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Creativity and NGOs: AIESEC

Livia Ditu
Mirela Stefan

2013 - 2014


1. Introduction
2. Creativity
3. Non-governmental Organizations
4. Creativity and NGOs
5. Generating Creative Ideas in NGOs
6. Case Study: AIESEC
7. Creativity in AIESEC
8. Conclusion
9. Appendices
10. References

The paper has the aim of presenting the connection between creativity and NGOs, why creativity is
so important for their development and how new ideas can be generated in NGOs, everything being
exemplified on AIESEC, a non-governmental, not-for-profit, student organization. The topic is
considered to be of relevance for research due to the growing importance of NGOs in the everyday
life, as well as the increasing competition on the market. Because of the high number of NGOs
activating nowadays, in order to survive and to succeed it is required to be different, which is why
creativity is crucial for NGOs.
The paper begins with an explanation of creativity and what streams of literature defines it. We
chose to talk about five theories that explain what is creativity, how it works and exemplify the
process of being creative. In the beginning of creativity research, the scientist Ellis Paul Torrance
developed a series of tests to measure peoples creativity. This was only the beginning, many other
scientists creating their theories based on his work. Another important character in this field was R.J.
Sternberg with his Creativity Research Journal Collection. His research resulted in defining the eight
types of creativity, explaining the connection between intelligence and creativity, the importance of
motivation in the process of being creative, as well as the role of environment in the creativity
process. This topic was also approached by Amabile in one of her papers (Creativity under the
gun), the conclusion being that it depends from person to person: for some people, a relaxed
environment is the best, while others need pressure in order to be efficient. This is why the leaders
have a vital role in the process of creativity, the project managers being the ones that should
discover the best way of work for their members, what motivates them and what difficulties are
they facing in the process of generating creative ideas.
The next subsection of our paper introduces the non-governmental organizations, what differentiate
them of other international organizations and their importance in our society. Furthermore, we will
present the connection between creativity and NGOs, why creativity plays a vital role in their
development and how the process of creativity in an NGO can be improved. In order to see what is
required for the process improvement, we will create the theoretical framework by presenting
several generating ideas methods, together with advantages and disadvantages for each technique.
In the last part of our project, we will introduce the results of our quantitative research through
which we want to see how is the working environment in AIESEC, whether the leaders encourage
creativity or not and what are the methods used for generating ideas. In the end of our analysis, we
will present some suggestions for improving this process of finding new ideas.
Our quantitative research is based on a questionnaire applied in two local committees (AIESEC
Bucharest and AIESEC Athens), the answers coming from members, middle management and top
management. We tried to see what are their opinion about creativity (from an inside point of view,
being members of an NGO and having to deal with creative solutions everyday), what drives them

towards their goals, what methods of generating ideas are using and whether the leaders succeeded
in creating a favourable environment for creativity development or not.

Creativity is the phenomenon where something new and valuable is created, when you bring new
and imaginative idea into reality.
It is also the process of transforming ideas into something that you can see, hear, touch, smell or
taste. Michael Mumford is the one that defined creativity as the process of producing something
that is both original and worthwhile or characterized by originality and expressiveness and
imaginative. But this is just one of the many explanations that were given for creativity. More than
that, it is very discussed also the topic of creativity being something that you are born with or
something that you can develop, topic that is going to be discussed in this paper as well.
In different theories there are more models that can help us define creativity and the creativity
process. For example, Grahame Wallas presented the model with 5 stages:
-preparation (when the individual prepares his mind the explores the problems dimensions)
-incubation (when you leave outside your mind the externalities and you focus on the problem)
-intimation (when the person know that is on the right way)
-illumination or insight (when you become aware of the creative idea)
-verification (when you verify the idea, elaborate it and the apply it)
Also, Wallas suggested that creativity is an evolutionary process which helps humans to adapt to the
Another model that defines creativity and creativity process is the four C model by Jamea C.
Kaufman and Beghetto: mini-C, little-C, pro-C and big-C. The first one is the transformative learning
or hoe humans interpret experiences, actions or insights. The second one is about everyday problem
solving. Pro-C is expressed through people that are creative because of their profession, but they are
not necessarily eminent. And the last one, big-C, is when someone is great in a given field, in respect
to the creativity.
Other theories about the creativity processes include also the convergent and divergent thinking, by
J.P. Gauliford. The first one is when you refer to a single, correct solution to a problem and the other
one involves creating more answers to a set of problems; you can also call it flexible thinking.
Finke came out with the Geneplore model which says that creativity has two phases: a generative
phase (when humans construct mental representations called preinventive structure) and
exploratory phase (structures are used to come up with creative ideas).
Explicit-Implicit Interaction (EII) theory by Helie and Sun relies on: the relationship between explicit
and implicit knowledge, the simultaneous involvement of implicit and explicit process, the

