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Updates related to the Middle East and, of course, to Rush.

From the Daily Alert [12/10/2014], etc.

The Islamic State (ISIL) Threatens the West [per Jonathan Halevi]
The Islamic State is an enemy of Western civilization because of its stringent implementation of
Shariah (Islamic law), which includes mass killing of unbelievers and apostates, public beheading
and crucifixion, chopping off thieves' hands and legs, flogging cigarette smokers and alcohol
consumers, allowing sex slaves, stifling with an iron fist any opposition, and depriving people of
basic human rights.
The war in the Levant is not a political or territorial conflict that can be resolved by negotiations
and compromise. The Islamic State leaves no doubt as to its determination to relentlessly
conduct jihad to spread the rule of Islam and the word of Allah, first in the Middle East and later
in Europe and North America.
The cornerstone of the Islamic State's publicly reiterated strategic goal is to conquer Rome, the
capital of Italy and home of the Vatican, in order to strike the symbol of Christianity. Spain is
portrayed as a formerly Islamic occupied country, as are other parts of Europe, and all must be
liberated. This is not a far-fetched, harmless fantasy; it is an actual plan of action.
The Islamic State calls upon all Muslims to initiate attacks throughout the world with the explicit
purpose of indiscriminately killing nonbelievers by all available means. The Islamic State
threatens our strategic interests because of its unwavering determination to pursue a foreign
policy of jihad in which Western civilization is the prime enemy.
Iran threatens the West
Iran Won't Send Its Nuclear Fuel Abroad and reported that, at present, it has 1000 secondgeneration centrifuges and the fourth and sixth generation of centrifuges.
Petraeus: warned against Cutting Iran Sanctions
Iran's Missile Arsenal and the Nuclear Negotiations seems pessimistic. Iran already possesses
the region's largest arsenal of ballistic missiles and rockets, and the Islamic Republic has
developed the only satellite-launch capability in the Middle East besides Israel. In May, Iranian
Defense Minister Hossein Dehghan ruled out any negotiations over Iran's missile arsenal. It
would be unrealistic to expect Iran to unilaterally stop its missile program, or dismantle its
arsenal, but the Iranians might still be encouraged or even compelled to undertake transparency
measures and adhere to certain capping mechanisms. Considering that the Iranians could well
develop maximum-range IRBMs and ICBMs by the coming decade, the international emphasis
now should be on establishing a viable monitoring regime for Iranian missile efforts.

Iran Nuclear Talks: Nothing has Happened So Far. Diplomats seeking to limit Iran's nuclear
program have long said they wouldn't keep bargaining if officials in Tehran proved unwilling to
budge. But after a year of negotiations and two missed deadlines, the diplomats have done just
that, failing to meet the latest cutoff date, Nov. 24, and instead extended negotiations for seven
months. Iran, which considers its program a symbol of national achievement, has rejected
demands to dismantle its $100-billion nuclear infrastructure. And by 2021, it wants to expand its
enrichment capability twentyfold by adding thousands of centrifuges. When the latest talks
ended, division remained on several key issues: how much enrichment capacity Iran would be
allowed to keep, how long the agreement should last, how closely Iran's program would be
monitored, how much nuclear research it could conduct, and how it would redesign the Arak
International NGOs Threaten Israel
Half of Gaza War Dead Were Terrorists
Israel Decried "Unfounded" Amnesty International Gaza Report accusing her of war crimes
during the summer conflict in Gaza. The Foreign Ministry said the group offered "a
decontextualized description of events, while relying heavily on testimonies gathered by
unnamed local 'fieldworkers,' who are not identified and whose credibility is never questioned."
The ministry said the report failed to "investigate the systematic and deliberate firing of rockets
and mortars at Israel's civilian population by an internationally-recognized jihadist terror group."
The Foreign Ministry noted safety measures the IDF employed to avoid civilian causalities that
were "unprecedented in modern warfare." "The IDF does not intentionally target civilians or
civilian property; its activity is dictated by international law, is directed against military
objectives, and abides by the principle of proportionality."
Core attitudes of Palestinian Arabs are anti-Israel
Preacher at Al-Aqsa Mosque: "The Armies of the Islamic State Will Liberate This Land from the
Jews" In a Friday sermon at Al-Aqsa Mosque posted on the Internet on Nov. 28, 2014, Sheik
Omar Abu Sara said: "By Allah, the Jews are the most evil of Allah's creations. They are the most
evil creatures to have walked this Earth. I say to the Jews loud and clear: The time for your
slaughter has come. The time to fight you has come. The time to kill you has come. Allah willing,
we are ready for the task - we and the loyal and faithful Muslims, along with the armies of the
state of the Islamic Caliphate, which will come to liberate this land from your filth. When the day
of your slaughter arrives, we shall slaughter you without mercy. Oh Allah, make that day come
faster. [While Viewing the Video, ask yourself if any other country would tolerate anyone
uttering such sedition on land on which it could enforce discipline.]
Poll Showed Strong Palestinian Support for Attacks on Israelis
Poll Showed Palestinians Are Convinced that Israel Intends to Destroy Al-Aqsa Mosque
"Al-Aqsa Is in Danger": The Lie that Won't Die
Arabs Move into Jewish Neighborhoods in Jerusalem

