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08.30: Wake. Drink 500ml water. Brush teeth.

Drink coffee
09.00 - 60 mins cardio at 75% MHR
10.00 - Meal no 1: First 500ml post workout blended smoothie. See below for recipe
(1g Vitamin C) + (MVM) + (B complex) + (Vitamin E) + (1.4g garlic) + (75mg aspirin) +
(0.5g milk thistle) + (0.5g green tea extract) + (1g flaxseed oil) + (1g evening primrose oil) +
(15mg Zinc) + (0.5g Calcium) + (0.5g Magnesium) + (1g active EPA/DHA fish oil) +
(1.5g glucosamine) + (600mg N-Acetyl Cysteine) + (300mg COQ-10) + (1g hawthorn berry)
10.10 - Shower and shave. Put on faultless clothing and frame of mind, ready for the day
10.30 - Meal no 2: Breakfast
4 thin oatmeal cakes (or 2 rye crispbreads) with almond butter and Marmite
Pan-scrambled or microwaved:
3 eggs, 3 mushrooms, 1 tomato, 50g grated cheddar, onion, smoked salmon
13.00 - Meal no 3: Lunch - can be packed in 1L flask plus one single plastic tub if I'm out
500ml raw blended veg (see below recipe)
4 thin oatmeal cakes (or 2 rye crispbreads) with almond butter and Marmite
200g canned fatty fish (sardine / pilchard / salmon / tuna / mackerel)
16.00 - Meal no 4: Afternoon snack - same as Meal 3
18.00 - Meal no 5: pre-workout snack = one banana
18.30 -

Put a sweet potato in the oven or rice and mixed veg in the rice cooker
EITHER: (weights + stretching) OR (calisthenics + abs + stretching)
Followed by cardio at 75% MHR - 30-60 mins, depending on mood
Update both weights and cardio training logs immediately

20.00 - Meal 6: same as Meal 1

20.30 - Meal no 7: Dinner
250g fish / chicken / beef / mutton / liver baked in oven or grilled on George Foreman
Baked sweet potato or rice with mixed veg
2 fibrous vegetables (eg broccoli, carrot, peas, cauliflower, spinach, peppers)
23.00 - Meal no 8: Elevenses (optional if hungry)
4 thin oatmeal cakes (or 2 rye crispbreads) with almond butter and Marmite
100g cottage cheese or beans (lima, pinto, kidney, broad, white, french, navy, adzuki
50g mixed nuts: almonds, cashews, pistachios, hazelnuts, Brazils, walnuts, macadamia
50g mixed seeds: flaxseed, pumpkin, sunflower, linseed, poppy, sesame, chia, hemp

Banned substances:
wheat products eg bread, pasta, naan, chapatis, tortillas (stick to rice)
packaged/processed factory "food" like pastries, pies, cakes, biscuits, cookies
junk and convenience "food" like sausages, kebabs, pizza, quiche, chocolate, crisps,
chips, french fries, desserts, burgers, fried chicken, ice cream, fizzy drinks (even diet
ones), fruit juice, squash
anything with High Fructose Corn Syrup
anything with hydrogenated vegetable oil a.k.a. transfats
anything that has no place in b-m or BB or bad for a husband/father/son/SiL/brother
Do shopping 3-4 times weekly:
Trip no 1: drive to Quality, then Aldi, then Zain butcher
Trip no 2: High St health food shop, then High St fishmonger
Oily fish fresh from fishmonger (then freeze):
Salmon, trout, mackerel, herring, sardines, pilchards, kipper, eel, whitebait, tuna, anchovies,
swordfish, bloater, cacha, carp, hilsa, jackfish, katla, orange roughy, pangas, sprat
eBay Bodybuildingwarehouse does 5kg vanilla whey for under 40
5kg / 240g daily (= 200g protein) = 21 days per 5kg bag
1.5L post-workout blended smoothie
4x 25g scoops of whey protein powder
700ml water
1 tablespoon Meridian almond butter
2 soft fruits: mango/melon/kiwi/peach
3 tablespoons low fat Greek yogurt
1 banana
2 rings tinned pineapple
50g Aldi frozen mixed berries

1.5L raw blended veg

700ml water
4 olives inc vinegar (from same bottle)
red beetroot
kale or spinach leaf
2 green apples
rocket leaf or cress
parsley or coriander
broccoli or asparagus
1 avocado
1 cucumber
juice of half a lemon
1 carrot
1 ginger
2 garlic cloves

Work out the cals of protein, fat and carbs from
Once a week:
Eat out inc rice and/or bread
Once a month:
Neck to toe massage
Pedicure - Vietnamese on King St
Neck-to-toe waxing
BMR is 1,600

TDEE is 2,500 assuming daily workout

Keep macro targets year-round at 40% protein, 40% carbs, 20% fat, 0% B
When bulking, eat 2,500 cals total, comprised of:
2,500 x 40% = 1,000 = 250g protein
2,500 x 40% = 1,000 = 250g carbs
2,500 x 20% = 500 = 56g fat
When cutting, eat 1,600 cals total, comprised of:
1,600 x 50% = 800 = 200g protein
1,600 x 30% = 480 = 120g carbs
1,600 x 20% = 320 = 35g fat
Do this by cutting out the raw veg smoothies which are mostly carbs

First ever cycle:

8 weeks only:
25mg Proviron every morning, plus 25mg in evening
20mg Nolvadex aka Tamoxifen Citrate every evening
50mg Dbol daily for 4 weeks
200mg 1ml amp Turkish Deca Mondays - finish the six
250mg 1ml amp Turkish Sus Thursdays - finish the six
During these six weeks, buy the entire kit for the advanced mass cycle

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