redundant representation of these processes, the integration of the results and the iterative
Arthur Koestler introduced in The Act of Creation the concept of bisociation (when the creativity
comes as a result of the interaction of two different frames of reference). This leads to conceptual
blending. (The Act of Creation, 1964, Arthur Koestler)
With all these theories about the creativity process, we also need to measure different levels of
creativity. There were developed several tests in order to measure creativity. J.P. Gaulifords group
reviled in 1967 the following: Plot Titles(when the participants had to find and original title for a
story), Quick Responses (a word-association test), Figure Concepts (participants had to find the
similarities between two drawings), Unusual Uses (finding unusual uses for common objects),
Remote Associations (participations had to find a word between two given words) and Remote
Consequences (when participants had to say a list of consequences to unexpected events). Building
on these testes, Torrance developed Torrance Tests of Creative Thinking in 1966.
This Tests scored creativity on four scales:
Torrance also grouped his tests in three main categories, each one with different tasks:
1. Verbal tasks using verbal stimuli (impossibilities task, consequences task, just suppose task,
situations task, common problems task, improvement task, imaginative stories task, cow
jumping problems)
2. Verbal tasks using nonverbal stimuli (ask and guess task, product improvement task, unusual
uses task)
3. Non-verbal tasks (incomplete figures task, picture construction task or shape task, circles
and squares task, creative design task)
Critique on the Torrance Tests of Creative Thinking Cramonf Bonnie, 2002
Further we will discuss about the association of creativity with the intelligence. Some believe that
creativity is the outcome of intelligence, it is like a consequence of it. A know theory here is the
threshold hypothesis proposed by Ellis Paul Torrance. He sustains that a high degree of intelligence
is necessary for a high creativity, but it is not sufficient. There are also other studies that sustains
that there is no correlation between intelligence and creativity.
The paper of R.J. Sternbers (Creativity Research Journal, The Nature of Creativity, Robert J.
Sternberg, 2010)talks about the investment theory of creativity and about the propulsion theory
of creative contribution. The last one suggests that there are eight types of creative contribution in
order to end up with a result: replication (confirmation that the given field is in the correct place),
redefinition (where the field is and how you see it), forward incrementation (contribution that
moves the field in the direction it is supposed to be moved), advance forward movement (advancing
the field), redirection (when you move it in a new direction), redirection from a point in the past
(when you move the field back in order to see another direction), starting over/re-initiation (moving
to a different starting point) and integration (combining two to more fields intro a dingle way of

