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Prior experiences and/or influences determine present behavior according to the positivist
theory, whereas free will determines present behavior according to the classical theory.
2. Humans learn nearly all of their behaviors, tendencies, and beliefs from the social environments
they encounter. This is also known as the learning perspective.
3. Background of offenders, school failure, alcohol abuse, and childhood victimization can all have
an effect on the developmental theory, which can be defined at a very early age.
4. True or False: There are currently four categories of mental disorders. Those include: paranoid
disorders, schizophrenic disorders, mood disorders, and mental retardation. False-Paranoid
disorders, schizophrenic disorders, mood disorders, and antisocial personality disorder
5. Early detection and intervention will prevent youngsters from graduating to more serious and
habitual offenses according to secondary prevention.
6. In lab studies, mimicking conditions that bring out aggressions is also known as humanizing.
7. Hitting is an example of active, direct physical aggression. Refusing to speak is an example of
passive, direct verbal aggression.
8. Juveniles are impulsive, therefore seeks stimulation and seem to be uncaring at times. This is
often normal chaos that lies within each adolescent.
9. Biospychologists are charged with trying to conclude which genetic and neurophysiological
variables play a part in criminal conduct, how significant they are, and what can be done to
change them.
10. A number of notorious murderers possessed the XYY abnormality.
11. Attributes and Values are characteristics or qualities that describe an object.
12. Idographic is an approach to explanation in which we seek to exhaust the idiosyncratic causes of
a particular condition or event.
13. Karl Marx is most closely associated with which paradigm? Conflict
14. Subjective knowledge opens up the possibility of personal, subjective knowledge, including
15. Anonymity is guaranteed in a research project when neither the researchers nor the readers of
the findings can identify a given response with a given respondent.
16. The purpose(s) of research are exploration, description, explanation.
17. Indicator is a sign of the presence or absence of the concept we are studying.
18. Thurstone Scale is a type of composite measure constructed in accordance with the weights
assigned by judges to various indicators of some variables.
19. Sampling interval is the standard distance (k) between elements selected from a population for
a sample.
20. Randomization is a technique for assigning experimental subjects to experimental and control
groups randomly
21. Which is not one of the three major theoretical perspectives on human nature? Difference-indegrees perspective
22. Who is considered the father of psychoanalytical theory of human behavior? Sigmund Freud
23. All except which is considered a social risk factor: Peer acceptance and association with
antisocial peers.
24. In this type of parental style, parents try to direct their childrens activities in a rational, issueoriented manner. Authoritative style

25. Which theory argues that a persons performance level is based on that persons expectation
that behaving in a particular way will lead to a given outcome? Expectancy theory
26. According to Eysenck, the typical Extraverts tends to lose their temper quickly, and be
27. This type of aggression reflects the biological programming carried in the genes to ensure the
survival of the species. Animal aggression
28. Fast track project is a multisite, multicomponent prevention program for young children at high
risk of long-term antisocial behavior.
29. According to psychologist Robert Hare, psychopaths are social predators who charm,
manipulate, and ruthlessly plow their way through life, leaving a broad trail of broken hearts,
shattered expectations and empty wallets.
30. DSM in its fourth edition stands for: Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders
31. Which of the following is not one of the three disciplines that have dominated the study of
crime: Economics
32. Those who use a(n) Authoritarian style try to shape, control, and evaluate the behavior of their
children in accordance with some pre-established, absolute standard.
33. Research suggest that the neurotransmitter Serotonin may play the most significant role in
aggression and violence.
34. Which Russian physiologist conducting digestive system studies on dogs that produced
significant research on classical conditioning? Ivan Pavlov
35. Which of these conditions has research revealed to be the most conducive to the learning of
aggression in children? The child has many opportunities to observe aggression, is
reinforcement for his or her own aggression, the child is often the object of aggression (all of the
36. Which of the following does not qualify as a status offenses? Shop lifting
37. Which of the following is the most popular instrument for measuring criminal psychopathy?
Psychopathy Checklist
38. The DSM-IV outlines five characteristics symptoms of schizophrenia. Which of the following is
not one of these symptoms? Delusions, disorganized speech, grossly disorganized behavior
39. Of FEDERAL inmates identified as mentally disordered which race represents with the
highest percentage? OTHER
40. Eysenck argued that there are four higher order factors of personality. Which of the following is
not one of these factors: Ambiversion
41. This subtype of schizophrenia is characterized by delusions and hallucinations (usually auditory)
and is the most frequently represented in criminal behavior: paranoid
42. Which of the following was NOT included in Cleckley's list of identified behaviors describing the
typical psychopath? anxious
43. Which type of prevention consists of working with specific children and adolescents who are at
high risk and who display some early signs of antisocial behavior? Selective prevention
44. Which of the following is NOT one of the major types of models identified by Albert Bandura?
Peer models

