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*Personality - the unique and relatively stable ways in which

people think, feel, and behave Characteristic patterns of

behavior, thought, and emotion that determine a persons
adjustment to environment
-The Psychodynamic Perspective
Focuses on the role of the unconscious mind in the
development of personality
-The Behaviorist Perspective
Focuses on the effect of the environment on behavior
-The Humanist Perspective
Focuses on the role of each persons real-life
experiences and choices in personality development
The Man and the Couch: Sigmund Freud and the Psychodynamic
Freuds Psychoanalytic Approach
Jungs* Analytic Psychology
Adlers* Individual Psychology
Horneys* Socio-Cultural Approach
* - called Neo-Freudians
Freuds Psychoanalytic Approach
Freud believed that the mind was divided into three parts:
3 structures of Personality:
-ID - consists of instincts and urges , operates on pleasure
principle (If it feels good, do it)
-EGO- rational and logical, works on the reality principle (If it
feels good, do it - but only if you can get away with it )
-SUPEREGO - houses the conscience, the moral compass of our
personality (why even bother, youre gonna get
caught anyway)
Defense Mechanisms
Methods employed by the ego to reduce
the conflict and anxiety brought on
by the Id and the Superego
Most powerful and most common defense mechanism Push
unacceptable impulses and thoughts to the unconscious mind
and out of awareness
When the ego provides a good reason for behavior a reason
which may not be the actual truth behind the
When we fail to accept our own shortcomings, we project them
onto others and see these traits in others.
Reaction Formation

When we transform unacceptable impulses by giving expression

to its opposite.
Refusal to acknowledge or recognize a threatening situation.
when we refuse to accept that something is
When we shift unacceptable feelings from one object to another,
more acceptable object.
A type of displacement. When the ego replaces unacceptable
impulse with a socially approved course of action
Occurs when we revert back to the way we used to behave when
we were younger.
The process of concealing or offsetting a psychological difficulty
by developing in another direction.
Retreating into fantasy life in response to stress.
The Development of Personality (Psychosexual)
Oral stage Anal stage Phallic stage Latency stage Genital stage.
Carl Gustave Jung (Analytic Psychology)
*Emphasized the greater role of the Unconscious. *Personal
Unconscious- Part of the mind that is rarely accessible to
*Collective Unconscious-The impersonal, deepest layer of the
unconscious mind that is shared by all human beings
*Archetypes-Emotionally laden ideas and images in the Collective
Unconscious that have rich and symbolic meaning. Emerge in Art,
Religion, Literature, and dreams
*Anima (Woman - feminine side of a man)
*Animus (Man - masculine side of a woman)
*Mandala (Self - individuality)
*Persona (our alter-ego)
*Shadow (Darker Self - the darker, immoral self
Alfred Adler (Individual Psychology)
*Individual Psychology- The primary concept of Individual
Psychology is inferiority and the crux of human condition is the
struggle against inferiority and the attainment of superiority
*Inferiority Complex-Exaggerated feelings of weakness and
*Superiority Complex Exaggerated feelings of selfimportance,
assumed mainly to mask very strong feelings of inferiority
Karen Horney (Socio-Cultural Approach)
*Disagreed with Freuds Penis Envy. *Countered it with her own
concept of womb envy. *As children, we develop a sense of basic
anxiety. *People whose parents give them love, affection, and