The first four types of creativity accept current paradigms and attempt to extend them, the next
three reject current paradigms and attempt to replace them and the last one synthesizes current
Also the Journal of Sternberg about the nature of the creativity talks about the intelligence and how
it is important in order to be creative and also about knowledge: it is important to have the
knowledge about the subject and about the field in order to have a creative thinking about it. The
personality is another aspect that should be taken into consideration. It happens sometime that a
person is creative and he comes with a lot of new idea, but these ideas are not taking into
consideration because they are against the beliefs of the organization/NGO.
Motivation is another fact that should we should talk about when we refer to creativity. Both
Sternberg and Amabile claim that the importance of the motivation is crucial. People dont really do
creative work unless they really love what they are doing and focus on the work rather than the
reward. Of course, a reward should always exist, either an intrinsic or extrinsic one. Some believe
that the intrinsic motivation is stronger and this makes you love your job, your work and you care
work more, better and more creative. For example, in an NGO, since it is an unpaid job, you dont
have material recognition, but knowing that you can help the others and you can develop yourself
help you to continue working.
Furthermore, the text of Sternberg sustains that environment is important as well. You cannot be
creative in any kind of environment, you need something that suits your personality and your way of
thinking and working. Some would say that they work better in are relaxed environment, others
would say that they work better if they are under pressure.
(Creativity Research Journal, The Nature of Creativity, Robert J. Sternberg, 2010)
We can find the same topic in Amabiles paper: Creativity under the gun, published in 2002. She
sustains that you are more creative when you are free, and not under the gun. The article also
presents the Time-Pressure/Creativity Matrix which shows how time pressure can affect creativity in
accordance with the environment and other stimulus for people. But to sum up the idea of the text,
we can affirm that you can protect your creativity and use it only if you give it the right environment,
a little bit of pressure, space and time. It should be a mix of all of these and this mix is different from
person to person.
This is why in an organization it is really important the roles of leaders. They are the ones that
command and help the members to develop, they are the ones motivates and make the others work
for the mission and vision of the organization. So, in order to work effectively and bring results,
leaders should analyse their members and see which work style fits to which member. They should
also bring rewards and present that advantages and what can a member get or loose as a
consequence of his work. It is even harder when they have to find the intrinsic motivation in
members and make them follow it. But this is what a good leader should do in an organization.
Talking about encouraging motivation, there are six managerial practices that can do this:

challenge (matching people with the right assignments);

freedom (giving autonomy in order to achieve goals);

resources (there should be a balance between resources time, money, space and
work group features (supportive teams with members that share their experience);
supervisory encouragement (recognitions);
organizational support (information sharing, collaboration).

Another aspect that can help persons to become more creative is to think about creativity and to
believe that you are creative and you can use your craft to achieve goals and new ideas. This is what
Bruce Kasanoff sustains in a paragraph in Forbes (Why People (Incorrectly) Think They Are Not
Creative, Bruce Kasanoff, Forbes, 2014). He says that normally people sustains that they are not
creative, when, in fact, they dont have the craft. Craft is how to do stuff and you can acquire it by
learning a skill. If you want to develop your craft, you need time and creativity is the way you use
your craft.
Regarding the issue of people thinking they are creative or not, we can say that only 1 in 4 persons
believe that they are living up to their creative potential. This data is from an Adobe Study made in
more countries like United States, Japan, Germany, France. This study also reveals that 75% from
people that were interviewed said that they are under pressure to be productive rather than
creative at their work place and only 39% of global respondents described themselves as being
creative. (Creativity at Work Blog)
Another aspect that we should take into consideration is if creativity can be taught. Tests show us
that yes, you can practice your creativity, but not by sitting in a lecture, but by learning and applying
creative thinking processes in practice. And as George Land discovered in 1968, it is easier to
develop creativity to young people that to the old ones.
So, creativity is a skill that can be developed and a process that can be managed. There are three
components that you should take into consideration: expertise, creative-thinking and motivation.
You have to combine all of these and also to experiment, explore, question, use imagination and
synthesize information and your brain will start to generate new ideas, which will lead to new
discovers, projects and development of an organization. (Creative at Work Blog, Can Creativity be
In the end of the paragraph, we will present the seven habits of highly creative people presented by
Linda Naiman in an article in 2011, published in A Hopeful Sign:
First you should prepare the ground, to find your place and to arrange your environment. You also
have to give time and space. Then you plant seeds for creativity, you have to focus on what you
want to create.
The third one is to live in the question: only by questioning and finding answers you can develop.
The next one is to feed your brain, be curious, combine ideas and make connections. After that you
have to experiment and explore and then replenish your creative stock.
And the last one is to liberate your creativity, remember how you acted as a child and give passion
in what you do.