45. Which concept refers to a common human tendency to discount the influence of the situation
and explain behavior by referring to the personality of the actor instead? Fundamental
attribution error
46. This theoretical perspective on human nature views human beings as born neutral: learning
47. Which of the following is NOT a Part I offense according to the UCR? Embezzlement
48. According to Baumrind, parents exhibiting this parental style generally avoid asserting authority
or imposing social controls or restrictions on the child's behavior. Permissive
49. Which of the following is NOT one of Eysenck's four higher order factors of personality?
50. According to the four-factor perspective, this factor's core features include callousness and
grandiose self-worth: affective
51. Bonus questions
52. According to differential association theory criminal behavior is learned, as is all social behavior,
through social interactions with other people.
53. Criminal profiling refers to the process of identifying personality traits, behavior tendencies,
geographic location, demographic varibles of an offender based on the characteristics.
54. Which of the following are social risk factors? Poverty, antisocial peers, peer rejection. (all of the
55. Bowlbys attachment theory has been discussed extensively in the psychological literature and
may be extended to the study of criminal behavior.
56. Self-regulation refers to the extent that a child controls his or her own behavior, independent of
the control of others and the social environments.
57. The sympathetic system activates the body of emergencies by increasing heart rate, respiration
flow, blood flow, pupil dilation, and perspiration.
58. Cognitive processes are those internal mental processes that enable humans to imagine, to gain
knowledge, to reason, and to evaluate information.
59. Operant conditioning is a fundamental learning process that is acquired by the consequences
that follow the behavior.
60. Ethology is the study of animal behavior in relation to the animals habitat, and it compares that
behavior to human behavior.
61. Rumination refers to self-focused attention toward ones thoughts and feelings.
62. The process of Theory testing is called Theory verification
63. The learning perspective is exemplified most comprehensively by Social learning theory.
64. Four types of parental styles are authoritarian, permissive, authoritative, neglecting.
65. Thomas- Chess Categories of child temperaments, behavioral characterizes as rhythmicity,
moods, approach to others, intensity.
66. Positive Reinforcement Goal increases a desired behavior.
67. Varieties Of Human Aggression; Active: Physical: Direct and Indirect punching, hiting, practical
joke, booby trap.
68. Child Delinquents are juveniles between the ages of 7 and 12 who committed a delinquent act
according to the criminal law.
69. What is the 3rd and 6th listing on the Hare PCL checklist? Pathological lying and shallow effect

70. Which subtype of schizophrenia does the individual have at least ONE episode of schizophrenia?
Residual type
71. APD is short for antisocial personality disorder.
72. The primary purpose of theories of crime is to identify the causes of criminal behavior.
73. Parents who adopt a permissive style display tolerant, nonpunitive, accepting attitudes towards
their children's behavior, including expressions of aggressive and sexual impulses.
74. A child's temperament - defined as a "natural" mood disposition determined largely by genetics
and biological influences- may offer important clues about criminal behavior.
75. In negative reinforcement we avoid an unpleasant event or stimulus as a consequence of certain
76. Kenneth Dodge and his colleagues discovered that highly aggressive youth often have a hostile
attribution bias.
77. What is designed to prevent delinquent behavior before any signs of the behavioral pattern
emerge? Primary or universal prevention
78. In the two-factor position, what does factor 1 reflect? Interpersonal and emotional components
of the disorder.
79. What factors do the general public believe that psychopathic tendencies are caused by? Poor
80. What is schizophrenia? The mental disorder that people most often associate with crazy
81. The offender characteristics of inmates are identified as mentally disordered by gender,
race/Hispanic origin, age (all of the above)
82. This theoretical perspective on human nature views human beings as born neutral: learning
83. The process of Theory testing is called theory verification.
84. Define schizophrenia. The mental disorder that people most often associate with "crazy
85. Interval invalidity is a technique for assigning experimental subjects to experimental and control
groups randomly.
86. Which of the following are social risk factors? Peer rejection, antisocial peers, poverty (all of the
87. According to psychologist Robert Hare, psychopaths are social predators who charm,
manipulate, and ruthlessly plow their way through life, leaving a broad trail of broken hearts,
shattered expectations and empty wallets.
88. The primary purpose of theories of crime is to identify the causes of criminal behavior.
89. In lab studies, mimicking conditions that bring out aggressions is also known as humanizing.
90. APD stands for antisocial personality disorder.
91. Which of the following is NOT one of Eysenck's four higher order factors of personality?
92. The multidisciplinary study of crime is criminology.
93. The carnal knowledge of a female forcibly and against her will is forcible rape.
94. One of the strongest predictors of later involvement in antisocial behavior is early rejection by

95. Twin studies have not invariably found high criminal concordance rates in favor of identical
96. Eysenck believed that a comprehensive theory of criminality must allow for an examination of
the neurophysiological make up and the unique socialization history of each individual.
97. Domestic violence or domestic disputes are very common factors in both aggressive driving and
road rage.
98. Which answer is NOT a model identified by Bandura? Church members
99. Nuisance crimes against society, such as noise violations are public order offenses.
Which factor reflects the interpersonal and emotional components of the disorder and
consists of items measuring remorseless, callousness, and selfish use and manipulation of
others. Factor 1
101. Which is NOT a subtype of schizophrenia? hallucination
102. Crime is commonly defined as conduct or failure to act in violation of the law forbidding or
commanding it, and for which a range of possible penalties exist upon conviction
103. What type of offenses are forbidden only to juveniles because of their age? Status
104. Parental monitoring refers to parents awareness of their childs peer associates, free-time
activities, and physical whereabouts when outside the home.
105. Behavioral indicators of a conduct disorder can be observed in the context of interactions with
parents well before school entry.
106. What is the name for psychologists who study the biological aspects of behavior?
107. We may conclude that intelligence is a factor in the causation of criminality but that its
contribution is probably smaller than one might have thought at first. This was written by who?
Hans J. Eysenck
108. A stimulus is a person, object, or event that elicits behavior.
109. Skinner was a strong situationist.
110. Delinquents are juveniles between the ages of 7 and 12, who have committed a delinquent act
according to criminal law.
111. Duty to warn was redefined two years later as a duty to protect. (Tarasoff court case, 1976)

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