security overcome this anxiety. *Those with less secure

upbringing develop neurotic tendencies
*moving towards people-seek love, support, safety being
dependent on others
*moving away from people-becoming more independent
*moving against people-becoming competitive and domineering
The Associative Learning Approach
The Social Learning Approach
B. F. Skinner (Associative Learning -Operant Conditioning)
*B.F. Skinner-Major influence and impact on mainstream
*Personality-A collection of observable and overt or
outward behaviors. Behaviors are learned through reward and
punishment experiences
Albert Bandura (Social Learning Approach)
*People learn new behavior through overt reinforcement or
punishment, via observational learning of the social factors in
their environment.
*Learning can take place even if we have not experienced
(punished or rewarded) it ourselves vicarious learning
The Phenomenological or Humanistic Approach
*Carl Rogers Real and Ideal Self Conditional and
Unconditional Positive Regard
*Real Self Who we really are. The us as a result of our
*Ideal Self The person we would like to be The greater the
discrepancy or difference between the real and ideal self, the
more maladjusted the person is.
*Unconditional Positive Regard- Blanket acceptance and support
of a person regardless of what the person says or does.
*Conditional Positive Regard-Acceptance and support of a person
but with conditions.
Abraham Maslow (Hierarchy of Needs)
*Proposed a Hierarchy of Needs
*Ascending from basic biological needs to more complex
psychological motivations
Aesthetic Needs
Know and understand
Esteem Needs
Belongings and love needs
Safety needs
Physiological needs

2 Forms of Change:
Quantitative change as explained through numerical quantities
Qualitative Change in kind, structure, or organization
Multi-Dimensional & Integrated
Development involves the whole individual and all of his
different aspects:
Physical - body, structure, motor skills
Cognition - mental abilities
Personality & Emotional - Self-concept or selfperception,
gender identity, emotions and feelings, self-esteem
Social - interactions and relationships with others
Development throughout life-span (8 Stages)
Prenatal (from conception to birth)
Infancy (birth to age 2)
Early Childhood (2-7)
Middle Childhood (7-11)
Adolescence (11-20)
Young Adulthood (20s to 40s)
Middle Adulthood (40s to 60s)
Late Adulthood (60s onwards)
Stability and Plasticity in Development
Stable-There are some traits that remain unchanged
Unstable/Plastic-Can be caused by changing conditions
Normative & Non-Normative Influences
Non-Normative are occurrences not common to most people
they are unusual events that have a major impact on individuals
Normative-Biological and environmental influences which
occur in a similar way for most people
Age-Graded-particular to an age group
History-Graded-particular to a common generation
Development in Context
Development is in constant interaction with the environment
Biological Systems Perspective (Urie Bronfenbrenner, 1998)
child develops within a complex and dynamic system of
relationships and is affected by them.
5 systems:
Microsystem - primary relationships (immediate surrounding)
Mesosystem - connections among a persons microsystems
Exosystem - settings that do not involve a person but is still
affected by it
Macrosystem - describes the culture in which individuals live
Chronosystem - influence of historical time in shaping ones
environment and life experiences.


3 Parts of the Unconscious
Id- The child in us. Continually seeks immediate gratification of
wants. Revolves around the pleasure principle - we seek pleasure
Developmental Psychology-Branch of psychology that describes and avoid pain
Ego-The rational adult Seeks satisfaction of wants but takes
and explains change across the lifespan
reality into account - delayed gratification. Revolves around the
Human Development is described as how people change and
reality principle - we dont always get what we want (we can
howpeople stay the same over time

lopostpone or delay pleasure)

Superego-The older, conservative senior - our conscience.
Punishes misbehavior with feelings of guilt. Criticizes and
prohibits our drives, fantasies, feelings, and actions
*Each stage focuses on a different erogenous
Zone. *An excitable part of the body where our sexual/
libidinal energies are focused on. *Freud claimed that some
people get stuck at one particular stage . . . They become fixated.
Manifests in adulthood. *Sometimes the fixation is caused by
frustration, sometimes by overindulgence and its always the
parents faults!
Oral Stage
Birth to 12-18 months
Mouth and lips are the center of pleasure-Source of pleasurable
sensations is the mouth where the child sucks, swallows and
Oral Fixation occurs when oral needs are not met or are
Overindulged. gossiping, overeating, smoking, etc.
Anal Stage
Between 12-18 months and 3 years
Sexual energies are focused on the anus
First encounter with social constraints-Children are free to expel
waste. Toilet-training dampens this freedom
Anal Fixation-Adult symbolically withholds feces controlling,
stubborn, stingy
Adult symbolically expels feces wasteful, messy, disorganized
Phallic Stage
3 to 6 years
Focus of pleasure shifts to the genital area
For BOYS:*Oedipal Complex-young boys have an unconscious
urge to eliminate their fathers in order to fulfill a sexual need to
be with their mothers. *Castration Anxiety-a fear of having their
penis cut off by their fathers upon realization of boys desire for
their mother causes boys to stop desiring their mothers.
Phallic Stage, part 2 For GIRLS
Penis Envy-young girls realize that they are without penises.
they blame the mother for their lack of penis they then identify
with their fathers
Electra Complex-an unconscious desire a young girl has for her
father. precipitated by the lack of a penis for which the
young girl blames her mother for.
Fixations @ the Phallic Stage
Unresolved conflicts with same-sex parent problems dealing
with people in authority:
parents, older siblings, teachers, bosses
uncertainty about ones identity
problems in maintaing romantic relationships
aberrant sexual behavior
Latency Stage
6 to 11 years. temporary repression of the libido. child focuses
more on social relationships