Non-governmental organizations
Todays society is saturated with concepts such as corporations, companies, intergovernmental
organizations, NGOs and so on, each one of them being different, but in the same time acting in
similar or common fields.
With a history dating back to at least 1839, NGOs are unique organizations through their structure
and practices, being set up by ordinary citizens and funded by governments, businesses or
foundations. These NGOs are often the most effective voice for the concerns of ordinary people in
the international arena, being the most outspoken advocates of human rights, the environment,
social programs, women's rights and more. (
Intergovernmental organizations on the other hand are organizations composed by primarily
sovereign states, being an important aspect of the public international law. Their main purposes are
peace, economic development worldwide or in a certain region, encouragement of trade or to end
extreme poverty (i.e.: World Bank). Sometimes in this group are also included INGOs - such as
international non-profit organizations, and multinational corporations - known as profit driven,
being criticized for taking advantage of developing countries instead of helping them.
Besides the fact that most NGOs are not-for-profit, there are other characteristics that differentiate
these organizations of other associations, foundations and companies.
First of all, NGOs are very dependent of volunteers, both the small ones and the largest
organizations. They might have some paid employees (we are talking here about the international
organizations, with several branches around the world), but most of the projects are implemented
with the help of volunteers. Driven by their desire to do something useful, the volunteers enter in
the not-for-profit field due to the development opportunities that it offers to them, both on the
professional and personal level.
Secondly, NGOs are inclined to favour organizational ideologies and tend to be more driven by their
mission than FPOs. The mission and the vision are used as a driver and a motivation for the
volunteers and also for finding new projects to implement.
Thirdly, NGOs are characterized by a lack of bureaucracy which offers a higher degree of flexibility
and freedom to be more creative to the volunteers.
Furthermore, NGOs may conceive their projects from ideas that vary with their particular support
group or even with the society at large. On other words, NGOs accept ideas from everybody, from
their volunteers or from outsiders and they are also very adaptable in terms of project orientation.
Another difference is that NGOs are constraint by funding. Because of this, the staff is not rewarded
through monetary recognition. Even if in other organizations financial rewards are an important
motivator for the people, the NGOs that work with volunteers offer other types of rewards, more on
a personal and emotional level. (Nikolaj Hoojgard, 2012)

NGOs are difficult to define and, as a result, there are many different classifications in use, the most
important being byorientation and level of operation.
By level of operation, we have:

Community based organizations: arise out of people's own initiatives;

City-wide organizations: include organizations such as chambers of commerce and
industry, coalitions of business, ethnic or educational groups;
National NGOs: include national organizations, some of them having state and city
branches and assisting local NGOs;
International NGOs: range from secular agencies to religiously motivated groups, being
responsible for funding local NGOs, institutions and projects and implementing projects.

By level of orientation, we have:

Charitable orientation: involves a top-down paternalistic effort with little participation by

the "beneficiaries";
Service orientation: NGOs with activities such as the provision of health, family planning
or education services in which the programme is designed by the NGO and people are
expected to participate in its implementation and in receiving the service;
Participatory orientation: characterized by self-help projects where local people are
involved particularly in the implementation of a project by contributing cash, tools, land,
Empowering orientation: aims to help poor people develop a clearer understanding of the
social, political and economic factors affecting their lives, and to strengthen their
awareness of their own potential power to control their lives.

Another way of classification is by activities:

Operational: these NGOs seek to "achieve small-scale change directly through projects";
Campaigning: these NGOs seek to "achieve large-scale change promoted indirectly through
influence of the political system";
Public relations: needed by NGOs for achieving their goals and raising funds.

Besides these criteria, there are other classification of NGOs, such as students, social or
environmental oriented organizations and not-for-profit or non-profit organizations. In this paper,
we are going to focus more on students, not-for profit NGOs with a service, development and
community orientation.
Called by U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan the worlds new superpower, NGOs and their
importance in our society grew rapidly in the last 15 years to the point when various governments
agreed that without people and NGOs involvement in the solution of problems, their nations may
deteriorate to the point of disintegration. Governmental Organizations have a unique role to play in
the constructive management of a nation, but at the same time, NGOs of any kind have the
sacrosanct duty to make substantial contributions toward the creation of a better and more stable
global community. In order to achieve this goal, volunteers are giving their time, energy and
expertise to help make the world better and everything they receive back is a pleasant and flexible

work space, open to innovation and creativity, where they can develop their ideas for helping the
people.(Mercieca, 2006)
As David Miliband said in an interview in 2013, one of the main attractions of the NGO sector is that
it really can be at the cutting edge of innovation because however much decent societies need good
government and a dynamic private sector, it's often in the NGO sector that you find the most
dynamism, the most innovation.
Another important role of NGOs is that they can facilitate communication upward - from people to
the government, downward - from government to the people, and horizontally - networking
between other organizations doing similar work.
To conclude, an NGO has a vital role in our society due to its ability of using peoples creativity for
finding different ways of doing things, of solving problems, of pushing the boundaries of what is
possible or not.

