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HM Alii Nui Moi

Edmund K. Silva, Jr.

Nou Ke Akua Ke Aupuni O Hawaii
December 10, 2014

The Kingdom of Hawaii

Nou Ke Akua Ke Aupuni O Hawaii

Subject: Righting a substantial wrong Just over a century ago, there was an isolated kingdom
called Hawai`i--an independent nation, with a parliament, its own flag, a national anthem, and a
beloved Queen, Lili'uokalani 1838 1917. Lydia Paki Kamakaeha Liliuokalani took the throne of the
Hawaiian Islands in 1893, after her brother died. Under pressure from foreign planters, he had written
a constitution limiting his authority. The Queen issued a new constitution restoring the lost authority.
But planters like Sanford Dole wanted the islands annexed by the United States, to ensure their access
to American sugar markets. The Marines landed in 1893, took over government buildings and placed
Queen Liliuokalani under house arrest. In 1893, she was forced to abdicate her throne.
Aloha Kakou,
Laulima embodies the essence of what it means to live aloha. Importantly, it represents a pillar
principle within our Hawaiian culture of many hands working together in unison and respect.
As a young boy, I recall a story in old Hawai`i, where Hawaiians would take a long cord or rope and tie
ti leaves to it. Then the entire group (many hands) would hold it and form a line in the ocean, holding
this rope with the leaves in the water would herd the fish towards the shore. The group would slowly
form a circle, to trap the fish. If one person was out of sync, the fish could escape through that slack in
the line. Success or failure caused by one person would mean success or failure for the entire group. It
was important for people to help each other be successful.

Ka Puuhonua O Na Wahi Pana O Hawaii Nei

Nou Ke Akua Ke Aupuni O Hawaii
(Apology Bill. U.S. Public Law 103-150 - 107 Stat. 1510) International Law Professor Francis Boyle: "...admitting that the invasion,
overthrow, occupation and annexation starting in 1893 violated all treaties and basic norms of international law, including the United States
Constitution. Under international law, when you have a violation of treaties of this magnitude [through] the overthrow of a lawful government,
the World Court has ruled that the only appropriate remedy is restitution. That fact alone gives the Kanaka Maoli the entitlement to restore their
independent status as a sovereign nation state. You dont need to petition Congress to do it. Congress has given you everything you need right
here. The United Nations Charter provides the rest of the authority to do it. (An autonomous independent sovereign nation-state contemplated
under Article 1 of the 1933 Montevideo Convention on Rights and Duties of States requiring the state as a person of international law
possessing the four qualifications of (a) a permanent population, (b) a defined territory, c) government; and (d) capacity to enter into
relations with the other states.)

Lowering of the United States Flag:

After reading the negative print and seeing the video regarding the lowering of the United States
flag, I was compelled to write this letter to express my love and support for the pono way in which
the spirit of aloha was truly expressed by those who responded with the highest form of dignity,
honor and integrity to an otherwise challenging but truthful situation. Their motivation of bringing
the truth to light is honorable legally and morally and as the truth emerges about the status of the
Kingdom as an occupied country, many people I pray will take up the lead to bring that truth into
the light.
Recently, a student led effort lowered the United States flag that was flying above the Hawaiian flag
at an educational institution. They did so because they correctly believe that the Kingdom still
exists and that the Kingdom flag should fly at equal height with respect and honor.
They also believe that the educational institution should be guided in all its actions by the true
history of the illegal overthrow of our beloved Kingdom. Those who participated in the removal of
the United States flag did so with utmost respect, folding the flag properly and delivering it to the
offices of the educational institution.
While the action of lowering the flag was taken without my knowledge or consent, I commend the
courage and honesty of those who have taken this action. I also urge those who have responded to
this action in anger to both study the history and learn why the Kingdom still exists as an occupied
country and to take note of the respectful manner in which this action was carried out.
It is my opinion that these individuals exemplified integrity and honor by adhering to moral
customary and traditional principles valued; requiring them to be transparent in their choice to do
what they felt had to be done. Knowing their actions would affect their relationships with family
and friends they faced their fears and dove into dangerous adversities to follow the spiritual voice
within them. Therefore, there is no basis for claiming disrespect because the students are cleaning
a stain on the history of the United States by righting a substantial wrong brought upon us because
of greed, lust for power and control.
Read the Apology Resolution passed by the United States Congress and signed by President Clinton.
That resolution apologized to the Hawaiian people for the illegal overthrow of their government
and stated that Hawaiians had never given up their sovereignty.

Ka Puuhonua O Na Wahi Pana O Hawaii Nei

Nou Ke Akua Ke Aupuni O Hawaii
The United Nations Charter provides the rest of the authority to do it. An autonomous independent sovereign nation-state contemplated under
Article 1 of the 1933 Montevideo Convention on Rights and Duties of States requiring the state as a person of international law possessing the
four qualifications of (a) a permanent population, (b) a defined territory, c) government; and (d) capacity to enter into relations with the other

The Kingdom has waited more than twenty one years for the United States to follow that resolution
with actions to restore the Kingdom. The Kingdom has waited for more than 120 years since the
illegal overthrow for the United States to DE occupy the islands. The wait has been in vain.
The star on the United States flag supposedly representing our stolen nation is a matter that calls
out for correction. That star is an affront to the truth and the rule of law. The action by the student
group is an effort to call attention to the need for correction.
What makes us who we are -- is our allegiance to an idea that articulated our history of listening to
the spiritual voice within with aloha. Today we continue a never-ending journey to bridge these living
and moving philosophical truths with the realities of our time. For history tells us that while these
inalienable rights may be self-evident and absolute, theyve never been self-executing; that while
freedom is a gift from Heavenly Father, it must be safeguarded by His people here on Earth. We, as the
human family, must come together to right the substantial wrongs not just here in Hawaii but all over
the world. Let us begin here and let our example resonate around the planet bringing the healing that
is so desperately needed.

Me ke aloha pumehana,

Edmund K. Silva, Jr.

His Royal Majesty

cc: Na Kupuna Council O Hawaii Nei

Alii Manao Nui Lanny Sinkin
Chief Justice Jennifer Pawlowski
HM Attorney General Judge Navin-Chandra Naidu

Ka Puuhonua O Na Wahi Pana O Hawaii Nei

Nou Ke Akua Ke Aupuni O Hawaii
The United Nations Charter provides the rest of the authority to do it. An autonomous independent sovereign nation-state contemplated under
Article 1 of the 1933 Montevideo Convention on Rights and Duties of States requiring the state as a person of international law possessing the
four qualifications of (a) a permanent population, (b) a defined territory, c) government; and (d) capacity to enter into relations with the other

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