Genital Stage
Sexual drive returns with a vengeance-coupled with the
onslaught of puberty
Focus of pleasure return to the genitals
Object of sexual desire - the opposite sex
Evaluating Freuds Theory
Pros-Changed the face of Psychology. First to highlight the role of
childhood experiences in shaping adult personality
Cons-Overemphasis on sex. Derogatory to women. Overly
culture-bound (Victorian era)
Trust vs. Mistrust (birth to between 12-18 months)-Centers
around the infant's basic needs being met by the parents
The infant depends on the parents, especially the mother, for
food, sustenance, and comfort
If these needs are met:Child develops trust and security, and is
hopeful and optimistic
If the needs are not met: Infant grows up mistrustful of the
world and people in
Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt (early childhood, 12-18 months
to 4 years)
Can I do things myself or must I always rely on others?
Child asserts independence and separation from caregivers
If there is adequate balance between childs sense of
independence and disciplining the child-Child develops a sense of
accomplishment, purpose, and responsibility
If child is overprotected or constantly discouraged and
reprimanded in his explorations-Child will doubt his ability to
accomplish things and shame for his lack of self-control
Initiative vs. Guilt (preschool age, between 3 and 6 years)
Am I good or am I bad?
If supported by parents - child will develop a sense of purpose
and responsibility
If reprimanded by parents - child will feel GUILTY and
INADEQUATE about initiating activities
Industry vs. Inferiority (middle childhood, between 6 to 11
Am I Successful or Worthless?
Child develops abilities, becomes industrious and
productive, engages in hobbies
If successful - child develops sense of competence and
If failure - child feels inadequate and inferior
Identity vs. Identity Confusion (adolescence, bet. 11&20 years)
Who am I and where am I going?
Adolescents try to find themselves or their sense of identity
Individuals often go through an identity crisis - they
often dont know who they are and who they want to be
A MORATORIUM is necessary - a time-out
The adolescent can be free to be who he or she wants

Generativity vs. Stagnation (or Self-absorption)