Creativity and NGOs

Creativity is based on the ability to view things in a different perspective and to generate new
alternatives for problems (California State University, Northridge). In order to reach a high level of
creativity inside an organization, the management has to offer open and flexible conditions and to
find the right things that motivate the staff. This is why a non-governmental, not-for-profit
organization is the best environment for bringing up the creativity hidden in people.
Creativity represents an important part of the processes that take place in an NGO being the one
that determines creation of new projects (NPD projects) which will attract further funding for the
NGO. Because an NGO does not have a large cash flow and resources like commercial firms or
intergovernmental organizations have, it needs innovation and creativity for fund raising, for
expanding their reach and implicitly for delivering their mission. (Grant, Crutchfield, 2007)
As I said before, creativity plays an essential role in the creation of new development projects (NPD).
Even if the basis of NPD projects consists in the innovation of the members, this is not enough.
Within a market saturated with organizations, an NGO needs to be original so that it can
differentiate itself of others competitors. In order to achieve this uniqueness, the members of the
NGO have to be creative in the process of innovation of new products and programmes. (Grant,
Crutchfield, 2007)
Since reaching to other people is the best way to become a high-impact organization and working
outside themselves leads to more success and improvement in their field, encouraging creativity
inside the organizations became one of the main goals of the top management of the NGOs.
Research has shown that peoples perception of the work environment created by their team
leaders relate to their creativity. Consequently, the leaders have an important role in creating a
flourishing environment for creative ideas; they can do this by offering their trust to the volunteer
and by empowering others to lead. Even if the basis of a creatively-friendly environment is difficult
to illustrate, it is well known that the leader(s) should have a positive behaviour towards the

members of the organization: valuing individual contributions, providing constructive feedback,

supporting the work group, being open to new ideas.(Amabile, 2004)
But this environment should not take the form of scheduled meeting, because - according to a team
of researchers from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in New York most of the great ideas that
launched companies came by accident (Tucker, 2011). However, both companies and NGOs are
using scheduled sessions of idea generation, using certain techniques for this. In the next section, we
are going to analyse various methods of generating creative ideas.

Generating Creative ideas in an NGO

Subsection references:

Faced with complex, ever-changing challenges, organizations realize that constant, ongoing
innovation is critical to stay ahead of the competition. This is why they are searching for people who
can generate new ideas. But sparking creativity within a team is not that easy as it sounds. Our brain
cannot access innovation at a specific click or according to the schedule created by the managers. By
contrary, this is happening on the spur of the moment, which is why brainstorming sessions are not
as productive as we wish them to be.
Lately, managers and team leaders began to use various methods of generating ideas, combining
them and trying to use them ongoing, not only sporadically. This section will introduce four idea
generations techniques, presenting the advantages and disadvantages of using them.
1. Brainstorming
When a group wants to generate ideas for a new product or to solve a problem, whether it is
happening in an NGO or in MNC, the first method considered is brainstorming. Developed by the
Madison Avenue advertising executive Alex Osborn back in 1963, brainstorming is a group or
individual creativity technique used for finding a solution for a problem by gathering a list of
spontaneously ideas from each member.
During a brainstorming session, a group of people sit together and generate and orally share ideas,
by respecting four basic rules:

Focus on quantity: the assumption is that the greater the number of ideas generated, the
greater the chance of producing a radical and effective solution;
No criticism;

Wild ideas are welcome;

Combine and improve ideas: there is no room for criticism, all ideas should be kept and
combined to find the best solution.