Israel continues to go-it-alone [almost] as the regions policeman

U.S. Christian Plotted to Blow Up Muslim Holy Sites
Attack in Syria "Revealed a New Hizbullah Smuggling Route into Lebanon
Israel will Keep Targeting Game-Changing Hizbullah Arms
Biden Lectured Ayaan Hirsi Ali On Islam
Political speeches at The Jerusalem Post Diplomatic Conference
Arlene Kushner depicted an event that occurred yesterday that reflects the tendency of the
Palestinian Arabs to riot.

Rush Limbaugh Echo for Today, 12/10/14

Opening: WSJ almost says I was right about Shutdown.
Seg#1: Shutdown, not a PR catastrophe after the fact!
All the clowns in DC consider the Wall Street Journal as gold, but the $1.1-TRILLION funding is already
[ED: This lends credence to Glenn Becks assessment that WSJ articles are good, but publication
decisions are Liberal. Great WSJ writers are on our e-List, FYI.]
Ive always been in the camp that Hillary wont be a shoe-in, but have been wrong in the past. She
schedules paid speeches way into March, and some think you dont do that if you are running. Who
says? We are talking about the Clintons here.
Got an e-mail about ABC-news and Syrian refugees, starving. UN is a food stamp program but ran out of
aid money. The United Nation started a social media fund to raise $1 from 64 million people. In early
December, they suspended paying those that fled to Jordan and it caused panic with the refugees.
Many who pledged, didnt pay up. 14,000 people donated to #AdollarAlifeline.
What message does their speedy success send to Barack Obama? Think about it: if you are a UN
bureaucrat or a USA Democrat: that people are not being taxed enough. They can raise two million
dollars in half a day.
They will never say there is still too much money in the private sector. The UN doesnt have any
money of its ownonly what they can fleece around the world.

QUESTION: Has the United States been attacked in a major Jihad attack since 9/11? Do we not owe a
debt of gratitude to military/intelligence? We have not been attacked despite Democrats in Congress.
Now, they put us at greater danger. Bob Kerrey (dated Debra Winger, Nebraska 35th governor) has an
OpEd ripping the committee staff to shreds.
The staff didnt even talk to anybody; they didnt interview anybody. There were clandestine
investigations because of the coming report, and when DiFi found out, this is payback.
There are reasons we have not been attacked: we have foiled a number of them but techniques would
be revealed to tell about them. Democrats try to add credibility to their report by saying nothing of
value was obtained. Just a coincidence that plots have been foiled. Not to mention that Barack
Obama was personally able to hunt down and shoot Osama bin-Laden from the golf course.
> > s/ None of that was from intelligence gained. {[( s/ means satire next)]}
Who are the staffers? We will never know their names. They interviewed the lawyers of terrorists, but
not a single person from the CIA. Hannity interviewed Rodriguez (who headed interrogation) last
Those of us who were there know bettersaved lives, prevented attacks.
Jose Rodriguez
From the Rush Limbaugh Morning Update: "Smokers Beware"
From Arizona: The Pima County Board of Supervisors will vote later this month on a measure to ban
smokers from being hired by their local government. Those smokers who already work for the
government will face a 30 percent health-insurance surcharge.
Pima County Officials to Vote on Proposal that Would Smoke Out Workers Who Smoke
Pima County Administrator Chuck Huckelberry says the county will save lots of money if employees who
smoke can be replaced over time with healthier workers. Huckelberry says this is all being done for
the taxpayers: Anything we can do to reduce [insurance] cost is beneficial. said ol' Huck.
You Pima County government workers who smoke had better beware. Theres a target on your back.
The dedication, loyalty, commitment you bring to your job the quality of your work, doesnt matter.
The Pima County Administrator has let it be known he wants you gone, because you happen to use a
legal product in your personal life and are supporting children health care with your taxes.
Liberals can make pot smoking legal in some cities, even though federal laws prohibit it. Thats okay. But
if you use tobacco products, which are legal, its okay for liberals to discriminate against you in hiring
and target your jobs for elimination.
In New York City, cigarettes cost up to 13 bucks a pack, thanks to liberal-imposed taxes. The poor cant
afford packs, so they buy loose cigarettes. Called loosies. Police were trying to arrest Eric Garner for
tax avoidance by selling loosies. That led to his death.