(middle adulthood, 40s to 60s)
"Will I produce something of real value?"
A concern for the younger generation
(+) A need to pass on or LEAVE A LEGACY
(-) No contribution to the next generation -unproductive
this stage is marked by MID-LIFE CRISIS
Integrity vs. Despair (late adulthood, 60s and beyond)
"Have I lived a full life?"
Individuals are confronted with their mortality
(+) Develops the virtue of wisdom and
readiness to face death - integrity
(-) Looks back on life with regret
Schemas- Basic units of intellect. Tools for learning about the
world. A type of mental script, or a sketch for a situation,
event, or problem
Assimilation-Process of taking in new information that easily
fits into an existing schema. We change information to fit into
our established schemas. ex. all 4-legged animals are seen as
doggies. ex. all women are seen as mommies
Accommodation-Process of modifying/differentiating existing
schemas to better fit new information. When a child changes his
or her schemas in response to new knowledge or experience ex.
can now differentiate dogs from cats, and other 4-legged animals
Equilibrium-Balance is attained when a child learns to
Accommodate. When schemes are in accordance with the
demands of the world
Sensorimotor Stage-Infants understand the world through
sensory experiences and physical interactions with other
Object Permanence-The understanding that objects continue to
exist even when outside of the infants perception
Pre-operational-Child is now able to use mental images - But is
still unable to perform mental operations. Hence Pre-Operational
Highlight: Representational/Symbolic Thinking-The ability to
make something stand for something else.
Centration-Childs propensity to focus on only one
aspect of a stimulus at a time. A young child's tendency to focus
only on his or her own perspective of a specific object and a
failure to understand that others may see things differently.
Inability to Conserve-Child does not understand the
process of Conservation. Cannot mentally reverse an action
Egocentrism-Childs inability to consider viewpoints
other than his own. Difficulty in seeing the world through
someone elses perspective
Concrete Operational-Child can now think logically about objects
and events
3 abilities: Seriation, Transitive Reasoning, Classification
Seriation-Ability to order objects according to some
quantitative dimension
Transitive Reasoning-Can now solve transitive reasoning
Classification-Ability to recognize hierarchical relations
between sets and subsets

Formal Operational-Highest stage of cognitive development

Adolescent is able to: Reason logically, Can draw conclusions,
Formulate and entertain, and test hypotheses
Pre-Conventional Level-Moral Reasoning is based on
immediate consequences
2 levels:
Punishment Orientation-I do what I am told so I will not be
Reward Orientation- I do what is expected of me in order to
gain rewards
Conventional Level-Moral reasoning is based on conformity to
social rules and expectations
2 levels:
Good Boy/Good Girl Orientation-I will do what is good. I want
to please others
Social Systems Orientation-I will obey the law because I wish
to do my duty and help maintain social order
Post-Conventional Level- Moral reasoning is based on
principles and ethical ideas
2 levels:
Morality of Social Contrast and Democracy-I will uphold the
values of human life, dignity, and the rights of others
Morality of Individual Principles and Conscience- I will try to
follow the laws, but in some cases I believe they are not right and
I must follow conscience
founded by Edward Titchener expanded Wundts original ideas;
believed every experience could be broken down into individual
emotions and sensations applied introspection method to
thoughts as well as physical sensations
founded by William James influenced by Darwins ideas about
natural selectionfocused on how the mind allows people to
function in the real world interested in how behavioral traits
could aid in survival influenced development of evolutionary
psychology has elements in educational psychology and
industrial/organizational psychology
Gestalt psychology
founded by Max Wertheimer did not believe that psychological
events could be broken down into smaller elements; could only
be understood as a whole, entire event; has influenced field of
cognitive psychology and a form of psychological therapy, Gestalt
ideas put forth by Sigmund Freud stressed importance of early
life experiences, the role of the unconscious, and development
through stages
associated with work of John B. Watson, who was greatly
influenced by Ivan Pavlovs work in conditioning/learning
wanted to bring focus back on scientific inquiry and believed only
way to do so was to focus on observable behavior and ignore
consciousness issue; early work examined phobias

based on Freuds theory focuses on the role of the unconscious
mind and its influence on conscious behavior, early childhood
experiences, development of sense of self, and other motivations
Behavioral based on early work of Watson and later B. F. Skinner
focuses on how behavioral responses are learned through
classical or operant conditioning
Humanistic two pioneers are Carl Rogers and Abraham Maslow
Cognitive has roots in Gestalt psychology focuses on memory,
intelligence, perception, thought processes, problem solving,
language, and learning
Sociocultural focuses on the behavior of individuals as the result
of the presence (real or imagined) of other individuals, as part of
groups, or as part of a larger culture
Biopsychological focuses on influences of hormones, brain
structures and chemicals, disease, etc.human and animal
behavior is seen as a direct result of events in the body
Evolutionary focuses on the biological bases for universal mental
characteristics, such as why we lie, how attractiveness influences
mate selection, the universality of fear, and why we enjoy things
like music and dance

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