Osborn claimed that group brainstorming is more effective than individuals working alone due to the
team members diverse background, the open-minded environment, without criticism and the fact
that it allows participants to build on existing ideas. Despite these advantages though, Michael Diehl
and Wolfgang Stroebe found several factors that contribute to a loss of effectiveness in a group
brainstorming, such as: blocking, collaborative fixation, evaluation apprehension, free-riding,
personality characteristics, social matching or influence of power relations.
A variation of this method is reverse-brainstorming, a technique which combines brainstorming and
reversal techniques. In other words, it solves problems by exploring multiple factors in reverse. The
rule is that instead of asking How do I solve the problem?, you ask How do I cause this to be a
problem?. The solutions found for the second question are then reversed into solution for the
initial problem.
2. Brainwriting
Brainwriting is an alternative to brainstorming and it often produces more results than a traditional
session of brainstorming due to the fact that some disadvantages (blocking, personality

characteristics or influence of power relations) are excluded. The rule is basically the same, the main
difference being the way of expressing ideas: instead of yelling them out, the participants are writing
down ideas and then passing their papers to others who will develop the ideas from their point of
view. Once everybody is done writing, ideas are discussed and combined in solutions.
A variation of this method is 6-3-5 brainwriting, method developed by Bern Rohrbach in 1968 and
used in marketing and advertising. Similar with the brainstorming method, this technique focus rather
on quantity than quality, its purpose being to generate 108 new ideas in 30 minutes.

3. Electronic Brainstorming
EBS is basically idea generation happening electronically. Participants type their ideas directly into a
software problem where all team members can instantly see them. This method is good for both
small and big groups, for a variety of topics, being considered a better way to generate ideas than
traditional brainstorming and NGT due to several benefits:

Space and time constraints: it is not require to all participants to be present at the same time
and place;
Cost savings;
Documentation: ideas are recorded electronically and they can be accessed at any time.
Comfort: participants can reflect on the problem in the comfort and privacy of their desks
and even their homes.

4. Nominal Group Technique (NGT)

NGT, a variation of the Brainwriting technique, is a group method which consists in problem
identification, solution generation and decision making. Developed by Delbecq and VandeVen and
applied to adult education, the process of idea generation is as follows: participants individually
write down their ideas without being shared until everybody is done; then they are presented with

the purpose of eliminating similar ideas and clarifying the rest; the next step is the individual ranking
of ideas: people rank or vote for the ideas they like the best and ideas are prioritized in accordance
to this.
This method outperforms brainstorming because it provides more unique ideas and more balanced
participation between group members. Other advantages are: avoids problems caused by group
interaction, eliminates the effect of dominant personalities. Despite these, a major disadvantage of
NGT is that it lacks flexibility and spontaneity and it requires a certain amount of time for

AIESEC is an international organization, an youth network the impacts the world through leadership
development experiences. It facilitates these international internships and volunteer experiences for
over 65 years and in 124 countries and territories. The vision of the organization is peace and
fulfilment of humankinds potential and as a scope, AIESEC is a non-political, independent, non-profit
organization with members that are students or recent graduates. The values of the organization are
the following: Activating Leadership, Demonstrating Integrity, Living Diversity, Enjoying Participation,
Striving for Excellence and Acting Sustainably.
The name is a French acronym for Association international des tudiantes en sciences conomiques
et commerciales (International association of students in economic and commercial sciences)
AIESEC offers annually 24 000 leadership positions and delivers over 500 conferences to its members
of over 90 000 students from 2 400 universities across the globe. The organization is supported by
over 8 000 partner organizations. The conferences organized by the organization focuses on:
international trade, management education, sustainable development, entrepreneurship, innovation
and corporate social responsibility.
There are four main programmes that AIESEC develops in people:
1. Member programme you can be a member of the organization in one of the departments.
Every Local Committee has a slightly different structure, but the basic department remains
the same: Finance, Human Resources, Sales, Communication/Marketing and the Exchange
Areas that manage the exchange of the participants.
2. Leadership programme it develops you at a different level, it learns you how to manage a
team and a project, how to communicate with you member and your top board, how to
motivate others and how to work with them effectively and in a creative way. Middle
management of an organization is an important part for the development of the NGO.
3. Global volunteering programme every local committee develops volunteering project like
fundraising, teaching, promoting HIV/SIDA awareness, working in human rights, working
with children, environmental sustainability, leadership development, etc. Through this
project, volunteers all over the world are making exchanges, getting to know new cultures,
new people, new places. Participants become more open-minded, more tolerant and they
have the chance to use their creativity to help others. In the end, they have experience and
knowledge, tools that can help them to develop new idea, new businesses.