Our freedom is being targeted, and country is being torn apart, by liberalism.
Quote Gems from Rush Limbaugh dot com:
"The demonization of the CIA is as old as the CIA. In fact, the demonization of the CIA goes back to the
old OSS, even prior to the CIA. But the demonization of the CIA and their use of waterboarding is a
textbook example of how the media and the rest of the Democrat Party establish a lie and repeat it until
it becomes a fact."
"Rush Limbaugh, talent, so much talent. More than I need. I wish I could share some of it. But it doesn't
work that way."
"It's very worrisome when, to at least every member of a particular political party, the Democrat Party,
in their eyes the United States is not the good guys, that's a problem."
"I'm not at all saying the United States is perfect. I'm not at all saying that we haven't made mistakes.
But to not even have a tacit acknowledgement that we are the good guys, that's offensive."
"There's not a single description of the evil that is the Taliban, that is Al-Qaeda, that is ISIS. No, the evil is
being portrayed today as being located at Club Gitmo and whatever other black sites the CIA is violating
the law in using, by rendering prisoners under cover of darkness to black sites, i.e., prisons that nobody
knows exist in far flung corners."
"I'm worn out having to hear about how rotten my country is. Particularly in a contest with Al-Qaeda, or
in a contest with the Taliban. But that's what we're getting today."
"I'm tired of having to get up every day and listen to the Democrat Party and all of its allies tell
everybody in as loud as voice as they can what a rotten place the United States of America is."
"Mona Charen said that I'm wrong about the shutdown, that I'm wrong about Republicans. I'm savvy,
but I'm wrong. And I don't know, folks, it just destroyed me. I'm not used to being called on the carpet
like this publicly."
"The radical left is famous for creating a crisis and then using the crisis to justify expanded government
control. They got a crisis. The people are protesting. It's out of control. The government must move in
and stop it. What do we do? Well, we grant the protestors whatever it is they're demanding and then
we're all considered to be great guys."
"If you hang around long enough, it becomes inarguably true that I am right."
"Gruber is quiet as a church mouse except church and these guys don't go together. So he's as quiet as a
warehouse mouse, I guess would be the way to say it."
"Obama still hasn't been able to close Club Gitmo where all the torture went on, and may still be going
on, even though Obama may not know about it and thinks it's stopped."
"Some days I just feel swamped. I just feel overwhelmed. I feel smothered by the left."

"Here we are almost at 2015, and this is the day that Jonathan Gruber is testifying before a House
committee on all the things he said about the American people and Obamacare, and what's happening
instead? The Democrats are blaming the Bush administration."
"My mouth can't keep up with the speed of my brain. That's always a sign we're cooking here."
"Our military tortures people abroad. White police abuse African-Americans at home and in the streets.
That's the narrative today. That's the media narrative today. If you want to know what the news is, the
daily soap opera script today, I've just described it to you."
"'Torture' isn't torture, a 'government shutdown' is not a government shutdown, and 'immigration
reform' isn't immigration reform. The left continues to hijack the language and redefine important
terms, and the opposing party just stands aside and lets it all happen!"
"All these crises -- many of them manufactured -- are thrown up against the media wall every day to
cloud, to obscure, to confuse, to suppress, to depress, to dispirit, to cause confusion and chaos."
"Despite it all -- despite it all -- I am having more fun than a human being should be allowed to have. The
reason for that is I am doing what I was born to do."
"I'm blue in the face explaining this, but people like Obama and the Democrat Party today believe that
this country is so flawed from the days of its founding that we owe all of the people of this world that
we've denied admittance to our country."
Quick Hits Page ... On the Rushwire:
Bill Clinton and Bill Cosby... Obama Hasn't Signed Amnesty Executive Order...
Most Popular Segments

My Response to Myself as the News

Rush on Fox News Sunday

Quick Hits Page

Democrats Use Torture Report to Embolden America's Enemies

Republicans Hide Behind Shutdown Polls as Excuse Not to Stop Obama

America, the Miserable

This Country Needs a Dose of Reality

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