistry
that interferes with our genetic programming. Ageless Performance activates
the path to biological self-sufficiency so that the body, mind, and soul can
function in harmonized synergy to perform according to an evolutionary
design programmed for vigorous life, not disease or death.


The research-documented evidence in this book conveys how our environ-ment

has influenced gene expression (activity) in a way that throws off
endocrine-hormone balance (insulin, thyroxin, and sex hormones) as well
as eicosanoid-hormone balance (prostaglandins, for example). Eicosanoid
hormones, such as prostaglandins, thromboxanes, and prostacyclins, regulate
multiple biological systems related to all of the epidemic diseases I’ve already
mentioned. If you’re like most North Americans, these systems are out of
line. Merely addressing this biochemistry can bring the struggle with disease,
including obesity, to an end easily. The prolific use of COX inhibition such
as the ongoing administration of high doses of ASA is compensation for
these hormone imbalances.

The typical nutrition-based remedies of the past such as flaxseed and

salmon oils won’t address the common problem of imbalance. They’re only
part of a comprehensive strategy. These fats need all of the essential co-factors
that guide them down the biochemical path to hormone status. The
solution to our epidemic problem isn’t more technology and drugs; it’s a
series of corrections to allow the body to do what it was designed for: to heal
and prevent disease, and to exist in biochemical harmony. This process
involves carefully organized synergistic combinations of nutraceuticals
augmented by basic food choices. The program must be easy to apply, and
Ageless Performance meets that criterion.

Man-made environmental toxicity influences far more than gene

integrity and gene health; it actually transforms how these genes send out
their encoded instructions and can even alter the instruction or prevent it
from ever being received. Translation of the genetic code involves countless
biochemicals, and the modification of any single one along the extensive
chain of activity can significantly change the outcome from the original
instruction. Each and every one of these biochemicals must battle with the
cesspool of free radicals and other forms of toxicity we impose on ourselves.
Clean up the environment, and the likelihood of gene misinterpretation
decreases and self-regulation is enhanced. The environment we have the
most control over is our own biochemistry. Potential Within is a detailed
description of the Ageless Performance program that will induce this bio-logical

Our nutrient-depleted foods don’t deliver the essentials our immune

and antioxidant systems require to defend the body from this environ-mental
assault, leaving us vulnerable to the rigors of hellion free radicals
(an atom or group of atoms with one or more unpaired electrons making
the free radical highly unstable and potentially toxic to the body) and
chemical toxicity. This vulnerability leaves our precious genetic material
open to infiltration, mutation, and misinterpretation.

The penultimate chapter of this book, “Applying Ageless Performance,”

details the utilization of the Ageless Performance strategy. Each of us has
unique metabolic needs based on individual metabolic rates, personal
activity levels, age, goals, and differing states of health. In this chapter
you’ll be guided to your general program template—your starting point for
the program—and you’ll be instructed on how to craft your personalized
version from this template to meet your unique nutritional demands.
Each template is designed with the same fundamental nutritional strategy,
one that instills biochemical correction and biological self-sufficiency within
each cell. With this new balance the hormonal systems that make up the
inner workings of the biological clock will operate with a more efficient
tempo to recover, rebuild, and revitalize every aspect of the body and mind
with more accuracy. In essence, biological time will slow down and the “inner
clock” will be turned back to reverse biological age.

The exogenous (external) drug or nutrient doesn’t cause healing. The

exogenous application, whether topical, oral, or injected, is designed to
give the body an opportunity to deploy its own inner healing potential, but
true healing occurs only if the body’s chemistry is operational. The miracle
of healing, health, and outstanding athletic performance comes from within.
Ageless Performance will resurrect this miracle by activating it and forming
the conduit from the inner core to the surface for human experience.
The final chapter of this book contains a series of condition-specific
therapies that can be applied once the Ageless Performance chemistry is
in place. Ageless Performance is a powerful therapy and prevention in
itself, but some cases of disease require specialized priming to guide the
biochemical flow of life in the right direction. These condition-specific
therapies will do just that. However, if the biochemical foundation isn’t
set, the therapy will have little or no effect. This could be what you’ve
experienced in the past with incomplete nutraceutical therapies or
pharmaceutical drug administration.
Faith is an integral component of Ageless Performance; it fuels the
program’s incorporation into our beings and facilitates successful outcomes.
The power of a positive mind is critical to the triumph of any therapy. If
we doubt our health practitioners’ therapeutic strategies, our minds can
work against the treatments. If we believe in the therapy, the powerful
cellular inscription induced by the positive mind will manifest positive
results more expeditiously. Belief in a program also promotes a more diligent
application, and this compliance, too, contributes to a successful outcome.
The message in Potential Within excites me as no other message in life
because it has changed me forever. It’s created opportunity both person-ally
and professionally. It has founded the passionate, healthy life I lead
today. My excitement is further intensified by the chance to share this
craft and show other people the way to their true inner potential.
So let’s get started. Time is passing, and if you’re like most North
Americans, your biological clock is ticking faster than it has to. Don’t
worry, though, because we’re about to reset that pace in short order.

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