4. Global internship programme it is a paid internship in a company, in the business sector

usually. It is longer than the volunteering programme and divided in three types:
Marketing/Management, Technical and Educational.
Since AIESEC is an international organization, its members have an international environment with
people all over the world. They can communicate with them, share ideas, aspects about life, about
differences and cultures. This way, they start to think outside the box and implicit they become
more creative. They use their intelligence to create new things in an environment which allowed
them to be who they want. They can also travel for different conferences or through AIESEC
exchange projects.
The organization is a platform where you can develop your skills by developing others. Whenever
you have an innovative idea, you are supported and helped to develop it. You can do mistakes and
you can learn from them, being supported by all the members because all of them are young and at
the beginning of their career, so no one expect you to be perfect. Being part of an NGO is a good
start for your future, an NGO being a good place where students can learn by doing and can apply in
practice what faculties try to teach them in theory.

Creativity in AIESEC
None of the above idea generation methods can be said to be perfect and they all have room for
improvement. In this section we are going to introduce an analysis based on the NGO chosen by us,
AIESEC, and prove whether the case reinforce or contradict some of the theoretical perspectives
presented earlier.
Most of our respondents linked the concept of creativity with terms such as passion, act, have fun,
new things, desire, colours, unpredictable, beautiful or unique which is in concordance with our
definition of creativity (Creativity is a phenomenon whereby something new and valuable is created:
such as an idea, a joke, an artistic or literary work, a painting or musical composition, a solution, an
invention etc.).
As we have said before, it is well known that creativity influence in a high degree the development of
an NGO and that it is crucial for the survival of the organization on a market full of competitors.
Besides all the research carried on this topic, the results of our questionnaire filled in by AIESEC
members from two different committees (Bucharest and Athens) reinforced this idea, 75% of the
respondents agreeing that on a scale from 1 to 5 (where 1 it doesnt help, 5- it helps a lot),
creativity has an importance of 4 for the development of the NGO. They also agreed that creativity is
not only a skill that you are born with, but also something that you can learn and develop in time,
which is why an open-to-creativity environment created by the top management is very important
for the success of the organization.
According to AIESEC members, idea generation sessions do not take place on a regularly basis and
they do not have a certain structure, most of them being organized ad hoc, when new ideas for
solving a problem are needed. If we take into consideration the contextual factors about AIESEC medium NGO, run by volunteers with diverse backgrounds, who encourage thinking outside the box,
achievement of their goals, but also enjoying participation we can appreciate that the most
suitable idea generation method for this NGO is a combination between social-oriented and task-

oriented techniques. The results showed that all four idea generation methods presented are used
in the two committees, but brainstorming and brainwriting have a higher frequency over the others,
despite the general opinion (80% of the respondents) according to which NGT is the most efficient
method. The brainwriting technique is a good choice for AIESEC because it provides more solutions
than a normal brainstorming session and it avoids the situation of a dominant personality, but as a
throwback, the ideas provided are not flexible. An improvement to this would be small breaks from
the session during which the chair of the meeting can redefine the problem. Moreover, since
everybody considered NGT as the most efficient method, a good enhancement would also be adding
an element of NGT to the session.
The questionnaire showed us that the members are motivated by the final purpose and the mission
of the project, as well as their dreams and the passion and the appreciation of the others.
Consequently, a good strategy would be the following: in the beginning of the meeting, the project
manager should remind to the participants the AIESEC mission, the goals and purpose of the project
and how the meeting can help to achieve all these.
Another possibility is to use divergent thinking, a method used in conjunction with convergent
thinking to generate creative ideas by exploring many potential solutions. This way of thinking is
applicable in AIESEC because it typically occurs in a spontaneous manner, followed by unexpected
connections, characteristics similar to the way of being of an Aiesecer (Smith, 2012). Another
suggestion came from one of the members was to put up a What if... board in the offices where
the members can write outrageous what if questions. This transforms the process of generating
ideas in an ongoing process, maintaining in the same time the spontaneity of people, encourages
wild ideas, it does not respect a schedule (which implies more natural creativity) and preserves
There are many combinations of the methods introduced earlier, with different variations, our
suggestions representing only some possibilities of improving the process of generating new ideas in

