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Dec 15, 2014



Yves Ct, QC - Commissioner of Canada Elections


Marc Boyer, an actual recognized and unfettered living human being

acting under the authority of CFO of VQMP. VSMP, AMP

Respond immediately to and fix the perversion of law set forth in this article, by
mandating that: Any employee of any AG [at face value] cannot enforce any provision of any other
Act that encroaches on or interferes with our God-given right to enjoy genuine Freedom that is created
by properly administrating our common law activities under the [EC] Elections Act jurisdiction,
BECAUSE the founding principals of the Act itself is to protect the inalienable rights of our members,
THEREFOR: the Freedoms graced under the Act must supersede those Maritime /Admiralty rules
and /or obligations that all kinds of regulators are attempting to subjugate our members to submit to, in
order to achieve the end result of fraudulently controlling our members, under their foreign jurisdiction.
CAVEAT: Our mandamus is not frivolous or vexatious BECAUSE we are pressing a remedy that fixes
the fundamental flaw in the form that was created by the BAR converting their Oath of Allegiance in
1993, in order to now be governed under their obligations set forth under this 1993 NAFTA agreement.
Constitutionally, Yves Ct must address the fundamental flaw in law that was pressed in the
minutes recorded, when this oath was converted, where it was duly noted that some benchers
pressed the fact that this new oath to BAR could conflict with the oath to the Office.
- 20-years later, we're pressing to be victims of exactly this fundamental flaw in law, because
those who governed us under FEDERAL COURT rules and regulations, actually are directly
prohibited to force us to conform to their NATO regulations onto our EDA activities, yet appear
to be empowered to do so, under treasonous powers contained in Harper's S-55 of the CDSA
This first article will limit itself to pressing 2 examples of this abuse of authority and we are relying on
the following 2-page outine in order to press
the fact that under common law, and especially the rule of law upheld by BC Supreme Courts [BCSC]
THAT: we can and are demanding to be governed under our Constitutional rule of law, in order to
BAR the Federal Courts from trespassing on our inalienable common law rights,
As this outline presses, we are waiting for the Federal Court's next move, where we will
address a much large scope to these same really basic jurisdictional issues
1. BECAUSE an election is in the wind means: Yves Ct must address immediately this basic
trust issue in order to preclude the irrevocable harm that will encure by over-looking this issue
1. We need a letter stating to the effect that the general rule of any accounting discipline [like CA/CPA] are not wrong in enforcing that they cannot be involved in doing the books
for any criminal activities. BUT under the fiduciary trust of the Elections Act, an exception
must be made to this rule, in order preserve a Free and Democratic Society
2. THEREFOR in the case of any Marijuana Party EDA and its EDA agencies, the Act can
protect those accountants who do the administration of basic practices like auditing, and
accounting on our marijuana activities, because these services are a necessary element in
showing that the EDA itself is accountable to be properly operating under common law.
2. When it comes to banking concerns, Yves Ct must address the fact with a letter stating that
our EDAs [at face value] cannot be denied the right to establish a common law bank account
without being fully compliant with every Maritime /Admiralty rule on the books, in order to fix
the fact that: because of all these new rules [like- FICA] means no bank, not even credit-unions
can issue our EDA a strictly common law bank account.
BOTTOM LINE: Rule on the issue of the Supremacy of common law over Maritime /Admiralty law

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