The purpose of this project was to present the connection between creativity and non-governmental
organizations, the process of generating creative ideas and how this process can be improved inside
the organization. As we presented earlier, creativity is crucial for the development of an NGO
because without creative volunteers, NPD projects cannot be developed, so the mission of the NGO
cannot be achieved. In other words, the core reason of the NGOs existence, helping people and
improving nowadays society, cannot be fulfilled.
Motivation of the members and the leaders were shown to be of great importance in the process of
being highly creative and implementing crazy ideas. Since in an NGO we cannot talk about paid
employees, the intrinsic motivation is crucial for making the volunteers giving up their time and
energy for developing new projects. This is why the leaders have even a more important role.
Without their capacity of creating an environment where members creativity can flourish, a work
environment suited for each members personality, where the mistakes are encouraged and
outrageous ideas are appreciated, an NGO cannot succeed on a market where everyday a new
organization is born.
This is why we think AIESEC is a good example of an organization where creativity is appreciated and
you can found it everywhere. The international environment which characterizes this organization is
one of the reasons for which members can develop more easily their creativity. However, from the
point of view of the members (as the questionnaire showed), there are still some gaps in the process
of generating ideas inside the organization.
To sum up, creativity is indispensable for the NGOs survival. The process of generating new ideas
should be modified and adapt according to each company/organizations mission and culture, as
well as volunteers/employees personality and work style.

APPENDICES: Questionnaire Creativity in AIESEC





Your age:
Which is your Local Committee (LC):
What is your position in your LC:
What is your department in your LC:
Write 3 words that define creativity for you:
Do you think that creativity is something you are born with or you can learn it in time?
a. Something you are born with
b. Something you can learn in time
Do you think that creativity helps the development of an NGO?
If your answer is Yes to the previous question, specify which is the degree that the
creativity helps an NGO? (1-it doesn't help; 5-it helps a lot)
How creative do you think your LC is? (1-not creative at all; 5-very creative)
What methods of idea generation are used in your LC?
a. Brainstorming
b. Brainwriting
c. Electronic Brainstorming
d. Nominal Group Technique
What is in your opinion the most efficient method (from the methods presented earlier)?
Can you give some suggestions of generating ideas methods that can be more efficient?
What motivates you?
Are you more creative under pressure or in a relaxed environment?
a. Under pressure
b. Relaxed environment
Do you think that Top and Middle Management (Board + Team Leaders) encourage the
creativity of the members?
If you answered Yes to the previous question, give us an example:


HOJGAARD N., 2012, Idea Generation in NGOs: How NGOs can generate creative ideas
AMABILE T., SCHATZEL E., MONETA G., KRAMER S., 2004, Leader behaviour and the work
environment for creativity: Perceived leader support
SHARE THE WORLDS RESOURCES, Importance of NGOs. Available at:
GLOBAL POLICY , New superpower seeks better world . Available at:
INTERNATIONAL RESCUE COMMITTEE, On the importance of NGOs. Available at:
WIKIPEDIA, Non-governmental organizations. Available at:
WIKIPEDIA, Intergovernmental organizations. Available at:
INNOVATION EXCELLENCE, 7 strategies for generating ideas. Available at:
CREATIVITY POST, Creativity and IQ. What is divergent thinking. Available at:
STANFORD SOCIAL INNOVATION REVIEW, Creating high impacts nonprofits. Available at:
CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY, NORTHRIDGE, What is creativity?. Available at:
MINDTOOLS, Brainstorming. Available at:
MINDTOOLS, Generating ideas. Available at:
SMASHING MAGAZINE, Using brainwriting for rapod idea generation. Available at:
WIKIPEDIA, Brainwriting. Available at:
SLOAN REVIEW, Brainstorming electronically. Available at:

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